Unit 4 Hobbies-Sound time,Song time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:611dd).zip

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Unit4 Hobbies (Sound time&Song time&Cartoon time) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 34 4 5 5 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 34 4 5 5 6 6 Look and say: drawing. I like reading and playing the piano. I like playing basketball. I like swimming and dancing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 34 4 5 5 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 34 4 5 5 6 6 Yes or No ? Read and judge. If it is right, Please say “Yes, Yes, Yes”. If it is wrong, Please say “No, No, No”. Say loudly and quickly. Yes or No ? Yang Ling likes reading stories. Liu Tao likes playing basketball. Mike likes watching TV.Su Hai and Su Yang like swimming. Su Yang likes dancing. They all(全都全都) like drawing. What do they like doing? Can you guess? They like ,I think(想,认为想,认为) . They all like _ , _ and _. climbing dancingswimming We all like climbing We all like climbing very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. We all like climbing very much. Lets go and climb today. We all like dancing very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. We all like dancing very much. Lets go and dance today. We all like swimming very much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. We all like swimming very much. Lets go and swim today. About friends My friend is_. She likes_. She likes_. Yoyo Guess:What else does she like doing? singing wearing beautiful clothes wear 穿着穿着 About friends. What colour does she like ? Do you like wearing(穿) yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes! About friends. What does she have ? I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress. Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow?Yellow?Yes. I have yellow shoes,a yellow hat, And a yellow dress! yellow you yes 字母字母y在单词中的发音在单词中的发音 y j year young 年轻的 你能根据发音规律读出以下单词吗? yet(已经)(已经) yard(院子)(院子) yeah (耶耶) yo yo(悠悠球)(悠悠球) I know the sound of the letter y. 自评:能读准发音并且能说出类似单词的得 能读准书上单词和句子的得 仍然需要好好努力的得 About friends. My friend is_. She likes_. She likes_. Yoyo singing wearing beautiful clothes watching cartoonsShe also likes_ . Watch and answer 1. What do they talk about? 2. What does Sam and Billy like doing? 谈论关于 3. Where do they skate? Watch and answer 1. What do they talk about? They talk about their hobbies . They like skating . 2. What does Sam and Billy like doing? 3. Where do they skate? They skate on the ice . Tip: the 在以元音音标开在以元音音标开 头的单词前读头的单词前读 i . be good at skatingbe good at +动词动词ing形式形式 Read and choose cold and wet (湿的湿的 ) let / get What happened? 发生了什么事?发生了什么事? What happened to Billy? A.He swam (swim的过去式) in the lake. B.He fell (掉入)into the lake. 读文章时候别忘了看读文章时候别忘了看 图片哦,图片也会帮图片哦,图片也会帮 助你理解文章的!助你理解文章的! Read and choose Why? 为什么比利会掉入湖中?为什么比利会掉入湖中? There is a hole in the ice. 洞 Look out! 当心 注意 Tip:快速阅读文章,只快速阅读文章,只 找出需要的信息,其他找出需要的信息,其他 信息迅速跳过信息迅速跳过。 I dont like skating now . Try to read 读出Billy现在的心情。 I can read 模仿时除了要读准音模仿时除了要读准音 ,还要注意模仿语音,还要注意模仿语音 语调哦!语调哦! read and act Read together. (齐读齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读)(分角色读) Act in roles. (分角色演)分角色演) 两人一组,表演这个有趣两人一组,表演这个有趣 的故事吧。的故事吧。 read and act Read together. (齐读齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读)(分角色读) Act in roles. (分角色演)分角色演) Lets show. 咱们展示吧。咱们展示吧。 Show time 完成任务完成任务,你就你就可以得可以得到相应到相应的的星哦星哦! I can understand and act the cartoon. 自评:自评: 能能正确、正确、表演卡通故事表演卡通故事的的得得 有一些小错或不太流利有一些小错或不太流利的的得得 仍然需要好好努力仍然需要好好努力的的得得 Fill in the forms Sam and Billy_ _ their _.They both like_.Sam can skate very_.But Billy _good at_.There_ a _ in the_.Billy falls into the lake. He is _and_. talkabout hobbiesskating well isntskating is holeice coldwet 1.1.搜集更多符合搜集更多符合SoundSound timetime部分规律部分规律 的单词,了解中文意思,读一读并记的单词,了解中文意思,读一读并记 下来。下来。 2.2.演唱演唱WeWe allall likelike climbingclimbing,试着,试着 改编歌词并演唱。改编歌词并演唱。 3.3.如如TickingTicking timetime 没达到没达到3 3星要求的星要求的 ,有针对性的进行改进练习。,有针对性的进行改进练习。 单元: Unit4 课题 Hobbies 课时:3 课型: 新授 【教学目标教学目标】 (一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1. 能在情境中整体感知 Cartoon time 故事内容。 2.了解字母 y 在单词中的发音。 3. 通过学习歌曲 We all like climbing,进一步加深对于本单元重点句型 like doing 结构的 掌握。 (二)能力目标(二)能力目标 1. 能够模仿表演 cartoon time,并能灵活运用 like doing 句型。 2. 能总结归纳 y 的发音/j/。 3. 能够较准确的朗读故事并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 (三)情感目标(三)情感目标 能够在阅读过程中体验到阅读的乐趣,喜爱阅读英语绘本故事。 【教学重点教学重点】 1. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 2. 能总结归纳 y 的发音/j/。 【教学难点教学难点】 进一步掌握本单元的单词、句型,达到能熟练运用的程度。 【教学准备教学准备】 PPT 课件、单词卡、学习单等。 【课前先学课前先学】 1. 读一读读一读 Cartoon time 部分,选择正确的答案。部分,选择正确的答案。 ( )1.What does Sam like doing in winter? . A.He likes skating. B. He likes swimming. ( ) 2.Sam can skate very . A. well B. good ( ) 3. Sam and Billy skate the ice. There a hole in the ice. A. in; is B. on; is ( ) 4. Does Billy like skating now? . A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. 2.听录音,学唱歌曲 We all like climbing,你能尝试改变歌词,创作一首新歌吗? 3找出下列单词中 y 的发音,并试着找出其他带有这个发音的单词。 you yellow yes 【教学过程教学过程】 先先 学学 预预 设设后后 教教 策策 略略二次调整二次调整 Step 1. Preparation 1. Play a game Roll the turn table and finsh the task 1. Look and say 2. Yes or no (1)YangLing likes reading stories. (2)SuYang likes dancing. (3)LiuTao likes playing basketball. (4)Mike likes watching TV (5)SuHai and SuYang like watching TV. (6)They all(都)like climbing. 这首歌的节奏,学生可能不 太熟悉,多听多跟唱,效果 会有明显改善。 鼓励学生用所学过的单词重 新编排歌曲,熟悉并操练 like doing 的句型。 What do they like doing? Can you guess? They like ,I think(想,认为) . 2.Learn the song 3. Sing after the tape and answer. They all like_,_and_. 4. Try to make a new song. Step 2.Presentation and practice Sound time 1. Show a new friend. My friend is Yoyo She likes singing . Guess:What else does she like doing? She likes wearing beautiful clothes. 2. Show the rhyme. T: Lets ask the girl together. 出示 Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes. (学生齐读) What does the girl have? She has yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress. 3. Find out the rule. Find the same thing among the underline words. y j 出示图片,让学生从图片中 找出答案。yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress. 4.Try to read these new words. yet(已经) yard(院子) yo yo(悠悠球) yeah (耶) 5.Read Sound time 1)read after the tape 2)read in groups 3)Finish ticking time. Cartoon time 1. Watch and answer 1). What do they talk about? 2). What does Sam and Billy like doing? 3). Where do they skate? 2.Read and choose. What happened to Billy?Why? A.He swan in the lake. B.He fell into the lake. Because There is a hole in the ice. Teach: hole, ice 3.Read the story 1)read after the tape 2)read by yourselves 3)read in roles 这句话节奏较快,让学生将 每个短语读熟之后再将它们 连贯起来。 学生对于字母 y 的发音可能 不能够完全掌握,教师教学 时要将/j/多次带读。 并试着让学生自己找一些单 词,加以领悟。 在读的时候让学生注意语音 语调,以及节奏。 借教授 hole 引出第四幅图的 对话,让学生猜测 look out 的 意思,并尝试着把这两句话 的语气突显出来。 先让学生通过图片和 cold 猜 测单词 wet 的意思。 读出 Billy 的语气。 4.Act out the story 5.Finish tickingtime. Step3 Progress Fill in the form. Sam and Billy_ _ their _.They both like_.Sam can skate very_.But Billy _good at_.There_ a _ in the_.Billy falls into the lake. He is _and_ Step 4 Homework 1.搜集更多符合 Sound time 部分规 律的单词,了解中文意思,读一读 并记下来。 2.演唱 We all like climbing,试着改 编歌词并演唱。 3.如 Ticking time 没达到 3 星要求的, 有针对性的进行改进练习。 让学生逐图跟读,注意语音、 语调。同时鼓励学生可以加 上自己的表情和动作。 教后教后 反思反思
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