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1、1.英语专业八级写作要求 考生能根据所给题目要求撰写各类体裁的文章,文章长度约400个单词,能够做到内容充实,语言通顺,用词愉当,表达得体.分值为20分,时间为45分钟.2.TEM8作文评分标准 根据考生的思想与表达,语言运用能力和写作规范分别打分.分项可以打0.5分.思想与表达满分为10分,按考生的表现赋分:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10极差 较差 一般 良好 优秀语言运用能力满分为8分,按考生的表现赋分:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8极差 较差 一般 良好 优秀写作规范满分为2分,按考生的表现赋分:0.5-1-1.5-2较差 一般 良好 优秀P.S:空白卷,仅写了一些与任务无关的

2、字句,仅仅照抄指导语得0分.内容切题,内容充实,观点明确,论据支持论点,有独到见解 表达清晰流畅,有说服力 篇章组织结构:每段有主题句;句间衔接自然;段间过渡自然;第一部分明确提出观点;最后一部分自然得出结论;段落排列自然合理 准确性:语法正确;句子结构正确;固定搭配正确;习语正确;用词准确 丰富性:词汇丰富;句子形式多样 得体性:语气恰当;语言地道 流利度:完成规定词数 单词拼写正确 标点符号正确 大小写正确 书写美观 卷面整洁1.审题及构思(10分钟)必须在头脑中想出或写下(outline):A.中心论点(thesis statement)B.三个分论点(three arguments)2


4、.2,阅卷老师在两秒钟内已经对你有好印象了!3.如何让阅卷老师爱上你的试卷,毫不吝啬地下高分?构思一个前无古人,后无来者而又合情合理,天衣无缝的中心句(thesis statement).P.S:当然,英雄的出世,要有时代的渲染和衬托.在提出中心思想前,要用美仑美奂,精彩纷呈的语句为其出场营造氛围.所谓审题,就是通过阅读写作题目及相关信息或要求,正确领会题目的含义,了解题目要求,为构思合乎具体写作要求的文章框架打下基础。英语专业八级写作测试项目具有鲜明的特色:观点、情景、标题、写作要求具有内在的联系,构成一个整体。因此,审题就意味着不是仅仅浏览一下标题,而是要兼顾其它部分。只有这样,才能真正明

5、确写作目的,领会写作要求。提高审题的准确性有利于学生理解题目含义,了解写作要求,进而有针对性地构思作文内容、布局等。1.读懂提示句(不要陷入出题陷阱)Some people claim that competition is more important than co-operation in the present-day society.How far do you agree with these people?You are to write a composition of about 300 words on the following topic:Competition or

6、co-operation 要求是:在多大程度上赞同这些人的看法,或者在多大程度上不赞同这些人的看法.因此,在提出自己论点时要加上表示程度的语句,同时最好要提及不赞同另一点的原因 Thesis statement:I would,in support of the latter view,extremelyexceedinglywhollyentirely drum for the contention that competition bears more value than cooperation in the current situation.立意要健康,否则,若引起阅卷老师反感,就杯

7、具了 On student lovers living together You are left with one and the only choice:Personally,I dont think it is advisable for college student lovers to live together away from campus.2.有的作文给了文章标题,有的需考生自己提供。对于给出标题的,一定不能光看标题,而要将标题和提示句相结合以找到最好的切入点 Some people simply see education as going to schools or co

8、lleges,or as a means to secure good jobs;most people view education as a lifelong process.In your opinion,how important is education to modern man?(2000)标题:Education as a Lifelong Process Thesis statement:Personally,I side with the belief that the new concept of education as a lifelong process makes

9、 greater sense to modern people.不要急于动笔,深思熟虑后方能写出拿到对得住自己的分数的作文 10分钟构思 立意深远,否则阅卷老师会产生“审美疲劳”从事件引申到本质,从而探讨某一领域 比如:幼儿园校车事故 公务员打父亲 从一个范畴引申到另一范畴 比如:“非诚勿扰”等相亲节目,学术做假 可引申到社会,经济,文化,道德等领域。在全球化的今天,要学会用全球化的视野分析问题 Last winter I visited an old man.The highest mountain in my hometown is Mount tai.Climbing mount tai

10、 can be very interesting.I do morning exercises everyday.Im going to discuss the generation gap in our country.The“post-80s”generation has changed history.My parents helped me grow in three important ways.Nowadays cars are playing an important role in the modern life,but at the same time,they have a

11、lso caused many problems,which force people to find ways to solve the problems.Drum for I,personally,yield to the concept that in accord with my view aptly illustrate my point of view All strength fails to challenge my support for this contention Nothing can undermine the importance of 本次课后,请每个同学设计一

12、句表达自己观点的中心句。尽量不要雷同,现在准备好,以后每次考试都可以用啦 别告诉别人哦 Living on campus or off campus?3.按照要求,对文章结构进行规划。In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement.and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you ha

13、ve written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriacy.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.以中心思想为基准,衍生三个分论点(分论点一定要凝练general;切忌分论点间的重复(或者覆盖)!主题句措词必须相当养眼,拒绝单调,绝不平

14、凡)你觉得下一个提纲如何?to start with,competition is a pervasive necessity that grows out of the modern times.moreover,competition is the source of greater dynamic power than cooperation today.Finally,competition helps the stakeholders to raise the bar of expectation.be conducive toemerges fromTop on the list,

15、competition activates potentiality.In the second place,competition fosters zeal and zest.Last but not least,competition cultivates ingenuity and creativity.Persistence Failures Discontent Dreams Reading Adventures P.S:all the topics are about abstractinvisible objects.Which is more beneficial to peo

16、ple,success or failure?平时要善于总结优美的逻辑性强的推理并平时要善于总结优美的逻辑性强的推理并进行背诵进行背诵 今个这种对于抽象事物的推理方法背下来今个这种对于抽象事物的推理方法背下来了吗?了吗?中心思想:Personally,I side with the belief that the new concept of education as a lifelong process makes greater sense to modern people.分论点:In the first place,the sort of formal education,or sch

17、ooling,is no longer adequate for our profession.Equally important,the sort of fixed schooling cannot satisfy the growing needs of our daily life,either.1.看分论点有没有重复?2.主题句要正式,简练。切忌拖泥带水,冗长WORDY。the sort of,or,too colloquial3.逻辑问题 A,B,二选一 A不好=B好?The Internet is about to take off in China.As many as 9 mi

18、llion people are on line,a number that is estimated to hit 20 million by the end of 2000.It is predicted that this phenomenal growth will have great impact on our society and economy.Choose one aspect of our society or economy where you think the impact will be most strongly felt.Write an essay abou

19、t 300 words entitled.The impact of the internet on.In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement.and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a s

20、ummary.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriacy.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.标题:The impact of the Internet on our interpersonal communication中心思想:To my mind,its impact upon the interperso

21、nal communication in our social life,among others,will be most keenly felt.结构:To begin with,the Internet can remarkably facilitate our interpersonal communication.Secondly,the Internet can greatly speed up our interpersonal communication.Thirdly,the Internet can largely economize our interpersonal c

22、ommunication.E-books The top breakthroughs of the 21st century(telephone,TV,plane,etc.)Information age Computers P.S:all the previously mentioned objects are born in the technological age and most of them are tangible benefits.Have we been isolated by computers?Recently a group of college girls arou

23、sed a heated debate in the states because they wore flip-flaps when visiting the white house.while the girls think their choice was ok,many criticized them of being too disrespectful.Herein China,a boy student sued a female classmate who sit in front of him in an important examination because she wo

24、re too little,which distracted him so much that he failed in the exam.Do you think university students now have sufficient awareness of what is proper to wear?Do you think university should make an explicit dress code for students?Write a composition of 400word.You should supply a title for your ess

25、ay.Tick,tickAfter thorough reflection,we will trace the benefits of dress code from various aspects.First of all,strict dress code can avoid distractions so that students can focus better on their study.Secondly,strict dress code can show respect for teachers and classmates.More importantly,strict d

26、ress code can teach students the importance of proper dressing in the future.Therefore,the university administrators have the duty to make and enforce dress code on campus.题目通常用一句话或若干句话引出写作话题,然后对写作任务进行限定,如说明写作目的,读者对象等.由于包含对写作任务的各种限制条件,如果误读就可能会导致整个任务失败.专八作文主要有两种写作文体:1.说明文One Major Problem in the Proc

27、ess of Urbanization(1998)The Impact of the Internet on(2001)The Most Important Pesonal Quality of a University Student(2002)说明文就是用语言把事物的性质,特征,成因,关系,功能,用途等解释清楚的过程.说明文一般用于解释事物,事件或思想.目的:使人明白写作意图,解释说明某一对象.因此,最重要是让读者明白作者的立意.因此,要在第一部分阐述清楚 写作对策:组织结构要合乎逻辑 多举例说明 下定义阐释 对比与对照说明 原因和结果说明 引说说明 Nowadays with the d

28、evelopment of economy,existing cities are growing bigger and new cities are appearing.What do you think is ONE of the major problems that may result from this process of urbanization?Write an essay of about 300 words on the topic given below.ONE MAJOR PROBLEM IN THE PROCESS OF URBANIZATIONIn the fir

29、st part of your writing you should present your thesis statement.and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details.In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar

30、 and appropriacy.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.只要写一个问题 看到题目,要用发散思维,在纸上多列出一些城市化的问题再一个个划去别人都能想到的,最后得出一个最具新意的问题.最有新意的想法就是和自己最息息相关的想法.主题只能有一个,而且要用陈述句表达.single is simple,double is trouble!环境问题经济问题城市病农村与城市的差距越来越大留守儿童农二代 确定文章

31、中心后再从几方面进行说明,用总说-分说-总说的结构,列出文章的提纲.Thesis statement:Among numerous problems brought forth by urbanization,I think,the poor second generation is such a problem of our major concern.Outline:For one thing,the education of the poor second generation has been severely disturbed by urbanization.Whats more,

32、the mental health of the poor second generation has been deteriorated along with urbanization.当提出一个新的名词时,一定要进行解释。“穷二代”是什么?我的定义:父母都是农民,无稳定工作,靠在城市打工维持家用。“the poor second generation”in my eyes refers to those whose parents dont have stable income and have to toil in cities to make ends meet.For one thi

33、ng,the physical condition of should by all means arouse our major concern.Moreover,the mental health of should be given the top priority by all walks of life.To begin with,should equip themselves with profound professional skills.Secondly,communication skills are in principle critical to the ultimat

34、e success of.Finally,s personal qualities is ultimately vital to future orientation.Its said that having only one advantage is not enough to come off first in this highly competitive times;therefore,more appropriate description of a talent is one characterized by his or her mastery of at least two k

35、inds of skills,besides having a comprehensive grasp of expertise.What is your opinion on this issue?Write an essay of about 400words on the following topic:Modern concepts of Talent All of us would agree that in order to be successful in the present-day society,we university graduates have to posses

36、s certain personal qualities that can enable us to realize our aim.What do you think is the most important quality of a university graduate?Write a composition of about 300 words on the following topic:中心:Personally,I would like to argue that adaptability outweighs the others now that todays society

37、 runs in a state of flux.大纲:To start with,a mobile society demands talents who can easily adapt to the development of the new society.Secondly,a university graduate should be able to survive in new surroundings.Moreover,as interpersonal relations play an important part in peoples career,university s

38、tudents also need to know how to quickly adjust themselves as so to be on good terms with whatever colleagues they may work with in the future.Have you found some problems in this outline?1分论点有重合之嫌 2分论点拖沓,冗长,不简练 3分论点措词不唯美2.议论文Should University Students Go in for Business?(2004)Are Dialects Just as A

39、cceptable in Public Places?(2009)议论就是用逻辑推理来阐明作者立场和观点的过程.是专八写作最常见的题型.最常用的推理类型为“总-分-总”.从写作任务看,大致可分为两类:一是对某一问题或现象或对象的看法;Some people think that finalcial disparity affects friendship.What do you think?Write an essay about 400 words.(2007)二是从关于某一话题的不同观点中选择一个并予以支持.Competition or Co-operation(1999)二选一时,最好只

40、选一方。不要两者都同意!但是,一定要提及另一方。It was reported in the press some time ago that a few second-and third-year students in a provincial university decided to try their hand at business in order to get prepared for the future.They opened six small shops near their university.Their teachers and classmates had di

41、fferent opinions about this phenomenon.Some thought that students time and energy should be devoted to their academic study.What do you think?Write an essay of about 300 words on the following topic:想想能不能用到前面提到的关于“人”的推理来列提纲?What do you think of this one?Therefore,in my opinion,university students sh

42、ould not go in for business because of the following two reasons.Firstly,university students usually have a heavy task of theoretical study.Secondly,a complete social service network has been established on campus,and the students usually have no chance to compete with the supermarkets which offered

43、 much better service and commodities of high quality.Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees.As a result,there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure.What is your opinion?Write an essay of about 400 words to state

44、your view.(2005)想想能不能用到前面提到的关于“人”的推理来列提纲?Mandarin,or putonghua,is the standard service sector language in our country.But recently,employees at a big citys subway station have been busy learning dialects of other parts of the country.Proponents say that using dialects in the subway is a way to provi

45、de better service.But opponents think that encouraging the use of dialects in public counters the national policy to promote putonghua.What is your opinion?Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:To begin with,as a culture,entails respect and renown.Moreover,as a culture,is worth pr

46、eserving and propagandizing.Firstly,culture materializes the invisible strength and serves as the driving force for the economy.Secondly,culture defines the future and peoples fate of a society.Finally,culture guarantees the stability of a nations politics.先进健康的文化对社会有巨大的促进作用,反之亦然。文化与经济相互联系,相互影响 经济是基

47、础,经济决定文化,文化是经济的反映;文化反作用于经济,文化对经济有巨大的影响(经济雄厚,文化强势)文化与政治相互联系,相互影响 政治决定文化,文化是政治的体现;文化反作用于政治,对政治有巨大的影响(反对文化霸权主义)According to a recent newspaper report,many famous sites of historical interest in China have begun or are considering charging tourists higher entry fees during peak travel seasons.This has a

48、roused a lot of public attention and also public debate.What is your opinion?Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel season?Write an essay of about 400 words.From three aspects:Politics(government)Economy(companies business)Society(people)Higher fees,

49、more benefits Personally,my heart seconds the contention that higher entry fees should be charged during peak travel season.Firstly,higher entry fees benefits our country in terms of domestic income.Whats more,higher entry fees benefits tourist department,which will enhance local development.Finally

50、,higher entry fees benefits the social welfare distribution,which is conducive to shortening social wealth disparity.Putting aside money for the future has been a tradition in China.It is an effective way to get ready for potential crisis.However,recently there are more and more“moonlites”(people wh


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