-Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元复习ppt课件-(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第一册.pptx

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1、 1_ n. (13至19岁之间的)青少年 2_ n. 辩论;争论vt.&vi. 辩论;争论 3_ n. 话题;标题 4_ vt. 建议;推荐;介绍 5_ adv. 显然,明显地 6_ n. 文学;文学作品 7_ adj. 额外的;附加的 8_ vi.&vt. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位学校等) 9_ vi.&vt. 改进;改善 teenager debate topic recommend obviously literature extra quit improve 10_ n. 工作计划;日程安排vt. 安排;预定 11_ n. 内容;pl.目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题 12_ n.

2、 (书、诗歌等的)名称 13_ adv. 显然;明显地 14_ adj. 合适的;适用的 15_ n. 解决办法;答案 schedule content title obviously suitable solution 1.作为一个青少年 2.自愿/主动提出做某事 3.无可争论 4.喜欢多于 5.打扫(或清除)干净 6.对 适合的 7.(将)弄混;混同 8.在-流利 9.毕业于(学校) 10. 向某人推荐某物 1. As a teenager 2. volunteer to do sth 3. beyond /without debate 4. preferto 5. clean up 6.

3、 suitable for 7. confuse A and/with B 8. be fluent in 9. graduate from. 10.recommend sth to sb 11. 报名(参加课程) 12. 高级课程(P14) 13. 课外书 14. 停止干某事 15. 对负责任 16. 解决某事的办法(答案) 17. 先于/按照/迟于预定时间 18. 喜爱 19. 集中于(做)某事;聚焦于 20. 对很入迷 11.sign up ( for sth) 12.an advanced course 13.extra - curricular books 14.quit doing

4、 sth 15.be responsible for 16.solution to sth 17.ahead of/ on / behind schedule 18.be attracted to 19.focus on (doing) sth 20.addicted to 单句填空 1.Aunt Mary volunteered _(clean) up the kitchen. 2. The suggestion is still _ debate. 3. I would prefer cooking myself to _( eat) in a restaurant. 4. We shou

5、ld never content ourselves _ book knowledge only. 5. She had the ability to _(suitable) her performances to the audience. 6. They challenged him _( produce) evidence to support his opinions. to cleanto clean underunder eatingeating withwith suitsuit to produceto produce 7. These verbs cannot _( conf

6、use). be confusedbe confused 8. Ramon is fluent _ English and French. 9. Mitch graduated _Stanford with a degree in law. 10. Ill recommend him _ her secretary. 11. He was a man of _(advance) years. 12. _was obvious that Gina was lying. 13. You must quit _(smoke).Most important of all, you should sta

7、rt taking exercise. 14. The solution _ last weeks puzzle is on Page 12. inin fromfrom asas advancedadvanced ItIt smokingsmoking toto 应用词汇 1.新桥提前两年落成。 2.我正在考虑报名参加这个学期的哲学课。 3.我祖母独自一个人生活。 4.请把这些书发给大家好吗? The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule. Im thinking of signing up for the phil

8、osophy course this term. My grandmother lives all on her own. Could you hand these books out,please? 5.迈克负责设计全部工程。 6.跟上全班的学习我有困难。 7.本书论述了怎样处理这类问题。 8.收集有关儿童健康的信息是他的工作。 Mike is responsible for designing the entire project. Im having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. The book deals with ho

9、w to deal with such matters. Collecting information about childrens health is his job. 9.他的行为像个真正的绅士。 10.这份工作最吸引我的地方是有机会去旅行。 11.他沉迷于玩电脑游戏。 12.琼参加了校篮球队的选拔。 He behaved like a true gentleman. What attracted me most of the job was the chance to travel. He is addicted to playing computer games. Joan trie

10、d out for the school basketball team. 短文填空 Mamat Tursun used to work as a herdsman. He had to drive his sheep up the mountain to eat grass at dawn every day and was unable to go home _ the sunset. Due to the threatening factors to animal management such as wolves attack and diseases, Mamats liveliho

11、od was hardly guaranteed. In the last two years, when he saw tourists flocking to the village and his neighbors starting to be busy with _(tourist) and earning good money, Mamat was interested. In September 2019, he volunteered _ job at the village. Knowing that he had learned to make nang, a tradit

12、ional flatbread in Xinjiang, the person _(responsibility) for the village actively worked with him and set up a nang store next to an inn in the village. Since then, he and his wife have been selling nang to tourists. When _comes to tourism peak season, they are able to sell more than 500 nang and e

13、arn about 1,500 yuan each day. untiluntil forfor responsibleresponsible itit tourismtourism I have turned my house into homestay(n.家庭寄宿)for tourists now, and Im able to earn more than 10,000 yuan from this every year, said Mamat. With the income _(come) from the house and selling nang, I earn much m

14、ore than herding sheep. Since the beginning of the year, the village _ ( receive) 196,500 tourists and earned more than 27.4 million yuan from tourism alone, _is quite remarkable, said Yang Han, secretary of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Wensu county. Moving forward, we are ready _( apply) 5A

15、-rated scenic spots for the village and the neighboring scenic spots, Yang said. I believe our villagers will benefit more from tourism and more villagers will _(volunteer) join us.voluntarilyvoluntarily comingcoming has receivedhas received whichwhich to applyto apply 来吧,展示 亚当是一名高一学生高一学生。他认为作为一个高中生

16、是一个很大 的挑战挑战,甚至感到有点困惑困惑。 首先,学校的指导老师帮他选了一些合适的合适的课程: 化学、 英语、文学文学、世界历史和语文。显然显然,他更喜欢更喜欢中文,希望毕毕 业业时能说一口流利的流利的中文。但他的导师建议建议他报名高级文学报名高级文学, 因为他英语好。 他还选择了一些课外活动课外活动。按照计划计划,他会在一个温室温室做 一个自然俱乐部的志愿者志愿者。同时,同时,他也被被一个辩论辩论俱乐部吸引吸引。 实际上实际上,他想关注关注辩论俱乐部里年轻一代一代的行为行为。 他必须习惯承担承担更多的责任责任,并找到一个解决方案解决方案,为将 来上大学做好准备。 Adam is a fr

17、eshman at senior high school. He thinks being a teenager in senior high school is a big challenge and even feels a little confused. First, the school adviser helped him choose some suitable courses: chemistry, English, literature, world history, and Chinese. Obviously, He prefers Chinese and hopes t

18、o be fluent when he graduates. But his adviser recommended that he should sign up for advanced literature because he was good at English. He also chose some extra-curricular activities. As scheduled, he would work in a greenhouse as a volunteer in a nature club. At the same time, he was attracted to a debate club too. Actually, he wanted to focus on the behaviors of the younger generation in the debate club. Hell have to get used to being responsible for a lot more and find out a solution to be well prepared for university in the future.


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