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1、高一英语晨读(十高一英语晨读(十二二)Unit 1. Cultural heritage I.词性转换28.identify vt.确认;认出;找到 identity n 特性;身份 1.creative adj.创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的 creatively adv创造性地;有创造力地 creativity 创造性 创造力create vt. 创造creator n. 创造者 2. preserve vt 保存;保护;维持 n.保护区 preservation.维护;保护;保持;保养 3. promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级promotion n.提升;提拔;促销活动 4.a

2、pply v.申请;应用application n.申请;运用;应用(程序)applicant n.申请者 5.balance n. 平衡;均匀 vt. 使平衡balanced adj.平衡的 6.propose v 提议;建议 proposal n.提议;建议 7.establish vt.建立;创立 establishment n.建立;创立;确立 8.limitn.限度;限制.限制;限定 limited adj.有限的 limitless adj. 无限的 9. prevent v 证.阻止;阻碍;阻挠 prevention n.预防;防止;防范 10.contributev 捐献;捐助

3、 contributionn.捐款;贡献;捐赠 11. investigate vi研究 . investigation n.(正式的)调查,侦查 12. donate v.(尤指向慈普机构)捐赠;赠送;献 (血) donation n 捐赠物;捐赠;赠送 donor/donator 捐献者 13.appear vi.出现 disappear vi 消失;灭绝;消亡 disappearance n.消失 14.profession n. 职业,行业 professional adj.专业的;职业的 n 专业人员;职业选手 15.enter v.进入;参加 entrance n 入口;进入 16

4、.tradition n.传统 traditional adj.传统的 traditionally adv.传统地 17. compare v.比较;对比 comparison n 比较;相比 18. far 的比较级 farther/further最高级 furthest/furthest 19. historyn历史 -historicadj历史上著名的额, 有史时期的 20. formeradj 以前的,前者的-(反) latter后者的 21. lose (v) 失去,丢失- lossn 丧失,损失 -adj丢失的,失去的 22. Egyptn 埃及-Egyptianadj 埃及的 2

5、3. roofn 屋顶,顶部 -(复数) roofs 24. download vt 下载-(反) upload 上传 - loadv 装车- unloadv 卸车 25. culturen 文化 - culturaladj文化的 26. solvev 解决 - solutionn 答案,解决方法 对应练习(十二)对应练习(十二)Unit 1. Cultural heritage 1. creative . _ adv 创造性地;有创造力地 _ n.创造性 创造性 _vt.创造 _创造者 2. .enter _ n 入口;进入3. preserve _n 4.tradition _adj.传统

6、的 _ adv.传统地 5. compare _ n 比较;相比 6.identify _ n 特性;身份 7. promote _ n.8. balance_ adj.平衡的 9.apply _n.申请(表) ;用途;运用;应用(程序)_申请者 10. propose _n11.establish . _ n. 12.limit _adj.有限的 _ adj. 无限的 13. prevent _n.14. investigate _n. 15.contribution _vt/vi 捐款;贡献;捐赠 16. donate _ n 捐赠物;捐赠;赠送_ 捐献者 17.appear _ vi 消

7、失;灭绝;消亡 _n.消失 18.profession _ adj.19.solve v - n _ 20. Egyptn-adj _21. roof - (复数) _ 22. lose - _ n - _ adj23. former-(反) _ 24. history -_(adj)25. within -(反) _ 26. download- (反) _27. culture -_adj 28. far 的比较级 _ _最高级_ _ 29.forgive -_ -_forbid - _ - _ take-_ -_limit-_ lead-_-_make-_-_ bring-_- _run-

8、_-_ 27. withinprep 在.之内- (反) beyond超出 29.forgive -forgave -forgiventake- took -takenlimit-limited give- gave- givenlead-led-ledmake-made-made forbid - forbade- forbiddenbring-brought- broughtrun-ran- run 高一英语晨读(十三)高一英语晨读(十三)Unit 1. Cultural heritage I. 短语互译; 1.take part in 参与,参加2.give way to屈服,让步 3.

9、keep balance 保持平衡 4.lead to/result in / contribute to/bring about 导致5.make a proposal提出建议 6.turn to 向求助;转向;致力于;翻到7.the same as与一样 8.prevent /stop sb(from)doing/ keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事/be prevented /stopped/kept from doing 某人被阻止做某事9. make sure 确保;保证 10.all over/ across/throughout/around the word

10、在世界各地 11. more than 超过,多于;非常;不仅仅 no more than 仅仅 not more than 最多 12.the former- the latter 前者后者13.attempt to do/ make an attempt to do /at doing 试图做某事at the/ones first attempt 第一次尝试 14 as well 也may/might as well do sth 最好做某事15.in danger 在危险中 16.contribute to 促成,造成;为做出贡献;向捐款 17.the entrance to 的入口 t

11、he answer to the question 问题的答案the key tothe door门的钥匙 the solution to the problem 问题的解决办法 18. day and night日日夜夜;夜以继日 19.work out 解决;算出;制定出;锻炼20.in summary 总的来说 21.be worth doing/be worthy to be done/ be worthy of being done 某事值得被做 it is worthwhile doing/to do 做某事是值得的22.conduct a survey/an experiment

12、/an interview 进行调查/实验/采访 23. within ones reach/rights/power 在某人所能及的范围内/在某人的权限内/在某人 能力范围内 II. 重点句式:可能做某事的表达法 sb/sth be likely to do sth /It is possible (for sb) to do sth/It is likely /possible/probable that- eg. 她有可能通过考试 She is likely to pass the exam./It is possible for her to pass the exam. It is

13、likely/ possible/probable that she will pass the exam. 对应练习对应练习 (十三)(十三)Unit 1. Cultural heritage 短语互译;1. _也_ 最好做某事 2._在危险中6._ 保持平衡 3._促成,造成;为做出贡献;向捐款 4._参与,参加5._ 屈服,让步 7._ 向求助;转向;致力于;翻到8._ 与一样 9. 阻 止 某 人 做 某 事 _ 某 人 被 阻 止 做 某 事 _10._确保;保证 11. 在世界各地_ 12._/_ / _/_导致 13._ 日日夜夜;夜以继日19._解决;算出; 14._ 超 过

14、, 多 于 ; 非 常 ; 不 仅 仅_ 仅 仅 _最多15.前者后者_ 16.试图做某事 _第一次尝试_ 17. 的入口_ ;问题的答案 _; 门的钥匙_;问题的解决办法_ 18.提出建议_20.总的来说_ 21. 做某事是值得的 _ 22.进行调查/实验/采访_ 23. _在某人所能及的范围内/在某人的权限内/在某人能力范围内 句式练习 1. People are likely _(feel) more relaxed in familiar surroundings. 2. With the help of the computer, it is _ possible for poepl

15、e to work at home. 高一英语晨读(十四)高一英语晨读(十四)Unit 1. Cultural heritage I. 短语互译: 1.cultural/religious tradition 文化/宗教传统 follow a tradition 遵循传统 3. by tradition=traditionally 按照传统 3.be of high/good/low/poor quality 质量好(上乘)/次(差)3.in order to do 为了做某事 4. write/put/take/set down 写下,记下 5.bring together 汇集,使团结起来

16、 6.take turns to do /do sth in turn 轮流做某事7.for the purpose of 为了-on purpose/ by design 故意地8. take photos of 给-拍照10.sign a document 签署文件 9.would like to do/ feel like doing想要做某事11.piece by piece一点一点地;一块一块地 12.be safe from 免受-的的伤害;不会遭到-的危险 13.loss of interest/confidence 失去兴趣/信心 14. make a contribution

17、/contributions to 为-做贡献 15.establish a company 建立公司 establish relationships/links/contact with sb 与某人建立关系/联系 16.limit-to-/be limited to 把-限制在-17. live forever永远活着,长存last forever 永远持续 18. by comparison/ contrast 相比之下 19. as is often the case 情况 经常这样-20.in the process同时 in the process of(doing)sth 在(做

18、)某事的过程中 21. forgive sb for (doing)sth 原谅某人(做了)某事 22.be of importance/value/use/help= be important/valuable/useful/helpful-重要/有价 值/有用/有帮助 23.on/over the Internet 通过互联网 24 tell right from wrong 分辨是非 25.raise funds 筹集资金 26.get promoted 升职 II. 重点句式1. There was a time when-曾经有一段时间- This/That/It is/was a

19、time when-这/那/它是一个-的时期 eg. There was a time when I was getting along badly with my classmates. This is a time when the economy is developing rapidly.这是一个经济快速发展的时期 1. make +宾语+ 宾补的几种形式:1. make+名词/代词+形容词 2. make +名词/代词+不带 to 的不定式3. make +名词/代词+过去分词 4. make +名词/代词+ 名词5. make +名词/代词+ to do/doning/从句 eg.

20、The teacher made him stay after school.老师让他放学后留下来。 He can make himself understood in English.他能用英语表达自己的意思。 He made it clear that he object.他明确表示反对。 警: “make +宾语+不带 to 的不定式 ”用于被动语态时,to 需还原。eg. He was made to stay after school.他被要求放学后留下来。 3. not only-but(also)-是并列连词,连接两个对等的成分。 警: 1.not only -but (also

21、)-连接两个分句时,若 not only 位于句首表示强调,not only 所在的的分句要进行部分倒装, but also 后面的分句不倒装。 eg. Not only do the teachers have their own ideas on the matter,but the students have theirs,too. 对这件事不仅老师们有自己的想法,学生们也有自己的想法。 2 .not only-but(also)-连接并列主语时,谓语动词要遵循“就近原则了” eg. Not only the twins but also John is fond of playing

22、basketball. 对应练习(十四)对应练习(十四)Unit 1. Cultural heritage 短语互译:2.失去兴趣/信心_ 1._免受-的的伤害;不会遭到-的危险 3.文化/宗教传统_遵循传统_按照传统_ 4._ 质量好(上乘)/次(差) 5.为了做某事_6. 写下;记下 _ 7._ 汇集,使团结起来 8.轮流做某事_ 9.为了- _故意地_ 10._给-拍照 11.想要做某事_ 12._为-做贡献 13._ 情况经常这样 14.一点一点地;一块一块地_ 15.建立公司_与某人建立关系/联系_16. 把 -限制在-_ 17. _ 永远活着,长存_永远持续 18._ 相比之下 1

23、9. _ 情况经常这样 20._同时 ;_在(做)某事的过程中 21. _原谅某人(做了)某 22.重要/有价值/有用/有帮助_ 23._通过互联网 24. _分辨是非 25._筹集资金 26. 升职_27._签署文件 句式练习 1. That was a time _the blind couldnt get much education. 2. There was a time _I was crazy about outdoor activities. 3. He made himself _(hear)by raising his voice. 4.What he said made me _(realize) my mistake. 5.The little boy is made _(study). 6. Not only you but also July _(be) to blame for this accident. 7. _ _ _the nurses want a pay increase,but they want reduced hours as


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