Project 1 A holiday album-Part C & D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:a12f7).doc

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Project 1 A holiday album-Part C & D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:a12f7).doc_第1页
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Project 1 A holiday album-Part C & D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:a12f7).doc_第2页
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Project 1 A holiday album-Part C & D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:a12f7).doc_第3页
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Project 1 A holiday album-Part C & D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:a12f7).doc_第4页
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Project 1 A holiday album-Part C & D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:a12f7).doc_第5页
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1、六六年级上册年级上册 Project 1Aholiday album (Part C&D) Teaching contents教学内容教学内容 Project 1Aholiday album (Part C&D) Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标教学目标 1. 进一步巩固和运用过去时,尤其是常用动词过去式的拼写和发音。 2. 能够熟练运用问答句型:Where did you go for the holiday? I went What did you do there? I How was the weather? It was Did yo

2、u? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I 在真实情境中进行对话交际。 3. 能够流畅的运用:I went for theholiday.I wentIIt was 等陈述 性句式进行综合语段输出。 4. 在小组合作制作与展示中,增进团结合作精神。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 能流畅的运用 I went for theholiday. I went I It was陈述性句式进行 综合语段输出。 2. 能够熟练运用问答句型,在真实情境中进行对话交际。

3、教学难点: 1. 灵活并正确运用过去时进行交际或表述,尤其是动词过去式的拼写和发音。 2. 培养学生小组协作,乐意提问、善于表达的能力; 3. 培养学生综合语用能力。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.Enjoy a song before class. T: Do you know the song? Ss: Its “Take you to travel”. 2.Enjoy teachers holiday. T: “Last summer holiday, I went to Maldives. It was sunny a

4、nd hot. I took many photos there. In the morning, I got up early and watched the sunrise. Then, I walked on the beautiful beach. Sometimes, I swam in the pool. Sometimes, I dived in the sea. In the sea, I saw many kinds of sea animals. I had a big lunch near the beach. After that, I played on the sw

5、ing and enjoyed Spa. In the evening, I watched the sunset and did yoga. There were different parties at night. I had a lot of fun there.” T: I took many photos and used them to make a holiday album. Ss catch some information about teachers holiday. 3.Lead in the title and teach the new word “album”.

6、 【设计意图:1.时下流行歌曲“带你去旅行” ,引出老师的旅行。2. 在欣赏异域 风光照片的同时,老师用过去时介绍旅行中丰富多彩的活动,学生获取教师旅行 的相关信息,初步感知本节课的语言输出的结构。3.揭示课题,并教授生词 album。 】 Step 2 Make an album for teacher. 1.Step 1 Stick. T: Just now, you enjoyed my last summer holiday. Now, lets make an album together. What should we do first? Ss: We should T:Yes.

7、First, we should choose favorite photos and stick. Then, what should we do? 2.Step 2 Talk. T: Second, we should talk about the holiday. Do you remember my holiday? Q1 T: What holiday was it?Ss: It was Q2 T: Where did I do?Ss: You went Q3 T: How was the weather?Ss: It was Q4 T: What did I do there?Ss

8、: You Q5 T: Did I have lots of fun?Ss: Yes, I did. No, I didnt. 3.Step 3 Write. (1) Write the key words. T: According to talking, we remember lots of information. Now, we should write down the key words. (2) Play a game T: I did a lot of things in Maldives. Lets play a game about the activities. a:

9、The name of game is “Then and now”. b: Game rules: girls PK boys, move the words and read them, contrast the score and the time. c: Check the answer and announce the winner. 4.Step 4 Show. T: We can use these sentences to introduce the album. I went for the holiday. I went I. It was It was 【设计意图:通过师

10、生共同讨论,分四个步骤制作相册。第 1 步选贴照片。第 2 步讨论相册,通过师生问答的讨论方式,既复习了问答的主要句型,又得到假期 的相关信息。第 3 步写下假期信息的关键词(时间、地点、天气、心情、活动) , 在记录活动时,插入男女生 PK 的游戏,重点复习动词的过去式。第 4 步展示制 作好的相册,呈现语段输出的框架结构。以上分步既有复习的侧重点,又为下一 环节,学生分组制作小组相册理清脉络,从而进行表述。 】 Step 3 Group album for students 1.Make group albums T: Its your turn. Try to make your hol

11、iday album in groups. You can follow the steps and use these dialogues. 5. Different ways of group showing. (1) Ask and answer: One ask and the others answer/ The others ask and one answer/ ask and answer one by one. (2) Give a report (3) Riddle and guess . 【设计意图:上一环节教师分步骤制作相册是学的过程,本环节则是放手给学 生,让学生灵活

12、运用的过程,学生分组合作制作小组相册,既动手又动口,在 组际交流中操练问答句式,在小组汇报时操练陈述性语段,培养学生综合语用 能力。 】 Step 4 Consolidation:Class album T: Lets put our albums together. Its class album. 【设计意图: 由最初的教师个人相册, 到学生分作协作的小组相册, 到组际交流, 最终组合成班级的整体的相册,在此过程中,培养学生的团结合作能力和集体荣 誉感。 】 Step 5 Homework 1.Make a family holiday album. 2.Try to introduce

13、the family album to your family. Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备 板书设计板书设计: Project 1Aholiday album 说课说课 本节课主要内容为六年级上册 Project 1Aholiday album 的第二课 Part C& D,旨在帮助学生整合复习 1-4 单元的重点:一、过去时的巩固尤其是常用动词 过去式的拼写和发音;二、流畅的运用陈述性句式 I wentfor theholiday.I went I It was 进行综合语段输出;三、熟练运用问答句型:Where did you go for the holiday? I

14、 went What did you do there? I How was the weather? It was Did you? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I 在真实情境中进行对话交际。 关于 本节课教学环节中的活动设计及其设计意图: 一、一、课前热身运动课前热身运动 本堂课的目标是讨论旅行相册: 1.用时下“抖音”上流行歌曲“带你去旅行” ,引出老师的旅行一定会引起 学生的共鸣。 2.在欣赏异域风光照片的同时,老师用过去时介绍旅行中丰富多彩的活动, 学生获取教师旅行的相关信息,初步感知本节课的语言输出的结构。 3.揭示课题,并教授生词 album。既能激发学

15、习兴趣,为环节的连贯做好渗 透、铺垫。 二、二、共同制作老师的旅行相册共同制作老师的旅行相册 通过师生共同讨论,分四个步骤,为老师制作相册: 第 1 步:选贴照片。 第 2 步:讨论相册。师生问答方式,既复习问答的主句型:Where did you go for the holiday? I went What did you do there? I How was the weather? It was Did you? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 又获得到假期的相关信息。 第 3 步:写关键词。假期信息的关键词(时间、地点、天气、心情、活动) 在记录各式的活动时,

16、插入男女生 PK 的游戏,重点复习动词的过去式,在游戏 中巩固了词的“音、形、义” ,分类是形,读词是音,活动是义。 第 4 步展示制作好的相册,呈现语段输出的框架结构。以上分步既有复习 侧重点,又为下一环节,学生分组制作小组相册理清脉络,从而进行表述。 三、学生制作并交流小组相册三、学生制作并交流小组相册 上一环节教师分步骤制作相册是学的过程,本环节则是放手给学生,让学生 灵活运用的过程,学生分组合作制作小组相册,按上个环节的四步骤,既动手又 动口,在组际交流中操练问答句式,在小组汇报时操练陈述性语段,培养学生综 合语用能力。 四、组合班级整体相册四、组合班级整体相册 由最初的教师个人相册,到学生分作协作的小组相册,到组际交流,最终组 合成班级的整体的相册,在此过程中,培养学生的团结合作能力和集体荣誉感。 五、课后拓展五、课后拓展 由课堂上的班级相册,到课后的家庭相册的制作,类情境迁移,这样的设计 意图是:1. 借助与家人共同回忆并动手制作的形式,课后及时巩固本单元主要 句型。2. 根据课堂上提供的语言支架结构,进行于都输出。3. 丰富语言的交际 环境、亲子共读,最终达到训练学生综合语用能力的目标。


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