Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:94bda).zip

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- 1 - 教学内容: 该阅读材料的设计灵感源于六上介绍中国新年的文本,将 Easter 的相关内容 巧妙地融合于 Laura 写给 Su Hai 的一封电子邮件里,内容讲述的是来自英国 的 Laura 向 Su Hai 讲述她们的复活节的习俗文化。该文本很清晰地按照四个 时间段分别介绍了复活节前、复活节当天(包括白天和晚上)、以及节后 Laura 和家人的活动,层次分明,结构清晰,有助于学生正确理解和清晰地表 达复活节。 教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)能正确理解文本内容,了解关于复活节的信息,并且能听懂、会说、会 读单词及词组:Easter lilies; egg hunt;egg rolling;parades Easter bunny; travel; Cotsworld;celebrate (2)能灵活运用所学知识谈论复活节,感受节日的文化内涵 2、能力目标: (1)通过合作学习能在阅读中掌握相关的策略,体验阅读的乐趣。 (2)通过合作学习能自主地了解国外的相关文化。 3、情感与文化目标: (1)在听、说、读、写活动中,进一步丰富语言积累,激发英语学习兴趣, 提高语言综合运用能力。 (2) 培养团结合作的精神,对节日和春天怀有美好的憧憬;充满希望、乐 观开朗地面对生活。 教学重难点: 1、能在小组合作中学会了解生词,以及国外的文化。 2、通过文本的学习,能对所学知识用自己的语言输出。 3、在听、说、读、写活动中,进一步丰富语言积累,激发英语学习兴趣,提 高语言综合运用能力。 设计理念: 1、 英语课程标准强调学习过程中学生的自主性。本节课,教师从学生的 学习兴趣和生活经验出发,运用体验、参与、合作与交流等学习方式,为学 生的自主学习提供时间,为学生的自主表达提供机会。同时,教师及时给予 评价、引导与帮助,让学生在多样化的练习活动中巩固所学知识,提高英语 - 2 - 语言运用能力。 教学准备:多媒体课件 学程预设: Step1.Free talk Free talk: 1. Self-introduction 2. 由转盘指向的话题,跟学生自由交谈。 Today: What day is today? Season: Which season do you like? Holiday: What holiday is coming? What is it? 三个简单的问题以转盘形式呈现,能够迅速吸引学生的兴趣,同时 直接导入到今天的话题。 Step2.Pre-reading 1. Talk about Easter. T 提出开放性问题:What do you know about Easter? 出示一些关键词:food; date; what; feeling 等。 2. 揭题。揭题。 T: Today, a little girl is going to tell you more about Easter in an email. And you are going to learn more about this holiday. 学生对复活节这一话题并不陌生。该开放性问题既激活了学生已有 的知识储备,又发散了学生的思维,也为他们阅读和理解文本做好 了准备,同时合作交谈的形式有利于弥补学生之间的信息差。 Step3:While-reading 1. Skim and answer T: Heres the email. Who wrote it? How do you know? Tip:快速找到答案,不需要细读每一个单词。引导学生自悟出:Su Hai gets an email from Laura . T: How do you know this email is about Easter? subject T: It means the title of this email. - 3 - What do you want to know from this email? 学生应该会从复活节食物和活动两方面提问。他们对 food and activities 比较感兴趣。 指导学生用略读的学习策略,快速找出电子邮件的写信人和收信人。 在正式阅读故事之前,将提问权交给学生,这种开放式的自主提问 活动既能解放和活跃学生的思维,又能激发他们探究故事的欲望, 引起他们对文本的高度关注。 2.Scan and order T: You have so many good questions. Now we can read and find and answers. But this email is unfinished. Can you put them in good order? How do you put them in order? 引出四个时间段。 图文匹配活动是学生自主建构故事的第一步。该活动既让学生了解 了文本大意,也让其不断地建立语言和情景之间的联系,内化语言 学习策略。 3. Lets learn. Before Easter. a: Read and underline Q1: What do Laura and her family do first? Q2: What do they do then? b:Guess the new words meaning and learn.(根据上下文或插图猜测词 义并学习,生词将注有音标) c: Ask and answer in pairs. S1: What do Laura and her family do S2: They d: Do you have any questions? 回答学生提出的问题,呈现 Culture tip 1,2(复活节习俗 1,2) In the daytime of Easter a.Listen and answer Q1: How many activities do you hear? Q2: What are they? b:Learn the words from the dictionary,teacher,friends. c:Do you have any questions? 回答学生提出的问题,呈现 Culture tip 3,4(复活节习 3,4) 同时让他们在课堂上真切地体会节日的快乐,展开合理的想象:若 有机会传播中国文化到西方国家,你想让别人了解什么中国文化? Learn the other two parts in groups of four. - 4 - 按照老师示范的步骤四人小组合作学习另外两段,并做小组汇报。 小组汇报形式: S1:What do Anna and her family do first? S2: They S1:What do Anna and her family do then? S3: Then S4: Look at this new word. It meansOur question is In the evening of Easter T 呈现 Culture tip 5,6 After Easter Day T 呈现 Culture tip 7 教师先做示范,以四个步骤清晰明了地学习了复活节前和复活节白 天的活动。接着以小组讨论的形式对文本信息进行逻辑整合,充分 利用信息差进行合作学习,有效地进一步加深学生对于语篇的理解, 提高阅读的能力,同时培养了小组合作互助的精神。最后让学生自 主提问,激发学生对复活节文化的好奇心和求知欲。学生在文本情 境中了解和体验了节日文化,也自主建构和丰富了文本内容。 4.Make a summary. 呈现完整的文本内容。 T: What can you conclude from each part of the passage? You can discuss with your partner. 提示:The first passage is about_. The second passage is about_. Third _ fourth_ 教师在整体上再次帮助学生理解文本,并让学生自主归纳总结段落 大意,加深学生对语言知识点的印象,并为后续的教学作好铺垫。 4. Happy reading. Read after the teacher. Choose the way you like to read:Read in paragraphs; Read together; Read one by one. 小组汇报通过指导学生朗读,训练学生的语音、语调和朗读技巧, 为读后的口头交流任务做好准备。 Step3.Post-reading 1. Lets retell Retell the story by using the mind map on the blackboard. 2. Lets talk. T:In fact, there are many other countries that celebrate Easter.Such as. - 5 - T: Do we celebrate Easter in China? What are you going to do if you want to tell others about Easter? T:How to make a poster?. 聚焦板书,复述故事引导学生借助板书中的语言支架复述所学文本, 使学生有效地巩固了本课所学知识。 3. Lets enjoy and think. Enjoy a picture book about a little girls Easter. T: What do you think of Easter? Easter is a _ holiday. Lets enjoy and think 以一个开放性的问题既培养了学生的发散 思维能力,又能起到积极正面的价值观引导作用,引起学生的共鸣。 4. Lets share. T: Everyday should be happy and hopeful. Step5:Homework 1.Say sth about Easter to your family and friends. 2. Please make a poster about the holiday youre interested in. 分层布置作业是为了照顾不同学习能力的学生:一方面确保所有学 生都能灵活用所学知识;另一方面让学有余力的学生能用学到的英 语技能做事。 A A A A ? ? ? ? Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Today Season Holiday Weather Lesson Hobby Easter. DateDateDateDate ? ? ? ? FoodFoodFoodFood ? ? ? ? EasterEasterEasterEaster Before reading Before reading What do you know?What do you know? FeelingFeelingFeelingFeeling? What?What?What?What? EasterEasterEasterEaster Before reading Before reading What else do you want to What else do you want to know?know? A little girl A little girl is going tois going to tell you in tell you in an email ! an email ! Skim and answer Skim and answer 略读并回答略读并回答 Su Hai gets an emailfrom her e-friend Laura in the UK. Who wrote this email? Love Laura Easter Who gets the email? How are you?Its going to be Easter next week.Im really excited. Im going to tell you something about Easter. What do you want to know from this e-mail? Scan and order Scan and order 寻读并排序寻读并排序 Scan and order Scan and order 根据 来排序。the time Before Easter 请划出表 示时间的 关键词。 In the daytime of Easter In the evening of Easter After Easter Day Before Easter Before Easter Before Easter,my family and I usually buy some Easter eggs and Easter lilies.Then,we colour the eggs. 在读的过程中你遇到哪些困难?在读的过程中你遇到哪些困难? Before Easter Before Easter 字典,词典 use an English dictionary ask your teachers ask your friends Before Easter Before Easter Before Easter,my family and I usually buy some Easter eggs and Easter lilies.Then,we colour the eggs. What do Laura and her family do first/then? They usually. lilies 百合花 In the In the daytimedaytime In the daytime of Easter, we always play “egg hunt” and “egg rolling”. Then, we watch the Easter parades. 游行 How many activities(活动) do you hear? ei parades hunt roll 寻找彩蛋 滚彩蛋 What are they? Lets learn Lets learn Step 1:小组学习剩余两段,你可以这样做: Ask and answer (小组问答) Read and underline (自读并划线) Learn new words (学习新词) Say your questions (提出你们的困惑) Step 2 Lets share in class. 在班级里分享你们小组学习的那部分 What do Laura and her family do at Easter? Tips: 1.四人小组组分工进进行汇报汇报 交流。 2.告诉诉大家Laura的活动动并粘贴贴板 书书。 3.说说说说 你学到的新词词。 4. 提出小组组内的困惑。 We want to learn . First they Look at this word. It means. Then they Look at this word. It means. 1 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 In the evening In the evening In the evening, we often have a Easter dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle. After dinner, we children get presents, like the Easter Bunny,chickens and eggs.Bunny 复活兔 Travelling DayTravelling Day After Easter Day,we usually have a trip around the UK.This Easter,were going to travel in Cotsworld for some days.Its a beautiful and quiet place to visit. travel 科茨沃德 旅游 Cotsworld Lets readLets read Easter holiday is coming.Su Hai gets an Easter holiday is coming.Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Laura in the UK.email from her e-friend Laura in the UK. Dear Su Hai, Dear Su Hai, How are you? Its going to be Easter holiday How are you? Its going to be Easter holiday next week. Im really excited!next week. Im really excited! Im going to tell you something about Im going to tell you something about Easter.Easter. Before EasterBefore Easter, my family and I usually my family and I usually buy some Easter eggs and Easter lilies. buy some Easter eggs and Easter lilies. Then, we colour the eggs.Then, we colour the eggs. In the daytime of Easter, we always In the daytime of Easter, we always play “egg hunt” and “egg rolling”.play “egg hunt” and “egg rolling”. Then, we watch the Easter parades.Then, we watch the Easter parades. In the evening,we often have a Easter In the evening,we often have a Easter dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle.uncle. After dinner, we children get many After dinner, we children get many presents like the Easter Bunny,chickens presents like the Easter Bunny,chickens and Easter eggs.and Easter eggs. After Easter Day, we usually have a trip After Easter Day, we usually have a trip around the UK.around the UK. This EasterThis Easter,were going to travel in were going to travel in Cotsworld.Cotsworld. Its a beautiful and quiet place to visit. Its a beautiful and quiet place to visit. Do you celebrate Easter in China? Do you celebrate Easter in China? What are you going to do ?What are you going to do ? Love, Laura. Love, Laura. celebrate 庆祝 Work in groups Work in groups Retell the passage Retell the passage (4人一组,可以一起说,也可以一人说一句。 尝试用自己的语言对Easter做介绍,可以根据黑板上的 思维导图) Lets talk Lets talk France Canada Germany Denmark Lets talk Lets talk Do we celebrate Easter in Do we celebrate Easter in China?China? Is Easter only about Is Easter only about fun and food?fun and food? What is Easter about?What is Easter about? Fun with Fun with EasterEaster Easter is a _ holiday. Lets talk Lets talk If you tell others about Easter, If you tell others about Easter, what are you going to do? what are you going to do? Im going to.Im going to.Im going to.Im going to. Lets learn more Lets learn more 1.Say sth about Easter to your family and friends. 2. Make a poster about the holiday you like. Homework about Homework about EasterEaster Happy Easter!Happy Easter! Thank you !Thank you ! Culture Tip 1(复活节文化1): 复活彩蛋(复活彩蛋(Easter eggsEaster eggs),百合花(),百合花(lilieslilies)和复活兔)和复活兔 (Easter BunnyEaster Bunny)通常是复活节的象征。他们寓意着)通常是复活节的象征。他们寓意着 新生命和快乐!新生命和快乐! Culture Tip 2(复活节文化2): 蛋象征新生命。蛋象征新生命。 复活节前夕,英国人给巧克力蛋着色打扮,有的把复活节前夕,英国人给巧克力蛋着色打扮,有的把 蛋放在不同的植物染料里煮,有的是手绘制作。蛋放在不同的植物染料里煮,有的是手绘制作。 Culture Tip 3(复活节文化3): 寻找彩蛋和滚彩蛋游戏是孩子们的最爱。大人把蛋寻找彩蛋和滚彩蛋游戏是孩子们的最爱。大人把蛋 藏起来让孩子们找,找到就可以吃了它们;玩滚彩藏起来让孩子们找,找到就可以吃了它们;玩滚彩 蛋游戏,通常用勺子,获胜者会得到丰厚的奖品。蛋游戏,通常用勺子,获胜者会得到丰厚的奖品。 Culture Tip 4(复活节文化4): 在西方国家,复活节一般要举行盛大的游行在西方国家,复活节一般要举行盛大的游行,通常,通常 具有浓烈的民间特色和地方特色具有浓烈的民间特色和地方特色。 Culture Tip 5(复活节文化5): Three traditional Easter foodThree traditional Easter food bread bread lamb lamb 羊肉羊肉ham ham 火腿火腿 Culture Tip 6(复活节文化6): 复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系: 通常孩子们会收到通常孩子们会收到巧克力彩蛋、复活节小兔子、有巧克力彩蛋、复活节小兔子、有 绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。 Culture Tip 7(复活节文化7): English people usually have two weeks holiday in English people usually have two weeks holiday in Easter. So they always have a trip at Easter.Easter. So they always have a trip at Easter. 英国的童话小镇科茨沃德(英国的童话小镇科茨沃德(CotsworldCotsworld)在春天特别)在春天特别 美。紫色的花田,美。紫色的花田, 蔚蓝的海洋,再加上恬静的乡下蔚蓝的海洋,再加上恬静的乡下 生活,此外,这里还有梦幻般的水上伯顿(生活,此外,这里还有梦幻般的水上伯顿(Bourton Bourton on the wateron the water),), 一地两景。一地两景。 Su HaiTo: Subject: Dear Su Hai, How are you?Its going to be Easter holiday next week.Im really excited.Im going to tell you something about Easter. Before Easter, my family and I usually buy some Easter eggs and Easter lilies. Then, we colour the eggs. In the daytime of Easter, we always play “egg hunt” and “egg rolling”.Then,we enjoy the Easter parades. In the evening,we often have a Easter dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle.After dinner, we children get many presents like the Easter Bunny,chickens and Easter eggs. After Easter Day, we usually have a trip around the UK.This Easter, were going to travel in Cotsworld for some days.Its a beautiful and quiet place to visit. Do you celebrate Easter in China? What are you going to do? Love Laura plan Easter 庆祝 celebrate symbols 象征 activities活动 food and presents Happy reading Happy reading Choose one way to read the text. (任选一种方式朗读课文。) 1. Read in paragraphs. 小组成员分 段朗读。 2. Choose one paragraph. 选一段读。 3. Read one by one.每人 读一句。 Lets show your reading! (小组一起来秀一秀吧。) Dear Su Hai, How are you?Its going to be Easter holiday next week.Im really excited.Im going to tell you something about Easter. Before Easter, my family and I usually buy some Easter eggs and Easter lilies. Then, we colour the eggs. In the daytime of Easter, we always play “egg hunt” and “egg rolling”.Then, we watch the Easter parades. In the evening,we often have a Easter dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle. After dinner, we children get many presents like the Easter Bunny,chickens and Easter eggs. After Easter Day, we usually have a trip around the UK. This Easter,were going to travel in Cotsworld for some days.Its a really beautiful and quiet place to visit. Do you celebrate Easter in China? What are you going to do? Love Laura
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