Unit 3 Useful words and expressions PPT课件-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).pptx

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Unit 3 Useful words and expressions PPT课件-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 Useful words and expressions PPT课件-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).pptx_第2页
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Unit 3 Useful words and expressions PPT课件-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).pptx_第3页
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Unit 3 Useful words and expressions PPT课件-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).pptx_第4页
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Unit 3 Useful words and expressions PPT课件-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).pptx_第5页
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1、Useful words and Useful words and expressionsexpressions Unit 3 Sport and fitness pfitness 【U】 健康健康, 健壮;适合健壮;适合, 胜任胜任 (for sth./to sth.) improve ones fitness 增进健康增进健康 The directors were not sure about his fitness for the job/to do the job. 主任们不能确定他是否胜任工作。主任们不能确定他是否胜任工作。 p be fit for sth./to do (sth.

2、) adj. (fitter, fittest) 身体健康适合身体健康适合做某事做某事或或 (凭凭质量质量、素质、素质、 技能技能) 胜任胜任(做做)某事某事 1. Sports and fitness 运动与健康运动与健康 (P35) I dont know if Ill be fit enough for/ to play in Saturdays match. I dont think shes really fit for the job/to be in charge of small children. be fit to drink/eat/live in 适合喝、吃、住适合喝、

3、吃、住 pkeep (sb.) fit (使某人使某人)保持健康保持健康 In order to keep fit/improve your fitness, youd better join the fitness club/class. That jacket fits (me) well. =That jacket is a perfect/good fit. 那件夹克很合(我的)身那件夹克很合(我的)身. vt 随后来随后来 Do you mind if I come along with you? You go (on) aheadIll come along later. 2) (

4、a lot/fine/nicely) 进步进步, 进展进展, (健康健康)好转好转 (improve, get along/on, do/go) How are you coming along/on with your English? (= doing in, getting along/on with) 5. Would you like to come along?(P36) =How is your English coming along/on? = going, getting along/on 3) 赶快赶快 (hurry up) ; 加油加油 (come on) 其他有关其他

5、有关come的动词短语:的动词短语: pcome around/round/over/up (to ones flat/for dinner) vi. 过来拜访过来拜访 pcome up with (idea/way/suggestion) 想出想出, 提出提出 pcome across/upon sb./sth. vt. 偶然碰到偶然碰到/发现发现 (meet or find by accident) p(news, truth, book) come out 被人获知被人获知; 被出版被出版 pcome about vi. 发生,产生,引起发生,产生,引起 (=happen, occur,

6、 arise) Someone had better _ a solution fast. How are the wedding arrangements _? Mothers _ nicely, thank you. My French has_ a lot recently. 练一练 come up with coming along/on =doing coming along/on =going come along/on It was only after Davids death that the truth _. Why dont you _ to my flat for di

7、nner after work? I _ an old friend in the street yesterday. He said his new novel would _ soon. We also chatted about the great changes that _ back home. came across/upon come out had come about come up/over/round/around came out p host vt. 1) host the Olympic Games/the World Cup 主办主办 (活动活动); host a

8、 dinner (作为主人作为主人) 主办主办(聚会聚会) 2) host a show 主持主持 (节目节目) 【C】 (活动活动)主办者主办者, 东道主东道主; (节目节目)主持主持 人人 ; 主人主人 (hostess女主人女主人) (与客人相对与客人相对) the host city/country 主办城市主办城市/国国 a talk/game show host 脱口秀脱口秀/游戏节目游戏节目 主持人主持人 6. .will host the Youth Ski race.(P37) pwork out 1) vi. 锻炼锻炼 (=exercise); 2) vi. 发展为,结果是

9、发展为,结果是 (=turn out) pwork out well/nicely/badly (for sb.) 3) vt. 计算出计算出, 推算出推算出; 解决解决, 解答解答 (=figure out) work out the answer/cost/how much/many. 计算出计算出(答案答案/费用费用.) 7. Come and work out at a gym! (P37) work out the problem/puzzle/what/how. 弄清楚弄清楚, 解答解答(问题问题/迷惑迷惑.) 4) vt. 设计出设计出, 计划出计划出, 思考出思考出 work

10、out a plan/way/route 设计出一个计划设计出一个计划/方法方法/路线路线 pwork (hard) on/at (English/a theory/ book/problem/project) 努力学习努力学习/创作创作/研究研究/提高提高/完成完成 p work on a car/engine 努力维修努力维修. p work as (a nurse) 担任担任 Learning to play the piano isnt easy. You have to _it. He _ regularly at the local gym to keep fit/lose wei

11、ght. We have to _ how much food well need for the party. He has spent the last two years _ a book about childcare. 练一练 work at/on works out work out working on/at Im glad that things have _ quite well for us. The police couldnt _ how the thieves had entered the building. A international peace plan h

12、as been _. worked out work out worked out psweat vi. 流汗流汗; 辛苦地干辛苦地干 (over ) (=work hard on) 【U】汗水】汗水; 辛辛苦苦(hard work) sweat heavily/a lot 大汗淋漓大汗淋漓 sweat your way to good health/ happiness 一路汗水浇灌好身体一路汗水浇灌好身体/幸福幸福 8. Sweat your way to good health! (P37) Ive been sweating over that report/problem/plan

13、all day. 我一整天在为那个报告、问题、计我一整天在为那个报告、问题、计 划伤脑筋。划伤脑筋。 wipe the sweat off/from ones face 擦去脸上的汗水擦去脸上的汗水 1) make it (as actress/to the top in business show) 成功成功 (当上演员当上演员/成功到达成功到达.巅峰巅峰) (=succeed) p make it big (=was extremely successful) 非常成功非常成功 2) make it (to the cinema/airport) 及时赶到及时赶到 (某地某地) =arri

14、ve (at) 9. You can make it! 你会成功的!你会成功的!(P37) 3) make it (to the meeting/party/ wedding) 能够能够出席出席/参加参加 (活动活动) =be present (at) 4) make it (through the night) 挺过,熬过挺过,熬过 (=survive.) He was told that he had no talent and would never _ _(成功成为职业歌手成功成为职业歌手). 练一练 make it as a professional singer With bloo

15、d pouring from his leg, he _(到到 达附近的一栋房子达附近的一栋房子). Im afraid I wont be able _ _(出席出席 你的婚礼你的婚礼). Frank was very ill, and the doctors didnt think hed _ _(挺过当晚挺过当晚). made it to a nearby house to make it to your wedding make it through the night 1) Its up to sb. (to do sth.) 由由某人决定;某人决定;(做某事做某事)是某人的职责是某

16、人的职责 You can pay weekly or monthly its up to you. Its up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers. (提醒某人注意提醒某人注意.) 2) Whats up (with sb.)? (某人某人) 好吗?好吗? 10. Its up to you, isnt it!(P37) 3) up to +数词数词 多达,至多多达,至多 (=as much/many as, at most) The hotel can accommodate up to 500

17、 guests. (=provide accommodations for) 4) be up to sth. 正在干正在干/从事忙于从事忙于(坏坏)事事;能胜任能胜任(做做)某事某事 Shes up to no good. 她在干什么坏事。她在干什么坏事。 I dont think shes up to the job/doing a ten-mile walk. (=is fit for or able to ) 11. make a prediction (about sth.)/ that. (从句从句) 预测,预报,预见预测,预报,预见 It s difficult _ (make)

18、 accurate (精确的精确的) predictions about the effects _ the environment. ppredict sth./that/wh-宾从宾从 预测预测. Its hard/impossible to predict. It was predicted that主从主从 根据预测根据预测 pa predictable result 能预测的能预测的结果结果 to make on 12. relateto 把把与与联系起来联系起来, 证明证明与与有联系有联系 =connect with The report seeks to relate the r

19、ise in crime (犯罪犯罪) to an increase in unemployment (失业失业). p be related to =be connected with 与与有有联系联系 1) master 【C】能手】能手, 擅长者擅长者(a person who is skilled at sth); 艺术大师艺术大师 (famous painter) (of sth/at doing sth.) a master of the short story a work of art by a true master 由真正大师创作的艺术作品由真正大师创作的艺术作品 13.

20、They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. (P38) (限制性定语从句)(限制性定语从句) 【C】(男男) 主人主人 (与仆人、狗相对与仆人、狗相对) ( mistress) 【C】主宰,主人】主宰,主人 pbe your own master/mistress 做自己的主人做自己的主人 vt. master a language/skill/art/ technique 精通,掌握精通,掌握 (语言语言/技术技术/艺术艺术) master ones

21、feelings/fear/temper 控制、克制控制、克制 (情绪情绪)=control 2) set an (good/bad/shining) example (for/to sb.) (为某人为某人) 树立树立(.)榜样榜样 p be an (.) example to sb. 对某人说是一个对某人说是一个(.)榜样榜样 pfor example 例如例如 ptake for example 以以.为例为例 pgive (sb.) an example (of.) 给给(某人某人)举一个举一个(.)例子例子 pfollow sb.s example 仿仿效某人效某人 1) honor

22、/honour 【U】荣誉荣誉, , 名名誉;誉;尊敬尊敬, , 尊重尊重 (respect from or for others) bring honor to sb. 为为.带来荣誉带来荣誉 win honor for sb. 为为.赢得尊重赢得尊重/荣誉荣誉 p(give a dinner/party) in honor of sb/sth. (举办宴会举办宴会) 以向以向.表示敬意表示敬意、以庆贺、以庆贺 14. As a player, Lang Ping brought honor and glory to her country. (P38) 【C】光荣、光荣、荣幸的事或人荣幸的

23、事或人 (sb./sth. that makes you proud) pbe an honor to sb./sth. 对某人来说是一个光荣对某人来说是一个光荣 pIts an honour to do sth. 做某事一个荣幸的事做某事一个荣幸的事 phave the honour of (doing) sth. 有幸做某事有幸做某事 pdo sb. the honor of doing sth. 给某人赏光做某事给某人赏光做某事 vt. 向某人致敬向某人致敬, 使某人感到荣幸使某人感到荣幸 p be/feel (greatly/deeply/highly) honored that.(从

24、句从句) / to do sth./to be done (做某事做某事) 感到感到(极大极大) 荣幸荣幸 phonor sb. with ones presence/visit with an award/scholarship for bravery/good work 用用./因因.而而使感到荣幸、使感到荣幸、表扬某人表扬某人 pan honored guest 贵宾贵宾 pan honorable man/career/deed 高尚的、高尚的、值得敬佩的值得敬佩的 (人人/事业事业/行为行为) 2) glory 【U】光荣,荣誉】光荣,荣誉 (great fame, honor an

25、d admiration) pbring/win glory to/for sb./sth. 为带来、赢得光荣为带来、赢得光荣 pglorious adj. 光荣的;光荣的; 辉煌灿烂的;辉煌灿烂的; 令人愉快的令人愉快的 a glorious victory/sight/trip 1.很荣幸在这里做演讲。很荣幸在这里做演讲。 It is an honour to give a speech here. I am glad to have the honour of giving a speech here. I feel honoured to give a speech here. 练一练

26、 2. 能赏光跟我跳一曲舞、一起吃饭?能赏光跟我跳一曲舞、一起吃饭? Would/Will you do me the honor of dancing/dining with me? May I have the honor of dancing/ dining with you? 3. 两位消防队员因勇敢而获得嘉奖。两位消防队员因勇敢而获得嘉奖。 Two fighters were honored with awards for their courage. 4. 人们栽种了一颗橡树以纪念这一时刻。人们栽种了一颗橡树以纪念这一时刻。 An oak tree was planted in h

27、onor of the occasion. pliving 1) adj. 活着的;活着的; 生活方面的生活方面的 living things 生物生物 the finest living artist 在世最优秀的艺术家在世最优秀的艺术家 living conditions 生活条件生活条件 2) n. 生计生计 15. living legends 活着的传奇人物活着的传奇人物 pmake/earn a/ones living (as a writer /by writing) 靠靠.谋生谋生 p (do sth.) for a living 做某事谋生做某事谋生 15. lead sb.

28、 to medals/golds/victory at world championships and the Olymics. 带领某人在获取众多奖牌带领某人在获取众多奖牌/金牌金牌/胜利胜利 win the Eruopean Championship 赢得欧洲赢得欧洲锦标赛锦标赛 fight for the world championship 为获得世界为获得世界冠军(称号冠军(称号)而拼搏)而拼搏 a world /Olympic (boxing) champion 世界奥运(拳击)冠军世界奥运(拳击)冠军 a champion swimmer 冠军游泳运动员冠军游泳运动员 1) de

29、termination 【U】 决心决心(to do);决定;确定决定;确定 p determine sth./to do sth./that/wh-. vt. 决定决定; 影响;确定;测定,查明影响;确定;测定,查明 p determine on/upon sth./doing sth. =determine to do sth. 决定做某事决定做某事 p be determined to do sth./that. 决心做某事(表状态)决心做某事(表状态) 16. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her

30、 determination was tested. (P38) She is a very _ (坚坚 强的运动员强的运动员). He fought his illness/overcame (克服克服) his difficulties _ courage and determination. Ths character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism(乐观乐观) and determination _ (overcome) all difficulties. 练一练 determined athlete to ove

31、rcome with (坚强地)(坚强地) They were admired _ their determination _ (master) the language. I _ (决决 心成功当一名心成功当一名) a jazz musician. 我们当时决定早点出发。我们当时决定早点出发。 We determined on (making) an early start. We determined to start early. We determined that wed make an early start/that wed start early. for to master

32、am determined to make it as From the_ (determine) expression/look on his face, we knew that he was determined _(take) up the challenge, which needed great patience and _ (determine). determined to take determination 2) test ones determination/patience/ skill/ability/fitness/strength (考验考验) ptest one

33、s grammar p=test sb. on grammar (测验测验) phave ones eyes tested 检查眼睛检查眼睛 (医学医学) ptest sb. (for AIDS) 给某人做艾滋检查给某人做艾滋检查 (医学医学) ptest drugs on animals 在在.试验药品试验药品(产品产品) ptest sth. for strength 测试产品强度测试产品强度 ptest water (for lead) 检验水铅含量检验水铅含量 (化学化学) pfall apart vi. (物品、组织、关系物品、组织、关系) 散架,解体,散架,解体,破碎,破碎,破裂破

34、裂 (=fall into pieces/bits) My house/car/furniture/vase is falling apart. He lost his job, and soon afterward his family/marriage fell apart. 17.The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. (P38) (定语从句定语从句) 有关有关apart短语:短语: (adv. 破碎破碎; 分开;隔开,相隔分开;隔开,相隔) ptake sth. apart 把(物品)拆开把(物品)拆开 ptell A

35、and B apart 把把A与与B区分开区分开 p keep A apart from B 使使A与与B分开分开 (=separate A from B) pbe.metres/miles./days/weeks. apart 相隔多少距离、时间相隔多少距离、时间 pThe two houses are/stood 500 metres apart. 两栋房子相隔两栋房子相隔500米。米。 papart/aside from = other than. 有关有关fall短语短语: pfall asleep/ill/sick/silent 睡着了、病倒了、安静了睡着了、病倒了、安静了 pfal

36、l down (人、物体人、物体) 倒下倒下 pfall off (a bike) (从从) 跌落跌落 pfall over (人人) 摔倒摔倒 pfall in love with 爱上爱上 pfall behind (sb./sth.) 落后落后(于某人于某人/物物) (fell, fallen) pinjure(=hurt) vt. (尤指事故中)使(人动物尤指事故中)使(人动物 肉体)受伤害肉体)受伤害 pinjure/hurt sb./oneself/ones leg 使某人使某人/自己自己/腿部受伤腿部受伤 18. One of the best players had been

37、injured and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. (P38) 动作发生在上文动作发生在上文was falling 之前之前 pbe/get (slightly/badly/seriously) injured/hurt 受受(轻轻/重重)伤伤 an injured driver 受伤的司机 vt. 使(某人精神使(某人精神/情感)受伤害情感)受伤害 pinjure/hurt ones feelings/pride 伤害伤害某人的情感某人的情感/自尊自尊 pinjury 【C 放弃放弃(经常做或经常做或 努力

38、做的事努力做的事) ;让出;让出 (a seat/ticket) (vt.) p give up football/ones job/smoking p give in (to sb.) (向某人向某人)屈服屈服/让步让步 p give sth. in (to sb.) p give sth./sb. away 赠送赠送 (to sb.);泄露;泄露 p give sth. back (to sb.) 归还归还(某物给某人某物给某人) p give sth. off 散散发出发出 (气味、热、光气味、热、光) p give out 用完用完, 耗尽耗尽(vi.);分发;分发(vt.) 22.

39、Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. (P38) =quit =hand sth. in (to sb.) =hand sth. out phas/have been doing (现在完成进行时现在完成进行时): l表示一个延续性动作动词从过去开始一直表示一个延续性动作动词从过去开始一直 持续到现在并有可能继续下去。持续到现在并有可能继续下去。 l当当与与since .,for days, all day 等表示一段等表示一段 时间状语连用时,相当于时间状语连用时,相当于has/have done。 Ive

40、 been sweating over that report/plan/ problem all day/for weeks/since morning /since I took charge. 23. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chincago has been helping young people since 1996. (P38) l当不与这些时间状语连用的时候,两当不与这些时间状语连用的时候,两 者意思不同:者意思不同: Ive been writing a report. 我一直在写一篇我一直在写一篇报告报告。 (

41、刚刚写好或刚刚写好或未写好未写好,强调写的动作,强调写的动作) Ive written a report. 我写好了一篇我写好了一篇报告报告。 (已经写好了,强调动作的结果已经写好了,强调动作的结果 pvoice vt. express (opinions, feelings) in words (以语言以语言) 表达表达 pvoice ones opinion(s) on/about sth. 表达对表达对.的看法的看法 pvoice complaints/doubts/concern about sth. 表达对表达对.的不满的不满/怀疑怀疑/担心担心 24. Voice your opi

42、nion on sportsmanship. 发表你对体育精神的看法。发表你对体育精神的看法。 (P41) compete vi. 竞争;对抗竞争;对抗 p compete for sth. 为为 比赛比赛/竞争竞争 p compete in (the Olympic Games) 参加参加 (比赛比赛/竞争竞争) (=take part in/join in/participate in) p compete with/against sb. 与与比赛比赛/竞争竞争 p compete to do sth.为做某事而比赛为做某事而比赛/竞争竞争 p competition 【C】【U】比赛比

43、赛/竞争竞争 (for/among/between/to do) p enter/go in for/hold/win/lose a competition 参加参加/举行举行/赢得赢得/输掉比赛输掉比赛 25. An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country. (P41) v competitor 【C】比赛者比赛者/竞争者竞争者 v competitive adj. 有竞争力的;竞争激烈有竞争力的;竞争激烈 的的 Our Greek cities

44、 used _ _ _ each other just_ the honour of winning. Do you _ _ prize money too? Her dream was _ the Olympics/marathon. Government departments are in direct _ _ each other _ limited resources. to compete with/against for compete for to compete in competition withfor p make sense (to sb.) (对某人对某人) 有意义

45、,讲得通;有意义,讲得通; 明智的明智的 The sentence doesnt make sense to me. 这句子我理解不通。这句子我理解不通。 = I cant make sense of the sentence. (理解;弄懂理解;弄懂=understand) It makes sense to take care of your health while you are young. 趁着年轻爱护身体是明智的。趁着年轻爱护身体是明智的。 26. That doesnt make any sense! (P41) 1) pretend to be/know/like 假装假装(

46、要要)做做某事某事 p pretend to be doing sth. 假装假装在在做某事做某事 p pretend to have done sth. 假装假装做了做了某事某事 p pretend (to sb.) that.(宾从宾从) 假装假装; (对某人对某人)佯称佯称 Dont pretend to know/understand what you dont. (状态性动词)(状态性动词) 27. A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.(P41) When the

47、teacher came in, he pretended to read /to be reading/to have read the book. (动作动词)(动作动词) 他假装要看、在看、看完这本书。他假装要看、在看、看完这本书。 He pretended not to see/notice/recognize him. He pretended that nothing had happened. 2) even if “即使即使”, 表示假设;表示假设; even though “虽然虽然”, “尽管尽管“, 表示事表示事 实实 (=although, though) (page

48、42) (conj. 引导让步状语句引导让步状语句) 28. millions/thousands/hundreds of . 数百万数百万/数千数千/数百数百. (Page 41) p dozens/scores of 数十数十.,许多,许多. 29. cheat (in an exam/at chess/cards) (by using.) 考试考试/下棋下棋/打牌舞弊打牌舞弊 p cheat sb. 欺骗某人欺骗某人 30. The audience wants/want fair play. The audience was/were clapping (鼓掌鼓掌) for ten m

49、inutes. (特指特指) (单复数谓语均可单复数谓语均可) attract a wide/live/regular audience an audience of 1 million (泛泛 指指) 31. go positive (变得)积极向上(变得)积极向上 (Page 42) 1) go 系动词系动词 (尤指往坏得方面)变得(尤指往坏得方面)变得 pgo bad/wrong 变质变质/犯错、出故障犯错、出故障 pgo mad/crazy/wild about. 对对.着迷着迷; 非常喜欢非常喜欢 pgo wild/mad with excitement/anger 兴奋兴奋的的/气

50、的发狂了气的发狂了 pgo blind/deaf 变瞎变瞎/聋子聋子 pgo white/grey 变白变白/灰白了灰白了 1) be positive about (the future/new job) 1) =be optimistic/confident about . 对对.感到乐观感到乐观/自信自信 2) =be certain/sure about/of sth. 对对.有把握,确信有把握,确信 1) have no idea (that) .(同位语从句同位语从句) 不不 知道知道. 2) make a (big)/all the/some/much/no/litte/ dif


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