(2019版)北师大版高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 单句语法填空 (含答案).docx

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1、1.单句语法填空 1Though he is older than I,he is junior _ me in this company. 2In our city the running water supply was cut _ due to the big flood. 3Can you tell me what your younger brother is doing _ the moment? 4Im going to ask you to make a short _(present) tomorrow. 5At present,the girl is looking for

2、ward to _(offer) a good job. 6Who was it that came up _ such a wonderful idea at the meeting that day? 7Women are more likely than men to take part-time or _(formal) work. 8Now youd better adapt yourself _ the new environment as soon as possible,Nancy. 2.单句语法填空 1Human beings are used to _(live) in t

3、he day light. 2I was lucky to be given a chance _(improve) my oral English. 3King is a great writer and an _(inspire) leader. 4Many people enjoy combining a holiday _ learning a new skill. 5The part that the girl is playing _ the activity is very important. 6She didnt hear the ring,for she was busy

4、_(prepare) the food. 3.单句语法填空 1We all tend _(like) those people who are similar to us. 2The visitors were attracted by _(vary) plants in the park. 3The new book _(intend) for little children is very popular. 4Word came that the girl applying _ this position was a foreigner. 5The prize was awarded to

5、 a _(previous) unknown company. 6Im ready to do all those things that are more _(challenge) 7To his surprise,enough sleep led to the _(recover) of his illness. 8Spend a few extra minutes checking the _(present) of your report. 9When shopping,I always go to the nearest supermarket for _(convenient) 1

6、0I graduated _ a college in 2011 and have worked as a volunteer teacher since then. 4.单句语法填空 1. I adapted quickly _ the new climate. 2. He had to adapt _(he) to their customs and habits. 5.单句语法填空 1. Costs have been reduced _ 20% over the past year. 2. The number of employees was reduced from 40 _ 25

7、. 3. The company has done a lot at cost _(reduce) 6.单句语法填空 1. He was born in 1942 in Oxford and graduated_ Oxford University. 2. It is said that her daughter graduated _ law. 3. What are you going to do after _ (graduate)? 7.单句语法填空 1. Zhong Nanshans action inspired many people _ (take) part in volun

8、teering activities. 2. He gave me the _(inspire) to pick up my pen again. 3. Inspired _ this incident,he set up a school to train dogs. 8.单句语法填空 1. Most visitors from home and abroad consider the old temple very _(attract). 2. When she appeared in our classroom,her new clothes _(attract) our attenti

9、on. 3. The opportunity to travel is one of the main _(attract) of this job. 4. Attracted _ the beautiful scenery,they decided to stay for another two days. 9.单句语法填空 1. You wrote a message,intending _ send it to a friend. 2. But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasnt intended _ him,h

10、e did something special. 3. The man intended his son _(be) a doctor in the future. 4. The program was set up with an _(intend) of helping those in need. 10.单句语法填空 1The sports meeting had to be put off due _ the heavy rain. 2This kind of job is really _(attract) to most young people. 3The students we

11、re inspired _(work) harder after the speech. 4The _(contribute) that he has made to our society is very great. 5These years he has been applying himself _ reducing pollution in our country. 6He moved to the countryside with the _(intend) of leading a peaceful life. 11.单句语法填空 1In some areas of China,

12、some students quit school due _ poverty. 2He replied in the email that this was _(absolute) impossible. 3Im sick and tired of being told what to do with my _(person) life. 4When I was a child ,my father intended me _(become) a teacher. 5She could not entirely apply herself _ the arrangements for her

13、 wedding. 6Dont throw away your old clothes but contribute them _ the relief of the poor. 12.单句语法填空 1. They _(suffer) huge losses in the business. 2. He suffered _ headaches and loss of appetite. 13.单句语法填空 1. The law is intended _ (protect) both the buyer and the seller. 2. This money is intended _

14、the development of the tourist industry. 3. The father intended his sons _ (leave) with him. 14.单句语法填空 1. One must apply _ to the present and keep ones eyes firmly fixed on ones future goals. 2. I will apply _ the manager _ the job. 3. More than 30 people applied _ the position. 15.单句语法填空 1Condition

15、s are getting worse and _(supply) are running out. 2He spent his weekends poking around _(dust) old bookshops. 3This is an idea that I find very _(attract) 4All _(contribute),however small,will be greatly appreciated. 5But to me,its sort _ like buying a big,expensive lunch. 6I am eager _(learn) how

16、to ride a bicycle. 7Maybe you should go to apply _ the position. 8This new career doesnt pay nearly as well _ the old one. 9In 1973,the first Open University _(graduate) received their degrees. 10His speech inspired us _(work) harder than ever before. 16.单句语法填空 1. Dont worry!Filming will begin _ sch

17、edule to get finished on time. 2. To wait for Mr Smith,the meeting is scheduled _ Friday afternoon. 3. Im scheduled _(arrive) in Shanghai at 5 oclock. 17.单句语法填空 1. The players all have confidence _ their coach. 2. Some of us were _(confidence) and eager to take part in the class activity. 3. Eventua

18、lly he let his daughter go diving as she was so confident _ her skills. 18.单句语法填空 1. Her son is addicted _ computer games,which makes her angry. 2. To live a healthy life,the man is fighting his _ (addict) to alcohol. 3. Gradually,I found jogging in the morning very _ (addict) 19.单句语法填空 1The weak te

19、am set off without any _(expect) of success. 2Dont get close to the old building,for it may do you an _(injure) 3You should have more confidence _ your own ability,as you do very well. 4. There were _(vary) activities for the visitors to choose from that day. 5Im looking forward to your reply at you

20、r earliest _(convenient) 6This unusual experience with his parents made the boy addicted _ this activity. 7Word came that because of the war,their wedding couldnt take place _ schedule. 20.单句语法填空 1Come _ your convenience tomorrow,and any time will be okay for me. 2For such a young girl after graduat

21、ion,it is really a _(stress) job. 3_ variety of books have been donated to the children in mountain areas. 4Actually,things happen out of _(expect) from time to time. 5There is much chance that Bill will recover _ his injury in time for the race. 6He has a number of interests,which range from playin

22、g chess to _(swim) 21.单句语法填空 1. People differ _ one another in their ability to handle stress. 2. In fact, it makes no _ (differ) to me whether he attends the party or not. 3. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they differ greatly _ size and shape. 22.单句语法填空 1. He is quite _(confidence) that

23、 he will pass the examination. 2. This time theyre confident _ a happy ending. 23.单句语法填空 1. He made a quick _(recover) from his illness and was soon back at work. 2. Yates is struggling to recover _ a serious knee injury. 24.单句语法填空 1. Exploring the outer space is a real challenge _ mankind. 2. The n

24、ew play causes some _ (challenge) questions. 3. His question challenged us _ (think) 25.单句语法填空 1. Several staff members volunteered _ early retirement. 2. My brother volunteered _ (play) the guitar and sing a song at the school party 26.单句语法填空 1_(surf) the Internet is fun,but its also a time waster.

25、 2We cant get any _(voluntary) to help in the gardens. 3The two countries are separated by _ range of mountains. 4“Practice makes perfect,” as the old _(say) goes. 5The people travel a vast _(distant) to find food. 6These machines are constantly _(update) by improving the design of the computers. 7H

26、e was a sweet man but when he drank he tended _(quarrel) 8If you wish for further explanation,youd better apply _ person to the director. 9Youve been in prison three times according _ our records. 10From time _ time,James remained at home with his family. 27.单句语法填空 1As a matter of fact,he is more a

27、writer _ a teacher. 2She didnt eat anything,for she disliked the plates _(serve) this morning. 3The hostess came in,holding a nice cup _(make) of fine china. 4It is believed _ this custom began about one thousand years ago. 28.单句语法填空 1. Boys as well as girls _ (teach) cookery in school these days. 2

28、. He sent me a letter and some money _ well. 29.单句语法填空 1I dont know how _ (deal) with the problem in English. 2The students arent allowed _ (enter) the lab on Sundays. 3She didnt know this accident was _ (change) her own life. 4It is very difficult for us _ (finish) the whole work in two days. 5The

29、woman got up very early _ (catch) the early bus that morning. 6All of us were very surprised _ (hear) that she had left the company. 7The man hurried to his house,only _ (tell) that his son had been lost. 8The man was made _ (work) for 12 hours a day when he was 20 years old. 30.单句语法填空 1My mother ta

30、ught me _ to play the piano. 2Visitors are requested _ to touch the exhibits. 3I do not know _ to do and where to go. 4The best way _(improve) your English is _(join) an English club. 5Im beginning _ (understand) my Chinese roots,and who I am. 6Its also a good idea for parents to allow teenagers_(st

31、udy) in groups during the evening. 7Zoos are terrible places for animals _ (live) in. 8_ (be) a winner,you need to give all you have and try your best. 9Thank you for giving me the chance _ (make) the speech. 10Sometimes they have disagreements,and decide not _ (talk) to each other. 答案 1 1 to2 off3

32、at4 presentation5 being offered6 with7 informal8 to 2 .1 living2 to improve3 inspiring4 with5 in6 Preparing 3 1 to like2 various3 intended4 for5 previously 6 challenging7 Recovery8 presentation9 convenience 10 from 4 1 to2. himself 5. 1.by2. to3. reduction 6. 1. from2. in3. graduation 7. 1. to take2

33、. inspiration3. by 8.1. attractive2. attracted3. attractions4. by 9 1. to2. for3. to be4. intention 10. 1 to2 attractive3 to work4 contribution5 to6 intention 11. 1 to2 absolutely3 personal4 to become5 to6 to 12. 1 suffered2. from 13. 1. to protect2. for3. to leave 14. 1. oneself2. for3. for 15. 1 s

34、upplies2 dusty3 attractive4 contributions5 of 6 to learn7 For8 as9 graduates10 to work 16. 1. on2. for3. to arrive 17. 1. in2. confident3. about/of 18. 1. to2. addiction3. addictive 19. 1 expectation2 injury3 in4 various5 convenience6 to7 on 20. 1 at2 stressful3 A4 expectation5 from6 swimming 21 .1.

35、 from2. difference3. in 22. 1. confident2. of/about 23. 1. recovery2. from 24. 1. to2. challenging3. to think 25 1. for2. to play 26. 1 Surfing2 volunteers3 a4 saying5 distance 6 updated7 to quarrel8 in9 to10 to 27. 1 than2 served3 made4 that 28. 1. are taught2. as 29. 1 to deal2 to enter3 to change4 to finish5 to catch 6 to hear7 to be told8 to work 30. 1 how2 not/never3 what4 to improve;to join5 to understand 6 to study7 to live8 To be9 to make10 to talk


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