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1、高一英语完形填空专项训练二高一英语完形填空专项训练二 Test one When I was little, my mom read me a bedtime story almost every night. One night, she1a copy of Charlie Browns Cyclopedia. She started to read the questions and answers in the book. The book 2the knowledge from the human body to the space in a way even a 5yearold c

2、hild could3 . From then on, I couldnt 4 to read the next volume (册册) As I grew older, I read more5of this kind. I read them not because they were as interesting as stories,6 because they offered much knowledge I had never known before. In high school, I was interested in biology, physics and math7po

3、litics or computer science. Most students liked travelling or playing outside after school. For myself, I was still immersed in (沉浸于沉浸于) the8of science. I was9 to have an excellent biology teacher through high school, who saw my10 in biology, and told me that good students like me ended up doing som

4、ething called “research”. So I11took biotechnology (生物生物 技术技术) in college. After I graduated from college, I wanted to12a famous research institute. Luckily, I was13 . I am always thinking that if my mom had not read the science book to me that night, I could not have become a biologist. So never 14

5、 every little event! Maybe the event will change your 15 in life. 1A. talked aboutBwrote aboutCpicked upDheld up 2A. explainedBusedCchoseDdivided 3A. proveBunderstandCdescribeDpredict 4A. expectBaffordCwaitDstop 5A.questionsBadvertisementsCstoriesDbooks 6A. whenBbutCandDor 7A.in addition toBinstead

6、ofCbecause ofDin line with 8A. loveBviewCmomentDmemory 9. A. confusedBupsetCafraidDlucky 10A. challengeBdoubtCtalentDprogress 11A. mistakenlyBfinallyCactuallyDwisely 12A. buildBintroduceCjoinDattract 13A. influencedBinvitedCforgottenDaccepted 14A.ignoreBattendCjudgeDperform 15A. stateBluckCfeelingDp

7、ath Test two Earthquakes are common;thousands of them happen each day. But most are too1to feel. During a big earthquake,there is often a great noise first. Then the earth2terribly and many houses fall down. Railway tracks break and trains go3lines; a great many factories are4 ; thousands of deaths

8、are caused, and many more lose homes. 5the great damage and deaths caused by the earthquake6 , other disasters such as fires often7 . More buildings are destroyed and more deaths caused. Man knows the8of a possible earthquake,and for centuries man has been making researches on earthquakes. More than

9、 2,000 years ago, 9 , a Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng10a machine which could find out from which direction the seismic waves had come,and this machine is still11by scientists today. Now we know much more about earthquakes and12they happen,but we still cannot13exactly when and where an earthquak

10、e will happen, and cannot prevent it from happening.So earthquakes are among the 14 disasters in the world. No one can stop natural earthquakes.15, scientists can help stop earthquakes destroying whole cities and causing too many deaths. 1A. extremeBweakCfrighteningDfrequent 2A. movesBshakesCjumpsDb

11、reaks 3A. offBonCintoDbehind 4A. burstBstruckCdestroyedDburied 5A. ExceptBBesidesCInstead ofDBecause of 6A. lonelyBlaterCthemselvesDitself 7A. followBcopyCcomeDenter 8A.informationBquestionsCdangersDfrights 9A.as a resultBin factCfor exampleDas well 10.A. inventedBdiscoveredCfoundDbought 11.A. impro

12、vedBrepairedCprotectedDused 12.A. whereBwhenCwhatDwhy 13.A. persuadeBtellCexpressDpoint 14.A. worstBbestCmostDfastest 15. A. HoweverBButCAndDSo Test three Like most people in her village, my grandma1jasmine (茉莉茉莉) flowers. Summer is the time to pick jasmine flowers which will be sent to the factory

13、to make jasmine tea. Helping my grandma pick jasmines has been my2since I was 13.The jasmine field was3with lots of flowers and their good smells,4it was hard to pick these flowers for hours in the strong sunlight. When I got5and wanted to give up, I looked at my grandma who kept busy picking flower

14、s. Seeing her work hard, I6 strength to keep going. By working with her, I learned to work until the job was 7 Grandma lived a poor life but she never lost her8 In her old age, she didnt need to work because her children could support (赡养赡养) her. But, she still worked to give her money to the Senior

15、 Center, which9me. She insisted that she should work for a lifetime. She said, “ 10has become part of my life. When I was in 11 , I had a lot of help from the neighbors, who are now in the Senior Center. I want to pay them back. I want to be 12 ” I always remember her13and think deeply about my futu

16、re work. I14that a job is not only a way to make a living, but also a way to 15 people and make this world a better place. 1A. pickedBplantedCwantedDpreferred 2A. chanceBtroubleCjobDadvice 3A. importantBwonderfulCsafeDfar 4A. butBandCorDso 5A. lostBcoldCsadDtired 6A. doubtedBtestedCrecoveredDused 7A

17、. doneBcheckedCbegunDprepared 8A. courageBbraveryCkindnessDpatience 9A. comfortedBmovedCupsetDsurprised 10A. learningBchangingCworkingDcaring 11A.lineBsilenceCpracticeDdifficulty 12A. helpfulBhopefulCpeacefulDcareful 13A. needsBwordsCsmilesDcommands 14A. promiseBimagineCexpectDrealize 15A. encourage

18、BsaveCserveDunderstand Test four Zachary was a kid who helped with all the games and dances. But he had a1 , and for years Zach had been in a wheelchair (轮椅轮椅) controlled by 2 , moving from class to class. A month before I arrived, Zachs condition got worse and he needed an electric wheelchair to st

19、ay at school. 3 it, he would have to leave school. It turned out that Zach couldnt4the new electric chair,5his only choice was to check out. When the day of Zachs6came, all the teachers and students got together in a hall. Zach7it was his last day at school. The student president was introduced and

20、he then8everyone when he introduced Wild Man. Without saying a word, Wild Man9Zach and brought him to the center of the stage (舞台舞台). Wild Man then10himself and disappeared backstage. Seconds later, he reappeared driving a new and shiny electric wheelchair. After11Zach in the chair, he showed Zach h

21、ow to use it and let Zach move around the stage. With tears streaming from their faces, two thousand teachers and students12 and clapped for five minutes. Were they just13Zach and the fact that he could now14in their school? No, they were also cheering for Wild Man, who got Zach a new 15 by collecti

22、ng money from his friends. 1A. dreamBchanceCdiseaseDquestion 2A.computersBhandsCthe teacherDthe mouth 3A. ExceptBBesideCWithoutDBeyond 4A. stopBaffordCdriveDuse 5A. beforeBsoCandDbut 6A. leavingBteachingCreturnDvisit 7A. promisedBrememberedCdecidedDthought 8A. surprisedBtrustedCwelcomedDprotected 9A

23、. talked aboutBthrew awayCwalked toDlaughed at 10A. askedBexcusedCintroducedDenjoyed 11A. discoveringBcontrollingCfreeingDplacing 12A. stood upBrushed inCwoke upDsat back 13A. waiting forBfeeling sorry forCmaking fun ofDcheering for 14A. remainBhelpCappearDstart 15A. bookBseatCchairDlife Test five S

24、uppose you are going to Boston, and you1the city before. If someone2you about the interesting places in the city, you3to get some ideas of what you will see, but dont have a4idea of where these places are or of how to find5 . However,6someone has a map of the city and7 you the main roads and buildin

25、gs, you may say, “Oh, now I see. I can find my way with8trouble at all.” Working in math is somewhat (有点儿有点儿) like trying to find your way9a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have10it, but you cant see any clear road11the answers. Maybe you 12 a kind of map of the mai

26、n roads in maths 13 you find your way. Explore (探究探究) what lies in maths, and14to find the main roads. They will15you to the answer. If you can find the “map”, the maths problems will be easily worked out. 1A. are going to visitBonce visitedChave never visited Dhave ever visited 2A. answersBshowsCme

27、etsDtells 3A. beginBlikeClearnDrefuse 4A. cleverBclear,CstrangeDwrong 5A. someoneBBostonCthemDit 6A. ifBthoughCwhetherDsince 7A.helpsBgivesCpassesDshows 8A. notBnoCsomeDmuch 9A. ofBtoCinDaround 10A. thought overBheard aboutCwritten downDtalked with 11A. withBforCofDto 12A. need to haveBdont needCnee

28、dntDin need of 13A. helpBto helpChelpsDhelp with 14A. try your bestBtake your placeClook upDwalk on 15A. keepBsendCleadDask Test six Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks,1give your money back? Of course, it2happens quite like that. The only language3to learn is

29、 the mother language. And think4practice is needed for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language5the literature of the country. Now most people want to6a foreign language. Every year millions of people start learning 7 . How do they do it? Some people try at home8bo

30、oks and tapes, others go to evening classes or watch TV programs.9they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will10a long time, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or 11 hours a day. Its much easier to learn the language in t

31、he country where it12 . But most people are 13to do this, and many people dont have to do so. Machines and good books will be very 14 , but they can not do the students work. 15 the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is hard work. 1A. soBorCandDbut 2A. cantBimpossibleCneverDoften 3A. easilyBd

32、ifficultCableDeasy 4A. how muchBhow longChow fastDhow many 5A. studiedBto studyCstudyingDstudy 6A. talkBtellCspeakDsay 7A. themBthisCthatDit 8A. withoutBwithCinDby 9A. IfBWhenCSinceDUntil 10A. spendBuseCtakeDcost 11A. someBmoreCotherDless 12A. speaksBis speaking CspokeDis spoken 13A. ableBpossibleCu

33、nableDnot possible 14A. carefulBforgetfulCwonderfulDhelpful 15A. EitherBWhetherCWhatDHow Test seven I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help1 , displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;2is never certain. How

34、ever, when it works, it is simply beautiful. I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl(猫头鹰猫头鹰)on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2to 3weekold owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for 3 I 4the chick (雏鸟雏鸟) and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I m

35、ight have been able to put it 5 , but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor (使固定使固定) it in a tree. The homeowner was very 6 . A wire basket was found. I put some pine7 into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly 8 down. No

36、w all that was needed were the9but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the10screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling11 I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what n

37、ews the night might bring. A 12night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature13on us all! The homeowner called to say that the parents had14 to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was15by the greatest sight of all LUNCH! The parents ha

38、d done their duty and would probably continue to do so. 1A. damagedBinjuredCspoiledDdestroyed 2A. deathBsurvivalCassistanceDremoval 3A. growthBserviceCsafetyDadvice 4A. admiredBlaidCtreatedDexamined 5A. awayBoffCbackDdown 6A. respectfulBhelpfulChopefulDregretful 7A. nutsBtrunksCweedsDbranches 8A. sl

39、owedBbrokeCtoreDcalmed 9A. parentsBownersCenemiesDrelatives 10A. delightBhungerCviolenceDanger 11A.in allBat lengthCas wellDon end 12A. relaxedBtentativeCnervousDpeaceful 13A. fixBsmileCtakeDlook 14A. respondedBcorrespondedCrelatedDconnected 15A. coveredBoccupiedCaccompanied Dplaced Test eight APair

40、 of Wild Geese One morning in early fall, I noticed a pair of wild geese on our pond. The beautiful sight caught me by surprise, because wed never seen geese there before. I thought they would soon be on their way, so I seized the opportunity to be1to these graceful creatures. As the days passed, my

41、 curiosity about why they were staying so long at the pond changed to concern. It wouldnt be long before the cold Michigan winter came and the pond 2 over. One day as they were3in the grass near the driveway, I discovered the reason for their4 the male had a broken left wing. He was unable to5 , and

42、 his lifelong mate would not leave him behind. I was amazed at the6between them. I asked a wildlife biologist friend what I should do. He explained that sometimes a broken wing would 7 by itself and suggested letting them alone. On the first day of November, I was working near the geese with my trac

43、tor.8I bent to fasten a chain, I noticed both geese running toward the pond, wings beating9 . They looked like a couple of planes moving for takeoff.10 , both were in the air and flew over the pond freely. The geese then circled back toward me, flying about 50 feet over my11as if to say goodbye. The

44、n they were out of 12 The seasons first snowflakes fell the very next day. The birds must have13that winter was coming, and it was time to go. I grew fond of them during their stay at our pond, and I14 them. I would never forget their15 to each other. We could all learn a lesson or two from this pai

45、r. 1A. kindBcloseChelpfulDfamiliar 2A. frozeBsankCrolledDswept 3A. fightingBfeedingClyingDhiding 4A. injuryBsleepCfearDvisit 5A. swimBwalkCflyDmove 6A. differenceBdistanceCrelationshipDgenerosity 7A. recoverBfallCriseDwave 8A. ThoughBAsCIfDUnless 9A. nervouslyBheavilyCslowlyDwildly 10A. SadlyBSurpri

46、singlyCGraduallyDStrangely 11A. tractorBheadCpondDhouse 12A. controlBplaceCbreathDsight 13A. predictedBnoticedCsensedDconfirmed 14A. observed BmissedCprotectedDsaved 15A. promiseBappealCresponseDdevotion Test one : 15 C.A. B. C. D 610 B. B.A. D. C 1115. B. C. D.A. D Test two : 15 B. B.A. C. B 610 D.

47、A. C. C.A 1115 D. D. B.A.A Test three : 15A. C. B. A. D 610 C.A. C. D. C 1115 D.A. B. D. C Test four 15 C. B. C. B. B 610A. D.A. C. B 1115 D.A. D.A. C Test five 15 C. D.A. B. C 610 A. D. B. C.A 1115 D.A. B.A. C Test six 15 B. C. D. A. B 610 C. D. B.A. C 1115 B. D. C. D. B Test seven 15 B. B. C. D. C 610 B, D. D.A. B 1115 C. C. B.A. C Test eight 15 B.A. B. D. C 610 C.A. B. D. C 1115 B. D. C. B. D


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