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1、专题专题 06 代词代词 it 考点详解考点详解 【命题解读】【命题解读】 代词中的 it 是历年高考的重要考点。在 2021 年高考乙卷和 2020 年课标 I 卷,2018 年,2016 年等多年高考课标 I 卷中都考查了代词 it 的用法。 【命题预测】【命题预测】 预计 2022 年高考中代词 it 仍然是热门命题点。但是,命题者会更加注重学生们在特定语言 环境中对代词的把握,以及 it 充当形式主语或形式宾语等的用法。 【复习建议】【复习建议】 1.掌握人称代词 it 的基本用法 2.掌握 it 充当形式主语和形式宾语 3.掌握 it 的固定句型和固定短语 考点一考点一 it 的基本

2、用法的基本用法 1it 指代前面所提到过的事情、事物;身份不明的人或婴儿;未指明但谈话双 方都明白的事情或情况。 The Parkers bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in.(指双方都明白的事情) 帕克一家买了一套新房子,但是在入住之前有大量的工作需要去做。 2it 用作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放在后面,真正的主语 或宾语往往由从句、动名词、不定式充当。 New technologies make it possible to turn out new product

3、s faster and at a lower cost. 新的科技使得以更快的速度、更低的成本生产新产品成为可能。 As far as Im concerned, it is no use arguing with him; he wont change his mind. 就我个人而言,同他争论没用,他不会改变主意。 典例剖析典例剖析 (2018全国全国卷卷I) Running is cheap, easy and its always energetic. If you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to get t

4、he same benefits as other sports, so perhaps we should all give _ a try. 【答案】it 【解析】考查代词。句意“我们应当尝试一下”,give it a try 为固定短语,故填 it。 3表示“喜欢、爱恨”等心理活动的动词后面接 it 作形式宾语再接从句,it 为形 式宾语,指代后面的从句,这类动词有 enjoy, prefer, love, like, hate, dislike, appreciate 等。 I hate it when I have to speak in French on the phone. 不

5、得不用法语打电话,我感到很厌烦。 I like it when she sings me a song. 我喜欢她为我唱歌。 I would appreciate it if you could help me. 如果您能帮我,我将不胜感激。 Please see to it that (make sure that) you bring enough money when you go out. 当你出门时请务必带够钱。 You can count on it that he is very smart. 你就相信吧,他非常聪明。 You can put it that it was arr

6、anged before. 你可以说这是以前安排的。 I take it that you dont agree with me. 我的理解是:你不同意我的见解。 4.(1)如果指代上文提到的同一个事物,则用 it; (2)如果指代天气、时间、距离,则用 it; 考点二考点二it 用于强调句型及其他固定句式中。用于强调句型及其他固定句式中。 1.强调句型 (1)It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who . It is on the farm where we worked together that we got to know each other. 我们是在一起工作过的农场

7、上相互认识的。 (2)It is not until + 被强调部分 + that . 该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语 “直到才”,可以说 是 not . until . 的强调形式。 It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. = Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star. = I didnt realize she

8、was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses. (2)常见固定句式 aItbe时间段since 引导的状语从句 这个句型表示“自以来已多久了”。表示现在的情况时,主句多用一般现 在时或现在完成时,从句多用一般过去时;表示过去的情况时,主句用一般过去 时,从句用过去完成时。 It is three years since his father passed away. 自从他父亲去世已经三年了。 It was 10 years since they had married. 自从他们结婚已经十年了。 bItbe时间段befo

9、re 引导的状语从句 这个句型中的“时间段”一般为 some time, long,. years,. months,. weeks,. days,. hours,. minutes 等。 主句中的 be 可用一般过去时 was/were 或一般将来时 will be:用 was/were 时,before 从句用一般过去时;用 will be 时, before 从句常用一般现在时。 It wasnt long before he told us about this affair. 没过多久他就告诉了我们这件事情。 It will be many years before the situ

10、ation improves. 这种状况要过许多年才能得到改善。 cItbe时间点when 引导的状语从句 这个句型中,it 指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般为具体 时间)。主句的谓语动词和从句的谓语动词在时态上一般是一致的,但是当主句 是将来时时,从句一般用一般现在时代替将来时。 It was already 8 oclock when we got home. 我们到家时已经 8 点了。 dItbetimethat 引导的从句 这个句型中从句需用虚拟语气,该句型表示“是做的时候了”,从句谓语 动词常用过去式(be 用 were)。time 之前有时可加上 high 或 abo

11、ut 以加强语气。 It is high time (that) she wrote a letter to her mother. 她早该写一封信给她妈妈了。 eItbethe first/second/third . timethat 引导的从句 这个句型表示“这/那是某人第几次做某事”。主句中 be 是 is 时,从句要用现 在完成时;主句中 be 是 was 时,则从句需相应地用过去完成时。 It is the first time (that) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall. 这是这些欧洲人第一次参观长城。 It was th

12、e fifth time (that) he had paid a friendly visit toAfrica. 这是他第五次到非洲友好访问。 f. Its +形容词+(for sb) +to do sth (1)It is necessary ( for sb. ) to do sth. 该句型与上一个同属一个句型。如果不定式的逻辑主语是由 for 引起,主句中的形容词 通常是表示重要性,紧迫性,频繁程度,难易,安全等情况的形容词。常见的形容词有: important, necessary, natural easy, safe, common, normal, hard, diffic

13、ult, dangerous, unusual, rare, impossible, pleasant 等。 在中的形容词作表语可以用从句改写,如: It is important for her to come to the party. = It is important that she (should ) come to the party It is difficult to walk through eight country parks. Its +形容词+(of sb) +to do sth (2)It is kind ( of sb. ) to do sth. 该句型中的不定

14、式短语是真正主语,如果不定式的逻辑主语是由 of 引起,主句中的形 容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的形容词。 常见的有: bad, brave, careless, clever, cruel, foolish, good (好心的), honest, horrible, kind, lazy, modest, naughty, nice (有教养的), polite, rude, silly, stupid, wise, wrong (错误的)等。 这个句型可以改写为:sb. is kind to do sth. It is kind of you to say so. = You are k

15、ind to say so. 2it 可用于意义表达不明确的语境中,通常不指代内容,如:get it(明白了); make it(成功了);forget it(算了吧)等结构中。 牛刀小试牛刀小试 单句填空 Yesterday I lost my pen and I couldnt find _ anywhere. Id appreciate _ if you could teach me how to use the computer. When shall we meet again? Make _ any day you like; _ is all the same to me. Wa

16、s _ because Jack came late for school _ Mr Smith got angry? It was not until I came here _ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather. 答案:ititit; itit; thatthat (2)单句写作(用 it 作形式主语或形式宾语) 我认为我们开这个会是必要的。 I think _ that we have the meeting. 众所周知,在世界上中国人口最多。 _ China has the largest population in the world. 据说他们都去看电影了。 _ all of them have gone to the cinema. 答案:it (is) necessaryIt is well known thatIt is said that


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