Unit 2 Travelling around学案(词、句、语法、写作)-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).doc

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1、必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around 重点词汇及练习 【教材 P24】Neuschwanstein Castle 天鹅堡 castlecastle n. 城堡;象棋中的车vt. 置于城堡中;筑城堡防御 拓展 castle in the air空中楼阁;白日梦 【教材 P24】apply for a visa 申请签证 applyapply 应用、运用、适用;涂抹(油漆、乳剂);努力学习,勤奋工作 apply sth to (doing) sth 将运用于;把某物涂到. be applied to (doing) sth 被运用于.;被涂于. In this way we

2、 can better apply theory to practice. 这样我们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。 apply to (doing) sth 适用于(不能用 for) The rule doesnt apply in all cases. 此规则并非适用于所有的情形。 The book does not apply to beginners. 这书不适合初学者。 These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习。 apply oneself/ ones mind to (doing) sth 专心致力于,专心从事 He

3、applied himself to his work. 他专心工作。 She applied herself to learning English. 她专心学习英语。 Apply your mind to your work. 专心工作吧。 申请 apply for 申请得到 You may apply in person or by letter. 你亲自或通过书信申请均可。 More than 30 people applied for the position. 有 30 多个人申请这个职位。 apply to do sth.申请做某事 He applied to stay ther

4、e. 他申请留在那儿。 比较以下两个同义句: 去年他申请入党。 正:Last year he applied to join the Party. 正:Last year he applied for membership in the Party. apply tofor向申请(得到) He applied to us for help. 他向我们求援。 They applied to the government for financial help. 他们向政府申请经济援助。 派生词 applicable adj. 可适用的,可应用的,合适的 applicant n. 申请者(可数) a

5、pplication n.申请(不可数);申请书(可数);使用,应用,适用(可数或不可数) 求职信 a job application 申请信 a letter of application 递交申请 submit/put in an application appliance 家用电器,器具 This rule is not applicable to foreigners. 这条规则不适用于外国人。 There are three applicants for the job. 有三个人申请这项工作。 Application must be made this afternoon. 申请必

6、须在今天下午提出。 Its of very wide application. 它的适用范围很广。 We received 60 applications for the job. 对这项工作我们收到 60 个人的求职申请。 巩固运用 (一)用恰当的介词填空 1. Im planning to tour the South Africa, so I have applied _ a visa this month. 2. When visiting the beach, youd better apply some sun-scream _ your body to protect your

7、skin from getting sun-burnt. 3. E-payment has been applied widely _ our every daily life to make life easier and convenient. (二)用 apply 的动词的恰当形式填空 1.As a student, we should _ ourselves to learning knowledge and broaden visions. 2. Recently, a newApp _ to helping foreign students to improve their ora

8、l English. 3. _ for a college require great efforts and patience. 4. We can keep our skin in a good condition by _ some moisture cream to it. 5. When _ to practice, the theory proved correct. 6. Tim is interested in course of_ computer science in his university. (三)用 apply 的对应词性完成填空。 1. If intereste

9、d, please send in your _ before the end of the month. 2. The invention will have wide _ in education. 3. There are over 100 _ for the job. 【教材 P24】rent a car 租一辆车 rentrent n. 租金;出租 for rent 出租,供出租 rent expenses 出租费用 You need to pay high rent for the flats convenience to the city center. vt.租借 rent s

10、th from sb 从某人处租来某物 rent sth out to sb 将某物借出给某人 It is convenient to rent a car to travel around to the sights. 派生词 rental 出租的 renter 承租人,房东 近义辨析 renthire 1. hire: you can hire sth for a short period of time; you also can hire sb to help do sth. 2. rent: you can rent sth for a long time. 【教材 P24】pack

11、 some clothes 打包一些衣服 packpack vi 打包行李 vt.包装; pack (sth) up 将.装箱打包 He didnt pack until the mid-night He has packed up and is waiting for the taxi to pick him. Have you packed up your things, Bob? The train is leaving at 2: 30 this afternoon, so we don t have too much time. 鲍勃,你收拾好东西了吗?火车将在今天下午 2:30 离

12、开,所以我们没有太多的时间了。 pack + 容器 (with+整理物品) pack sth into +容器 He started packed his bag this morning. He packed his suitcase with some papers and clothes. The photographer packed his camera carefully. She packed the vase in tissue paper to protect it.她用绵纸包好花瓶加以保护。 vt.塞进,挤进 pack+场所/ 交通工具 Fans packed the st

13、adium and cheered for their idol. People packed together into the street and followed the carnival parade. n.包装;一群、帮;一包,一捆;背包;包裹; (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒 a pack of 一包,一帮,一群 in packs 成群地 She dropped into shop and bought pack of gum.她顺便去一个商店买了一盒口香糖。 Can you tell me why wolves hunt in packs?你能告诉我为什么狼成群猎食吗? 派生词 p

14、ackage n. 包,包裹; n. (一整套的)东西 adj. 一揽子的 vt. 打包;将包装(package sth. up) Your package will be delivered to your door within 24 hours. an aid package 急救包 a software package 软件包 a package tour 包价旅行 package deal 一揽子交易 We packaged our food in paper bags and handed out to people in need. packer 包装机;包装工人 【教材 P25

15、】 Why famous: amazing waterfalls, colourful lakes, beautiful mountains.为什么著名: 令人 惊叹的瀑布、多彩的湖、美丽的山。 amazingamazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的; 让人吃惊的,古代的认们能够建造出如此伟大的建筑。(it 作形式主语) It is amazing that the ancient people could have built such great architecture. 派生词 amaze v.t. 使吃惊;惊讶的; amazed adj. 惊奇的;惊喜的 对.大为吃惊的 be

16、amazed at/by/that 因做某事而感到吃惊,惊讶 be amazed to do sth amazement n 惊异;惊愕 令某人惊奇的是 to ones amazement 惊讶地 in amazement 巩固运用 1.Indeed, travelling around this country will truly give you an_(amaze) experience because of its interesting things offered to all types of tourists. 2. The audience were_(amaze)by h

17、is_(amaze)performance on the stage. 3. Much to my_(amaze), he was able to recite(背诵) the whole poem from memory. 4.Sometimes, the time spent on the road is _(amaze). 5.Sometimes, the path leading to the unknown destination _(amaze) us a lot. 6.During our journey, what makes us _(amaze) is to plan th

18、e route. 7.The travel _(amaze) lies not in the destination but in the journey. 8.At the end of our _(amaze) journey is our destination. 9.Miss Li looked at us in total _(amaze). 【教材 P25】Actually, Ive just finished the travel arrangements!实际上我刚刚完成了旅行安排! arrangementarrangement (1)n.C安排,筹备(通常用复数形式) mak

19、e arrangements (for.)(为.)做准备 We have made arrangements for our vacation.我们已经为我们的假期做了准备。 Ill make arrangements for you to be met at the airport.我会安排人到机场接你 (2)n.C布置,安排方式(通常用复数形式) The arrangement of the furniture in our new house took long time.我们新房里的家具布置花了很长时间。 There are special arrangements for peopl

20、e working overseas 对海外工作人员有特别安排。 (3)n.C,U商定,约定 come to an arrangement / arrive at an arrangement 达成协议 We can come to an arrangement over the price. 我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。 归纳拓展 arrange vi.展望未来 look at看 look back (on sth) 回头看;回顾 look down向下看 look down on/upon蔑视 look for寻找 look forward to 期待着 look into调查 loo

21、k like看起来像 look on旁观 look on/upon as把看作为 look out向注意,警惕,当心; look over检查,审查 look up仰视;(从字典)查阅 单项选择 1. I have _ all my papers but I still cant find my notes. A. looked throughB. looked forC. looked afterD. looked out 2. It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of the two missing children. A

22、. look uponB. look afterC. look intoD. look out 3. I often _ the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet. A. look upB. look atC. look forD. look into 【教材 P26】Recognise text type 识别文章类型 recognizerecognize (1)vt.辨别出 recognise sb./sth. (by/from sth.)认识,认出,辨别出 I recognized him as soon as

23、he came in the room.他一进屋我就认出了他。 I recognised her by her red hair.我通过她的红头发认出了她。 (2)v.意识到,承认;认可,接受,赞成 recognise that/what/how.意识到/承认 recognise. as/to be.承认/认为是 be recognised as/to be.被认为是,被公认是 Drugs were not recognized as/to be a problem then.那时候还没有把毒品看成严总问题。 It is recognised that.人们意识到;人们公认为 It is re

24、cognised that he is an honest man.大家公认他是一个诚实的人。 It is recognised that Jane is the most intelligent girl among us.大家承认简是我们当中最聪明的女孩。 熟词生义 你知道下面句子中 recognise 的词性和含义吗? In April, during Volunteer Week, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind recognised Doris Low for her great contributions. 拓展 reco

25、gnition n. 认出,认识 change beyond/out of (all) recognition 变得(完全)认不出来 recognisable 可辨认的;可认识的 辨析 recognize, notice, realize 这些动词均含“认出、识别”之意。 recognize:指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。 realize: “意识到”,往往指意识到某对象的意义、重要性等,其宾语多为抽象意义。 notice:“注意到”,通常指注意到某人、某物、某事等一些具体的对象。 即时练习 1) Lincoln _ (recognize) as one of the greatest p

26、residents in America. 2) My hometown has changed beyond _ (recognize) since I was last here. 3) _ he is a wise leader.大家一致认为他是一位英明的领导人。 4) We _ the task was not straight forward.我们意识到这个任务并非轻而易举。 typetype (1)n.类型;种类 这种 那种类型的 of this/that type 一种 a type of 各种类型的 all types of 是某人喜欢的类型 be ones type (2)v

27、i/vt. 打字 type .into .把.键入.(计算机) 拓展 typical adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性 typically 代表性地;作为特色地 【教材 P26】. narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast海岸沿线狭窄、干旱的平原地区 narrownarrow (1)adj.狭窄的 (反义词为 broad 宽阔的) narrow sense狭义 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的小心眼 The bridge is too narrow for the cars to pass.这座桥太窄了,汽车无法通过。 (2)adj.勉

28、强的,刚刚好的 narrow escape 死里逃生 narrow victory 险胜 He had narrow escape when large stone rolled down from the hill suddenly. 一块大石头突然从山上滚下来,他险些被砸到。 She won narrow victory over her great rival in the tennis competition. 她在那次网球赛中险胜了她的强大对手。 (3)vt. after all, she was professional.她将会控制住局面,毕竟她是个行家。 There must b

29、e someone who can take control of these naughty children.一定有人能管住这些淘气的孩子。 拓展 与 control 有关的其他短语: in control of.控制.(主语是人) in the control of.由控制(主语是物) lose control of.失对的控制 be under control 被控制住,处于控制之下 与 take 有关的其他短语: take down写下,记下 take up 占据,开始做 take off 脱衣,起飞 take sth seriously 认真对待 take sth into con

30、sideration/account 将.纳入考虑 take on 承担,呈现 take shape 形成 take in 吸收, 被骗 take sth for granted 认为 理所当然 take sb/sth for example 以 为例 take it easy放轻松 巩固练习 用 control 的相关短语完成句子 1.我们在消防员到达之前控制住了火势。 Before the firefighters arrived we_the fire. 2.那个司机的车失去了控制,撞到了一棵大树上。 The driver_his car and it knocked into a bi

31、g tree. 3.随着更多有效措施的落实到位,这种疾病已经被控制住了。 With more effective measures put in place, the disease has been_. 【教材 P27】Stay in local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets.您可入住当地酒店,探访博物馆,欣赏建筑,品味地方 美食,再去当地市场购物。 admireadmire (1)vt

32、.欣赏 admire the view/the moon 欣赏风景/赏月 We stopped halfway to admire the view.我们中途停下来欣赏风景。 (2)vt.钦佩,仰慕,赞赏 admire sb.for( doing)sth.因(做)某事而钦佩/赞赏某人 admire sb.s gift 仰慕某人的才华 admire sb. for ones courage 佩服某人的勇气 I admire her for her way of solving problems.我很欣赏她解决问题的方式 The school is widely admired for its e

33、xcellent teaching.所学校因教学优秀远近称誉。 拓展 admirerC钦佩者,赞赏者;追求者 admirable adj 可钦佩的,值得赞赏的,令人美慕的 admirably adv 令人赞赏地 admiration n.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;受人钦佩的人、物 watch.in admiration 赞赏地看. have great admiration for.(十分)钦佩 show admiration for sth 对.表示钦佩 be full of admiration 充满钦佩之情 be lost in admiration for 对钦佩不已 巩固练习 语法填空 1.

34、We admire Susan_her persistence, the only one of the young girls who has played in the rock band for 3 years so far. 2. He was admitted(录取) into a key university, which is_(admire). 3.Reading her biography, I was lost in_(admire)for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. 4. Professor Stephen

35、 William Hawking has many_(admire)around the world. 【 教 材 P27 】For more brochures about other package tours around Peru contact us at tourinfotravelperu.org.想要获得更多秘鲁包价旅游的手册,敬请通过 tourinfo travelperu.org 联 系我们。 contactcontact (1)vt.(通过信件或电话等)联络,联系 contact sb by email/telephone 通过电子邮件/电话与某人联系 We forgot

36、 to exchange numbers we cant contact each other.我们忘记交换电话号码了。现在我们联系不到对方。 (2)n.U联系;接触 make contact with sb./ get into contact with sb.与某人取得联系 be/keep in contact with sb.与某人保持联系 lose/be out of contact with sb.与某人失去联系 bring sb into contact with sth 使某人接触某物 physical contact eye contact I have managed to

37、make contact with an old friend.我设法与一位老朋友取得了联系。 The Internet helps me keep in contact with my friends.互联网帮助我与朋友们保持联系。 Have you been in contact with your sister recently?你近来跟你姐姐有联系吗? 巩固练习 完成句子 1. Please do not hesitate to_(与我联系) if you have any problems. 2. They have_(保持联系) each other for five years.

38、 3. I finally_(取得联系)her in Paris yesterday. 4.I_(与有联系) my former teachers and classmates since I graduate from the school. 【教材 P27】 These Inca roads were made up of two north-south highways and many small roads crossing the mountains east to west.这些印加公路由两条南北走向的高速公路和许多从东到西穿过 山脉的小路组成。 bebe mademade up

39、up ofof 由由组成组成/ /构成构成 (1)其主语为表示整体的人或事物,即整体由部分组成。 (2)其主动形式 make up 意为组成,构成,其主语为表示部分的人或事物,即部分构成整体。 The committee is made up of representatives from every state.该委员会由来自每个州的代表组成。 Car accident victims make up almost quarter of the hospitals patients.车祸受伤者几乎占了这个医院病人的四分之一。 这支医疗队现在由三名医生和七名护士组成。 Three doctor

40、s and seven nurses _ the medical team now. The medical team_ three doctors and seven nurses now 归纳拓展 make 构成的其他短语: make up 构成;化妆;编造 make up for 弥补,补偿 Abe made from BA 由 B 制作而成(看不出原材料) Abe made of B A 由 B 制作而成(看得出原材料) make out 辨认清楚;理解,明白(事理) make use of 利用 make fun of 取笑 make it 获得成功;渡过难关 make the mo

41、st of 充分利用;尽情享受 make sense 有意义,讲得通 make up ones mind 下定决心 巩固练习 1.语法填空 In Britain today women_(make) up 44% of the workers and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. Actually, a beach_(make)up of small loose rocks, which turn into sand. 2.用 make 的相关短语完成句子 More than two million farmer

42、s_(组成) about two thirds of the total population of the province. Caroline didnt have gift for music, but she_(弥补) it with hard work. Facing two offers, I havent_(下定决心) about which to choose. We should_(利用) our talent to make smart choices in our life. I think the sentence doesnt_(讲得通);youd better th

43、ink it over and correct it. transporttransport (1)n.U(英)交通车辆,运输工具;交通运输系统。在美式英语中,通常用 transportation air/road transport/transportation 空中/公路运输 public transport/transportation 公共交通,公共交通工具 As the idea of low-carbon life is now widely accepted, more and more people travel by public transport. 现在,随着低碳生活的理

44、念被广泛地接受,越来越多的人乘坐公共交通工具出行。 (2)vt.运输,运送 transport.(from.)to.把.(从.)运到. These goods were transported by rail and water.这些货物是由铁路和水路运输的。 Aspecial bus transported the tourists from the airport to hotel.一辆专车把游客们从机场送到一家旅馆。千世 巩固练习 完成句子 1.政府认为应该在改进农村地区的公共交通上花费更多的钱。 The government believes that more money shoul

45、d be spent on improving_in rural areas. 2.科幻小说能够把你带到另一个世界或者帮你想象出你没有经历过的事情。 Science fiction can_another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience. 【教材 P26】It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.因此,秘鲁的主要 官方语言是西班牙语。 句式剖析: 本句是强调句型,强调的是原因状语 for this

46、reason 考点提炼:强调句型 强调句型的基本结构是It+is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他。该句型可对句子的主语、宾语、状语等进行强调, 但不能强调谓语。 He bought the book in this shop yesterday.昨天他在这家商店买了这本书。 It was he that/who bought the book in this shop yesterday.(强调主语 he) It was the book that he bought in this shop yesterday.(强调宾语 the book) It was in this sho

47、p that he bought the book yesterday.(强调地点状语 in this shop) It was yesterday that he bought the book in this shop.(强调时间状语 yesterday) 特别提醒 使用强调句型时应注意以下几点: (1)构成强调句的 It 本身没有词义,但不能用其他词代替。 (2)被强调部分指人时,其后用 that/who 均可,其他情况常用 that (3)被强调部分无论是单数还是复数,It 后的 be 动词均用单数形式,即用 is 或 was。用 is 还是 was 要根据原句的时 态来确定。 It

48、was Madame Curie and her husband who discovered radium.是居里夫人和她的丈夫发现了镭。 (4)判断一个句子是否是强调句的方法:去掉 It is/was 与 that/who,剩余部分若结构完整、句意明确,则为强调句, 否则不是。 It was at midnight that I got here yesterday. (这把 It was 和 that 去掉后,句子为:I got here at midnight yesterday.句意完整,符合语法结构,故是强调句。) 巩固练习 一、语法填空 1.It was only when th

49、e car pulled up in front of our house _we saw Lily in the passenger seat. 2.It was my sister_helped me out when I was in trouble. 3. _was when she first arrived in China that she developed a passion for paper-cutting. 二、按要求改写句子 My sister met John in the library in the morning. 强调主语: _ 强调宾语: _ 强调地点状语

50、: _ 强调时间状语: _ 【教材 P26】Below are two texts about Peru.以下是关于秘鲁的两篇短文。 【教材 P26】Especially amazing is the Incas dry stone method of building.特别令人惊叹的是印加人 的干式石头搭砌的建造方法。 考点提炼:表语提前引起的全部倒装 为保持句子平衡(主语较长)或使上下文衔接紧密或为了强调表语,句子可用全部倒装结构,即可把作表语的形容词、 副词、分词或介词短语提到句首,并把句子的主语和谓语动词倒装。 Present at the meeting were the schoo


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