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1、1.重点单词重点单词 1_n某一时刻 2_n幻灯片 3_adv. 向前;进展 4_adj. 低年级的_adj. (反义词)高年级的;年长的;较高的 5_adj. 正式的,官方的_adj. 非正式的 6_vi. (使)适应_n适应 7_n报告;陈述,说明_vt. 呈现;赠送 adj. 现在的 n礼物 2.单词拼写单词拼写 1Its a _(正式的) party,so youd better dress up. 2We have had to _(适应) quickly to the new system. 3I spent my _(低年级的) year in France. 4It was a

2、t that _(某一时刻) that he began to love this subject. 5The kids ran _(向前) to see the new plane. 6It is said that the professor will give a _(报告) at the meeting. 7There is a new machine in the house,but I dont know its _(功能) 8The young man is very _(坦诚的),so you can depend on him. 9_(实际上),I dont know the

3、 whole accident at all. 10People probably cooked their food in large pots,using twigs to _(移走) it. 3.单词拼写单词拼写 1It is t_ of Tom to keep others waiting for a long time. 2First of all,please get yourself into a comfortable _(位置) 3Most parents said their children had an active and healthy l_. 4To some _

4、(程度),it is easier for men to find a job than women. 5Early _(联系) between mother and child is always encouraged. 6The main _(功能) of the charity is to raise money for poor people. 7After graduation from a key university,she took the job for _(各种各样的) reasons. 8The workers were _(减少) from 200 to 100 in

5、the company last year. 9In the past two years,the company has _(提供) the best service for us. 10At last,with great effort,they _(移走) the old machine from the house. 4.单词拼写单词拼写 1It should not take him long to r_ from his illness. 2Thanks to your _(贡献),we have enough money. 3His a_ for a member of the

6、organisation was rejected. 4We still remember the _(激励人心的) talk he gave us last time. 5He watched the train away until it was only a dot in the _(距离) 6Teaching young children is a _(具有挑战性的) and rewarding job. 7I asked him to think back and try to recall his _(遭受) in the old society. 8My job today is

7、 to _(闲谈) with you about the stress that you are facing. 9Its important to meet friends in person from time to time,not just on social m_. 10I am _(渴望的) to make friends with others in the new class. 5.单词拼写单词拼写 1Mary,a _(低年级的) student,will graduate next year. 2Could you look through this report when

8、you have a spare _(时刻)? 3He started up the engine and the car moved _(向前) 4He gave a fascinating _(幻灯片) show on climbing in the Himalayas. 5Sometimes formal English and _(非正式的) English must be carefully distinguished. 6Last week we went to the _(展示) of a new play. 6.单词拼写单词拼写 1The greeting was polite

9、,almost _(正式的) 2They have to give a short _(陈述) on the subject of their choice. 3This special viewer is simple to use and comes with 70 full-colour _(幻灯片) 4How do these insects _(适应) themselves to new environments? 5Our aim was that these meetings should be unstructured and _(不拘形式的) 7.单词拼写单词拼写 1The

10、TV has _(更新) the news on the bad storm coming to our area. 2My jobs getting more and more _(有压力的) 3He took a highly _(积极的) view of the matter. 4Hes been rather _(否定的) about the idea. 5In her spare time she does _(志愿的) work. 6He quickly _(adapt) to the climate in the high mountains. 7As soon as he en

11、tered,he sensed a _(紧张) in the air. 8Are you sure you _(完全地) understand the importance of completing these forms as accurately as possible? 9_(中级的) school means junior school and high school. 10Martin drove along the street until he found a _(方便的) parking lot. 8.重点单词重点单词 1_adv. 向/在城镇商业中心区 2_vt. 减少;降

12、低;缩小 3_n专家,行家 4_adj. 坦率的,坦诚的 5_vt. 移走;去掉 6_adv. 完全地,彻底地 7_n职位;位置 8_adv. 正是,当然 9_n程度 10_adv. 因此,因而,从而 11_n紧张;焦虑 12_n功能 13_vt. 寻求;请求 14_vt. 以为特色,是的特征 15_adj. 平常的,一贯的;典型的 16_n种,类;类型 17_n供应,供给 18_adj. 困难的,难办的 19_vi. &vt. 闪现,闪过 n照相机闪光灯 20_n联系,联络 vt. (写信,打电话)联系(某人) 21_n压力;忧虑;紧张_adj. 焦虑的,紧张的_adj. 充满压力的 22_

13、vi. &vt. 遭受(痛苦)_n苦难 23_adv. 正是,当然_adj. 绝对的 24_vt. 组织,筹划_n组织,团体,机构_n组织者;主办机构 25_adj. 专业的,职业的_n专业,职业_n教授 26_vi. 毕业_n毕业 27_vt. 鼓励,激励_adj. 令人鼓舞的_adj. 受到鼓舞的 28_vi. 申请;请求_n申请 _n申请人 29_adj. 热切的;渴望的_adv. 渴望地 30_adv. 独立地,自立地_adj. 独立的_n独立 31_n电,电力;力量_adj. 强有力的 32_adj. 负责的;有责任心的_n责任 33_adj. 有吸引力的;好看的,美观的_vt. 吸

14、引_n吸引;吸引力 34_n贡献_v贡献 35_vt. 计划,打算,想要_n打算 9.单词拼写单词拼写 1The father _(打算) his sons to leave with him. 2I c_ my uncle as soon as I went to Beijing. 3He had taken up a p_ in the centre of the room. 4His family s_ all kinds of hardships during the war. 5He went through all the computers _(功能)with me. 6Bein

15、g unable to afford a house in _(市区),the couple moved into a mountain cave. 7He has c_ a number of articles to the magazine. 8He was the head of a _(慈善机构) for the welfare of poor children. 10.体会句中加线单词的词性和含义体会句中加线单词的词性和含义 1This is atypical day for Zhang Tian. _ 2Zhang Tian graduated from university an

16、d got a teacher scertificate last year. _ 3He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living independently and teaching in a village. _ 4The other two local teachers were responsible for maths and Chinese. _ 11.单词拼写单词拼写 1Hurry,as we only have a limited _(供给) of these TVs in stock! 2He took me ar

17、ound our new offices,pointing out all the _(特色) 3The crowd _(激励) us to play well last week. 4Hes got more _(自信的) as hes getting older. 5Have you had any direct _(联系) with the director of the company? 12.单词拼写单词拼写 1He did everything in his _(力量) to find us somewhere to live. 2He had a _(困难的) time gett

18、ing into a good college. 3She proudly displayed her degree _(证书) to her parents. 4They were only too _(热切的) to help us. 5A bright _(闪光) of lightning lit up the sky. 6I had no time to warn you._(此外),I wasnt sure. 7He can be _(联系) by phone on the telephone number given below. 8They have no money and a

19、re forced to live on _(慈善) 9He has made an important _(贡献) to the companys success. 10Selling was my game and I _(打算) to be a winner. 13.重点单词重点单词 1_adj. 较高的,高级的 2_adj. 中级的;次要的 3_adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 4_n日程表,计划表 5_n能力,胜任 6_vi. (问题或困难)出现,发生 7_vi. &n闲谈,聊天 8_vi. &vt. 冲浪 9_n一系列;范围 10_n质量,品质 11_adv. 实际上,事实上 12

20、_vt. 拖,拉 13_n目的,意图 vi. 力求达到 14_vt. 更新 15_adv. 在前面;向前 16_adj. 充满压力的,紧张的_n压力_adj. 有压力的 17_adj. 富有挑战性的_n挑战;具有挑战性的事物 vt. 向挑战 18_vi. 不同,不一样,有区别_adj. 不同的_n不同,区别 19_adj. 以前的,先前的_adv. 以前,先前 20_n期待;预料,预期_vt. 期待 21_n自信,信心;信赖_adj. 自信的 22_n能力,胜任_adj. 能胜任的,有能力的 23_n压力press vt. 按,压 24_vi. 恢复健康,康复_n恢复 25_n伤,损害_vt.

21、 损害 _adj. 受伤的 26_adv. 不幸地,令人遗憾地_adv. 幸运地 27_adj. 志愿的;服务的;自愿的_n志愿者 v自愿,志愿 28_adj. 各种各样的;多种(类型)的_v使变化;变化_n种类;多样性 29_adj. 方便的,便利的_n方便 14.单词拼写单词拼写 1I had all the information _(更新) in my free time. 2Everyone wants to buy some goods of high q_ on the Internet. 3The two women were sitting on the grass,_(聊天

22、) happily. 4After two years in hospital,he gradually r_ from the illness. 5Set yourself a _(目标) that you can reasonably achieve. 6He suddenly fell ill yesterday at work because of the p_ of work. 7Some people say _(上瘾) is not a brain state. Instead,it is a behavior. 8Through the activity,I gained a

23、high level of _(能力) in English. 15.体会句中加线单词的词性和含义体会句中加线单词的词性和含义 1Its so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy. _ 2My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet addict” _ 3I have a top 10 reading list and I try to keep it updated. _ 4

24、After school,I try to use any possible time to revise the things I have learnt during the day. _ 16.单词拼写单词拼写 1Hundreds of _(志愿者) have come forward to offer their help. 2She had to change her _(生活方式) and eating habits. 3A _(便携式电脑) would be really useful for me when Im working on the train. 4The lapto

25、p drawing tablet is a very useful piece of _(硬件) 5They decided to _(更新) the computer systems at last. 6My secretary will call you to arrange a _(方便的) time to meet. 17.单词拼写单词拼写 1The organization is run on a purely _(志愿的) basis. 2Theres a _(数码的) watch on the table. 3New York in the summer was too hot

26、even for the _(本地人) 4They sell a very wide _(一系列) of garden products. 5There are _(各种各样的) ways of getting to the station. 6I phoned your office to confirm that this date is _(方便的) 7Advances in technology would,it was hoped,improve the _(质量) of life. 8The bottom of her long dress _(拖) in the dust. 9Y

27、ou should _(复习) your lecture notes on the topic now. 10An army of _(志愿者) cooked meals for the children. 答案解析答案解析 1.【答案】1moment2slide3forward4junior;senior5formal;informal 6adapt;adaptation7presentation;present 2.【答案】1formal2adapt3junior4moment5forward6presentation7function 8frank9Actually10remove 3.

28、【答案】1typical2position3lifestyle4extent5contact6function7various 8reduced9supplied10removed 4.【答案】1recover2contribution(s)3application4inspiring5distance6challenging 7sufferings8chat9media10eager 5.【答案】1junior2moment3forward4slide5informal6presentation 6.【答案】1formal2presentation3slides4adapt5informal

29、 7.【答案】1updated2stressful3positive4negative5voluntary6adapted7tension 8entirely9Secondary10convenient 8.【答案】1downtown2reduce3expert4frank5remove6entirely7position 8absolutely9extent10thus11tension12function13seek14feature15typical 16sort17supply18tough19flash20contact21stress;stressed;stressful 22su

30、ffer;suffering23absolutely;absolute24organise;organisation;organiser 25professional;profession;professor26graduate;graduation27inspire;inspiring;inspired 28apply;application;applicant29eager;eagerly30independently;independent;independence 31power;powerful32responsible;responsibility33attractive;attr

31、act;attraction34contribution;contribute 35intend;intention 9.【答案】1intended2contacted3position4suffered5functions6downtown 7contributed8charity 10.【答案】1adj.平常的,典型的2vi.毕业;n.合格证书3adv.独立地4adj.负责的 11.【答案】1supply2features3inspired4confident5contact 12.【答案】1power2tough3certificate4eager5flash6Besides7conta

32、cted 8charity9contribution10intended 13.【答案】1senior2secondary3dynamic4schedule5competence6arise7chat 8surf9range10quality11actually12drag13aim14update15ahead 16stressful;stress;stressed17challenging;challenge18differ;different;difference 19previous;previously20expectation;expect21confidence;confiden

33、t22competence; competent23pressure;press24recover;recovery25injury;injure;injured 26unfortunately;fortunately27voluntary;volunteer28various;vary;variety 29convenient;convenience 14.【答案】1updated2quality3chatting4recovered5goal/target6pressure 7addiction8competence 15.【答案】1adj.方便的2n.对着迷的人3vt.更新4vt.复习 16.【答案】1volunteers2lifestyle3laptop4hardware5update6convenient 17.【答案】1voluntary2digital3natives4range5various6convenient 7quality8dragged9revise10volunteers


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