Unit 5 What do they do -Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:429d4).doc

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Unit 5 What do they do -Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:429d4).doc_第1页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:429d4).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:429d4).doc_第3页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:429d4).doc_第4页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:429d4).doc_第5页
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1、Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat dodo thethe do?do? (Period(Period 3)3) 一、教学内容一、教学内容:小学英语五年级上册 Unit5 What do they do?(Sound time,Culture time,Cartoon time) 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 知识目标: 1.能听说读单词 cop,firefighter,fireman 和 could. 2.能运用句型:What does/do do? Hes/Shes a He/She 谈论 他人职业。 3.能理解并体会字母 y 在单词中的发音。 4.能了解英式英语和美式英语的差异同义异

2、词。 能力目标: 1.能正确朗读 cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在老师的 指导下表演故事。 2.能了解 culture time 的内容并适当拓展。 3.掌握 y 在单词中的发音,并通过发音规律读出新单词。 4.能在前两节课的基础上正确并熟练地问答他人职业。 情感目标: 1.激发学生对国外文化的热情,提高学英语的兴趣。 2.通过学习、引导和帮助,帮助学生进行自我评价。 三、教学重点:三、教学重点: 1.能运用句型:What does/do do? Hes/Shes a He/She 谈论 他人职业。 2.能理解并体会字母 y 在单词中的发音。 3.能了解英式英语和美

3、式英语的差异同义异词。 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 1.掌握 y 在单词中的发音,并通过发音规律读出新单词。 2.准确、流利、有感情地表演卡通。 3.引导学生初步了解英美文化差异。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: 1.教具准备 人物头饰和字母贴片 2.学生准备 文具用品、课本和活动单 六、教学流程六、教学流程: : Before class: Enjoy a song. 一、一、WarmingWarming upup T:boys and girls, shall we begin our class? Good. Class begins,good morning, boys and gir

4、ls. Today, well go on learning unit5 What do they do. Im your new English teacher. Let me introduce myself. You know, Im a teacher. And I teach Ss: English. Good. Look. They are my father and mother. My father is a worker. He works in the factory. My mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese. Ok now,

5、 I want to know more about you. T: Hi,boy, what does your father do? S: T: Can you ask him? Ok. Please practise in pairs like this. One by one. Ok? Go! 【设计意图:首先在上课的时候带领全班同学了解我的家庭,引出上节课所 学句型。 接着询问学生的家人工作操练了句型: What do/do do?He s/She s a He/She 教师问学生,学生问学生,起到示范作用,之后让学生接龙 练习。老师在学生回答后总结:Bobby and his fr

6、iend are talking about the jobs too.由此过渡到卡通版块的教学。 】 二、二、PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1、Cartoon time (1) T:Bobby and his friend are talking about the jobs too.(PPT 呈 现课文图。) Look, this is Bobby, and this is Bobbys friend. Lets give him a name. How about Dick? (画图,写名字) T:Whos he? Ss

7、: Bobbys father. T:Yes, What does he do? Guess! Ss:Hes a T: What about Dicks father? Ss:Hes a 【设计意图:引导学生看图,自由预测 Bobby 爸爸和 Dick 爸爸的职业,继 续巩固操练了本单元的重点句型。教师板书人物简笔画,给予学生更生动的形 象。 】 (2) T: Lets watch the cartoon to find out the answers. T: Ok.The first one. Ss: Hes a doctor T: Is that right? Good job, hes

8、a doctor.(板书 a doctor) The second one.You please. Ss: Hes a worker and he makes cars. T: Yes. Hes a worker and he makes cars. (板书 a worker 和 makes cars) 【设计意图:在激发学生的求知欲后带着问题看动画,效果更佳。板书帮助 学生构建故事脉络。 】 (3)T: Look, Bobby is very happy.(手势)Because his father has a Ss: A nice car T:What does Bobby say? Ca

9、n you read? Ss: T: Lets listen. Who can imitate? 学生仿读 T 及时评价 T:Is Dick happy? Lets listen. Can you try? 学生仿读 【设计意图:逐步呈现故事,选出动画中两个富有情感的语句,让学生听 音练说,模仿语音语调。使学生加深对故事内容的理解,体验人物的情感。 】 (4)T:Bobby and Dick are very happy. But are they happy now? (PPT 呈现表情变化)Why? Please read the text by yourselves and find o

10、ut the answer. T:OK. You please. Ss: There are so many cars. Bobbys father cant go now. T: Yes.There are so many cars. Bobbys father cant go now. T: Can you guess what will Bobby say? 学生预测 Bobby 说的话 【设计意图:抓住动画的笑点,呈现出人物的表情变化,引出问题 Why?引 导学生自己读故事找出答案。在学生找出答案后,接着预测 Bobby 会说什么,激 发学生想象,积极运用自己语言去表达。 】 (5)T

11、:Lets read after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and tone. Ss: T:Well done! Now, please read it in groups. You can choose the way you like. Ss: T:Ok. Lets dub the cartoon. Who wants to be Bobby? Stand up. Are you ready? Ss: T:Excellent . Now, can you act? Have a try. 【设计意图:跟读课文,模仿语音语调。考虑到

12、学生能力的不同,小组内读 或演课文,给不同层次的学生更多选择,让教学活动真正的能让每个学生参与其 中。小组内操练后,全班集体为动画配音,再次巩固了动画内容,也为后面的学 生表演热身。 学有余力的学生到前台表演,也激发了学生的学习热情,对故事 的理解也进行了升华。 】 2.Culture time (1) There are so many cars in the street. A man comes to help. Look, what does he do? Yes ,a traffice policeman, he helps the drivers. Oh,the cars can

13、go now.Do you know? The policeman, we can also call him a cop. Read after me, cop. Boys, girls, together. Lets know more 讲解来源: American policeman all wear the coats with the copper buckles and copper police badges, so peole call them “copper” . As time passes, people call them “cop” for short. Next,

14、 what does he do? Let me help you. This is the fire. The fighter. Together, firefighter. Groupone, group two, group three, group four. Excellent. And this one, I think you can read, yes ,fireman. Lets read the sentence together. T 呈现单词条,让学生辨别 AE 和 BE,上黑板动手贴一贴。 【设计意图:由交通堵塞引出警察来疏导交通,自然过渡到文化版块。教授 cop 一

15、词时,适当渗透词的来历,激发学生对英式英语和美式英语的兴趣。在教 授 firefighter 时,用形象直观地体现出来,fire+fighter=firefighter。学生 理解课本上内容后, 呈现四个职业单词的板书条, 让学生进行区别, 哪个是 in the UK,哪个是 in the US,让学生直观感受到 AE 和 BE 的同义异词。 】 (2)T: Good job. There are many words like this. Look, its a message from Bobbys American friend. Please read it by yourselves

16、. PPT 上显示四个美式英语单词,之后左侧呈现四个可以替换的英式英语单词: T: Here are the American English. Can you match them with the British English? Lets finish it together. Candies means sweets. Who can stick? Lets read it together. 【设计意图:拓展文化版块时,设计了一个美国朋友发消息给 Bobby 的情境, 以一个微信的方式呈现了更多的美式英语和英式英语单词。 微信内容中既有本单 元学习的两个单词,又额外拓展了两个,can

17、dies(sweets)和 fall(autumn)。都 是以旧知来学新知。微信内容,贴近生活,巩固了本单元的职业内容,同时这个 环节也为下一单元 e-friends 做铺垫。 】 3.Sound time (1)T:Look,two words, can you read? (PPT 上微信内容隐去,剩下两个 单词) Ss: fly my T: What do you find? Ss: T: How to pronunce y? Ss: /ai/ T: Yes, perfect. You please. T: Can you say more words y pronunce /ai/?

18、Ss: fly try eye why bye my 【设计意图:让学生体会字母 y 在单词中的发音,从而总结出 y 发/ai/。 用 发音规律试着说一说更多的单词,激发学生的词汇输出。 】 (2)T:Ok. Lets listen and reapeat.(书上单词跟读) Well done! Lets enjoy a chant. First, lets listen. I read the first and the third sentence, you read the second and the fourth one, ok ? T 与 ss 合作 OK,now, lets sa

19、y it together. 【设计意图:通过观察图片,由词过渡到 chant,整体呈现。第一遍先听, 让学生熟悉节奏。第二遍跟老师合作,模仿语音语调。第三遍小组内练说,可以 加上自己的动作。第四遍,和老师一起演绎。 层层递进,训练扎实。 】 (3)T:Perfect!lets play a game. I have a magic hand. look. Magic magic, how to read? 利用字母拼出单词 cry spy dry by 让学生试着读一读 T:Here are the words, lets read. (PPT 呈现) Can you finish this

20、 sentence? Hi, _ little boy, dont _, have a _. T:Can you make a sentence by these words? Ss: 【设计意图:通过在黑板上的字母组合出新的单词,让学生用已学的语音知 识去读,达到学以致用的目的。 PPT 上呈现大量单词,让学生再次练读,并利 用单词来造句,对学生的能力提出了一个更高的要求,鼓励学生在课后多多练 习。 】 4.Lets write T: Great! You know 5. Ticking time T: Today, you all did a good job. Im pround of

21、you. Ticking time. The first one. I can read the cartoon and act it out. Next, I know something about the differences between American English and British English. The last one. I know the sound of the letter “y”. Hi,Bobby! Im _. My father is a _. He _. My mother is a _. She _. I like _. Lets make f

22、riends. Ok. How many stars do you get? Summary: Boys and girls, no matter what jobs you will get, try you best! 【设计意图:利用板书进行本节课的回顾,再通过自评帮助学生发现不足, 不断完善。 】 四、四、HomeworkHomework 1.Collect more American English and British English Synonymous words . (搜集更多美式英语和英式英语的同义单词。 ) 2. Lets get ready for our Hallo

23、ween party.(为万圣节聚会做准备。 ) 【设计意图:Homework 的布置与本节课教授的内容要紧扣,故设计了以上两 个作业。上课时间为 29 日,两天后就是万圣节,西方的知名节日,是一个激发 学生对西方文化兴趣,提高学习英语热情的好机会。而在化装舞会上学生可以选 择自己想扮演的职业,又是对本单元所学内容的一个拓展。 】 五、板书设计:五、板书设计: Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat dodo theythey do?do? i in n thethe USUSinin thethe UKUK coppoliceman firefighter fireman candiessw

24、eets fallautumu 教后反思: 本节课是综合板块的学习,主要学习内容是卡通、语音和文化版块。本节课 预设的教学目标是能让学生读懂并能有感情地朗读卡通故事, 能了解 y 在部分单 词中发/ai/这个音,并把它发准确,以及了解在英国和美国同一个意思可以是不 同的单词表达。 本节课上完后,我感觉课堂气氛也比较活跃,很多学生能参与教学活动,学 生的目标完成度还是比较高的。 不足的地方有:一、上课的展示机会似乎只落在了部分学生的身上,要考虑 设置怎么样的教学任务,让每个层次的学生都能有所展示。二、应该大胆给予学 a dodoctor . a worker nakes cars 生更多的材料输入,设计更开放的教学活动,放手让学生自己学,自己活动,有 所收获。


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