(2019版)外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Starting out &Understanding ideas ppt课件(含教案+视频).zip

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  • Unit 3 Starting out &Understanding ideas ppt课件(含教案+视频)
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Starting out red beard; rosy cheeks; freckles thick/thin lips; round face; big eyes; handsome red; bushy hair; grey; straight; black; ponytail ; long loose pale; tanned; smooth; light rough; wrinkled Thin; well-built; slim; fit Overweight; broad-shouldered; stout; strong; skinny Activity 6 Describe how your family members physical appearances have changed. _ years ago, my _ was/had . Now, she/he is / has got . Saying sorry to family members 58. It aims to deepen peoples understanding of issues that are related to families. 59. theme 60. observe 观察;遵守;庆祝 61. a wide range of events 62. local national international Learning to learn 63. apologise v. 道歉 n. Apology 64. stress n. 重音;压力 v. 强调;重读 place stress on 65. have a big impact on 66. strength 力量,力度;优点,长处 strengthen v. 加强,巩固 Developing ideas Unit 3 Family mattersUnit 3 Family matters Period 3 P32 Notes : 67. admire v. 钦佩,羡慕 68. admire sb. for sth. 69. 68. judge v. 判断,认为 n. 法官;裁判员; 鉴赏家 Eg1. Dont judge a person by/from his appearance. Eg2. Judging from his accent, he must be a southerner. Eg3. That judge judged that these ancient pictures should be judged by some judges of art. Notes : 69. settle 和解;定居 settle for 勉强接 受 70. punish 惩罚 71. support 支持;支撑 72. cooperate with 与合作 73. apply A to B A be applied to B 74. 把A应用于B 75. eg. You should try to apply the approaches to your study. Step1 Lead in Activity1 I admire my parents for his . My dad often punishes me. My mother always encourages me to work hard. Our family members support each other. My brothers /sisters compete against each other. We often cooperate with each other. My parents sometimes have arguments. I hate it. My parents disagree with me. I have to settle for their decision. Step1 Lead in Activity1 Now look at the title : Just a Brother and the picture. Two brothers are on the track by supporting each other. Predict which of the words and expressions above can be applied to the brothers relationship. Notes : 74. feature 特写;特点,特色 75. typically 典型地;一般地,通常 76. individual style 独特的风格 77. extra detail 额外的细节 78. contain 包含,容纳 抑制,克制 79. summary 80. powerful Eg. The bottle contains ten glasses of water. Eg. I was so angry that I just couldnt contain myself. Learning to learn Notes : 81. triathlon 课本P94 82. series 系列赛事 a series of 一系列的 83. in the lead 84. fall onto the track 85. media 新闻媒体 86. obviously 明显地 87. despite 尽管,虽然 88. throughout 89. 遍及;贯穿 all over + 地点 all through + 时间 Just a Brother + Notes : 89. entire 全部的,整个的 90. enormously 非常,极其 91. positive have a positive attitude towards life 92. million 93. disqualify 取消的资格 94. athlete 95. medal gold silver bronze Just a Brother Step2 Reading Activity2 Choose the main message of the passage. Activity3 P59 选择和判断 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C F T T F T F Notes : 96. They encourage each other as much as they can when they train. 97. Throughout my entire life, Ive had my brother trying to beat me at everything I do. 98. now and then (sometimes, but not regularly or often) 99. a positive force 100. be disqualified for 101. be praised for 被取消资格因 被称赞因 Just a Brother Notes : 102. Mum wouldnt have been happy if I had left Jonny behind. 103. At that moment, he was no longer an athlete aiming for a medal. Just a Brother 虚拟语气虚拟语气 If I had known her number, I would have called her. If we had booked a table earlier, we would have had a good dinner. Notes : 104. tidy (my room) 105. tiptoe n. 脚尖 V.踮着脚走 106. somehow 107. end up in 以 as 作为 with 用 doing/done 最终在做 eg. He always steals something and ended up in prison. eg. He ended up as a writer. Eg. He ended up his class with a joke. eg. Although the eggs ended up burnt, we ended up laughing and eating them all.最终; 以 结束 Writing about a family member P32 Notes : 108. throw away 109. I was about to throw everything away when my mother came in. 110. explain 111. to my surprise 112. indeed 当然,确实 Writing about a family member 1. _ brought back the authors lovely memory. 2. What happened? The author wanted to surprise _ with _ on her mothers birthday. Unluckily, the eggs _, but they ended up _ and _. P35 An old photo home-made scrambled eggs were burnt laughing about it ate them all her mother Read and answer Writing about a family memberP35 Because it shows the _ between _ and _. love Read and answer 3. Why is it a lovely memory? the author her mother Writing about a family memberP35 Writing : a special family memory of your own. whoMy and I whenLast summer/in 2015 /many years ago where what Whyspecial/memorable? I remember this because It made me feel so There is _ lying in our _. It is quite old and I can no longer _, but I still keep it there, as it brings back a _ memory. Many years ago, It is still one of my most precious things. It not only, but also. And I learnt that 必修一必修一 Unit3 检查检查背背诵诵部分部分 ic 连环画 2.sitcom 3.relate to 有关,涉及 be related to 与有关 4.ask sb. for advice 5.find out 6.have conflict with 7.a play (plot setting character action dialogue) 8.as well as 9.approach 10. chat 11. focus on 12. career 13. leave school 14. raise his voice in surprise 15. lawyer law 16. assume 17. respect 尊重,尊敬 遵守 18. studio 19. court 宫廷;法庭;庭院 20. ignore 21. calm down 22. a professional football player 23. engineer 24. in the end= at last = finally 25. You have found the career that suits your talents. 26. be proud of = take pride in 27. take my advice 28. jump in with both feet 29. at the same time 30. Im sure playing in a band will help you make lots of new friends. 31. I want to focus on my band and have a career in music when I leave school. 32. generation gap 33. option 34. sigh 35. curtain 36. currently 现时,当前 37. regularly 有规律地;定期地 38. Responsible be responsible for 39. affect v. 影响=influence 40. invite sb to sp 41. make a checklist 42. draw up a list 43. throw a party = hold a party 44. hear from = receive ones letter 45. go camping 46. in fact 47. in his thirties 48. even though=even if 49. smooth skin 50. Jogging has kept her slim and fit. 51. nowadays 52. jaw 53. beard 54. cheek 55. memory n. memorise 56. compared to/with 与相比的 57. cant wait to do 58. It aims to deepen peoples understanding of issues that are related to families. 59. theme 60. observe 观察;遵守;庆祝 61. a wide range of events 62. local national international 63. apologise v. n. apology 64. stress n. 重音;压力 v. 强调;重读 place stress on 65. have a big impact on 66. strength 力量,力度;优点 strengthen v. 加强,巩固 67. admire v. 钦佩,羡慕 admire sb. for sth. 68. judge v. 判断,认为 n. 法官;裁判员; 鉴赏家 69. settle 和解;定居 settle for 勉强接受 70. punish 惩罚 71. support 支持;支撑 72. cooperate with 与合作 73. apply A to B eg. You should try to apply the approaches to your study. 74. feature 特写;特点,特色 75. typically 典型地;一般地, 76. individual style 77. extra detail 78. contain 包含,容纳 抑制,克制 79. summary 80. powerful 81. triathlon 课本 P94 82. series 系列赛事 83. in the lead 84. fall onto the track 85. media 新闻媒体 86. obviously 明显地 87. despite 尽管,虽然 88. throughout 遍及;贯穿 89. entire 全部的,整个的 90. enormously 非常,极其 91. positive have a positive attitude towards life 92. million 93. disqualify 取消的资格 94. athlete 95. medal 96. They encourage each other as much as they can when they train. 97. Throughout my entire life, Ive had my brother trying to beat me at everything I do. 98. now and then (sometimes, but not regularly or often) 99. a positive force 100. be disqualified for 101. be praised for 102. Mum wouldnt have been happy if I had left Jonny behind. 103. At that moment, he was no longer an athlete aiming for a medal. 104. tidy (my room) 105. tiptoe n. 脚尖 V.踮着脚 106. somehow 107. end up+in/as/with 108. throw away 109. I was about to throw everything away when my mother came in. 110. explain 111. to my surprise 112. indeed 当然,确实
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