Unit 2 单元检测习题(2021新外研版必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).zip

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UnitUnit 2 2 单元检测单元检测 .单词拼写(15*1,共 15 分) 1Please mind your _(行为) in public. 2When he heard the_(警报), he left the building quickly. 3The koala is _ (独特的) to Austrilia. 4His love for nature is _ (反映) in his works. 5_ (创造力) is of great importance in scientific discovery. 6He lived in an _(公寓) when he was in France. 7The artist has made a large number of _ (雕像) 8_ (如今) the number of foreigners who are studying Chinese is increasing. 9Being away from parents makes him _ (想家的) 10The exact meaning of this word must be understood in the _(篇章) 11His mother _ (提醒) him of the date of the meeting. 12He refused to _ (评论) on the matter. 13_(实际上) he didnt say anything to the police. 14You should stop focusing on _ (负面的) things. 15Mary is an _ (交换) student from the USA. .单句语法填空(15*1,共 15 分) 1Im looking forward to _ (hear) from you. 2The passengers _(remind) to keep still before the plane comes to a stop. 3He decides to exchange the old table _ a new one. 4Sometimes, he thinks _ (negative) while his brother thinks positively. 5Many people make comments _ the plane crash. 6I would rather that you _(tell) him the truth last week. 7I like reading. I often spend a lot of time _ books. 8I was about _ (leave) when my friend visited me. 9The girl has difficulty_(pass) the driving test. 10The reason why he didnt arrive on time was _ he was held up in traffic jam. 11On some level, a students grades are a _ (reflect) of the teacher. 12The teacher asks the students to behave _(they) in class. 13Mary and Jane are quite _(difference) 14He spoke too _ (quick) for me to understand. 15They got home at last, _(tire) and hungry. III.阅读理解(8*3,共 24 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A St. Olaf Lineman(前锋) Camp In an effort to help high school football players develop their full potential, St.Olaf College offers the learning camp for lineman players. This is a twoday camp, open to any lineman entering grades 912 in this fall. Unlike most summer camps, this is not a camp just for fun. It gives the opportunity for players of all skill levels to work on basic skills that are proven to translate into improved gameday performance.Register(注册) online or print an online form and mail it. Time:9 am3 pm.on July 13 &14 Cost:$110(including instruction,Tshirt and lunch) What to bring:Helmet, shoulder pads, mouth guard,cleats, practice jersey, and gym shoes (in case of rain). If you cannot bring your pads and helmet from your high school, you can rent them from St.Olaf College for $20 each for your camp. St. Olaf Swim Camps “Our goal is to provide each swimmer with the necessary tools to become the best swimmer he or she can betoday, next week, and in the years to come.” Coach Bob Hauck Session 1:July 1216 Session 2:July 1923 Session 3:July 2630 Excellence has become a trademark(标志) of St.Olaf Swim Camps for more than 30 years because of the instructors, Bob Hauck and Dave Hauck.Our coaches provide a learning environment that is exciting, fun, and challenging. The camps are designed for high school students who are going to complete their senior year.The camps provide a great experience on the beautiful St.Olaf College campus in Northfield, Minnesota. 16St.Olaf Lineman Camp would attract someone who wants to _ Abecome a better goalkeeper Bget accepted into St.Olaf College Cimprove his or her football skills as a lineman Dhave fun with others through various activities 17What do we know about the sessions of St.Olaf Swim Camps? AEach session lasts five days. BThere are four sessions altogether. CThey will all take place in June. DBob Hauck isnt a coach of the camps. 18Who can take part in St.Olaf Swim Camps? AAny kid who is interested in swimming. BAny high school student who loves swimming. CSeniors in high school who cannot swim well. DStudents who have finished their second year in high school. 19The text is meant to_ Aadvertise some camps Badvertise St.Olaf College Cencourage us to learn to swim Dtell us how to spend the summer holiday B First grader Gavin Clampett was diagnosed(诊断) with Tourettes Syndrome at the age of five. Due to the neurological(神经的) disorder, he always experiences a variety of sudden uncontrolled movements and sounds. The uncontrollable actions mean that he often gets dirty looks from strangers in public and kids make cruel comments on the school bus and in class. In an effort to prevent the unkind comments, Gavins mother, 32yearold Rebecca Clampett helped him make a video with his sister Brynn, nine, and played it to pupils at his school to help them understand the condition. In the video, which Rebecca also shared on YouTube, Gavins sister Brynn starts by answering the question “What is Tourettes Syndrome?” She explains, “It is a neurological disorder, which means it affects the brain so that a person makes unwanted movements. These are called tics(抽搐), but not like a tic that is found outside. These tics can be very noticeable or not very noticeable, quiet or loud.” School can be hard for all kids. That can be even harder for children like Gavin because they have to face people who laugh at them every single day. “I feel like my brother and every other kid who has Tourettes Syndrome are brave. So be kind to them and dont treat them differently because they are just like you, ” Brynn says in the video. Gavin concludes, “Everyone could play with someone. Some people think I cant because Im different but actually I can. Some are afraid that I will say dirty words, but actually I wont. The disease bothers me a little, but Im OK.” 20What can we know about Tourettes Syndrome? AIt can be treated with drugs. BIt is usually found at an early age. CPeople with it will say dirty words. DPeople with it can make uncontrolled sounds. 21Because of the disease, others often _ Atake pity on Gavin Bgive a hand to Gavin Ckeep away from Gavin Dlook down upon Gavin 22In the video, Gavins sister _ Aexplains her brothers disease Bexpresses her love for her brother Ccomplains about unkind comments Dencourages others to donate money 23What can be used to best describe Gavin? ALucky.BHelpless. COptimistic. DStubborn. IV.七选五(七选五(5*3,共,共 15 分)分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 The Right Job Many young people spend hour after hour considering what to do when they finish school.It is only a few who think about their choice of career(职业) and know what skills will get them there.For the rest of us, its a case of just waiting to see what comes along.24._ Now, here are a few things which can make choosing a good career a little easier. The first thing you should do is get to know what your interests are. 25._ Are they physical or intellectual (智力的) activities, indoor or outdoor, with other people or alone? It is also important to know what your values and priorities (优先考虑的事) in life are. Whats more important to you? Is it wealth or a comfortable family life? Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are helps a lot, too.26._ Do you find problemsolving easy? You may take a gap year(间隔年) between school and university, and work as a volunteer.27._ Youll also learn new skills and get experience that will prove priceless later in life.After all,employers want those experienced and skilled people. Finally, you should never forget that whatever you choose, you dont necessarily have to do it forever.28._ The important thing is to be satisfied with your life. As work plays such a key part in it, having a good career needs to be a priority. AWhat are you good at? BYou could change your mind whenever you want. CAsk people who are already working in that field. DAsk yourself what kind of activities you enjoy doing most. EThis will give you more time to decide what you want to do. FNow it is becoming more and more difficult to find a good job. GAfter all, luck often plays an important part in the choices young people make. V.完形填空。完形填空。 (15*2,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 Are you a man or a mouse?When people ask this question they want to know whether you think you are a _29_ person or a coward(懦夫)But you will never really know the answer to this question until you are _30_ in real life.Some people think they are brave but when they come face to face with real _31_,they act like cowards.Others think of themselves as cowards,but when they meet danger,they act like _32_ Lenny had always thought of himself as a _33_ person.He got worried before examinations.He worried about his job and his health.All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.Then January 5th,2002,a plane _34_ into the Potomac River in Washington.Lenny went to the river to see what was happening.He saw a woman in the _35_ water.Lenny did not feel afraid.He kept very _36_ and did a very courageous thing.He jumped into Potomac,_37_ to the woman,and kept her head above the water.Seventyeight people died that day.Thanks to Lenny,it was not _38_ When you are in a very dangerous _39_ and feel afraid,the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood.This chemical is called adrenalin(肾上激素)With adrenalin in the blood system,you actually feel stronger and stronger and are _40_ to fight or run away.However,when you are _41_ frightened,the body can produce too much adrenalin.When this _42_,the muscles become very hard and you find you cant _43_ at all.You are paralyzed(使无能为力) with fear.That is why when we are very frightened,we sometimes say we are “petrified” ;this word comes from a Greek word “petros”,which means “stone”We are so frightened that we become stonelike. 29A.brave Breal Ctough Dcertain 30A.told Basked Ctested Dexamined 31A.life Bquestion Cmouse Ddanger 32A.soldiers Bmice Cheroes Dcowards 33A.useful Bbrave Cnervous Dterrible 34A.hit Bcrashed Cstruck Dfelt 35A.fresh Bpoisonous Cwarm Dicecold 36A.nervous Bcalm Cfrightened Dbrave 37A.went Bhelped Cspoke Dswam 38A.an accident Ba mistake Cdangerous Dseventynine 39A.situation Bdilemma Cplace Dtrap 40A.afraid Bunable Cready Danxious 41A.hardly Babsolutely Cnearly Dslightly 42A.gets Bdisappears Chappens Dgoes 43A.move Bdrive Crun Dgo Unit 2 周清答案周清答案 .单词拼写 1. behavior 2. alarm 3.unique 4. reflected 5.Creativity 6. apartment 7. sculptures 8.Nowadays 9.homesick 10.context 11.reminds ment 13.Actually 14.negative 15.exchange .单句语法填空 1. hearing 2.are reminded 3.for 4.negatively 5.on 6.hadnt told 7.on 8.to leave 9.passing 10.that 11.reflection 12.themselves 13.different 14.quickly 15.tired III.阅读理解 16.C解析:细节理解题。根据 St.Olaf Lineman(前锋) Camp 部分的 In an effort to help high school football players develop their full potential, St.Olaf College offers the learning camp for lineman players.可知,这个夏令营活动会吸引那些想在足球比赛中表现得更好的前 锋。 17.A解析:细节理解题。根据 St.Olaf Swim Camps 部分所给出的时间可知,每一期 都持续五天。 18.D解析:细节理解题。根据 St.Olaf Swim Camps 部分末段的 The camps are designed for high school students who are going to complete their senior year.可知,答案选 D 项。 19.A解析:写作意图题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要在为 St.Olaf College 夏季会 举行的一些夏令营活动做广告。 20.D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的 Due to the neurological(神经的) disorder, he always experiences a variety of sudden uncontrolled movements and sounds.可知,得了 Tourettes Syndrome 的人会不由自主地发出声音。 21.D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的 The uncontrollable actions mean that he often gets dirty looks from strangers in public and kids make cruel comments on the school bus and in class.可知,因为这个病,Gavin 经常被别人瞧不起。 22.A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的 Gavins sister Brynn starts by answering the question“What is Tourettes Syndrome?” She explains.可知,Gavin 的姐姐在视频中解释 了什么是 Tourettes Syndrome。 23.C解析:推理判断题。根据第五段 Gavin 说的话可知,虽然他天生身体有问题, 但他依然乐观面对生活。 IV.七选五七选五 24G解析:由该空前的 For the rest of us,its a case of just waiting to see what comes along.可知,想找到一份好的职业并非易事,运气往往也起着关键的作用,故选 G 项。 25D解析:由该空前的 The first thing you should do is get to know what your interests are.可知,兴趣非常重要,首先得知道自己最喜欢做什么,故选 D 项。 26A解析:由该空前的 Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are helps a lot, too.可知,了解自己的强项和弱点会大有帮助,故选 A 项。 27E解析:由该空前的 You may take a gap year(间隔年) between school and university 可知,上大学前先休学一年,这样就有充足的时间让自己去思考到底想做什么, 故选 E 项。 28B解析:由该空前的 whatever you choose,you dont necessarily have to do it forever 可知,不论自己选择做什么,未必非得一辈子就要做下去,所以随时可以改变自己 的想法,故选 B 项。 V. 完形填空。 29-33 ACDCC 34-38 BDBDD 39-43 ACBCA
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