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1、第 1 页 共 18 页 人教版九年级上学期英语期中测试卷人教版九年级上学期英语期中测试卷 满分 120 分,考试时间 90 分钟 一、一、听力,略听力,略 二、阅读理解二、阅读理解 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 1 (10 分)Every year,millions of Chinese college students from poor families face money problems.These problems have become serious for the whole society.Last month,th

2、e Chinese FoundationAlleviation (贫基金会) (1)The monthly costs for students.(2)Where do they get subsides(助学补助)? 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)Aboutof the students get subsidies from society. A.17.7% B.21.3% C.30.8% D.40% (2)About one fifth of the students spendevery month. A.0500 yuan B.5001000 yuan C.01000 yuan D

3、.more than 1000 yuan (3) According to the charts, there are aboutpeople who spend less than 1 , 000 yuan every month among 10,000 Chinese college students. A.3870 B.2130 C.4000 D.7870 (4)is(are) the main source(s)of help. A.Help from the society B.Green Passage program 第 2 页 共 18 页 C.Help from colle

4、ges D.Loans from the government (5)The passage is a survey report on Chinese college students. A.eating habits B.living and education C.medical care D.job opportunity 2 (10 分)The government in China plans to end its onechild policy and let families have two children instead. The plan was announced o

5、n Thursday after high level political meetings in Beijing.A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy.The statement said the change is meant to balance population development,stop a falling birth rate (出生率) and strengthen the countrys labor force(劳动力). China

6、,with the largest population in the world,started the one child policy in 1980.But the government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children.For example,if the firstborn child is a girl. In 2013,the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children if one of them w

7、as an only child.Jiang Quanbao, a teacher and population expert, he said.People in the countryside are more interested.But some of them are already allowed to have two children. At the end of 2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people.Atotal of 800 million of them have jobs.But the labor ma

8、rket population will drop in 35 years.That is to say, the country will be in great need of labor by the year 2050.With the two child policy Boys and girls,what do you think of the twochild policy?Do you want to have a new born brother or a sister? 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)Why does the government plan to end

9、 the onechild policy? A.Because we need a larger population. B.Because millions of people have jobs. C.Because most families want to have a second child. D.Because a falling birth rate must be stopped. (2)How do most young people in the cities react to the twochild policy? A.They support the policy.

10、 B.They dont think it is good. C.Theyre very interested. 第 3 页 共 18 页 D.Theyre not interested any more. (3)When will our country be seriously short of labor if the onechild policy continues? A.In 2015. B.In 2035. C.In 2050. D.In 2070. (4)The TwoChildren Policy mainly. A.helps solve the problems of a

11、ging population and labor shortages B.doesnt allow one couple to have two children C.has a bad influence on ones mental health D.encourages one couple to have more than two children (5)More couplesthe TwoChildren Policy according to the passage. A.disagree with B.agree with C.dont know D.hate 3 (10

12、分)We know our planet is getting warmer.The earth needs help. What can I do? You might ask. Im just a kid! In fact,everyone can do something to help.What can you do? Dont ask your parents to drive you somewhere when you could easily walk or ride your bike.Cars are one of the biggest causes of air pol

13、lution.Use the car less often.Getting more exercise is good for your body,too. Recycle paper,plastic,glass and steel cans.Recycling means reusing something old to make new things.Newspapers,Phone books,and white paper can be recycled.Recycling a ton of paper can save seventeen trees!Visit your towns

14、 recycling center.Learn the rules and start to recycle. Reuse things.Buying used things is cheaper than buying new ones.Sell or give away your used clothes and toys.Reuse plastic or glass bottles instead of throwing them in the trash.Reuse the plastic bags when shopping.Using cloth bags is better. C

15、onserve natural resources.Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.Turn off lights, radios,TVs,and other electrical things when you leave the room.When you dont use the computer,shut it down.It saves much electricity if you let it sleep. Try not to use anything just one time and then throw it aw

16、ay.Dont buy singleuse water bottles.Use a glass or plastic container (容器) that can be washed and reused.Use a lunch box or bag instead of paper bags to pack lunches for school or picnics. What we do today affects our future generations(后代).Lets take good care of the earth! 第 4 页 共 18 页 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

17、 (1)are one of the biggest causes of air pollution. A.Buses B.Bikes C.Cars D.Trains (2)Recycling a ton of paper can savetrees. A.seventeen B.twenty C.twentyseven D.seventy (3)Its better to useto carry things when we do some shopping. A.plastic bags B.cloth bags C.paper bags D.baskets (4)Which of the

18、 following is NOT true? A.Akid also can help protect environment. B.Newspapers,old magazines,phone books and white paper can be recycled. C.Reusing things is a good way to clean our environment. D.Singleuse things can help clean our environment. (5)Whats the best title for the passage? A.Cars Cause

19、theAir Pollution. B.Recycling Is a Best Way to Protect Our Environment. C.What Can We Do to Save the earth. D.Save the Energy. 4(10 分) Greenhouse gas, sandstorm, PM2.5, many people are taking part in protecting the earth. (1) Yin Yuzhen,50 years old,is a common woman in Shanxi. (2)However,she is a n

20、ational hero for fighting sandstorms in the desert of Inner Mongolia.In 1985,20year old Yin Yuzhen began to fight against desert with her family.She wanted to change desert into farmland.Of course,when other people were sleeping,her family began their work.Planting (3)At last,she fell badly ill.But

21、when she got well,she went on working.So far,000 trees with her family to stop the sand moving towards their village successfully. (4) In 2002, Yin Yuzhen received the China Environment Prize (中国环境奖) .She said (5) 第 5 页 共 18 页 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.Maybe most Chinese people

22、 dont know anything about her. B.Her dreams came true. C.Many men couldnt bear such heavy work,not to mention (更别提) a woman. D.Yin Yuzhen is one of them. E.My only wish is to turn the whole desert into farmland. 三、完形填空(三、完形填空(15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 15 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 5 (15 分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一

23、个可以填入 相应空白处的最佳答案。 John was a doctor.One day, after (1)up his work, he felt so hungry!He was eager to find a restaurant to eat.Driving(2)the street,suddenly,he was attracted by a small restaurant which lied on the corner street. With lost and (3)condition, he was happy when he saw a small restaurant

24、coming up on his right.John quickly pulled over,parked his(4),and walked towards the restaurant.When arriving at the gate,he(5)a blackboard with a sign written in yellow chalk,Todays Special: Vegetable Soup with Fried Chicken and Grilled Vegetables. He was so happy because he felt so(6)to enjoy this

25、 special meal after a busy and tired day.He (7)walked into the special restaurant. Ill take the special,John said to the waiter when the waiter came to take his (8).It passed a few (9)after the waiter received his order.And all of meals were (10). When he saw this special meal,he called over the wai

26、ter.John angrily said, What is this?Is this the special?It says vegetable soup(11)there are no vegetables!It says grilled vegetables,but they arent grilled.They are baked!And it says fried chicken,but the chicken isnt fried! The waiter was not used to city people and(12)attitudes.In an honest and di

27、rect way,he said he was not going to accept this(13). My dear man, said the waiter looking down at John over his glasses, that is(14) makes it so special! John (15)and left the restaurant.The waiter kept in silence. (1)A.givingB.endingC.pickingD.setting (2)A.toB.withC.onD.for (3)A.hungryB.sadC.serio

28、usD.proud (4)A.boatB.bikeC.busD.car 第 6 页 共 18 页 (5)A.thoughtB.searchedC.noticedD.realized (6)A.luckyB.necessaryC.possibleD.similar (7)A.exactlyB.quicklyC.silentlyD.finally (8)A.tripB.orderC.adviceD.mistake (9)A.daysB.secondsC.hoursD.minutes (10)A.servedB.paidC.showedD.fallen (11)A.soB.butC.orD.and

29、(12)A.herB.ourC.theirD.his (13)A.courageB.behaviorC.voiceD.expression (14)A.whyB.whenC.whatD.how (15)A.went outB.got backC.came overD.stood up 四、语篇填空(四、语篇填空(15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 10 分,共分,共 15 分)第一节(分)第一节(10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 10 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 6 (10 分) communicationtravelwithinventstylerapidmakehardnarrowtake 阅

30、读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空 限填一词 Do you know the changes of life in China?Thirty years ago,life was much (1) than it is today.In the past,roads were (2).Many families only bought new clothes for big festivals.In the past 30 years, great changes have(3)place in our life.China has developed

31、(4)now.Roads are wide now.We often buy many different (5)of beautiful clothes.Whats more,we can stay at home to shop online.As for(6),we used to write letters but now we keep in touch (7) friends or relatives by making phone calls or sending messages by QQ and WeChat. We used to have no money to (8)

32、.Now we can travel to many places of interest by car,by train or by plane.Because of these modern (9),our life is becoming much more convenient than before.The changes have (10)our life more comfortable.I like these changes. 第二节第二节 7 (5 分)阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。 Shanghai:Over Package In rec

33、ent years,the packaging for certain products,for example,has become very beautiful (1)excessive (过度的) .The cost of the packaging is often higher(2) 第 7 页 共 18 页 that of the product.The overpackaging of goods creates a lot of waste,seriously wastes our natural resources and pollutes our environment.

34、Kunming:No Car Day. September 22 is No Car Day around the world,but Kunming is the only Chinese city to have No Car Day every month.It is (3)the last Saturday from 9:00 a.m.to 5: 00 p.m.The policy requires that only taxis,buses,bikes and special purpose vehicles (4) allowed to travel anywhere in the

35、 city.On September 22,the air quality in Kunming was reported to be much(5)because of fewer vehicles. 五、补全对话五、补全对话 8 (10 分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、 完整。 A:Hello,Betty.The examination is over.What are you going to do tomorrow? B.Im not sure. (1)? A:I m going to visit the Blue Sky Park. B:Wh

36、y do you want to go there?Its far away from your home. A: (2).I like all kinds of flowers. B:That sounds interesting.It can be a better way to close to nature. A:Well. (3)? B:Yes,Id love to.And I will be free soon. A:Great!Im sure well have a great time. B: (4)?I want to take some photos. A:Of cours

37、e.Its also a great place for taking pictures. B:Got it.Oh,where shall we meet? A: (5).Be sure to get there before 9 oclock. B:OK.See you then. 六、书面表达(六、书面表达(20 分)分) 9 (20 分)假如你叫李军,你家于 2020 年被列为 精准扶贫 的帮扶对象。在政府的扶持 下,你家变化巨大。时值学校校报举办 家庭的变化 英语征文活动,写一篇短文,参 加本次活动。 内容要点: 过去(1)家庭贫困,房屋破旧。 (2)母亲生病,为母担忧,成绩下滑。 现

38、在(1)住进新房,生活极大地改善。 第 8 页 共 18 页 (2)母亲康复,政府派人教父亲如何养猪致富,你的学习也有很大进步。 提示词:政府(government ) ,进步(progress ) ,致富(become rich ) 。 作文要求: (1)词数 80 个左右。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (2)短文内容必须包括所有要点,但不要逐句翻译 (3)短文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 My name is Li Jun.Thanks to the government,my family has changed a lot in the last two years. 第 9 页

39、共 18 页 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 二、阅读理解二、阅读理解 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 1 (10 分)Every year,millions of Chinese college students from poor families face money problems.These problems have become serious for the whole society.Last month,the Chinese FoundationAlleviation (贫基金会) (1)The monthly

40、 costs for students.(2)Where do they get subsides(助学补助)? 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)AboutAof the students get subsidies from society. A.17.7% B.21.3% C.30.8% D.40% (2)About one fifth of the students spendDevery month. A.0500 yuan B.5001000 yuan C.01000 yuan D.more than 1000 yuan (3) According to the charts, t

41、here are aboutDpeople who spend less than 1 , 000 yuan every month among 10,000 Chinese college students. A.3870 B.2130 C.4000 D.7870 (4)Dis(are) the main source(s)of help. A.Help from the society B.Green Passage program C.Help from colleges 第 10 页 共 18 页 D.Loans from the government (5)The passage i

42、s a survey report on Chinese college students. A.eating habits B.living and education C.medical care D.job opportunity 【解答】 (1)A 细节理解题。根据图表中的Help from Society可知约 17.7%的学生获得 了社会补贴。 (2)D 细节理解题。根据图表中over 1000 yuan 21.3%。故选 D。 (3)D 细节理解题。根据图表可知,可知在 10000 名中国大学生中,故选 D。 (4)D 细节理解题。根据图表可知,是主要的帮助来源。 (5)B 主旨

43、大意题。通读全文,故选 B。 2 (10 分)The government in China plans to end its onechild policy and let families have two children instead. The plan was announced on Thursday after high level political meetings in Beijing.A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy.The stat

44、ement said the change is meant to balance population development,stop a falling birth rate (出生率) and strengthen the countrys labor force(劳动力). China,with the largest population in the world,started the one child policy in 1980.But the government allowed only a small number of couples to have two chi

45、ldren.For example,if the firstborn child is a girl. In 2013,the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children if one of them was an only child.Jiang Quanbao, a teacher and population expert, he said.People in the countryside are more interested.But some of them are already allo

46、wed to have two children. At the end of 2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people.Atotal of 800 million of them have jobs.But the labor market population will drop in 35 years.That is to say, the country will be in great need of labor by the year 2050.With the two child policy Boys and gir

47、ls,what do you think of the twochild policy?Do you want to have a new born brother or a sister? 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)Why does the government plan to end the onechild policy?D A.Because we need a larger population. B.Because millions of people have jobs. C.Because most families want to have a second chil

48、d. 第 11 页 共 18 页 D.Because a falling birth rate must be stopped. (2)How do most young people in the cities react to the twochild policy?D A.They support the policy. B.They dont think it is good. C.Theyre very interested. D.Theyre not interested any more. (3)When will our country be seriously short o

49、f labor if the onechild policy continues? C A.In 2015. B.In 2035. C.In 2050. D.In 2070. (4)The TwoChildren Policy mainlyA. A.helps solve the problems of aging population and labor shortages B.doesnt allow one couple to have two children C.has a bad influence on ones mental health D.encourages one co

50、uple to have more than two children (5)More couplesthe TwoChildren Policy according to the passage. A.disagree with B.agree with C.dont know D.hate 【解答】 (1)D 细节理解题。根据 The statement said the change is meant to balance population development,是为了平衡人口发展,故答案为:D。 (2)D 细节理解题。根据 Too many young people in the


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