Unit 6In a nature park-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:c0070).zip

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人教版本五年级上册 Unit6 In a nature park some 与 any 的用法 本课适用于小学高年级学生 some 与 any 的用法 人教版本五年级上册 Unit 6 In a nature park partB Lets talk A:Are there any trees in the nature park? B:Yes. And there are some flowers. A: Wow,Lets have a look. some:“一些”用于肯定句 Eg.There are some apples on the tree.(肯定句) Some is used in positive sentences Any一些 There arent any birds in the tree.(否定句 ) Any is used in negative sentences Are there any apples in the tree?(疑问 句) any is used in questions any 一些 some/any后加可数名词复数 There are some students in the classroom.(可数名词复数) There arent any pens on the desk.(复数名词 ) some/any后加 不可数名词 Is there any milk in the cup?(不可数) There is some bread on the plate.(不可数) some/any 特殊 用法 在表示“建议,反问,请求”的疑问 句中或者希望得到对方肯定回答时 ,多用some,不用any。 Eg. Would you like some coffee? What about some orange juice? any表示“任何”意义时,起 强调作用,可用于肯定句 中 Eg. Any student can answer this question. 练习:some or any 1._children like playing in the park. 2.President(主席) Xi planted _trees on Tree Planting Day. 3.Would you like _ apples? 4.Are there _ pandas in the forest? 5.There isnt_ water in the bottle. 6. Is there _tea in the cup? 7.There is _bread on the dish. Some some some any any any some 人教版本五年级上册 Unit6 In a nature park some 与 any 的用法 本课适用于小学高年级学生 some 与 any 的用法 人教版本五年级上册 Unit 6 In a nature park partB Lets talk A:Are there any trees in the nature park? B:Yes. And there are some flowers. A: Wow,Lets have a look. some:“一些”用于肯定句 Eg.There are some apples on the tree.(肯定句) Some is used in positive sentences Any一些 There arent any birds in the tree.(否定句 ) Any is used in negative sentences Are there any apples in the tree?(疑问 句) any is used in questions any 一些 some/any后加可数名词复数 There are some students in the classroom.(可数名词复数) There arent any pens on the desk.(复数名词 ) some/any后加 不可数名词 Is there any milk in the cup?(不可数) There is some bread on the plate.(不可数) some/any 特殊 用法 在表示“建议,反问,请求”的疑问 句中或者希望得到对方肯定回答时 ,多用some,不用any。 Eg. Would you like some coffee? What about some orange juice? any表示“任何”意义时,起 强调作用,可用于肯定句 中 Eg. Any student can answer this question. 练习:some or any 1._children like playing in the park. 2.President(主席) Xi planted _trees on Tree Planting Day. 3.Would you like _ apples? 4.Are there _ pandas in the forest? 5.There isnt_ water in the bottle. 6. Is there _tea in the cup? 7.There is _bread on the dish. Some some some any any any some Some 与 any 1._children like playing in the park. 2.President(主席) Xi planted _trees on Tree Planting Day. 3.Would you like _ apples? 4.Are there _ pandas in the forest? 5.There isnt_ water in the bottle. 6. Is there _tea in the cup? 7.There is _bread on the dish. Unit 6Unit 6 In a nature parkIn a nature park 第六课时 B. Read and write B. LetB. Read and write B. Let s check C. Story times check C. Story time 子 写自然公园三个问题给出的答案 Where is Robin? Whats in front of the mountain? Whats on the lake? Answers: He is at Mr Jones house. In front of the mountain, there is a small village. There are many ducks on the lake. 写自然公园三个问题给出的答案 a high mountain in the park Yes, there is. many ducks on the lakeYes, there are. Is there a nature park near the houseYes, there is. 同学们你们做对了吗? 罗宾想画一张公园的画。你能帮忙吗? 写自然公园三个问题给出的答案 听录音,回答问题 公园里有湖吗? 公园里有鸟儿吗? 同学们你们做对了吗? 看下面的图片。完成问题和答案 看下面的图片。完成问题和答案 No, there arent Yes, there are IsYes, there is AreYes, there are Is Yes, there is Yes, there areAre 同学们你们做对了吗? There be 口诀 There be有特点,主语放在be后面, 单数主语用is ,复数主语要用are。 变否定很简单,be后要把not添。 变疑问也不难,把be提到there前。 否定疑问any换,就近原则多多练。 What can they do in the nature park? What are beautiful, too? Are there any people in the house? What do they do first? Answer: They can take some pictures. The mountains and trees are beautiful, too. No, there arent. They take pictures of the koala first. ! Why not? We can take some pictures there. 1 看那美丽的桥 Yes.The mountains and trees are beautiful,too . 2 Are there any people in the house? Lets go and have a look! 3 Look!There is a koala over there. 4 Later,Zoom,Lets take pictures of the koala first Zoom. 5 Oh ,dear me! ! Oh ,no! 6 师生一起总结本单元学习的词汇和句型。 词汇: forest, river, lake, mountain, hill, tree, bridge, building, village, house, boating, go boating, nature park, arent, high 句型: Whats in the park? Lets go to the forest. Are / Is there ? Yes, there are / is. (No, there arent / isnt.) Lets go boating. The nature park is so quiet. There is a nature park near the house. Homework 1.Read the story time loudly. 2.Draw a picture of an nature park and talk about it with your friends based on the sentence pattern”There is/are.”. 1 Unit six In a nature park Lesson 6 一教学内容 B. Read and write B. Lets check C. Story time 二课时目标 1. 能读懂“Read and write”部分的绘画和填空任务,复习本单元的 主要词汇和句型。 2. 能读懂“Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和回答问题的任务。 3. 能听、说、认读单词“high” 。 4. 能读懂“Story time”部分的趣味故事。 5. 提高学生的英语阅读能力和学习英语的兴趣。 三教学重难点 重点: 1. 能读懂“Read and write”部分的绘画和填空任务,复习本单元的 主要词汇和句型。 2. 能读懂“Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和回答问题的任务。 难点: 提高学生综合运用英语知识的能力。 四教学准备 1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。 2. 学生准备画笔和画纸。 2 五教学过程 Step.1.Warm-up 1. Free talk 2. 教师播放歌曲“At the nature park”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱 歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。 Step.2.Preview 教师出示图片,与学生进行趣味问答。 Step.3.Presentation Show a picture of nature T: Are there any trees in the nature? Ss:Yes,there are. T:Are there any people ? S1;Yes,there is one. T:Is there a mountain? S2:No,there isnt. T:Is there a lake? S3:No,but there is a river. . 1. B. Read and write (1) 教学新单词。 教师指着教室里的日光灯,说:“Oh, look at the light. Theyre too high. I cant touch them.” ,教师边说边做动作,帮助学生明白单词 3 “high”的意思。 教师问:“What is high?” ,学生回答:“The sky / kite / building / is high.” 。 (2) Read and draw. T: Hello, everyone. Its time to meet your friend, Robin. Now Robin is at Mr Jones house. What can the robot see? Lets listen to the tape and know about it. (3) 教师播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容回答问题。 Where is Robin? Whats in front of the mountain? Whats on the lake? Answers: He is at Mr Jones house. In front of the mountain, there is a small village. There are many ducks on the lake. (4) Draw a picture at the park. 学生自主阅读短文,根据短文的描述画出自然公园的图片,然后在 六人小组内呈现自己画的图片,最后每个小组选出最好的一张图片, 教师评选出“最佳小画家” ,并给予奖励。 (5) Write three questions about the nature park and give the answers. 学生用 There be 句型的一般疑问句写出问句,同桌合作进行问 答练习。 4 2. Lets check (1) 介绍对话任务。 T: Listen to the tape, tick or cross the pictures and answer the questions. (2) 第一次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容判断图片正误。 (3) 第二次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容回答问题: (4) 第三次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。 Step.4.Consolidation 1. C. Story time (1) 教师依次出示本部分的教学挂图,学生根据挂图内容猜测故事 大意。 (2) 教师播放本部分的教学录音,学生验证自己的猜测是否正确。 (3) 介绍故事背景。 T: Zoom and Zip go to the nature park on a nice day. What will happen? Lets listen to the tape and see. (4) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生小声跟着录音读,提醒学生在 跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。第二次播放教学录音, 学生听完录音后回答下面的问题: What can they do in the nature park? What are beautiful, too? Are there any people in the house? What do they do first? 5 Answer: They can take some pictures. The mountains and trees are beautiful, too. No, there arent. They take pictures of the koala first. (5) 学生在小组内容练习分角色表演故事,然后教师请两三组学生 上讲台表演,提醒学生表演时要带上适当的表情和动作,教师评选 出“最佳表演组” ,并给予表扬。 Step.5.Summary 师生一起总结本单元学习的词汇和句型。 词汇: forest, fiver, lake, mountain, hill, tree, bridge, building, village, house, boating, go boating, nature park, arent, high 句型: Whats in the park? Lets go to the forest. Are / Is there ? Yes, there are / is. (No, there arent / isnt.) Lets go boating. The nature park is so quiet. There is a nature park near the house. Step.6.Homework 6 1.Read the story time loudly. 2.Draw a picture of an nature park and talk about it with your friends based on the sentence pattern”There is/are.”. 六板书设计 Unit six In a nature park B. Read and write B. Lets check C. Story time Whats in the park? Lets go to the forest. Are / Is there ?Yes, there are / is. 七教学反思
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