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1、1 八年级英语上册期中完形填空练习八年级英语上册期中完形填空练习 班级班级考号考号姓名姓名总分总分 ( (一一) ) It was the last lesson before1holidays.The students2very happy.Their English teacher was very happy,3.The teacher4played nice games with them.He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES”5it.“This is one of t

2、he6words in English”,he said to the class.The7class laughed, and then one girl8and said,“Why is it one of the longest words in English?”The teacher said9for awhile.Thenhesmiledandsaid,“Becausethereisamilebetween the10letter and the last.” ()1.【A】a【B】an【C】the【D】much ()2.【A】is【B】are【C】was【D】were ()3.【

3、A】too【B】eight【C】neither【D】also ()4.【A】a little【B】little【C】any【D】also ()5.【A】before【B】on【C】in【D】in front of ()6.【A】long【B】longer【C】longest【D】short ()7.【A】whole【B】each【C】all【D】both ()8.【A】stand up【B】sit down【C】stood up【D】lay down ()9.【A】something【B】anything【C】nothing【D】everything ()10.【A】one【B】first【C

4、】two【D】second (二)(二) It was the last lesson before1holidays.The students2very happy.Their English teacher was very happy,3.The teacher4played nice games with them.He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES”5it.“This is one of the6words in English”, he said to the c

5、lass.The7class laughed, and then one girl8and said, “Why is it one of the longest words in English?” The teacher said9for a while.Then he smiled and said, “Because there is a mile between the10letter and the last.” ()1.【A】a【B】an【C】the【D】much ()2.【A】is【B】are【C】was【D】were ()3.【A】too【B】eight【C】neither【

6、D】also ()4.【A】a little【B】little【C】any【D】also ()5.【A】before【B】on【C】in【D】in front of ()6.【A】long【B】longer【C】longest【D】short ()7.【A】whole【B】each【C】all【D】both ()8.【A】stand up【B】sit down【C】stood up【D】lay down ()9.【A】something【B】anything【C】nothing【D】everything ()10.【A】one【B】first【C】two【D】second 2 (三)(三) I

7、t was Sunday yesterday.Henry wasnt _1_ home.He was on a _2_ to the zoo. An old man got on the bus.Henry stood up and _3_ to him, “Come and sit here, please.” He helped the old man _4_.“Thanks _5_, good boy,” the old man said.“Youre welcome,” said Henry. The bus went on.Thirty minutes later, it stopp

8、ed _6_ the zoo.Henry got off the bus and said _7_ to the old man.The old man smiled(微笑) at him in a friendly way. Henry went into the zoo._8_ of the people there are students.He _9_ a lot of animals and birds, and he also took many photos.He spent a happy weekend _10_ he helped others and had a good

9、 time in the zoo. ()1.【A】in【B】on【C】at ()2.【A】way【B】zoo【C】bus ()3.【A】spoke【B】said【C】told ()4.【A】go for【B】get on【C】sit down ()5.【A】a little【B】a lot【C】a bit ()6.【A】next【B】through【C】near ()7.【A】hello【B】goodbye【C】yes ()8.【A】Most【B】Each【C】Every ()9.【A】found【B】looked【C】saw ()10.【A】because【B】but【C】when (四)(

10、四) Since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party (党的十八大),China has been asking to _1_ wasting food.It is said that the _2_ wasted in China every year could feed up to 200 million people. The Chinese are kind-hearted-this is well known.To_3_their respect to guests, they have formed the _4_

11、 of offering much _5_ food than needed .If all the food has been6at the end of the dinner, the host could feel _7_ for being shame.But now ,many people will have a new habit-Da Bao.It _8_ that at the end of a dinner, the food left will be packed and _9_ back home.We all know this is a _10_ habit. So

12、boysandgirls,frommowon,letschangeourhabit.Whenwe have11in restaurants, dont order12food.And try to eat up all the food.Please give up the snacks13meals.Encourage your classmates and parents to join us.14you find somebody is throwing awayfood, just stop them.Because the government(政府)has asked15of us

13、 to stop wasting food .we should pay much attention to it. ()1.【A】begin【B】form【C】stop【D】prepare ()2.【A】money【B】food【C】rice【D】water ()3.【A】get【B】prove【C】give【D】show ()4.【A】way【B】idea【C】habit【D】suggestion ()5.【A】more【B】less【C】better【D】delicious ()6.【A】eaten up【B】taken up【C】put up【D】picked up ()7.【A】sh

14、y【B】happy【C】sad【D】generous ()8.【A】says【B】calls【C】means【D】makes ()9.【A】taken【B】wasted【C】thrown【D】given ()10.【A】wonderful【B】different【C】same【D】easy 3 ()11.【A】dinners【B】parties【C】meetings【D】sports ()12.【A】too little【B】too much【C】too delicious【D】too hot ()13.【A】in【B】with【C】among【D】between ()14.【A】If【B】t

15、hough【C】since【D】unless ()15.【A】some【B】none【C】one【D】every one (五)(五) Years ago, my friends and I went to the Caribbean.We stayed at the Winding Bay Hotel first.The owner of the hotel, Mr Emeritus, was _1_ and always ready to help others._2_ days later, we were planning to3for four days at the Cable B

16、each Hotel at another place.Mr Emeritus told us that he knew the owner of it.He gave us his4and told us give it to front desk when we got there.We thought that we might receive a fruit basket or something like that , because the5knew eachother. 6we arrived at the Cable Beach Hotel, I gave the card t

17、o the front desk.The man7_us up to our room.We8our time at the hotel.When we would leave, the man told us we only needed to9one phone call.I told him that he made a mistake,10he told us that Mr Emeritus had paid for everything else.We were so11 After we returned home, we sent a12to Mr Emeritus and t

18、hanked him formakingour13memorable(难忘的).Foryears,we kept14Christmascardstohim,andhesentthemtous, too!15honest owner Mr Emeritus is ! ()1.【A】humorous【B】nice【C】handsome【D】honest ()2.【A】A few【B】Few【C】Little【D】A little ()3.【A】stay【B】live【C】work【D】study ()4.【A】money【B】number【C】card【D】address ()5.【A】hosts

19、【B】hotels【C】waiters【D】owners ()6.【A】When【B】Before【C】If【D】Until ()7.【A】told【B】took【C】caught【D】carried ()8.【A】had【B】spent【C】took【D】enjoyed ()9.【A】look for【B】wait for【C】pay for【D】ask for ()10.【A】and【B】or【C】so【D】but ()11.【A】frightened【B】generous【C】popular【D】surprised ()12.【A】note【B】letter【C】e-mail【D】mon

20、ey ()13.【A】taste【B】advice【C】trip【D】practice ()14.【A】buying【B】sending【C】making【D】hoping ()15.【A】What an【B】What【C】How a【D】How (六)(六) Mike was a little boy.One day Mike went with his father to1his grandparents by train.2the train, Mike put his head out of the window.His father said, “Mike, be3! Dont pu

21、t your head out of the window!” But Mike didnt4his father.His father could do5. Then Mikes father wanted to6a joke on his son.He took Mikes cap quietly, hid (藏) it7his back and said, “You see, your cap has flown ( 飞 )8.”Miketouchedhisheadanditwasreallygone.Theboy looked9and then he began to cry.He w

22、anted to get his cap back. 4 “Dont worry, son.” said his father, “I have a strange10to get your cap back.” “11can you get it back?” asked Mike in surprise. His father said, “Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨)once, and maybe your capwillcomeback.” Mikecame12tothewindow,closedhiseyesand whistled.Just at

23、 that13, his father quickly put the cap on the sons head. “Oh! It is14!” Mike laughed.He was pleased, then he quickly took his fathers cap and15it out of the window.“Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!” he said happily. 1.【A】look【B】see【C】watch【D】notice 2.【A】At【B】Of【C】To【D】In 3.【A】quick【B】happy【C】ca

24、reful【D】quiet 4.【A】answer【B】look at【C】hear【D】listen to 5.【A】nothing【B】anything【C】some【D】any 6.【A】do【B】work【C】play【D】take 7.【A】before【B】behind【C】after【D】at 8.【A】away【B】high【C】around【D】out 9.【A】worried【B】glad【C】happy【D】nervous 10.【A】road【B】path【C】way【D】street 11.【A】Why【B】How【C】What【D】Where 12.【A】on【B】

25、in【C】up【D】out 13.【A】while【B】second【C】minute【D】moment 14.【A】terrible【B】wonderful【C】bad【D】lovely 15.【A】threw【B】placed【C】brought【D】got ( (七七) ) Do you like going to the movies? Most of the1in high schools like movies very much.Last Sunday I went to a school and asked some students2their favorite movies

26、.3of their answers were really interesting.Here are their likes and4: Jim, a5boy, likes watching thrillers(恐怖片)because they are scary6 exciting.His classmate, Kate cant stand documentaries(纪录片).She told me they were7parents.But she really likes comedies because they are funny.Jack is a big boy.He sa

27、id he8mind documentaries.But he doesnt like comedies9they are boring! And the coolest movies are action movies.Everyone10them very much! 1.【A】teachers【B】students【C】parents【D】people 2.【A】about【B】of【C】at【D】from 3.【A】Any【B】Some【C】Lot【D】Much 4.【A】dislike【B】dislikes【C】hobbies【D】enjoyments 5.【A】13-year-ol

28、d【B】13-years-oldC.11 year-oldD.11-years-old 6.【A】also【B】too【C】but【D】and 7.【A】for【B】with【C】to【D】of 8.【A】cant【B】didnt【C】doesnt【D】couldnt 9.【A】so【B】why【C】because【D】before 10.【A】enjoy【B】enjoys【C】watch【D】watches ( (八八) ) It was Monday.Mrs.Smith s dog was1, but there was no meat in the house.Thinking that

29、 there was no other2, Mrs.Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it:3my dog 0.1kg of 5 meat.4she gave the paper to her dog and said, Take this to the butcher, and he s going to give you5lunch today.Taking the piece of paper in its6, the dog ran to the butcher s shop.7gave the

30、paper to the butcher.The butcher read it carefully , and recognized (辨认) that it was8Mrs.Smith s handwriting (笔迹) .So he did as Mrs.Smith told him.The dog was very9, and ate the meat up at once.At midday, the dog came to the shop for the10time.It gave the butcher a piece of paper again.11reading it,

31、 he gave it 0.1kg of meat again. The next day, the dog came again just at midday.And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth.This time, the butcher did not12the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he13the dog as one of his customers(顾客).But, the dog came again at 4:00 p.m.And the same t

32、hing happened once again.To the butcher s surprise, it14for the third time at 6:00 p.m.This is a small dog. 15does Mrs.Smith give it so much meat to eat today? Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were no words there. ()1.【A】hungry【B】thirsty【C】hot【D】ill ()2.【A】food【B】time【C】way【D】perso

33、n ()3.【A】Take【B】Bring【C】Get【D】Give ()4.【A】If【B】Then【C】But【D】Before ()5.【A】your【B】our【C】his【D】my ()6.【A】mouth【B】bag【C】clothes【D】hand ()7.【A】Mrs.Smith【B】The man【C】It【D】They ()8.【A】so【B】really【C】look【D】much ()9.【A】sad【B】active【C】funny【D】happy ()10.【A】first【B】second【C】third【D】fourth ()11.【A】When【B】After

34、【C】Until【D】though ()12.【A】make【B】watch【C】take【D】look at ()13.【A】stayed【B】planned【C】thought【D】made ()14.【A】came【B】went【C】took【D】looked ()15.【A】What【B】When【C】Where【D】Why (九)(九) Everyone in our school loves sports.Every morning after we get up, we do morningexercises.After1secondclass,wedoexerciseagain

35、.Weonly have2class twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoon.The most popular sport is basketball.The3enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too.4popular sport is football and in every class there_5a lot of football fans.And We often play6in the gym.We have school teams of bask

36、etball, football and volleyball.Our teams often7friendship(友谊) games with teams from other schools.When there is a game,8of us go to watch it and cheer our side9. Besides (除了以外) ball games, some of us like track and field events(田 径项目), and we often10running, jumping and throwing .Every term(学 期) we

37、 have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting. Sports help us keep healthy and happy. ()1.【A】a【B】the【C】an ()2.【A】English【B】Chinese【C】P.E 6 ()3.【A】teachers【B】boys【C】students ()4.【A】Some other【B】The other【C】Another ()5.【A】are【B】is【C】were ()6.【A】basketball【B】football【C】volleyball

38、 ()7.【A】see【B】have【C】watch ()8.【A】much【B】many【C】few ()9.【A】at【B】on【C】in ()10.【A】learn【B】study【C】practice (十)(十) My name is Steve.I move into this house _1_ weeks ago, and I really enjoy_2_here.Theres only one bedroom, and at the moment my sister is staying with me because she is _3_ a job. I work in

39、 a big company(公司).Its hard_4_, and the hours are really long , but I like it.And it pays well.I dont really _5_worried about my work. The only thing I dont like about this house is one of the neighbors, Mrs.Snell, I think her name is.Shes really strange.She never speaks to_6_, I always says hello t

40、o her, and “ Are you all right? and what a lovely day today!”,but she never says a word._7_she doesnt like young people. My sister and I had a party a few days ago.It really wasnt very noisy(吵 闹).About ten of us were here_8_11.00pm and then we went out to dance.When I saw Mrs.Snell the next day, I s

41、aid I hoped there wasnt _9_niose(噪音)for her, but as she didnt saying anything.Funny lady. This evening my sister and I are going to visit a friend of ours who is in hospital, and then we _10_out for a Chinese meal. 1.【A】few【B】a few【C】little【D】a little 2.【A】live【B】lives【C】living【D】to live 3.【A】seeing

42、【B】looking at【C】finding【D】looking for 4.【A】work【B】job【C】something【D】matter 5.【A】want【B】feel【C】think【D】have 6.【A】someone【B】anyone【C】no one【D】everyone 7.【A】Maybe【B】May be【C】Like【D】For 8.【A】After【B】until【C】when【D】before 9.【A】too much【B】much too【C】many【D】much 10.【A】go【B】went【C】are going【D】arent going 7 附:参考答案附:参考答案 (一)1-5 CDADB6-10 CACCB (二)1-5 BADBB6-10 CACCB (三)1-5 CCBCB6-10 CBACA (四)1-5 CBDCA6-10 AACAA11-15 ABDAD (五)BAACDABDCDDBCBA (六)BDCDACBAACBCDBA (七)BDABBADABCB (八)ACDBAACBDBBDCAD (九)B C B C AC B B B C (十)B C D A BB A B A C


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