Unit 5There is a big bed-A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:70168).zip

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UnitUnit 5 5 ThereThere isis a a bigbig bedbed 课时:第三课时课时:第三课时 课课 题题 UnitUnit 5 5 PartPart A A 课课 型型 Lets spell 教学目标教学目标 学生能够掌握 ai,ay 在单词中的发音规则,能够读出符合 ai,ay 的发音规 则的单词,能够根据读音拼写出符合 ai,ay 发音规则的单词 教学重点教学重点 学生能够掌握 ai,ay 在单词 中的发音规则 教学方教学方 法法 情境导入,小组合作 教学难点教学难点 能够根据读音拼写出符合 ai,ay 发音规则的单词 教学用教学用 具具 词卡,PPT,电子白板 教学环节教学环节教教 学学 内内 容容 教学过程 StepStep 1.1. WarmingWarming upup 1.T:Ok,lets begin our class, Today I am your new teacher, You can call me Miss Li, I am very happy to have class with you, Hello, boys and girls, Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you too, Miss Li T:师走到一个同学面前 Whats your name? S1: My name is T: Nice to meet you! S1: Nice to meet you too! T:师走到一个高个子同学面前 You are so tall, Whats your name? S2: My name is T: Can you play basketball?(电子白板呈现探照灯 play) S2: Yes, I can/No, I cant T: Sounds great/ You are so tall, Maybe you can be a basketball player. T 师走到课表面前 What class do you have today? Oh, let me have a look, You have PE class today/tomorrow, You can play basketball today/tomorrow. What can you do in PE class? S4:I can play football. T: Thats good exercise. I know you have football class every week. How about you? S5: I can play pingpong. T: Oh, me too, I like playing pingpong, and I am very good at it, maybe some time we can play pingpong together, thank you, sit down Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentationX k T: Well, As I know something about your school days. Do you want to know something about Rays day? (电子白板拉幕呈现小男 孩 Ray) Ss: Yes. T: Oh, Whats his name? Ray 一个个字母呈现,请生拼读 Ss: R-a-y Ray. T: Excellent, His name is Ray. What day is it today?(探照灯呈 现日历 Monday) S1:Today is Monday. T: Great. T:(电子白板呈现小女孩图片)This is a girl, Whats her name? Ss: F-a-y, Fay.(电子白板) T: Yes, Her name is Fay,Ray and Fay are good friends,(PPT 呈现 Fay 和蛋糕),Today is Fays Ss: Birthday.(电子白板) T: Ray will go to Fays birthday party,(师拿出一张 2 个蜗牛手 画纸)(电子白板呈现 snail) snail, snail, s-n-a-i-l, snail Ss: snail snail T: This is a gift, its for Fay, Who paint this gift? (师拿一 根画笔在空中做画画的动作)paint, paint Ss: paint, paint T: Who paint this gift? S1: Ray? T: Clever, If you do good job, I will give you a story about these two snails? Ok? Ss: Ok. T: (电子白板拉幕,呈现下雨)Oh, its a rainy day. Ray doesnt want to make Fay wait, So he decide to take a bus.(PPT 呈现公交 车站) T:(双手一摊)But the bus is so late, that Ray must Ss: Wait, wait, wait. T: Oh, Its a long way(句子卡,带读) T:Here comes the party, and the rain goes away, We can see a (探照灯) Ss: rainbow. T:rainbow 带读。 T: Ray and Fay meet together finally, What can they do in the birthday party? T(PPT 呈现玩具火车)They can play with the Ss: Train. T: Excellent, They can play with the train.(句子卡,带读)。 T: What a gay day. Is it interesting? Ss: Yes. T: Oh, this time, Open your books, page50, Lets listen and read.(师请生翻开书跟读第一部分一遍) T: What can you find?(师边说边把音挨个再放一遍)。 T: I will give you 1m to discuss in groups. go!(1m 后) Can you find some rules?(电子白板探照灯出现文中的单词) S1: T: You did very good job, 拿出/ei/音标卡,its a double vowel, read after me,/ei/, /ei/, /ei/带读。分小组读一读。 T: What else? S2: T: Clever, ai is in the middle of the word, ay is at the end of the word.(师拿出 middle 和 end 卡贴在黑板上对应的位置) StepStep 4.4. ProductionProduction T: As we learned some words contain ai and ay, lets use the /ei/sound to blend the words, Are you ready? PPT 呈现一些 ai 和 ay 组合的单词,请生拼读 T: You are so clever, now you are the little teacher, Please read after her/him, (师请第一个拼出来的同学当小老师带读)。 T: Now who wants to be a little teacher? T: I love your pronunciation, you are a great teacher, excellent T: Ok, this time, I will give you 1m to practice in groups, first, choose a number, then, choose a form, NO1,NO2,NO3(师将 规则读一遍) ,Clear? Go! T: Which group wants to be the first? Whats your number? (点 4,5 组起来读) T: You did very good job, so this time we will enjoy a song(PPT 呈现 rain, rain, go away)Do you like this song? Ss: Yes. T: Good, lets come to read, listen and circle, take out your pencils,(师放第二部分录音,再核对) T: Ok. Look at the blackboard, lets read the story together(师生齐读) T: This time, Practice in groups, Choose 1 or 2 sentences to read,30 seconds, go!(师请四人小组练习读句子,读几句任意选择) T: You can read the sentence, can you write down the sentences? Lets listen and write.(师请生独立完成书中第三部分 的听写,并请 3 个同学在电子白板上书写,再核对) StepStep 5.5.拓展延伸和总结拓展延伸和总结 T: All of you did very good job, Can you remember the snails? (师拿出蜗牛图画)do you want to listen to the story? 师让四人小组先快速的读一读两个小蜗牛绘本,并演出来。选出表演的 最好的小组(PPT 呈现整个绘本故事)。 T: Lets act it, Which group wants to try first? T: Today we have learned many words with ai and ay ,all of you did good job, Congratralations, at last, I will share a poem to you ,(ppt 呈现小诗),lets read the poem together. Goodbye, boys and girls. HomeworkHomework 1. Read the 9 words and find out more words contain ai and ay 2. Tell the story about Ray and Fay to your friends. Blackboard-design:Blackboard-design: 板板 书书 设设 计计 UNIT5UNIT5 ThereThere isis a a bigbig bedbed A A letslets spellspell rainbowrainbow rainyrainy snailsnail waitwait paintpaint playplay MondayMonday birthdaybirthday wayway todaytoday -PartA lets spell Can you play? R a y F ay Ray and Fay are good friends Today is Monday birthday Ray will go to Fays birthday party ptnia Its a rainy day. Ray doesnt want to make Fay wait wait rainbow The rain goes away, We can see a rainbow train They can play with the train ai ay /ei/ /ei/ What can you find? ai ai /e/ /e/ /e/ 单词中间排好队单词中间排好队 ay ay /e/ /e/ /e/ 单词末尾排好队单词末尾排好队 ai sp g n aih w t ayb aw Practice in groups 1. Train train train 开火车读开火车读 2. Read after me 选英语最好的组员带读选英语最好的组员带读 3. Read them together 组员齐读组员齐读 4. Read them in your style,however, everyone must join in the readings自创自创 形式读,但是,必须全体组员参与形式读,但是,必须全体组员参与 1.hay jay lay way brain chain fain ray may bay brain chain explain rain rainbow brain bay birthday Monday 3.ray may bay brain chain explain 2.brain chain fain ray may explain plain chain bay gay explain fail nail Act in groups 四人小组表演四人小组表演 No pain, no gain 一份耕耘,一份收获一份耕耘,一份收获 Todayismyfavoriteday. Iplaywithmysnail. Ithasalongtailandlittlebrain. Ittoldmeaway. Nopain,nogain. Homework 1. Read the 9 words and find out more words contain ai and ay. 2. Tell the story about Ray and Fay to your friends.
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