Unit 2 Travelling around 学案含答案 (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).docx

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1、1 Unit2 Travelling Around 1. apply vi. 请求请求 vt. 应用应用; 涂涂(油漆、乳剂油漆、乳剂)application n. 应用应用; 用途用途; 申请申请 He has applied for his visa in the US embassy. 他已在美国大使馆申请签证。词汇复现 (1)apply for申请 (2)apply to向提出申请, 适用于 针对练习:介词填空针对练习:介词填空 Those who are applying _ the job are waiting to be interviewed outside He is no

2、w _ _ _ _ traditional Chinese medical science. 他现在正致力于传统中医科学的研究。 .KEYS:For/applying himself to studying 2. amazing adj. 令人惊奇的令人惊奇的; 令人惊喜的令人惊喜的 I was amazed at the fact that a sick person could feel much better after seeing a doctor. 我惊讶于这个事实, 每个病人看过医生之后都感觉好多了。 *Do you think the building was burnt do

3、wn by accident or by design? 你认为大楼被烧是意外事故, 还是有意为之? (1)be amazed at/by . . .对感到惊讶 2 (2)amazementn. 惊讶, 吃惊 (much)to ones amazement 令某人感到(非常)惊讶的是 针对练习:用针对练习:用 amaze 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 Its _ that another second-hand Boeing 747 has been sold on Taobao. She was _ how calm she felt after the accident .KEYS:ama

4、zing/amazed .3. take control of 控制控制; 接管接管 *Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. 西班牙在16世纪控制着秘鲁, 一直统治到1821 年。 (1)be anxious to do. . .渴望做; (2)under control被控制住 针对练习:语法填空针对练习:语法填空 语法填空 While you can not turn back the clock, you can take control _ your life. I shall put

5、an experienced teacher in charge of that class to bring the children _ control. .KEYS:of/under 4.contact vt.联络联络; 联系联系 n. 联系联系; 接触接触 *For more brochures about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfotravelperu. org. 想要更多关于到秘鲁包价旅游的资料手册, 请访问 tourinfotravelperu. org。 (1)lose contact with

6、与失去联系 (2)keep in contact with与保持联系 针对练习针对练习 句型转换 Youd better make contact with him as soon as possible. Youd better _ _ _ _ him as soon as possible. Beyond a certain distance we are _our headquarters. 我们跟总部超过一定距离通讯就会中断 .KEYS:keep in contact with/out of control 5.It is for this reason that Spanish is

7、 the main official language of Peru. 正因为这个原因正因为这个原因, 西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。西班牙语是秘鲁的主要官方语言。 【句式解构】 本句中 it is. . . that . . . 是一个强调句型, 此句强调了原因状语 for this reason。 *It was in the narrow street that he met his old classmate. 3 是在这条狭窄的街道上他遇见老同学的。词汇复现 It was last summer that I graduated from the university. 我是去年夏

8、天从那所大学毕业的。 针对练习:句型转换针对练习:句型转换 I met Mary on my way to school yesterday. _I met on my way to school yesterday. (强调宾语) _I met Mary yesterday. (强调地点状语) .KEYS:it was Mary that I met on my way to school yesterday it was on my way to school that I metMary yesterday 6.Inca builders cut stones to exact size

9、 so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones. 印加的建筑工人把石头切割成精确的尺寸印加的建筑工人把石头切割成精确的尺寸, 因此仅仅凭着石头间的完美契合因此仅仅凭着石头间的完美契合, 即可稳固墙体。即可稳固墙体。 【句式解构】 本句为复合句, so that 引导的是结果状语从句。*It hadnt rained for a few months, so that the soil has dried out. 好几个月没有下雨了, 以至于土壤都干透了。I

10、gave you a map so that you wouldnt get lost in the site! 词汇复现 为了你在这个地方不会迷路, 我给过你一张地图。 针对练习:句型转换针对练习:句型转换 He got up very early to catch the train. He got up very early _ _ he could catch the train. .KEYS:so that 7. 1. rent vt. 租用租用; 出租出租 vi. 租用租用; 租金为租金为 n. 租金租金 (2017全国卷)Pushchairs and wheelchairs ar

11、e available to rent at the information desk and the entrance. 在问讯处和入口处, 折叠式婴儿车和轮椅都是可以租到的。 (1)pay a high/low rent for sth.为某物支付高的/低的租金 (2)rent sth. from sb.从某人那里租用某物 (1)介词填空介词填空 With the development of pulling down household, it is harder to find apartments _ rent. Some farmers rent their land _ the

12、council. .KEYS:for/from 8.accommodation n. 住处住处; 停留处停留处; 膳宿膳宿 *From there, youll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest. 从那里, 你将花一天的时间乘船去森林中间你的住处 (1) arrange sb. s accommodation给某人安排住处 (2) accommodate(oneself)to适应, 顺应 4 (3) accommodate sb. with. . .向某人提供 针

13、对练习:语法填空针对练习:语法填空 It was very good of you to accommodate me _the ticket for my journey. The price for the holiday includes flights and _ (accommodate). .KEYS:with/accommodation 9.architecture n. 建筑设计建筑设计; 建筑学建筑学 Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent l

14、ocal food, and go shopping at the local markets. 住在当地的酒店, 参观博物馆, 欣赏建筑, 享受当地美食, 在当地市场购物。 针对练习:针对练习:【即学活用】 (1)语法填空 Actually, one may start his journey of modern _ (architect) by walking or biking the W. M. Dudok Architectural Route in Hilversum. Liang Sichengs _ (architect) designs are still advanced

15、in a way. .KEYS:architecture/architectures 10. transport n.交通运输系统交通运输系统 vt. 运输运输; 运送运送 *(2017天津高考)Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own. 无人驾驶汽车将成为一种公共交通工具, 而不是你个人拥有的车辆。 (1)transport. . . (from. . . ) to. . .把(从)运到 (2)transportation (美)=transportn. 运

16、输, 交通工具 针对练习:针对练习: (1)They use tankers to transport the oil _ the Middle East _ Los Angeles. (2)With science and technology developing fast, _ (transport) and communication are becoming easier day by day. architecture .KEYS:from to/transportation 知识归纳知识归纳 5 词汇闯关 选择填空 Unit 2 Tian Hua is making arrang

17、ements for a trip abroad. She will visit the Eiffel Tower in France, Disneyland in the United States, the Old Castle in Spain, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Lake Titicaca in South America. But her destination is the site the Inca Empire in Peru. She has applied for a visa. She has also rented

18、some outdoor clothes and packed them. She thinks it is an extremely amazing trip. Tian Hua plans first to hike along the country path, rather than travel by any type of transport. But other than that she will take an international flight. She will carry her package, credit cards and a travel brochur

19、e with her. Once a tourist who went on a package tour lost contact with his group. He followed the narrow flat valley to the source of a river. Along the way he saw a powerful waterfall. He admired the beautiful view so much that he could not take control of himself. In front of a big statue some so

20、ldiers were unearthing a tomb. Buried in it was an ancient Emperor around 300 BC. The tourist was amazed at the unique architecture designed by ancient architects. All this made up an amazing sight. Not recognizing his way back, he requested a local official to give details of how to find accommodat

21、ion. He wanted to check in and checkout three days later. The official commented that tourism was very helpful to the local economy. 课堂检测课堂检测 一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1. He bought a beautiful _(公寓) in the downtown. 2. In our life we are supposed to _(应用) theory to practice. 3. The library is a useful _(来源) of i

22、nformation. 4. It is beyond my _(能力) to finish the task in two hours. 5. A short _(航班) from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. 6. Our(安排) is extremely satisfactory, except one in particular. 7. It is difficult to find(住处) in London in August. 8. It was a long journey; but we

23、eventually reached our(目的地). 9. Many workers were unemployment because of the(经济的) problem. 10. The Great wall of China is a symbol of ancient Chinese(文明). 6 语篇 课文 二、用所给词的正确形式填空单项选择二、用所给词的正确形式填空单项选择 11. The summer holidays _, so the twins as well as Jack are going to Hong Kong for vacation. A. is co

24、mingB. are comingC. comesD. come 12. I think it is true that Jill _ to work today because she is on a trip. A. has comeB. didnt comeC. is comingD. will not come 13. The TV news reports that there _ a storm the day after tomorrow. A. isB. wasC. will beD. has be 14. Why does teaching as a career _ so

25、many people? A. apply forB. attract toC. appeal toD. agree with 15. He told me about thenews in avoice. A. amazing; surprisingB. amazed; surprised C. amazing; surprisedD. amazed; surprising 16. The opening province which _ 14 coastal cities will quicken its pace of development. A. consists ofB. make

26、s upC. is consisted ofD. is made up 17. The football always reminds me of my mistake in that match, so I put it away somewhere out of my _. A. sceneB. sightC. viewD. scenery 18. Some students volunteered to make a speech in the English class, and our teacher asked us to make someon their performance

27、. A. opinionsB. commentsC. questionsD. choices 19. A club is a place where you can make frequent _ with your friends. A. contactB. contractC. contrastD. content 20. They didnt attend the conference. They _ a long trip abroad. A. preparedB. were preparing for C. were preparingD. are preparing for 7 三

28、、翻译三、翻译 21. 周末我们打算和交换生去参观长城。 22. 下个月在北京剧院有一场民族音乐会。 23. 下周要举行考试。 24. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。 25. 如果你想要成功,你必须努力工作。 答案与解析答案与解析 一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1. flat2. apply3. source4. power 5. flight 6. arrangement7. accommodation 8. destination9. economic1 10. civilization 二、单项选择二、单项选择 11.【答案】B 【解析】 考查一般将来时。 句意: 暑假马上到了, 所以双胞胎

29、和Jack打算去香港度假。 本句主语是“summer holidays” 为复数形式,所以排除AC选项。根据句意“双胞胎和Jack要去香港度假”推测出假期还没到来,D项是一般现在 时,故错误。故选B项。 12.【答案】D 【解析】考查一般将来时。句意:我认为Jill真的不会来上班,因为她正在旅行。根据“because she is on a trip”可 知她今天不会来上班,故AC项错误。B项“didnt come”指的是过去发生的事情,不符合句意,故B项错误。故选 D项。 13.【答案】C 【解析】考查一般将来时。句意:新闻报道说后天将会有暴风雨。句中“that”引导宾语从句,根据宾语从句时

30、态 8 要求,主句是一般现在时,从句用自己所需的任何时态。从句中“the day after tomorrow”意为“后天”,所以用一 般将来时。故选C项。 14.【答案】C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A. apply for申请;C. appeal to吸引;D. agree with同意。attract 作吸引时,常用形 式为attract sb. to sth.;be attracted to(为. .所吸引)。句意:为什么教师这个职业吸引了这么多人?根据句意 可知此处表示“吸引”,故C项正确。 15.【答案】C 【解析】考查由分词转换的形容词的用法。本题的amazing/surpris

31、ing令人惊讶的; amazed/ surprised感到惊讶的; 句意:用惊讶的声音告诉一个令人惊讶的消息。故C正确。 16.【答案】A 【解析】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:由14个沿海城市组成的开放省份将加快发展步伐。A. consists of包含, 由组成; B. makes up组成, 编造, 化妆; C. is consisted of用法错误, 无被动; D.被动用法应该是is made up of。 consist of更侧重强调整体由部分组成,这里指开放城市由14个沿海城市组成,故选A。 17.【答案】B 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A. scene情景;B. sight视力、

32、视野;C. view角度;D. scenery风景。句意:那个足 球总能让我想起我在那场比赛中犯的错误,所以我把它放在我看不见的地方。out of sight表示“视野之外;看不 见”,故B项正确。 18.【答案】B 【解析】考查名词辨析。A. opinions观点;B. comments评论,意见;C. questions问题;D. choices选择。句意: 一些学生自愿在英语课上做演讲,老师要求我们对他们的表现发表意见。故选B。 19.【答案】A 【解析】考查名词辨析。contact联系;contract合同,契约;contrast对比,对照;content内容,目录。句意:俱 乐部就是

33、你能够经常和朋友接触的地方。短语make contact with打交道; 和接触。故选A。 20.【答案】C 【解析】考查时态。句意:他们没有参加会议。他们当时正在准备一场国外旅游。根据语境可知,用 过去进行时。 三、翻译三、翻译 21. We are going to visit the Great Wall with the exchange students this weekend. 22. There is going to be a folk music concert in Beijing Opera Theater next month. 23. The examinatio

34、n is to take place next week. 9 24. The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow. 25. If you want to succeed, you must work as hard as possible. 一一语法短文填空语法短文填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 My good friend, Sam, and I had to say goodbye to each other. We experienced differently. Sam went t

35、o a boarding school and studied there. Because it was the _1_ (one) time he left his parents and he was not used _2_ the new school life, he felt homesick and even _3_ (fall) ill. As _4_ exchange student, I went to Australia to study in a middle school for one year. At first, I was happy and excited

36、 because everything around was so attractive and interesting to me. As time went by, I found many _5_ (challenge), such as cultural differences, language barrier and no friends there. I began to feel homesick and lonely. At night, I couldnt fall _6_ (sleep) and during the day, I couldnt focus my att

37、ention on my study in class because my parents always seemed _7_ (appear) in front of me. My head teacher, Miss White, was kind and helpful. She asked my classmates to make friends with me and she _8_ (her) helped me with my English. _9_ (gradual), I felt I was one of Australian students and was _10_ (little) homesick. 【答案】1. first2. to3. fell4. an5. challenges 6. asleep7. to appear8. herself9. Gradually10. less


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