Module 1 Getting to know each other-2 My summer holiday-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(编号:f2636).zip

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沪教2011课标版三年级起点 六年级英语上册 M1U2 My summer holiday 1. -How was your summer holiday? -It was. 2. -What did you do during your summer holiday? -I 3. -What did you see there? -I saw 4. -Did you have a good time? -Yes. 2 My summer holiday Where did Alice go during her summer holiday? She went to Beijing. She climbed on it. It is a very long wall. She _. She saw the national flag-raising ceremony. She _. She saw a lot of old buildings and treasures in it. She _. Alices summer holiday In August, Alice visited her uncle in Beijing. She went there by plane. Alice went to the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum. She enjoyed her summer holiday. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 1. What else did she do in Beijing? She visited her uncle in Beijing. 2. How did she go there? She went there by plane. 3. Did she enjoy her summer holiday? Yes, she did. 1. Read paragraph one loudly. 2. Discuss the questions with classmates. 3. Do a report. Beijing plane the Great Wall the Palace Museum During the summer holiday, Alice went to Beijing. 2 My summer holiday During the summer holiday, Peter and his family went _. During the summer holiday, Peter and his family went _. back to the UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国) The United Kingdom the UK Great Britain Britain London capital Peter spent his holiday in London. spend Where did you spend your holiday? I spent my summer/winter holiday in_. What did Peter and his family do in London? During the summer holiday, Peter and his family went back to the UK. They spent their holiday in London. They visited Big Ben and the British Museum. Everyone had a good time. What did Peter and his family do in London? They visited Big Ben and the British Museum. What do you know about Big Ben? The British Museum During the summer holiday, Peter and his family went back to_. They spent their holiday in_. They visited _and the_. had_. the UK London Big Ben British Museum a good time all of them Everyone During the summer holiday, Peter and his family went back to_. They spent their holiday in_. They visited _and the_. Everyone had_. the UK London Big Ben British Museum a good time During the summer holiday, Peter and his family went back to_. They spent their holiday in_. They visited _and the_. Everyone had_. the UK LondonBig Ben British Museum a good time 2 My summer holiday Whats she doing? She is picking apples. 1.During the summer holiday, Jill stayed with her parents. 2. She spent her holiday in the countryside. 3. She picked pears with her grandmother. (T) (F) (F) In the countryside pick v. 采摘采摘 picked The people in the countryside pick _ in autumn. During the summer holiday, Jill _with her grandparents in the countryside. She _ _ with her grandmother. stayed picked apples Do a quiz During _, Jill stayed _. She _ with her grandmother. During _, Peter and his family _. They _in_. They visited _. Everyone had_. In August, Alice _. She went there _. Alice went _. She _. How do you spend your holiday? My summer holiday During the summer holiday, I went to _ by _. I _. (What did you do there?) I _ _. (What did you see there?) I _. (Did you have a good time?) Writing My summer holiday During the summer holiday, I went to _ by _. I _. (What did you do there?) I _ _. (What did you see there?) I _. (Did you have a good time?) Writing AfterAfter classclass 1.Share your travelling experience with classmates. 2.Talk about what will you do next holiday. 教教 学学 设设 计计 沪教沪教 2011 课标版三年级起点课标版三年级起点 六年级英语上册六年级英语上册 Unit2 My summer holiday 教学内容:Module 1 Unit2 My summer holiday 第二课时 教学年级:六年级上册 教材分析: 本节课是上海教育出版社六年级上册 Module 1 Unit2 My summer holiday 第二课时。本课的话题是 My summer holiday,我的暑假生活,学生刚刚度过暑 假,会有好多新鲜事想和同学们交流。本课是第二单元的第二课时,在第一课 时中学生们学习询问假期生活的句型 How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful. 第二课时继续学习如何介绍假期生活,掌握 during, everyone, pick 等单词的用法,继续学习一般过去时的用法。学生在学完 Alice, Peter 和 Jill 的假期生活后能介绍自己的假期生活。 学情分析:学情分析: 六年级学生有一定的英语基础,具备基本的听说读写能力,课下学生能够 预习课文,自学生词,学习的主动性和积极性有了显著提高。从本书的第一单 元学生们开始接触一般过去时,有了一定的认识和了解,在这一课中,学生们 继续学习和运用一般过去时,表达暑假里都做了什么,过得怎么样。教师引导 学生们在不同的活动中运用一般过去时,掌握一些动词的过去式,在感知,体 验,实践,参与和合作等方式中实践本课的教学目标。 教学目标教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标:能在语境中熟练运用词汇 everyone, spend, during, pick, in the countryside;运用重点句型 How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful.询问对方的暑假生活,能介绍自己的假期生活,并能简单 书写。 2、过程与方法目标:在 pad 课堂中,结合不同的活动和语境,学生们理解 课文内容,学习练习运用重点词汇和一般过去时的句型交流假期生活; 3、情感态度与价值观目标:通过交流假期生活,学生们懂得过一个有意义 丰富多彩的假期生活,激起学生们对生活的热爱,对旅游的热爱,在旅游中学 习知识,拓宽视野。 教学重点教学重点: 能在语境中熟练运用词汇 everyone, spend, during, pick, in the countryside;运用重点句型 How was your summer holiday? It was wonderful.询问对方的暑假生活。 教学难点教学难点: 介绍自己的假期生活,并能简单书写。 课前准备课前准备: 学生:预习课文内容和新单词,搜集大本钟和大英博物馆的信息。 教师:多媒体课件,课文音频,自己旅游的一些照片,有关英国简单信息, 大本钟和大英博物馆的信息。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、导入新课导入新课 1、教师展示自己旅游的一些照片,介绍自己的暑假生活。 2、教师采访一名学生:How was your summer holiday? Where did you go? What did you see?.让学生采访同学,到教室前面展示,运用第一课时学 过的重点句型询问假期生活。 二、课文呈现二、课文呈现 分三部分:Alice, Peter, Jill 的暑假生活。 1. Alices summer holiday Activity1: 在第一课时中,大家了解到 Alice 暑假去了北京。利用 pad 抢 答功能做一个猜一猜的游戏,What did she do in Beijing? 听录音检测猜 得对不对。展示万里长城、天安门广场和故宫博物馆的图片,师生交流是 否去过万里长城等,简单介绍关于它们的信息。 Activity2: 小组合作学习。读课文然后谈论问题,小组派代表回答问题。教 师强调出现动词的过去式。 What else did she do in Beijing? How did she go there? Did she enjoy her summer holiday? Activity3: 在北京时,Alice 给 Kitty 写了一个明信片,帮助她完成。 2. Peters summer holiday Activity1: 听录音后填空,了解 Peter 暑假去了哪里。He went back to the UK. So he is from the UK. 简单介绍英国的名字、国旗和地图,同 时学习 spend 这个单词,并练习 I spent my summer holiday in_. Activity2: 回答问题:What did Peter and his family do in London? 学生 自己在第二段中找答案。学生们课前查找有关大本钟和大英博物馆的信息, 请同学们说说 What do you know about Big Ben. 然后观看一个关于大英 博物馆的小视频,了解这两处名胜古迹。 Activity3: 给信息让学生们练习介绍 Peters holiday。学习 everyone。 3. Jills summer holiday Activity1:展示图片,What is Jill doing? 找一名学生读第三段,同时其他学生做判断正误,利用 Pad 全班同学做 题功能检测大家对这一段落的理解。 During the summer holiday, Jill stayed with her parents. She spent her holiday in the countryside. She picked pears with her grandmother. Activity2: 出示一些乡村和秋收的图片,学习 countryside 和 pick。 练习说:The people in the countryside pick _in autumn. 三、拓展练习拓展练习 1、Do a quiz. 检测学生对课文中出现的动词的过去式的掌握情况。 2、请同学们练习根据图片和板书内容复述课文内容。 3、假期生活多姿多彩,我们可以有很多种方式度过假期生活,其中旅游是 一种很好的方式。通过旅游,我们可以学习到课上学不到的知识,拓宽我们的 眼界,愉悦我们的身心,还可以欣赏美丽的景色,品尝美味的食物。现在出国 旅游也变得更加方便,可以去国外体验不一样的生活,了解他们的风土人情。 请同学们模仿课文内容,写写自己的假期生活,和同学们分享一下自己的 旅游经历,学生写后用 pad 拍照,上传,教师评价。 四、作业四、作业 课后和同学们继续分享旅游经历,谈论下一个假期做什么。
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