(2019版)外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 6 At one with nature Understanding ideas ppt课件(含音频视频素材).zip

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  • Unit 6 At one with nature Understanding ideas ppt课件(含音频视频素材)
    • Unit 6 At one with nature Section A Understanding ideas(教学课件)-高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册
      • Unit 6 At one with nature Section A Understanding ideas 1(视频素材)-高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.mp4
      • Unit 6 At one with nature Section A Understanding ideas 2(视频素材)-高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.mp4
      • Unit 6 At one with nature Section A Understanding ideas(教学课件)-高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.pptx--点击预览


Section A Understanding ideas preventfrom doing sth. 词性:_ 意思:_ (1)阻止做某事 keep.from doing sth. stop. (from) doing sth. prevent. (from) doing sth. be kept/stopped/prevented from doing sth. 被阻止做某事 (2)protectfrom/against.保护免受 练习:Youd better wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from _ (harm). being harmed harmony 词性:_ 意思:_ 语块积累in harmony with 与和谐 out of harmony不协调,不和谐 live/work in harmony和谐生活/工作 colour harmony 色彩协调 world harmony 世界和睦 练习:His suggestions are _ harmony with the aims of this project. in design 词性:_ 意思:_ (1)design sth.for.为设计某物design.as.设计用作 design.to do.设计去做 be designed for.为设计 be designed as被设计用作 be designed to do. 被设计做 be well/badly designed 设计得很好/很糟 specially designed专门设计的 (2)in design在设计上 by design(=on purpose)故意地 the design of the new building这座新建筑的设计 练习:In order to support his family, he designs advertisements _ a company.for provide sth. for 语块积累 provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物 词语辨析:provide, supply与offer(1)provide强调提供所需之物; (2)supply尤指大量供应、供给;supply sb.with sth. supply sth. to sb. (3)offer强调主动提供 offer sb.sth.(offer可跟双宾语) offer sth. to sb. 练习:Our school library can provide all kinds of good books _ students. for Leading inLeading inLeading inLeading in At one with nature At one with nature At one with nature At one with nature Activity 1Activity 1Activity 1Activity 1 Look at the pictures and talk about what you know about the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups.Look at the pictures and talk about what you know about the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups. The Zhuang ethnic groupThe Zhuang ethnic group(壮族)(壮族)is the most populous ethnic minority of China. is the most populous ethnic minority of China. Zhuang jinZhuang jin(壮锦)(壮锦)and bamboo woven goods and bamboo woven goods (竹编产品)(竹编产品) are very famous. are very famous. Their ethnic culture includes drums, folk songs and Zhuang operas.Their ethnic culture includes drums, folk songs and Zhuang operas. The Yao ethnic groupThe Yao ethnic group(瑶族)(瑶族)is the most widely distributedis the most widely distributed(分布)(分布)ethnic ethnic minority in South China and one of the oldest ethnic groups in China.minority in South China and one of the oldest ethnic groups in China. Fast readingFast reading According to the title, could you guess what type of writing does the passage belong to? The text is a(n)_ A.narration(记叙文) B.argumentation(议论文) C.exposition(说明文) Suggested answer: C. Activity 2Activity 2Activity 2Activity 2 Read the passage and find out what problems the local people solved by working Read the passage and find out what problems the local people solved by working with nature.with nature. Two problems are solved. The first one is that there are few large, flat areas of land in the region for people to grow rice. The other one is that the mountains are steep and the soil is shallow. Activity 3Activity 3Activity 3Activity 3 Choose the purpose in writing the passage. Choose the purpose in writing the passage. 1 To praise the wisdom of the ethnic groups living in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 2 To explain how people worked in harmony with nature to create the Longji Rice Terraces. 3 To describe the beauty of the Longji Rice Terraces and to attract visitors to this scenic spot. Careful reading Read Para. 1 and appreciate the beautiful expressions. Longji Rice Terraces are very beautiful. Now please read the first paragraph to find out the beautiful expressions you think. Read Para.3 and make sure of the reasons. Suggested answers: Reasons: few large, flat areas of land; steep mountains and shallow soil Results: more areas; more rainwater and more soil The reason why people built the terraces is that they wanted to increase the flat areas, catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed away. Read Para.4 and figure out the working principle. The correct order of the Read Para.4 and figure out the working principle. The correct order of the following facts isfollowing facts is A. The sun heats the water in terraces and turn it into vapour. B. Rainwater moves down the mountains along hundreds of waterways. C. Water gathers in the terraces and becomes a perfect environment for birds and fish, some of which are natural enemies for insects. D. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again. B A D C 5.Read Para.5 and think about the question: Are the Longji Rice Terraces out of date? What was passed down? What has been developed? How should we treat nature? Answer in your own words Answer in your own words Activity 4Activity 4Activity 4Activity 4 Read the summary of the passage and correct four factual mistakes. 参考答案 The Longji Rice Terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people. Since there are few large, fat areas of land in the region, they built terraces on the mountains to have more areas to grow rice. The terraces are cleverly designed, and can hold the shallow soil. There are hundreds of waterways, along which rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. Today, local people use ancient methods of agriculture to maintain the terraces, and they attract lots of visitors from all over the country. Activity 5Activity 5Activity 5Activity 5 Work in pairs. Read the passage again and find out the working principle of the Longji Rice Terraces. Then use the picture to retell it in your own words. The terraces are cleverly designed, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. During the rainy season, rainwater moves down the mountains along these waterways and into the terraces. The sun heats the water and turns it into vapour. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again. Think & ShareThink & Share QUESTIONS:QUESTIONS:QUESTIONS:QUESTIONS: 1 1 Why Why do do the the local local people people still still keep keep their their traditional way of growing rice?traditional way of growing rice? 2 2 In In what what other other ways ways do do people people live live in in harmony harmony with nature? Give examples.with nature? Give examples. 参考答案: 1 Because the knowledge is passed down through generations of families, and it suits the natural environment. 2 Studentsown answers. Thank youThank youThank youThank you
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