Unit 2 A new student-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:807d1).zip

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Game time When you see the word and the sentence, please say it quickly! When you see “Hey”, please shout “Hey” ! 看到单词和句子看到单词和句子, 迅速地说出来!迅速地说出来! 看到看到Hey,请喊出来!,请喊出来! table tennis room These are the classrooms. Are there any computer rooms? on the third floor Nancys classroom This is Nancys new school. There is/are Its/Theyre on thefloor. library 2 computer room music room table tennis room This is Nancys classroom in her new school. sixteen libraryfirst science roomfirst computer room second two art roomssecond table tennis rooms swimming pool There is an art room in my school. I like drawing. There is/are I like Sam is _, but Bobby _. happy isnt Watch and think. Read by yourself and find the anwser. 自读课文找到答案。自读课文找到答案。 Read again and circle the new words. 再读课文,圈出新再读课文,圈出新 单词。单词。 push 推推 heavy 重的重的 high cant So, Sam is happy, because its_ _. Bobby isnt happy, because he is _. great fun afraid Lets repeat ! 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化!跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化! Lets repeat ! 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化!跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化! Lets repeat ! 跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化!跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化! 两人一组,先朗读再表演两人一组,先朗读再表演 这个有趣的故事吧。这个有趣的故事吧。 Act in roles. (分角色演)分角色演) Read together. (齐读齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读)(分角色读) Lets act Tips for actors Read fluently 流利地朗读流利地朗读 Act fluently 流利地表演流利地表演 Act it out with emotions 有感情的表演有感情的表演 Tips for actors (演员演员考核标准) There be 句型专项练习 一、 用 be 的正确形式填空 1. There _ a piano against the wall. 2. There _ some flowers on the desk. 3. There _ some tea in the cup. 4. There _ two tins of coke in the bag. 5. There _ three buildings and a beautiful garden in our school. 6. There _ some meat, some bread and some apples on the table. 7. There _ a picture and a clock on the wall. 8. There _ a volleyball match in our school the day after tomorrow. 9. There _ no factories, hospitals and schools here fifty years ago. 10. There may _ something wrong with your watch. 11. There _ any mail for you today. 12. There _ any letters in the mailbox today. 13. How many kinds of animals _ there in this area? 二、 按要求进行句型转换 1 There are some kites on the wall.(改为否定句) _ 2 There is some rice in the bag.(改为一般疑问句) _ 3 There are forty-eight pupils in Miss Guos class.(对画线部分提问) _ 4 Mr. Green has two sons. (对画线部分提问) _ 5 His uncle has some new story-books.(改为一般疑问句) _ 6、 There is a woman near the house.(变复数) _ 7、 There are some buses near the hill.(变单数) _ 8、 There are some apples on the tree.(变一般问句) _ 9、 There are some oranges in the glass.(变否定句) _ 10、 Is there a baby in the room?(变复数) _ 11、 There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. (就划线部分提问) _ _ in the garden? 12、There is a bookcase in my study. (变一般问句) _ _ _ _ in your study? 13、There is a soccer ball and a basketball on the floor. _ _ on the floor? 14、My new dress is in the wardrobe. _ _ your new dress? 15、There are some big trees behind my house. _ _ _ big trees? 三、 根据中文提示,完成句子 1 学校图书馆有各种各样的书。 _ _ all kinds of books _ _ _. 2 你有问题要问老师吗? _ you _ _ _ _ the teacher? 3 明天有班会,后天有电影。 _ _ _ a class meeting tomorrow and _ _ _ a film the day after tomorrow. 4 下个月有几场足球赛。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ next month? 5 你有几双鞋? _ _ _ _ shoes _ you _ ? 7、桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。 There _ a book and two pens on the desk. 8、钱包里有些钱。There _ some money in the picture. 9、在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。_ _ some cards in Jims bag. 10、里面还有其他的东西吗?_ _ anything else in it? 11、 我们学校有许多班。There _ many _ in our school. 12、树上没有鸟。There _ _ birds in the tree. 四、选择填空: 1. Are there any maps on the wall? _ A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are. 2. How many _ are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk 3. There arent _ trees near the house. There is only one. A. any B. some C. many D. much 4. There _ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are 5. Are there _ houses near the river? Yes, there are_ . A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any 6There are _ days in a week Athe seven Bseventh Cthe seventh Dseven 7.There are few _ in the fridgeLets go and buy some peas and cabbages Avegetables Bfruit Cmeat Deggs 8.Look!There are some _ on the floor Achild Bwater Cboxes Dgirl 9There were two _ people at yesterdays meeting Ahundreds Bhundreds of Chundred 10The letter from my uncle was shortThere wasnt _ news Amany Ba few Cmuch Dfew 11-Oh,there isnt enough _ for us in the lift -It doesnt matter,lets wait for the next Aground Bfloor Cplace Droom 12There _ an English Evening next Tuesday Awas Bwill be Cwill have Dare going to be 13There _ a football gam e in our school Ahas Bwill have Cwill be 14There is going to _ a report _ Chinese history in our school this evening Ahave;on Bbe;on Chave;for Dbe;of 15There is _ food hereWell have to buy some Aany Bsome Cno 16There is _ in the bagIts empty Anothing Bsomething Canything Dsomebody 17There is _ knocking at the doorGo and see who it is Anobody Bsomebody Canybody Deverybody 18-Is there _ wrong with me, doctor? -Im afraid soYour heart is beating a bit too slow Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing 19There is _ interesting on this channelTry others Anothing Bnone Canything Dno 20There is _ interesting in the film,so _ is interested in it Asomething;nobody Bnothing;somebody Canything;anybody Dnothing;nobody 21There is _ in todays newspaper Anothing new Banything new Cnew anything Dnew something 22There is _ in todays newspaper Anew anything Bnew somethin Canything new Dsomething new 23. _ a reading lamp on the table. A. There is B. There has C. It is D. It has 24. _ no coffee left yesterday. A. It being B. There being C. It was D. There was 25.There _ five pairs in the room. A. were B. is C. are D. was 26.There _ no use to ask him this question. A. were B. is C. are D. was 27. There _ a lot of people waiting for the bus. A. are B. is C. were D. was 五、there be 与 have 区别 1. This desk _ four legs. 2. _ some books on the desk. 3. Everyone _ a dictionary in my class. 4. _ (没有) knives in the room. 5. I _ a new sweater. 6. _ some flowers and a desk in the room. 7. _ nothing in the bag. 8. They _ something to eat. 六、用 some, any 填空 1. Theres _ water in the cup. There isnt _ tea in the cup. 2. Is there _ bread here? Yes, there is. Theres _ on the table. 3. Are there _ cars in front of the building? No, there arent. 4. There isnt _ chocolate on the table. 5. Is there _ soap on the dressing table? 七、用 is, are 填空 1. There _ a spoon on the plate. 2. There _ some milk on the table. There _ coffee, too. 3. There _ some clouds in the sky. There _ some boats on the river. 4. There _ some knives in the box. 5. There _ a newspaper in the living room. 6. _ there any books in the room? Yes, there _ . _ there any magazines on the television? No, there _ . 7. There _ a policeman in the kitchen. 8. There _ 60 minutes in an hour. 9. There _ a pencil, a ruler and 2 books on the desk. 10. There _ 2 glasses and a cup on the table. 单元:Unit 2 课题: A new student 课时:3 课型: 新授 【教学目标】 (一)知识目标 1.能够运用 There be 句型来谈论自己的学校,教室。 2.在故事中学习,通过查阅单词表,字典,猜测词义等方式听懂,会说,会读单词 high, afraid, dinner, swing, push, heavy. 3.通过整体阅读,细节品读,分享体验等方式理解并掌握 cartoon time . (二)能力目标 1. 掌握 Cartoon Time 的内容,与自己的小伙伴表演这个小故事。 (三)情感目标 1.通过学习这个故事,使孩子们明白课间活动时应注意活动安全。 【教学重点】 整体感知语篇,能与小伙伴表演这个小故事。 【教学难点】 能够运用 There be 句型来谈论自己的学校,教室。 【教学准备】VCD 故事材料 【课前先学】 查阅工具书,先学生词。听磁带,了解故事大意。 【教学过程】 先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整 StepStep 1.Preparation1.Preparation a. Free Talk: What day is it today? b. Read Story time in roles. c. Teacher shows the picture of our school and ask the Ss try to describe our classroom with the sentence “There is /areon the floor.” d Have a PK between the boys and the girls. e. Ticking time: I can talk about my school. f. Checkout time(Think and write) Look at the picture carefully , then finish the exercise. g. check out StepStep 2.Presentation2.Presentation andand PracticePractice a.检查先学: New words: high, afraid, dinner, push, heavy. 由读课文复习旧知来导入 There be 句型,让学生描述自己的教室是对 于句型的灵活运用。这个句型的重难 点是就近原则,考验学生是否会运用 be 动词,如果一部分学生出现错误, 老师先别急于纠正,让学生来帮助他, 以此来检测其他学生是否认真听讲。 PK 赛考验的是学生的临场发挥能 力,在实际情景中锻炼学生的语言运 用能力以及在小组内互帮互助的团结 协作的能力。 笔头训练使学生对于所学知识做 到听说读写四会。 这几个新单词中最难掌握读音的 是 afraid,让学生试着看音标拼读。 通过看图来提问,这里的提问的 b. look and say. Look at the picture and ask some questions. Eg. Who are they? Where are they? 生生问答。 (教师引导)Introduce the park. (Use the sentence “There is /are”) c. Watch cartoons and answer the questions. 1. What are they doing? (引出词组 play on the swing) 2. Do you like playing on the swing? 3. Is Sam happy? How about Bobby? 4. Why is not Bobby happy? (引出 afraid 这个单词) d. Watch the cartoons again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (学生在书上做上朗读标记。) e. Listen to the tape and follow again.(注意语音语调) f. Read it in your group, then show in class. g.情感教育:游戏时一定注意活动安全。 f. StepStep 3.3. ProductionProduction Think deeply: Why dont play again? Because it is time for dinner. Bobby needs to go home now. StepStep 4.Progress4.Progress 1. Come to the blackboard and Act it out. 2. Imagination: When Bobby went home, what happened? What did his mother say to him? 环节主动权教给学生,难度应该不大。 引导学生体会 Sam 和 Bobby 游戏 时不同的心情,教育学生玩耍时注意 点。但是 afraid 这个单词读音有一 定难度,可以采取生生互助,或者教 师带领学生通过音标一个个音节去认 读,决不可直接教授读音。 以反复卡通画面的情境熏陶,引 领学生读好,表演好这个小故事。同 时以生生互评来激励学生模仿语音语 调和情感。 这是对于文本的延生,发挥孩子 们的想像,运用旧知想想 Bobby 回家 后与妈妈的谈话,编个小对话,既有 趣又富有挑战性,同时培养他们的小 组合作能力。 表达能力差的学生在其他同学的 带领下也有了个展示自己的机会。 作业 设计 1. Try to act the cartoon with your partner. 2. As the cartoon story write a follow-up. 教后 反思
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