Unit 6 Keep our city clean-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:4054a).zip

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六上六上 Unit6Unit6 KeepKeep ourour citycity cleanclean(Period1Period1) 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1.学生能够掌握三会单词:air、smoke、rubbish、messy、dead、move.away from、bin、plant、more。四会单词:keep、clean、make、dirty。 2.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 3.学生能够运用所学的句型讨论污染和环保的话题,提高语言综合运用能力。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 1.学生能够掌握四会单词:keep、clean、make、dirty。 2.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 三、教学准备:三、教学准备:PPT 课件 四、教学过程四、教学过程: StepStep 1 1 FreeFree talktalk What day / Whats the date/ Whats the weather like? StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1.(导入)T:Winter is coming with cold.Lets look at the weather forecast these days.Please pay attention to the air quality.What led to us to have days off during the week days?(haze 出示雾霾图片) Besides us,some other people are also worrying about their city which is becoming dirtier and dirtier.Miss Li and her students are talking about their city. 2.Lets watch the cartoon and listen to their conversation. How do they talk about their city? What questions do they talk about? (播放 课文动画) 3. Read the text and finish the form. Q1: What makes the air dirty?( You can find the answer in the text) Teach: dirty、 air、smoke、 make、factory Q2:What makes the streets dirty? Teach: rubbish、messy 4.(Show the picture)学生根据提示描述:Whats in the water? ( rubbish ) The river is dirty. The fish are dead. What makes the fish dead? ( rubbish ) 5.回到表格部分,complete the form and check 6. Reading time. 7.( 学习课文第二部分 show the pictures) (过渡语)T: Black smoke makes the air dirty. Rubbish makes the water dirty and the fish are dead. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. We have no fresh air to breathe. We have no green vegetables to eat. The birds and the animals have no home and so on. We should keep our city clean.(揭题) 8. T: How to keep our city clean? Read silently and find the answers.(出示阅读方法提示)How to solve these problems? Teach: walk to school、take the bus and the metro、plant more trees、move the factories away from、put the rubbish in the bin. 9.Read after the computer. StepStep 3 3 ReadingReading timetime Choose the way you like to read the text. Read in roles./ Read after one./ Read together. StepStep 4 4 TaskTask timetime (Show the pictures of Liyang .) 1.T: We all like living in a nice and clean city? Do you like living in Liyang? Liyang is a nice and clean city. Therere many nice places in it. Liyang is a civilized city in China. 2.(show three tasks)T: To keep our city clean, Lets try to be a city guard. What should we do? Are you willing to complete the following three tasks? Task 1: Lets know more about our city. Way:ask and answer inn pairs. Task 2: How to keep our city clean? Way: fill in the blanks. Task 3: We should make more people know it. Way:完成倡议书。 T: Good job! Were all city guards. Lets try our best to keep our city clean. StepStep 5 5 DiscussDiscuss inin groupsgroups 1.(给出话题,学生讨论) 2.每组派代表上台汇报。 3.结束语:Better city , better life. StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework 1. Write a speech according to the topic you have discussed in class 2. Tell your family and friends how to keep our city clean 板书设计: move 教学反思:教学反思: 本课非常贴近人们的实际生活,学习这课的相关知识,可以帮助学生了解污染城市的原因, 理解并解决保持城市干净的一些方法,从而培养学生的环保意识。在英语新课程标准中也 明确指出:“培养学生的综合语言运用能力” 、 “重视从学生的生活经验和已有知识中学习英语” , 使我们的英语源于生活,也用于生活。下面就根据我这节课的设计意图和教学情况进行反思: 首先,我从最近雾霾天气导入课文学习,让学生在观看动画时找出两个中心问句,然后根 据课文内容逐步解决问题。在 tasks 环节,我以 city guard 为主线,将一个个小练习环节串联起 来 让学生们寻找城市污染的原因及保持城市干净的方法,完成保护环境倡议书。最后拓展话题, 由学生讨论、练说。 在教学过程中存在不足之处是:教学设计有的环节逻辑性不强,环节过渡应该有梯度,不 dirty smokerubbish clean walk takeplant put 能脱节;更应注重课堂以学生为中心,可扩大对学生的语言输入量;由于多媒体设备老化,设 计课件时注意颜色的搭配,避免学生用眼疲劳。
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