(2019版)外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 单词记忆学案(有答案).docx

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1、高中英语拼写专练高中英语拼写专练 注意:注意: 1.注意单词形式注意单词形式 2.本练习均按课本单词表排列本练习均按课本单词表排列 3.所有句子(所有句子(99%以上来源于以上来源于) UNIT TWO Patience and Sarah was first published in 1969 under the title(题目题目;标题标题) A Place for Us.佩兴丝与萨拉一书最初于 1969 年出版时以属于我们的地方为名。 I knew all these words like hams(火腿)(火腿),eggplants(茄子)(茄子),pines(松树)(松树), pi

2、neapples (菠萝(菠萝) ,sculptures(雕塑雕塑) , frogs (青蛙青蛙) ,boots(靴子靴子) ,petrol(汽油汽油)highway (公路(公路) ,subway(地铁(地铁) ,motorway(高速公路)(高速公路)and gas (天然气;煤气)(天然气;煤气) The figures were sculpted(雕刻雕刻;雕塑雕塑 v.) from single blocks of marble(大理石大理石). Do you understand the meaning of these adjectives(形容词)(形容词) such as s

3、easick(晕船(晕船 的)的),airsick(晕机的)(晕机的),carsick(晕车的)(晕车的),homesick(想家的)?(想家的)? I have a friend who has the opposing (观点意见等相反的观点意见等相反的; 相对立的相对立的)view and felt that the war was immoral(不道德的)(不道德的) His uncontrolled behavior(举止;行为)(举止;行为) disturbed the entire(全部的)(全部的) class Confusingly(令人费解的(令人费解的/地)地), bl

4、ind people also respond to the light. 令人困惑的是,盲人对亮光也有反应。令人困惑的是,盲人对亮光也有反应。 The first letter should be capitalized(大写的)(大写的) Each persons signature isunique (独一无二的;独特的) The satellite(卫星) re-entered the atmosphere(大气层;氛围) and burnedup(烧毁;烧尽) Six months after Tom died, the house burneddown (烧毁) The news

5、was greeted with(以.来对待)alarm(警告;警报器;闹钟)byMPs(议员) Our newspaper aims to reflect (反映反映; 显示显示)the views of the local community (社区)(社区). American art reached a peak of creativity(创造性;创造力)(创造性;创造力) in the 50s and 60s. The most visible(可见的;看得见的;显著的)(可见的;看得见的;显著的) sign of the intensity(强(强度度 n.) of the cr

6、isis(危机(危机 n.) is unemployment. The Bank of England seems decided to wind up(使(使活动会议等活动会议等结束;给机械上发结束;给机械上发 条)条) the company. This is the most creative (创造性的创造性的 adj.)invention that is the type (类型类型; 种类种类)we have never seen. I came across(偶然发现)(偶然发现) a group of children playing. She grew many wonder

7、ful plants that wereunfamiliar(不熟悉的; 不了解的) tome If you want to gain further(far)information, please contact (联系,联络 v.)me. Hes the president of a large international organization.(组织)(组织) Its more than likely(可能的;可能发生的(可能的;可能发生的 adj.) that the thieves dont know how much it is worth盗贼很可能不知道此物的价值。盗贼很可能

8、不知道此物的价值。 Christina has her own apartment(uk.一套公寓)一套公寓), with her own car. 克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。 Its on the fifth floor, so wed better take the elevator. (uk.电梯电梯;升降机升降机) We are doing this work in the context (上下文;语境;背景)of reforms(改革) in the economic(经济的), social(社会的) and cultural(文化的) sphe

9、res(领 域).我们是在对经济、社会、文化诸领域进行改革的背景下从事这项工作的 This is a fine book; a worthy addition(增加物增加物;添加物添加物;补充补充) to the Cambridge Dictionary. Television is now an important forum (论坛论坛; 讨论区讨论区; 讨论会讨论会)for political debate (辩论(辩论 n.). Some families dont have theresources(资料;教学资源;物质资源;财力)to feed themselvesproperly

10、 He told a wonderfully funny story about a friends misadventure.(事故;灾难(事故;灾难) So she simply welcomed him and reminded (提醒提醒; 使使。 。 想起想起)him of the last time they had met So far, Mr. Cook has notcommented(评论 v./n.)on thesereports Doctor, I have lost my voice. I have a frog in my throat.(因为喉咙疼痛因为喉咙疼痛)

11、说话困难说话困难 I own a downtown (在城镇中心区的;在闹市区的)(在城镇中心区的;在闹市区的)store which has a very big entrance(大门口;入口)(大门口;入口) This product is mainly applicable(适用于 adj.) to the tunnel(隧道): entrance section(入口区域) andexit section(出口区域) One afternoon, I grew bored andactually(事实上;实际上 adv.)fell asleep for a fewminutes De

12、nise wentdownstairs(在楼下 adv.)and made sometea. She described(描述) the shooting(枪击) as awicked(邪恶的;缺德的;很棒 的;极好的-俚语非正式) attack(袭击;攻击). Its most odd (奇特的;古怪的)(奇特的;古怪的)that (= very odd that) she hasnt written. 真怪了,她一直没写信。真怪了,她一直没写信。 When asked for your views about your current(现在的;目前的)(现在的;目前的) job, on n

13、o account(绝不;切勿)(绝不;切勿) must you be negative(消极的;负面的)(消极的;负面的) about it 被问及你对自己目前工作的看法时,无论如何不要流露出消极情绪。被问及你对自己目前工作的看法时,无论如何不要流露出消极情绪。 There are too many errors (错误;谬误(错误;谬误 n.)in your work. I fully intended (v.计划打算计划打算)(= definitely intended) to pay for the damage.(损失损失) She is refreshingly(adv.令人耳目一

14、新地) informal.(非正式的非正式的;不拘礼节的不拘礼节的 adj.) 她不拘礼节她不拘礼节,让人耳目一新让人耳目一新 I recognised(认出;辨识出(认出;辨识出 v.) him as soon as he came in the room What are you basing(以。为基础)(以。为基础) this theory on? 你这种理论的根据是什么?你这种理论的根据是什么? This helps you to be aware of (词组词组: 意识到意识到; 觉察到觉察到)time and concentrates(集集 中中 v.)your mind on the immediate(立即的(立即的 adj.) task.


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