(精品)人教版九年级英语Unit 1导学案(免费下载).doc

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1、- 1 - Unit 1How can we become good learners? 【SectionA 预习案预习案】 一、一、词语链接:词语链接: 1. pronunciation (n.) -_ (v.) 2. patient (n.) 病人;( adj.)有耐心的-_ (n.) eg: Doctors should be _ (= have _) with the _. 3. express (v.) _ (n.)4. discover(v.)- _ (n.) 5. memorize (v.)= _ ; _ (n.)_ the words 记单词have a good _记忆力好

2、6. bear (v.) - _ (pt.) / _ (pp.)be born in/ at/ on 出生于. be born to do sth. 天生就会做某事 _ (adj.) 天生的_天生具有 7. able(adj.)- _ (n.) 表“能力”、“能够”,多为不可数名词;表示“才能”、“才干”,多用复数复数形式 1) He has the _ to speak English well.= He is _ to speak English well.2) He is a man of many _. 8. create(v.)_创作者/_创作品/_ 生物(n.)_ (adj.)有创

3、造力的 He is a great _ and he has _ a lot of useful things,so he is very _ and his _ are useful. 9. active (adj.) -_ (n.) 10. attention (n.) -; _注意,关注;* Attention! ( int.)口令立正; 11. connect (v.)- _ (n.)12. knowledge (n.) - _ (adj.)13. wisely (adv.)_ (adj.) 二、汉译英:二、汉译英:熟读教材 P1P4,在书上勾出以下重点短语和句型并做好批注在书上勾出以

4、下重点短语和句型并做好批注,然后完成预习案。 1. 与朋友合作学习_2. 制作单词卡片_ 3. 读课文_4. 向老师求助_ 5. 与朋友用英语进行对话_6. 大声朗读来练习发音_ 7. 小组学习_8. 提高了我的说话技巧_ 9. 用那种方法学到了很多_10. 作报告_ 11. 一个非常慢的阅读者_12. 先快速阅读来获得大意。 _ 13. 逐字阅读_14. 词组阅读_ 15. 根据前后文猜词意_16. 好的,耐心点,慢慢来。_ 17. 你读得越多,你就越快。_18. 语言学习的秘诀_ 19. 我爱上了这部令人兴奋又有趣的电影_ 20. 身体语言和脸上的表情帮助我理解。 _ 21. 我也意识到我

5、可以通过听关键词获得理解。_ 22. 小菜一碟。_23. 你活该。_ 24. 查字典_25. 更好地理解英语影片_ 26. -我怎样能提高我的发音?_ -一种方法就是通过听磁带。_ 27. -你是通过大声朗读来学英语的吗?_ - 2 - -是的,它对我的发音很有帮助。_ 28. 大声复述出来_做笔记_ 多读_给笔友写 e-mail_ 记忆句子结构_用英语记日记_ 做语法练习_ 【Section A 语言学习语言学习案】案】 【学法指导学法指导】 认真阅读新支点 Section A 的第一、二节重难点讲解并勾画出重要短语,完成下列语言案。 1.介词介词 by 的用法的用法 1) by + v-i

6、ng意思是_翻译:通过小组学习学英语_ 2)by + 地点名词,意思是_翻译:坐在门边_ 3) by + 交通工具/方式名词,意思是_ 翻译:坐飞机(2)_*步行_ 4)by + 时间,意思是_翻译:七点二十之前到学校 _ * go/ walk/ pass by sb/sp 从旁经过 2. another , other(s),the other(s)的区别的区别 泛指泛指特指特指剩下的全部 another+ 单数名词单数名词, 泛指“另一个”the other(可单独用;也可 + 单数名词单数名词) 表示“两者中的另一个” 表单数表单数 other +复数名词复数名词 = others 泛指

7、“另一些” the others =the other + 复数名词复数名词 表示“剩下的那一些” 表复数表复数 * another + 数词数词 + 复数名词复数名词=数词数词 + more /other + 复数名词复数名词表示表示“另外还需要另外还需要” 试着翻译下列短语:(两者中) 一个另一个 _ 一些一些 _ 一些另一些(剩下的全部) _ 【即时练习】选用 another , other(s),the other(s) 填空。 1)I have two friends, one is Mike, _ is Tom. 2)There are many people in the par

8、k. Some are playing, _ are talking. 3)This shirt is too small. Show me _ one, please. 4)There are 48 students in my class. 28 of us are girls, _ are boys. 5)I need 10 books, there are only 4. So please give me _ six. 链接:二则顺口溜链接:二则顺口溜 常跟动词常跟动词-ing 形式的动词及短语形式的动词及短语 完成,练习,盼望,忙 (finish, practice, look f

9、orward to, be busy); 考虑,建议,不禁,想(consider, suggest, cant help, feel like); 错过,习惯, (别)放弃 (miss, be used to, give up); 继续,喜欢, (要)介意 (keep on, enjoy, mind) 。 英语中常用的系动词英语中常用的系动词 一是(be) ,一感(feel) ,一保持(keep) , 起来四个(sound, look, smell, taste) 好像(seem)变了仨(get, turn, become) 【Section B 预习案】预习案】 【学法指导】通读教材【学法指

10、导】通读教材 P5 2b,结合,结合“新支点新支点”P5-8 页注释与讲解,理解文章,勾画重点短语与句子。页注释与讲解,理解文章,勾画重点短语与句子。 细读细读 Sectin B P5 -P8,在书上勾画重点短语与句子,并把注释写在书上。然后翻译下列短语与句子。,在书上勾画重点短语与句子,并把注释写在书上。然后翻译下列短语与句子。 1、与否 _ 2、互相(两者) ,_(三者以上)互相,彼此_ - 3 - 3、通常 _ 4、注意到注意力集中到_ 5、疲倦,劳累 _6、“取舍” _ 7、 每个人与生带来的学习能力。 _ 天生的天生的_ 天生具有天生具有_8、学习中创造兴趣_ 9、 你的大脑越活跃,

11、 就越容易长时间集中精力学习它。 _ 10、 优秀学生通常把兴趣和学习内容联系起来。 _ 把把和和连接或联系起来连接或联系起来_ _ 11、 (练习)实践和从错误中学习_ 12、 熟能生巧。 _ 13、 提高学习技能_ 14、 优秀学生也不怕出错误。 _15、 你必须知道怎样学习。 _ 16、 仅仅努力学习是不够的。 _ 17、 优秀学生找到最佳学习方法去学好。 _ 18、 他们记下关键词或者在大脑中画思维导图。 _ 19、 查看他们的笔记方式_ 20、学生互相用所学的知识进行解释方式_ 21、学问相长。_- 22、 学习是一个终身过程因为每天都有新鲜事物产生。 _ 23 、 你 所 学 的

12、每 一 样 东 西 成 为 你 自 己 的 一 部 分 , 逐 步 改 变 你 , 因 此 越 学 越 聪 明 越 学 越 好 。 _ 【练习案练习案】 完型填空: Last year my English class was _1_for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she _2_to the class. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt _3_every word. Later on , I realized

13、 it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word, _4_ I was afraid to speak in class because I thought my classmates might laugh _5_me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to _6_ English-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is on

14、e of the secrets of _7_a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English _8_. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. And I think successful language learning is active learning. So I look _9_every chance to _10_the language bravely. ()1.A. luckyB. hap

15、pyC. difficultD. great. ()2.A. talkedB. talkC. singD. sang ()3.A. thinkB. believeC. forgetD. understand ()4.A. eitherB. neitherC. alsoD. too ()5.A. toB. withC. atD. in ()6.A. watchedB. watchC. watchesD. watching ()7.A. makingB. becomingC. changingD. turning ()8.A. grammarB. wordsC. pronunciationD. t

16、ests - 4 - ()9. A. atB. intoC. afterD. for ()10.A. useB. makeC. danceD. teach 根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。 How do you practice your spoken English? The first and the most important thing is to _ 6 (相信) in yourself. You should always be full of confidence or you will never be able to7_(提高) your English.

17、You should often encourage yourself, “Come on! Dont be _8 (害怕)!” You should never lose heart and never give up. Maybe you are afraid of9_ (失去) face, but you should think since you are a student and youre learning, theres no10_ (需要)to worry about anything. You must always be 11_ (积极的) in practice. It

18、 doesnt matter if your_12_ (发音)and intonation cant be as good as native speakers. Because you are Chinese, you dont have too many13 _ (机会) to live in foreign countries to talk with the people there all the time. But you must know that the main aim of studying English is to make yourself 14 _ (理解) an

19、d understand other people. You should believe that native speakers will not laugh at you. _ 15(代替), they will encourage you. So if you are brave enough, youll certainly make rapid progress in your spoken English. Dont be shy or afraid! Just have a try. 【写作课】【写作课】 中考写作范文读念 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某英文报纸请你以How

20、 to be a good learner为题投稿,谈一谈你在学习方法 或学习习惯方面的建议(至少 3 条) 。文章的题目已给出。 提示词语: get ready for,carefully, in class, go over, help, each other, do sports How to be a good learner? To be a good leaner, we should have good habits and ways in learning. First, its important to get ready for our lessons before cla

21、ss and listen carefully in class. After class, wed better go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. Second, we need to help each other and study in groups. It can not only help us solve problems but also provide us the opportunities to learn to cooperate with others. Above all, working hard is important, but dont forget to do sports and keep healthy. I hope all of us will become good learners.


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