Unit 4 Friends forever Developing ideas 课后练习(2021新外研版必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).doc

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Unit 4 Friends forever Developing ideas 课后练习(2021新外研版必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Friends forever Developing ideas 课后练习(2021新外研版必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).doc_第5页
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1、第 1页(共 11页) Unit4Friends forever Section C Developing ideas 一、用下列短语的适当形式填空 hear from, be known for, work out, be set in, ought to, make ones fortune, turn up 1We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didnt _. 2Im looking forward to _ you as soon as possible. 3 To_aplan,onehastostartwith i

2、nvestigation. 4Hangzhou _ the West Lake. 5Teachers _ be honored. 6The play _ a small Midwestern town. 7He left school early, determined to _. 二、课文语法填空 The short story “After Twenty Years” is set in New York on a cold, dark night. Everything was very quiet. A police officer 1._ duty found a man with

3、a scar on his face outside Big Joe Bradys, and they started to have 2._ chat. The man was waiting for his best chum and the 3._ (fine) chap, Jimmy Wells. One night twenty years ago, they dined at Big Joe Bradys. They grew up together in New York and got 4._ very well. 5._ (make) his fortune, he was

4、第 2页(共 11页) to start for the West while Jimmy Wells stayed in New York. 6._ was on that night that they agreed to meet there again, no matter 7._ their conditions might be or from what distance they might have to come. At first, they kept up a 8._ (correspond) for a year or two, and then they lost t

5、rack of each other. However, he believed Jimmy Wells would turn 9._ as promised, and he would be waiting 10._ him there. 三、阅读理解 A If you have ever lost touch with old school friends, you may find yourself wanting to makecontactagain. Some teens find that certain school friends are worth keeping cont

6、act with and want to keep the friendship going strong. Hang out at the same places One way you can get together with old friends from your school is to go to the same places that they go to. If you still go to school together,you probably know where everyone goes on the weekends. If you are able to

7、go there too, you may find that your relationships with your old school friends start up again. Sports teams If you are athletic and your former friends are too, joining school sports teams is a great way to catch up with old friends. 第 3页(共 11页) This doesnt mean that you should join a sport which y

8、ou do not like just so you can see your old friends. However, if you like sports,wish to join a team and your former friends are on that team, then playing the team sports is a great way to get to know them again. Take part in school clubs There are often a lot of school clubs in which teens partici

9、pate. Depending on your interests and your former friends interests,you may just find a club at school. Sharing a common interest such as a club activity will help you to have something in common and something to talk about. 1The first paragraph is mainly to tell us that _. Aschool friendship will s

10、urely become stronger Bfriendship with old school friends is valuable Cschool friendship can always last for a long time Dits difficult to keep in touch with old school friends 2You can get together with old friends by _. Ajoining the dance clubs Bhaving dinner with them Cgoing to the places where t

11、hey go Dgoing shopping with them every day 3From the third paragraph we can learn that _. Aplaying sports helps you get your old friends again Byou have to play a sport to make more friends Cteam sports are interesting activities at school 第 4页(共 11页) Dyou have to play the sport your friends like B

12、When we were very small, we realized that having friends was important. Some of us even had imaginary (想象中的) friends. The need for friends continued as we grew into our teens. Friends played a big part in forming our personalities (性格). As adults, it is still important for us to have friends. True f

13、riends are people who like us though we make mistakes and who listen to us and tell us the truth. Friends support our decisions and tell us when were foolish. They laugh with us and share our sadness. They are our partners and share interests with us. They stimulate us when we are feeling down. They

14、 are people we arent afraid of telling our secret wishes to or what is really on our minds. Friends are our supporters. When you can depend on friends, you feel safe and warm. Friends offer acceptance and emotional (情感的) support. At times, they also help with our everyday lives, cooking a meal, doin

15、g chores, or giving us a lift when we need one. Friends also are there to offer advice, an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on. Friends also help us reduce stress. Not only do they listen to us when we feel stressed, but they also discuss what is stressing us. Sharing interests and doing activiti

16、es with friends help us forget about problems at work or at home. For a short time, we can lose ourselves in a pleasant activity and 第 5页(共 11页) perhaps laugh and breathe more easily. 4What is the best title for the passage? AHow to Reduce Stress BHow to Make New Friends CThe Importance of Friends D

17、The Qualities of Good Friends 5 The underlined word“stimulate”in Paragraph 2 probably means _. AeducateBencourage CsurpriseDdislike 6We can learn from the third paragraph that friends always _. Alaugh at us when were foolish Btell us other peoples secrets Cshare our sadness and interests Dsupport us

18、 when we need help 7We can learn from the passage that _. Apeople should make friends anytime Bfriends are people who allow you to cry Ca friend helps you in many ways Dgood friends are always difficult to meet 四、阅读七选五 You cannot choose your childs friends for him, but you can help him learn to choo

19、se friends wisely. _1_ Here are a few ways to help your child make friends. 第 6页(共 11页) Build your childs selfconfidence. When he succeeds or has made a great choice, tell him youre proud of him. _2_ Your middle school student is going through many changes and may feel like he isnt “good enough” . B

20、uilding his selfconfidence will help him feel more confident and will make it easier for him to form healthy friendships. _3_ Give him your full attention when he talks, and really listen to what he has to say. Discuss the qualities in a friend with your child. Discuss with your child the qualities

21、that matter most, such as being reliable and kind, and making good choices when it comes to avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Get to know your childs friends. _4_ Its more important to talk with them and find out what they like to do. Allow your child to invite his friends over and get to know them bett

22、er. _5_ Afterschool clubs and sports programs are good places for meeting new people. Be open to exploring different activities with your child to find something that he enjoys. AFriends are very important for us. BIntroduce your child to new groups of people. C Talk with your child every day and li

23、sten to his concerns. DTry not to judge your childs friends based on how they 第 7页(共 11页) dress. EWhen he does not succeed, help him feel better and keep trying. FYou can teach him ways to find friends who will have a positive influence on him. GThere are many types of friends and we should be caref

24、ul when making our choices. 第 8页(共 11页) 一、用下列短语的适当形式填空 1turn up2.hearing from3.work out4.is known for 5ought to6.is set in7.make his fortune 二、课文语法填空 1on考查介词。此处指执勤的一位警察。on duty 意为“执 勤” ,故填 on。 2a考查冠词。此处指他们开始聊天。have a chat 聊天,故 填 a。 3finest考查形容词的比较等级。此处指这个男子在等他最 好的朋友,最好的小伙子。根据 and 前的 best 可知,此处应用最高 级

25、,故填 finest。 4on考查固定短语。此处指相处得很好。get on 友好相处。 5To make考查不定式。句意:为了发财,他将动身前往西部, 然而 Jimmy Wells 留在纽约。 此处表示目的, 故用不定式, 即 To make。 6It考查强调句型。句意:就在那天晚上,他们商定再次在 那儿见面。分析句子可知,此处是强调句式,即“It was被强 调成分that其他成分” 。此处强调时问状语 on that night,故 填 It。 7what考查让步状语从句。此处引导让步状语从句,指不管 他们的条件可能是什么样的。no matter what 不管什么,故填 what。 8c

26、orrespondence考查名词。句意:起初,他们保持了一两 年的通信,然后就彼此失去了联系。根据空前冠词 a 可知,此处填名 词,故填 correspondence。 9up考查固定搭配。此处指他相信 Jimmy Wells 会像承诺的 那样出现的。turn up 意为“出现,露面” ,故填 up。 第 9页(共 11页) 10for考查固定搭配。wait for 意为“等待” ,故填 for。 三、阅读理解 1B段落大意题。第一段主要讲了和学校里的老朋友的友谊是 值得保持的,即这种友谊很宝贵。 2C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,去老朋友们去的地 方是一种和他们聚在一起的途径。 3A细

27、节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,参加体育运动能帮你 找到以前的朋友。 4C主旨大意题。通读文章可知,全文讲述人们需要朋友以及 朋友的重要性。 5B词义推测题。根据本句“They stimulate us when we are feeling down.”可知在我们情绪低落时,他们显然是会“激励,鼓 励”我们。 6D推理判断题。由第三段的第一句“Friends are our supporters.”可知,本段主要讲述朋友是我们的支持者。 7C推理判断题。文章讲述的就是朋友可以在很多方面帮助我 们。 四、阅读七选五 1F根据前文“you can help him learn to choose

28、friends wisely”及后文“Here are a few ways to help your child make friends.”可知 F 项“你可以教他如何找到对他有积极影响的朋友。 ” 承上启下,符合语境,故选 F。 2E设空前提到孩子成功时的情况,设空后提到孩子正经历改 变, 可能觉得自己不够优秀, 所以 E 项 “当他失败时, 帮他找回自信、 继续尝试。 ”符合语境,故选 E。 第 10页(共 11页) 3C根据下文“Give him your full attention when he talks, and really listen to what he has to say.”可知,C 项“每天和 你的孩子交谈,倾听他所关注的事情。 ”符合语境。 4D由小标题可知,本段讲了解孩子的朋友,结合选项分析可 知 D 项“尽量不要根据穿着判断他们的朋友。 ”切题。 5B根据后文“Afterschool clubs and sports programs are good places for meeting new people.”可知,本段讲的是交新朋 友的途径, 结合选项分析可知, B 项 “要把你的孩子介绍给新的人群。 ” 适合作小标题。 第 11页(共 11页)


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