四年级上册Unit 4 How's the weather today -Lesson 23-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-省级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:206ce).zip

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      • feiji.wav
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      • Hows the weather.mp4
      • jigusheng.mp3
      • jigusheng.wma
      • protect-weather缩减.wmv
      • rainy.mp3
      • 伴奏1.mp3
      • 背景音乐 - 中央气象台天气预报.mp3
      • 范晓萱 - 豆豆龙 - 原版伴奏.mp3
      • 鼓点伴奏(We will rock you).wma
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    • 教案206ce.doc--点击预览
    • 电子白板课件部分.notebook


31 Hows the weather in Hainan? Its hot. Its so hot. Oh, dear! 25 Hows the weather in Hong Kong? Its warm. 23 Hows the weather in Shanghai? Its rainy. 21 Hows the weather in Singapore? Its cool. Hows the weather in America? Its so cold. Oh, dear! Sunny, sunny, sunny. Its sunny today. Hows the weather today? Its sunny today. Windy, windy, windy. Its windy today. Hows the weather today? Its windy today. Rainy, rainy, rainy. Its rainy today. Hows the weather today? Its rainy today. Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy. Its cloudy today. Hows the weather today? Its cloudy today. Eye Test 4.3 (0.2) 4.5 (0.3) 4.7 (0.5) 5.0 (1.0) 5.3 (2.0) = in ? Its . Put on your . Good morning. Hi./ Hello. Nice to see you. Glad to meet you. Lets play football/ play with my kite/ go shopping/ go to the zoo/ go swimming /. hotcoldcoolwarmcold Its . in ? Its today. Put on your . Hows the weather China cloudy Good morning. Hi./ Hello. Nice to see you. Glad to meet you. Lets play football/ play with my kite/ go shopping/ go to the zoo/ go swimming /. hotcoldcoolwarmcold Its . cold ocean70% of the earth 90% heat foggy and hazy air pollution air pollution ocean CO2 oceanwarmera meter higher Protect Our Earth Homework Draw weather and write down the patterns. Report weather to your parent. 做一名小小天气播报员,将天气预报给你的父母。做一名小小天气播报员,将天气预报给你的父母。 Make a new dialogue with your friends. 学科:英语 课题:Unit4 Hows the weather today? Lesson23 年级:四年级 任课教师 - 1 - 教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Unit 4 Hows the weather today? Lesson 23 年级年级Grade Four教师教师 学科学科English 教材教材 版本版本 人教版精通英语四年级上册 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.知识与技能: 能够听、说、认读新单词 windy, rainy, snowy;能够问答 Hows the weather today? /Its. in ./ Put on your.来在生活中谈论天气。 2.过程与方法: 能够综合运用所学知识做力所能及的事情,例如:综合运用所学天气知识,搜集天气信息,能 根据天气预报图,来介绍各地天气状况,以及根据不同天气,搭配合适的衣服等。 3. 情感态度与价值观: 充分利用教材和教师的多媒体教学所提供的学习资源,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学生 的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体验英语学习的乐趣.同 时教育孩子要适时关注天气,关爱他人,按照天气变化随时增减衣服。 学情学情 分析分析 本课是本册书第四单元的教学内容,学生是在学习了前四课表示天气的词汇和功能句型 Hows the weather today?的基础上进入本课学习的,同时这课又与下个单元的服装学习有着密切的联 系,尤其是本课的重点句型 Put on your shirt,既是本单元天气知识的延伸,又是下个单元服装学 习的引领,因而本课在本单元起着承上启下的作用。 教学教学 重难重难 点点 可以听、说、认读 windy, rainy, snowy 等词语及能够准确流利的运用 Hows the weather today? 进行天气情况的问答。同时掌握 Hows the weather today?的另一种表达方法:Whats the weather like today? 媒体媒体 教具教具 weather pictures, video, computer, PPT, smart notebook, disc. 教学过程教学过程 活动内容活动内容活动组织与实施活动组织与实施设计意图设计意图 时间时间 分配分配 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 Step 1: Warm up Teacher greets the students. T: How are you?/ Hows the Say “Good morning” to teacher. S: Im fine./ Im happy./ 课堂开始的师 生间问好,令 学生迅速进入15s - 2 - Step 2: Lead in Step 3: New Class weather today? Sing a song about weather. T: Its nice today. Lets sing a song about weather! Introduce our planLets go traveling! Teacher report the weather to students. T: Before traveling, lets see the weather. Hello, everyone! Today Im your weather reporter. I will tell you the weather in some places. 1. Hows the weather in Hainan? T: The temperature is 31. So its. Oh, dear! Its so hot. What shall we do? Shall we go swimming? So put on your. 2. Hows the weather in Hong Kong? Just so so. /. Its fine/ sunny/ rainy/ cloudy/. Students stand up and sing a sing about weather with gestures. Be ready to learn some patterns during traveling. Guess the weather and try to answer it by using the patterns. Review the word “sunny” and sentence “Its sunny.” according to the weather picture. S: Its hot! Its sunny. Its hot. Lets go swimming. Put on your shorts. Guess the weather and try to answer it by using the patterns. 英语的交流氛 围。 课件中插入歌 曲音频,由今 天的天气引出 热身歌曲,活 跃课堂气氛。 伴随着飞机起 飞声,由一起 去旅行引出新 课的学习。 通过猜天气复 习前几课时 (包括二年级 学过的词汇)。 在教师引导下 带动作复习相 关词汇。 结合实际在什 么样的天气适 合做什么活动, 复习学过的词 汇,并在情境 中渗透“Oh, dear!”,理解 含义。 47s 10s 3min - 3 - T: The temperature is 25. So its. What shall we do? 3. Hows the weather in Shanghai? What shall we do? Lets read books at home. 4. Lets have a break. 拓展词汇:foggy/ hailing 5. Lets go on traveling! Hows the weather in Singapore? Learn the new word “windy” and sentence “Its windy.” according to the weather picture. S: Its cool! Its windy. Its cool. Lets play football/ play with my kites./ Shall we.? Put on your cap. Listen to the sound and guess it. S: Its rainy. Lets play football/ play with my kites./ Shall we.? Do a fast responding game by using smart notebook. Guess the weather and try to answer it by using the patterns. Review the word “cloudy” and sentence “Its cloudy.” according to the weather picture. 开拓思维、激 发热情,同时 学习新词。 结合屏幕移动 图片功能,将 衣服/帽子穿 戴在正确位置, 在移动中让学 生体会 put on 的含义。 通过听雨声判 断,在吸引注 意力的同时提 升参与热情。 培养学生在正 确的时间、天 气做合适的事 情的能力。 复习并学习新 词后通过“旅 途中的短暂休 息”进行练习 巩固。运用电 子白板功能结 合教学进行整 合,并在游戏 中拓展词汇。 3min 2min 2min 1min 16s - 4 - Step 4: Revision Step 5: Practice Step 6: Read the book. T: The temperature is 21. So its. What shall we do? 6. Hows the weather in America? Show the picture of American flag. Show the video“The Snow Queen” and sing with it. Lets chant! Round 1: Eye test. Round 2: Choose the right words according to the pictures. Read the book and make up a new dialogue. A. Read the book and answer the questions. T: Gao Wei and his mum live in S: Its cool! Its cloudy. Its cool. Lets play football/ play with my kites./ Shall we.? Put on your shirt. See the flag and say Hows the weather in America? See the video and know the weather according to it. S: Its snowy. Say the chant about weather. Do some exercise in smart notebook. See the dialogue of the book and answer the questions. S: Its rainy. S: Shirt. 教师跟唱冰 雪奇缘歌曲, 学生通过观看 视频,学习新 词。 在节奏鼓点声 中将新旧相关 词汇编成歌谣 进行复习巩固。 通过电子白板 的魔术笔功能 结合学生喜欢 的“测视力” 游戏进行词汇 及图片的认读 练习。 结合电子白板 功能巩固词汇。 播放教学光盘 视频,随后回 答视频相关问 题,检验学习 效果。 拓展句型 “Whats the weather like?”, 提升学生的语 2min 3min 2min 16s 3min 2min 16s 2min - 5 - Step 7: Presentation Step 8: Extension Dalian. Hows the weather in Dalian? Please see the video, then answer the questions. Q1: Hows the weather? T: We can also say “Whats the weather like?” Q2: What shall we put on? Make up a new dialogue. T: Gao Wei and Li Yan will go traveling. Lets talk about the weather. Show the video of the “global warming”. 拓展词汇:hazy foggy and hazy air pollution Make up a new dialogue with partner and write down the words on paper. See the video and try to protect our earth. 言表达和应用 能力。 通过学生合作 创编新对话, 将学过的相关 句型融合在一 起,同时锻炼 书写能力。教 师将学生课堂 作业快传到屏 幕上,并运用 电子白板拖拽 功能进行对话 展示。 通过英文相关 视频的观看, 拓展词汇并培 养保护地球环 境的意识。 10min 3min 作业设计作业设计 1. Draw weather and write down the patterns. 2. Report weather to your parent. 做一名小小天气播报员,将天气预报给你的父母。 3. Make a new dialogue with your friends. - 6 - 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 Lesson 23 Hows the weather today? Hows the weather today? Its windy. rainy. snowy .
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