(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册-Unit 1 重点句型 学案(含答案).docx

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1、第一单元重点句型 1 句型 1What do you think students do in these clubs?你认为学生在这些社团里做什么? 本句是特殊双重疑问句,句中的“do you think”为插入语,其后的“students do in”用的是陈述语序。 特殊双重疑问句 特殊双重疑问句的结构为“特殊疑问词+do you think/expect/suppose/believe/+特殊疑问句的其他部 分”,其中 do you think/expect/suppose/believe/为插入语。 Who do you suppose let out the secret?你认为是

2、谁泄漏了秘密? 特别提醒 使用特殊双重疑问句时应注意以下几个方面: (1)不能用 yes 或 no 来回答这样的双重疑问句,应用完整的句子来回答。 Where do you think they should go?你认为他们该去哪儿? I think theyd better go to Shanghai.我认为他们最好去上海。 (2)特殊疑问词一定要放在插入语 do you think/expect/之前。 What do you think he will buy as your birthday present?你认为他将为你买什么生日礼物呢? (3)“特殊疑问词+do you thi

3、nk/expect/+特殊疑问句的其他部分”中插入语后面的部分始终要用陈述语 序。 When do you think the naughty boy will finish his homework?你认为这个淘气的小男孩什么时候会完成 家庭作业? 经典例题 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)妈妈要到了,你希望她给你带了什么生日礼物? Mum is coming.What present for your birthday?(expect,bring) (2)为了学好英语,你觉得对我们来说要做的最重要的事是什么? is the most important thing for us to do i

4、n order to learn English well?(believe) 参考答案 (1)do you expect she has brought第二句为特殊双重疑问句,do you expect 在此做插入语,应放在特殊疑 问词的后面,特殊疑问句的其他部分应用陈述语序。 (2)What do you believe该句为特殊双重疑问句,What 为特殊疑问词,放在句首,do you believe 为插入语, 放在特殊疑问词的后面。 句型 2Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next yea

5、r.我会找到提升自己的 方法,以便自己明年能加入校队。 本句为主从复合句。so that 后面的部分为从句,做前面主句的目的状语,故为目的状语从句。 so that 引导目的状语从句 (1)so that 引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便,为了”。此时,从句谓语常带有 should/would/could/might/can 等情态动词。 其同义短语 in order that 也可引导目的状语从句,但 so that 一般不用于句首,而 in order that 可用于句首。 Parents and children should communicate more to narrow the

6、 gap between them so that/in order that they can understand each other better.为了缩小父母和孩子之间的差距,他们应该多交流,以便能更好地相互理 解。 In order that we can be rich in knowledge,we should read more books.为了拥有丰富的知识,我们应该多读 书。 (2)当 so that/in order that 引导的从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致时,可将从句简化为 in order to/so as to 结构。注意:so as to 不能放在句首,

7、而 in order to 可以放在句首。 为了实现我们的理想,我们必须努力学习。 We must study hard so that/in order that we could realize our dreams. We must study hard so as to/in order to realize our dreams. In order to realize our dreams,we must study hard. 归纳拓展 so that 除了引导目的状语从句外,还可以引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,所以”,so that 前常有逗号将其与 前面的内容隔开。 He i

8、njured his foot,so that he was unable to play in the match.他的脚受伤了,因此他无法出场比赛。 1.判断下列句子中 so that 引导的从句类型 (1)Lets not pick these peaches until this weekend so that they get sweet enough to be eaten. (2)But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was committed to(致力于) practicing it so

9、 that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well. 2.一句多译 他离开得早是为了能按时到那儿。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ 参考答案 1.(1)目的状语从句句意:咱们等到周末再摘这些桃子,以便桃子足够甜,可以吃了。 (2)结果状语从句句意:但是很快他发现自己喜欢弹奏这种乐器,并尽心尽力练习,因此在几个月内,他 就弹奏得相当好了。 2.(1)He left early so that/in order that he could get there on time. (2)He left early so as to

10、/in order to get there on time. (3)In order to get there on time,he left early. 句型 3Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course,and itll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.我对于自己在高级课程中赶上其他同学有些担忧,并且深知要习 惯于这一切的作业量是一件十分不易的事。 本句为并列句,其中 and 连接前后两个分句,在后一分

11、句中含有“It is+adj.+to do sth.”句型,其中 It 为形式 主语,而不定式短语 to do sth.为真正的主语。 “It is+adj.+to do sth.”句型 该句型可以拓展为两种形式: (1)It is+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.意为“(对某人来说)做某事是的”,此句型中的形容词是修饰某件事而 不是修饰人的,如 difficult,easy,hard,important,necessary,possible 等。 It is very important to master a foreign language.掌握一门外语很重要。 It

12、is illegal to drive a car without a license.在没有驾照的情况下开车是不合法的。 (2)It is+adj.+(of sb.) to do sth.意为“(某人)做某事是的”,此句型中的形容词是修饰人而不是修饰某 件事的,如 kind,brave,clever,stupid,nice,good,silly,careful,naughty 等。 It is clever of you to say so!你这样说可真聪明! It was nice of them to invite us.他们真好,邀请了我们。 1.单句语法填空 (1)was consi

13、derate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried. (2)It is difficult for us(do) so much work.We need more hands. (3)It is niceyou to help me out of trouble. (4)It is hardGreece to get rid of the debt crisis. 2.单句写作 It is very important(对于学英语的人来说每天 早上读英语). 参考答案 1.(1)It(2)to do(3)of(

14、4)for 2.for English learners to read English every morning 句型 4The teacher showed us how to move,and then we tried.老师向我们展示如何做动作,然后我们再尝 试。 本句为并列句。全句由并列连词 and 连接前后两个分句,在前一个分句中“how to move”属“疑问词+动 词不定式”结构,做 show 的直接宾语,us 为间接宾语。 “疑问词/whether+不定式”结构 语法功能:做主语、宾语、表语等 常见的特殊疑问句:what, which, who, when, where,

15、 how 不定式的形式:一般式 做主语时谓语动词的数:一般用单数 注意:特殊疑问词与构成不定式的动词之间为动宾关系时,不定式通常用主动形式 When to start off has not been decided.何时动身尚未决定。(做主语) He will advise you what to do.他会建议你们做什么。(做宾语) The problem is where to put this computer.问题是把这台计算机放在哪儿。(做表语) 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)There isnt any difference between the two gifts.I rea

16、lly dont knowto choose. (2)Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teachto read. (3)She could not decideto send him to hospital or not. (4)Where to go tomorrow(have) not been decided yet. (5)Will you show me how(use) this machine? 参考答案 (1)which(2)how(3)whether(4)has(5)to use 句型 5But sp

17、ending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.但花过多时间上网既有害健康,又很难关注生活中的其他方面。 本句为简单句,句中的主语为“spendingonline”这个动名词短语,第二个谓语动词为 make,其后的 it 为 形式宾语,very difficult 为宾语补足语,不定式短语“to focuslife”为真正的宾语。 “make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构 “make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构有以下几种形式: (1)当宾语是不定式或

18、从句时,多用 it 做形式宾语,把真正的宾语后置,构成“make it+宾语补足语 (adj./n.)(+for sb.)+真正的宾语”结构。 The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go out.大雨使我们无法出去。 I make it a rule to keep a diary every day.我养成了每天写日记的习惯。 (2)make+名词/代词+不带 to 的不定式。当该结构用于被动语态时,不定式符号 to 不能省略。 Every day my parents make me have an egg.=Every day I am

19、made to have an egg by my parents.我父母要 我每天吃一个鸡蛋。 (3)make+名词/代词+过去分词。 构成过去分词的动词与宾语(名词/代词)之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且分 词动作已完成。值得注意的是,不能用现在分词做宾语补足语。 His actions made him greatly respected.他的行为使他备受尊敬。 (4)make+名词/代词+形容词。表示“使变得”。 We must make the room clean.我们必须把房间打扫干净。 (5)make+名词/代词+名词。表示“使成为”。如果宾语补足语是表示独一无二的职位或头衔的 名词

20、时,则其前不用冠词。 Make your enemy your friend.化敌为友。 We made Tom captain,for he was more experienced. 我们让汤姆当船长,因为他更有经验。 单句语法填空 (1)Travelling can broaden our view and it can make us(feel)relaxed after a long period of studying or working. (2)The speaker raised his voice in order to make himself(hear). (3)The

21、 fact that she was a foreigner madedifficult for her to get a job in that country. (4)Though he had often made his little sister,today he was madeby his little sister.(cry) 参考答案 (1)feel句意:旅行能拓宽我们的视野,能使我们在长时间的学习或工作后感觉放松。make sb.do sth.让 某人做某事。 (2)heard句意:发言人提高了嗓音以便别人能听到他说的话。宾语(himself)与宾语补足语(hear)是逻辑

22、 上的动宾关系,故用过去分词 heard。 (3)itmake it+adj./n.+for sb.to do sth.中 it 做形式宾语,代替后面的动词不定式。 (4)cry;to crymake sb.do sth.是固定用法,当这一结构用于被动语态时,不定式符号 to 不能省略。 句型 6There is a girl I like in my class,but Im too shy to talk to her.我班上有一位我喜欢的女孩,但我太 害羞,以至于不敢跟她讲话。 本句为并列句,由并列连词 but 连接前后两个分句。在后一分句中含有“tooto”结构。 “tooto”结构

23、“tooto”结构意为“太以至于不”。 The electric wires are too high for children to reach.电线太高以至于孩子们够不到。 归纳拓展 tooto结构表示肯定意义的情况: (1)与某些表示心情的词和描述性的词连用时。如 glad,pleased,surprised,delighted,happy,easy,eager,thankful,anxious,willing,good,kind,true 等。 (2)在 too 前加上 only,but,all,simply,just 等副词时意思不变。 (3)和 never,cant 连用时,表示“

24、非常,不会不”。 特别提醒 can/could nottoo/enough 结构常出现在情景对话中,表示“无论怎样也不过分,无论怎么都不够”。 单句写作 (1)I do all the cooking for my family,but recently I(太忙而没有时间做). (2)Thats the new machine whose parts are_(太小而不能被看到). (3)Must I turn off the gas after cooking? Of course.You _(再怎么细心都不为过)with that. (4)I_(怎么感谢你都不够)for all your

25、 help to my son while we were away from home. 参考答案 (1)have been too busy to do it (2)too small to be seen (3)can never be too careful (4)cant thank you too much 句型 7I guess its because theyre adults and cant understand me.我猜想那是因为他们是成年人,无法理 解我。 句式剖析 本句为主从复合句,句中“I guess”为主句,后面的部分为宾语从句;在宾语从句中含有 because

26、 引导的表 语从句。 考点提炼 “This/That/It is because”句型 该句型是常用句型,意为“这/那是因为”。This/That/It 用于承接上文,表示结果。because 引导表语从 句,表示原因。 He wouldnt like to go out;this is because he doesnt feel well.他不想出去,这是因为他觉得不舒服。 辨析比较This is why,This is because,The reason whyis that与 The reason that/whichis that 句型意义引导词功能及从句含义 This is wh

27、y 这就是的原 因 why 引导表语从句,从句表示结果 This is because 这是因为because 引导表语从句,从句表示原因 The reason why is that 的原因 是 why 引导定语从句,并在从句中做状语。that 引导表语从句(切记此处不可 用 because),表语从句表示原因 The reason that/的原因that/which 引导定语从句并在从句中做主语或宾语,第二个that 引导表语从 whichis that是句,从句表示原因 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)An accident happened on the main road.That

28、istraffic seemed to slow suddenly. (2)He has heart disease.That ishe has been smoking too much. (3)The reasonhe was late for the meeting washe was held up by a traffic jam during the rush hour. (4)The reasonhe gave for his not coming to the party washis car broke down halfway. 参考答案 (1)why(2)because(3)why;that (4)that/which;that


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