《长津湖》热血催泪台词、双语时评、写作范文! -2022届高考英语教学拓展.docx

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1、高考英语教学拓展高考英语教学拓展 : 长津湖热血催泪台词、双语时评、写作范文!长津湖热血催泪台词、双语时评、写作范文! 国庆假期,大家去看长津湖了吗? 要说今年国庆档最火爆的电影,那一定是长津湖 。上映首日票房已超过 3 亿,截至 10 月 7 日晚 9 时,2021 年国庆档总票房达 46.49 亿元,打破 2019 年国庆档票房纪录 44.66 亿元,成为当之无愧的“史上最强国庆档” 。 电影受欢迎的背后是 71 年前中国人民志愿军抗美援朝的悲壮历史,天寒地冻、缺衣少 粮,有人十个脚指头冻没了,有人饿得抓雪往肚子里咽 在极度恶劣的情况下,志愿军战士们与敌人浴血奋战,赢得了这场战役。先烈们抛

2、头 颅、洒热血,换来了今天的繁华盛世,家国安宁。 那段浸满英雄们血和泪的岁月,那一群无惧无畏的年轻人,每一个中国人都不该忘却。 长津湖热血催泪台词 1、立春就回来,回来给你们盖房子 Ill come back by the beginning of spring. Ill build the house when I come back. 吴京饰演的伍千里在深夜接到了第九兵团的召集令,要求他第二天回军队报到。面对 深深担忧却一句话也没有劝阻的父母,伍千里这样对父母说。 2、大哥说,我们把该打的仗都打了,不让你打 Baili said, he and I fought enough for ou

3、r family. You dont have to join the army. 知道吴京饰演的伍千里要归队后,易烊千玺饰演的伍万里想要和他一起上战场。伍千 里摸了摸伍万里的头,说出了这句话。 3、洋人看不起我们,尊严只能在战场上取得 The foreigners look down upon us. Pride can only be earned on the battlefield. 毛领袖深夜在屋里和彭老总交谈,指出了朝鲜战争的战略意义。这场仗再难打,也要 打。只有打了才能换来未来的和平发展。果然,他的话一语成谶。 4、几十万老百姓的孩子,一道命令就上了战场,我毛岸英有什么理由不去?

4、 Hundreds of thousands of civilians children are going off to war on one command. Why shouldnt I go? 彭老总从院子里出来以后,毛岸英向彭老总请命上战场,结果被彭老总拒绝了。毛岸 英问出了这句话,并在毛领袖充满不舍的同意后得到了上战场的机会。 5、打得一拳开,免得百拳来 Throw out one punch now to avoid a hundred punches in the future. 在军事会议上,毛领袖再次点出了朝鲜战场的战争意义。后来,越南战争、中印战争、 珍宝岛之争,彻底将中

5、国边疆的军事纠纷打熄火了,这才有了如今的和平发展空间。 6、共产党,毛主席给他家分了土地。但是现在,有人要把它抢回去,这个不能答应 The Communist Party and Chairman Mao allotted land to our family. But someone is here to take the land away from them. We cant let that happen. 战场上, “家”便成了千里最深的牵挂。家书中写道: “毛主席给咱家分了二亩三分地, 圆了几辈子的梦想,现在有人想把他抢回去,这个不能答应! ”为了保家,必须卫国,这正 是无数志愿军

6、战士最朴素的出发点。 7、抗美援朝,保家卫国! Resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. Defend our country! 这句话正是朝鲜战争的核心要义。 8、 “美帝国主义就在我们的北边朝鲜发动了战争,妄图把战火烧到我们刚刚诞生的新 中国,我们应该怎么办?” “打! ” The imperialist U.S. started a war with Korea at our northern border. They intend to spread the heat of war to our newly established China. Wha

7、t should we do? Fight! 宋时轮在做动员时说的话。这个时候的美军已经派战机逼近鸭绿江轰炸。 9、让你的敌人瞧得起你,那才叫硬气 Youre only tough enough when your enemies take you seriously. 面对易烊千玺饰演的伍万里的不服,胡军饰演的雷爹第一次教育了他。叫嚣自己人不 算本事,让敌人服气才是真本事。 志愿军的名号都是靠战斗打出来的,一如他的哥哥、战斗英雄伍千里。 10、全体都有,五分钟整理装备。准备出发。 Attention, all. In 5 minutes, we will be leaving. Get re

8、ady for departure. 黄轩饰演的毛岸英到休息室通知刚刚经历血战和长途奔袭的七连战士们准备出发,但 当他看到伤员满屋,战士们充满疲惫时又于心不忍。 在支支吾吾回答不了伍千里询问的出发时间后,伍千里号召全体战士整装待发。一声 令下带来的整齐划一的气势和军令如山的执行力,令毛岸英振奋和感动。 11、战场的二次恐惧,书上说的,像当新兵的时候害怕,那感觉一模一样 The reoccuring fear of the battlefield is just like whats written in the books, the fear you feel as a new recruit

9、. It feels just like that. 在通往朝鲜的火车上,朱亚文饰演的指导员这样表达他当时的心态。离开自己的妻子 和女儿,朱亚文多了太多不舍。而为了不让妻女触景生情,他把勋章都带离了家里。 12、一个蛋从外面被敲开,注定被吃掉。你要是能从里面自己啄开,没准是只鹰 An egg thats been cracked from the outside is destined to be eaten. If you can crack the egg from the inside, you might be an eagle. 面对色厉内荏的弟弟,伍千里毫不留情地告诉伍万里,是骡子

10、是马,拉出来遛遛才知 道。 13、我这趟回家,每次出门上街,都有人冲我点头微笑,我不认识他们,但他们认识 我这身军装 When I was back home last time, every time I went out on the street, people would nod and smile at me, I didnt know them, but they recognized my army uniform. 我军为什么是人民的军队?因为军队来自于人民,受人民拥护,每一名战士都因此而 骄傲和自豪。 14、敌人的后方,才是我连的前沿。七连用自己的大伤亡,换来的是我军的小伤亡

11、。 Our frontlines lie behind enermy lines. We may lose many, but because of that sacrifice, the entire armys sacrifices are minimized. 15、哥,你让我也跟着你冲吧。万一我也像大哥那样,你也帮帮我吧 Qianli, let me stay by your side. If I end up like Baili, you can help me too. 伍万里看着哥哥伍千里,已经经历了数月战斗的他已经成长为一名合格的战士。但面 对亲情和死亡,他怀有恐惧,却仍然敢

12、勇于向前。 16、有些枪必须开,有些枪可以不开 Some shots must be fired. Some shots can be saved. 面对中枪濒死的北极熊团团长,吴京饰演的伍千里阻止了伍万里击毙对方。这也说明 了为何志愿军是一支正义之师。 17、伤亡不值得夸耀,挺住就是一切 We shouldnt brag about this. The most important thing is to hang on. 18、没有冻不死的英雄,更没有打不死的英雄,只有军人的荣耀 There arent any heroes who will never freeze to death,

13、let alone ones who will never be killed. A soldier only lives for honor and glory. 在剿灭了北极熊团之后,段奕宏饰演的老营长对伍万里谆谆教诲。 没有什么不死神枪手,每一个志愿军战士都是英雄。 每一场战斗的胜利,都是用无数同志的鲜血和牺牲换来的。 19、希望下一代活在一个不再充满硝烟的年代 I hope our next generation no longer has to live through war. 在大战之后,朱亚文对着吴京说出来自己的愿望。 20、女儿问我,为什么爸爸要去打这场仗。这场仗我们不打,就

14、是我们的下一代要打。 我们出生入死,就是为了让他们不打仗 My daughter asked me, Daddy, why must you fight this war? If we dont fight this war, our next generation will have to fight it. We are risking our lives to win them a peaceful life. 直到现在还有人疑惑,为什么朝鲜战争非打不可。难道不打朝鲜战争,现在的和平生 活就不见了吗?难道朝鲜被美军彻底攻占以后,他们就一定会进攻中国本土吗? 朱亚文对吴京说的这句话,解答的

15、就是这个问题。之所以现在很多人有这样愚蠢的言 论,可以生活在现在的和平年代,可以腹诽或公开指责功勋战士,不就是因为先烈和前辈 替我们把仗打完了吗? 21、不相信有完不成的任务,不相信有克服不了的困难,不相信有战胜不了的敌人 I dont believe in missions impossible to complete. I dont believe in difficulties impossible to overcome. I dont believe in enemies impossible to defeat. 欧豪饰演的是新中国第一个特等战斗英雄杨根思。杨根思率领一个连的部队,

16、硬生生 阻挡了美军大半个特战师一天一夜。最后,杨根思还选择了和敌人同归于尽。三不相信, 正是杨根思的人生格言。 22、面对有如此决心的敌人,我们永远无法战胜他们 Fighting against men with such strong will like this. We were not ordained to win. 美军师长史密斯在撤退途中看到了中国战士的冰雪丰碑,有感而发。 长津湖外媒时评 A gritty battlefield actioner, the project is in keeping with the nationalistic tone of recent te

17、nt pole Chinese filmmaking. The film glorifies Chinese sacrifices and heroism during the real life, 1950 Battle at Lake Changjin during the Korean War (or “the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,” as it is known in China). A crucial victory for the Chinese side, the historic battle saw the

18、PLA overcome long odds to successfully blow up the Shuimen Bridge and push U.S. military forces into retreat. 这部战争片还原真实战场,与近来中国口碑爆棚的爱国主旋律影片步调一致。这部影 片以抗美援朝战争中 1950 年的长津湖战役为背景, 歌颂了中华儿女的奉献精神, 致敬英雄。 此次战役中国军队取得关键性胜利, 这场历史性战役见证了中国人民解放军克服重重困难, 终于成功炸毁水门大桥,迫使美军撤退。 The Hollywood Reporter The Battle at Lake Ch

19、angjin was commissioned by the Chinese governments powerful central propaganda department and the countrys top movie regulator. It received huge support from the government from script development, production and publicity, to using serving soldiers among the movies 70,000 extras.It was produced by

20、a group of major studios, led by Bona Film Group and the Chinese military-owned August First Film Studio. 长津湖在中宣部指导下拍摄,获得了官方的大力支持,包括脚本、制作和宣发, 还有 7 万多群众演员(其中包括一些现役士兵) 。它由多家重要的电影公司联合出品,领衔 的是博纳影业和八一电影制片厂。 Yu said that he was inspired by patriotic Korean war films when he grew up, and wanted to make a n

21、ew one for the young people today, according to the state-owned National Business Daily. 据每日经济新闻报道,于冬表示,他长大的时候曾被抗美援朝电影的爱国主义精 神所鼓舞,想为今天的年轻人拍出新的抗美援朝电影。 Many of the movies screened so far are old propaganda that were popular during the time of Mao Zedong, who led Communist China from its founding in 19

22、49 until his death in 1976. They highlight themes of patriotism and were specifically created to educate viewers about the history of the Party. 迄今为止,荧幕上的许多电影都比较老了,它们在毛泽东时代(他于 1949 年领导建立 了新中国,1976 年去世)很流行。这些电影都强调了爱国主义,使观众在观影中接受党史 教育。 The movie regulator emphasized a desire for young people to grow t

23、heir affections of the Party and socialism by watching the movies. 电影监管机构强调,要通过观看这部电影,增进年轻人对党和社会主义的感情。 For the The Battle at Lake Changjin, Yu said he wants young audience today to like it, as well as the young audience 50 years from now, 于冬说,希望不仅是现在的年轻人喜欢长津湖这部电影,50 年以后的年轻人也喜 欢。 Cable News Network,C

24、NN 抗美援朝战争史关键词 抗美援朝、保家卫国 resist US aggressors and aid Korea to defend the motherland “抗美援朝、保家卫国”的战略决策,是中共中央政治局根据当时的形势作出的,是 基于支援朝鲜人民反抗美国侵略和保卫中国国家安全的共同需要作出的。 The strategic decision of “resist US aggressors and aid Korea to defend the motherland” was made by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee

25、 of CPC based on the analysis of the situation at that time, and met the needs of both assisting the Korean people and safeguarding Chinese national security. 一草一木 every tree and every blade of grass 要保持和发扬人民军队的优良传统,处处关心和爱护朝鲜人民的利益,尊重朝鲜人民 的风俗习惯。要像在国内战争对待本国人民一样来对待朝鲜人民,爱护朝鲜的一山一水一 草一木。 The CPVs should m

26、aintain and carry forward the fine traditions of the peoples army, always care and protect the interests of the Korean people, and respect the customs of the Korean people. The CPVs should treat the Korean people in the same way as they treat the Chinese people during the civil war and cherish every

27、 hill, every river, every tree and every blade of grass in Korea. 仁川登陆 landing in Inchon 特别是侵朝美军在仁川登陆后,其地面部队越过三八线大举向中朝边境进犯,严重威 胁了中国大陆的安全,朝鲜劳动党和朝鲜政府请求中国直接出动军队援助朝鲜人民作战。 Especially after the American troops landing in Inchon, their ground forces crossed the 38th Parallel and intruded toward the frontie

28、rs of China, which posed grim threat to the safety of Chinas mainland. The Korean Workers Party and Korean government requested China to enter the war on the side of North Korea. 三八线 the 38th Parallel 经过第一、第二两次战役的较量,志愿军就将已进至鸭绿江边的“联合国军” ,全部打 退到三八线及以南地区,从而根本扭转了朝鲜战局。 After the first and the second camp

29、aigns, the CPVs drove the UN Forces that had advanced to the Yalu River back to the 38th Parallel and further south, ultimately changing the situations of the Korean War. 这个备忘录将美国在朝鲜的终极目标和当前目标作了明确区分,确定美国在朝鲜的当 前目标是在三八线地区建立一条有利的防线,寻求缔结停战协定,结束朝鲜战争。 This policy memorandum clearly defined ultimate object

30、ives and current objectives of the US in Korea and confirmed that the current goal of the US in Korea was to establish a favorable defensive line in the 38th Parallel area and seek conclusion of an armistice agreement to end the Korean War. 追击 chase and attack 大田战役结束后, 朝鲜人民军士气更旺, 接着发起第四次战役, 向南推进, 追击

31、敌军, 力图以快速的推进,打乱美军和南朝鲜军的部署,抢渡洛东江,解放全部国土。 After the Taejeon Campaign, the Korean Peoples Army, in a high morale, launched the Fourth Campaign without a pause, pushing to the south to chase and attack the enemy in an effort to break the deployment of the US Army and the South Korean Army, cross the Nak

32、dong River, and finally liberate the whole Korea. 金城战役 the Kimsong Campaign 金城战役是抗美援朝战争的最后一次战役。这次战役本来是不该发生的,如果没有李 承晚集团破坏战俘遣返协议,阻挠朝鲜停战实现,那么朝鲜停战在 1953 年 6 月底以前即可 实现。 The Kimsong Campaign was the last major action of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The battles should not have been fought

33、, and an armistice would have been realized by the end of June 1953, had it not been for the Rhee authorities to wreck the POWs repatriation agreement and block the armistice process. 停战协定 the Armistice Agreement 历史的时针指向 1953 年 7 月 27 日。这天上午,朝鲜战争敌对双方将在板门店新建起 的凸字形大厅内,举行庄严的停战协定签字仪式。 It was July 27 195

34、3, a historic time. The two sides of the Korean War held a solemn armistice agreement signing ceremony in the newly built hall at Panmunjom that morning. 此后,中国人民志愿军又进行了维护朝鲜停战协定的斗争和帮助朝鲜人民恢复家园的 工作,直至 1958 年 10 月全部撤出朝鲜回国。 Afterward, the Chinese Peoples Volunteers worked to preserve the Korean Armistice

35、 Agreement and helped Korean people rebuild their country till October 1958, when all Chinese troops withdrew from Korea. 爱国主题写作范文 爱国主题演讲活动(邀请信) 假定你是李华,邀请你的一位外教老师 Jack 参加爱国主题英文演讲比赛活动,担任评 委工作。内容包括: 1) 活动时间和地点; 2) 活动主题为“祖国在我心中” ; 3) 比赛主要议程。词数 100 左右,符合英文邀请函格式要求。 优秀满分范文: Dear Teacher Jack, I sincerely

36、invite you, my foreign teacher, to participate in the National Day English speaking competition, and serve as a judge.Our activity will be held in Academic Reporting Hall at 3:00 p.m. on September 30.The theme of the English speaking competition is The motherland is in my heart. When each speaker en

37、ds, the judge will comment on the speakers speech content and skills, and give a mark comprehensively. According to the scores, the competition has one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes, and ten outstanding awards. At the end of the competition, all the judges will come on stage to

38、give award to the winners and take photos. 爱国主题征文活动 假如你是李华,你的学校外语系正在举办“百年后的中国”的征文活动,请你发挥想 象力, 以“ China in 100 Years”为题,用英语写一篇 120-150 个词的征文稿。 注意: 1.短文不得透露考生的姓名,学校等真实信息。 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 China in 100 Years Are you curious about what China will be in one hundred years? I frequently dream about life

39、in China after one hundred years; perhaps its quite prosperous. You dont know how much excited I am. Now, I would like to share with you. In the future, people probably will invent many robots for them to do all kinds of things. For example, By using robots, it is not necessary for people to do hous

40、ework and can save more time to enjoy themselves. Besides, almost everyone wants to fly into the sky; it possibly will come true in in one hundred years. Whats more, people maybe go to work or travel by private spaceship. It is very convenient and there is no need to worry about the traffic jam. 魏巍曾经有一篇名作谁是最可爱的人 ,赞扬和歌颂的正是我们的解放军与志愿军战 士。是他们以身体为长城,用血肉之躯为老百姓们建起了安全的堡垒。 与美国好莱坞动不动就反思战争不同,美军长期以来都在打侵略战争,自然需要反思 和忏悔。而长津湖类的电影不一样,我们的战士始终是为了保卫自己的国土、家乡、 亲人。 中国一百多年来的战争,是为了以战止戈,是为了“打得一拳开,免得百拳来” 。


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