(2019版)北师大版必修第一册英语Unit3 小题组合练(含答案).docx

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1、北师大必修第一册 UNIT 3小题组合练 .阅读理解 A typical lion tamer(驯兽师) in peoples mind is an entertainer holding a whip(鞭) and a chair. The whip gets all of the attention, but its mostly for show. In reality, its the chair that does the important work. When a lion tamer holds a chair in front of the lions face, the l

2、ion tries to focus on all four legs of the chair at the same time. With its focus divided, the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next. When faced with so many options, the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair. How often do you find yoursel

3、f in the same position as the lion? How often do you have something you want to achieve (e.g. lose weight, start a business, travel more) only to end up confused by all of the options in front of you and never make progress? This upsets me to no end because while all the experts are busy debating ab

4、out which option is best, the people who want to improve their lives are left confused by all of the conflicting information. The end result is that we feel like we cant focus or that were focused on the wrong things, and so we take less action, make less progress, and stay the same when we could be

5、 improving. It doesnt have to be that way. Anytime you find the world waving a chair in your face, remember this: All you need to do is focus on one thing. You just need to get started. Starting before you feel ready is one of the habits of successful people. If you have somewhere you want to go, so

6、mething you want to accomplish, someone you want to become take immediate action. If youre clear about where you want to go, the rest of the world will either help you get there or get out of the way. 1. Why does the lion tamer use a chair? A. To trick the lion.B. To show off his skills. C. To get r

7、eady for a fight.D. To entertain the audience. 2. In what sense are people similar to a lion facing a chair? A. They feel puzzled over choices.B.Theyholdontothewrong things. C. They find it hard to make changes.D. They have to do something for show. 3. What is the authors attitude towards the expert

8、s mentioned in Paragraph 3? A. Tolerant.B. Doubtful.C. Respectful.D. Supportive. 4. When the world is “waving a chair in your face”, youre advised to. A. wait for a better chanceB. break your old habits C. make a quick decisionD. ask for clear guidance 【答案】1-4 AABC Driving a car is not just handling

9、 controls and judging speed and distance. It requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected. When alcohol is consumed, it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant(抑制药), damaging eyesight, judgment and coordination(协调), slowing down reacti

10、on time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents. Even below the drink driving limit, driving will be affected. Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain. Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drink

11、s mixed with fruit juice. To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee. ThepresentRoad TrafficOrdinancestatesclearly thatthelimitofalcohol concentration is: 50 milligrams of al

12、cohol per 100ml of blood; or 22 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath; or 67 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine (尿液). Drivers who cause traffic accidents, or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested. Any driver found drinking beyond the lim

13、it will be charged. The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK $25, 000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and punished for 10 driving offence points; or temporarily banned from driving. The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens ( 样 本 ) for breath, blood or ur

14、ine tests without good excuse. Drink driving is a criminal offence. Be a responsible driver, think before you drink. For the safety of yourself and other road users, never drive after consuming alcohol. 5. The first paragraph is mainly about. A. the introductions of driving skillsB. the damage of dr

15、inking to your body C. the effect of drinking on drivingD.the processofalcoholbeing absorbed 6. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “”. A. alcoholB. absorptionC. bloodD. process 7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Drinking below the drink driving lim

16、it has no effect on driving. B. Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice. C. Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body. D. 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the drink driving limit. 8. A driver suspected of drunk driving. A. should provide

17、specimens for testing B. will be forbidden to drive for 3 years C. will be punished for 10 driving offence points D. should pay a maximum fine of HK $ 25,000 【答案】5-8 CDBA 七选五 It is believed that raisins(葡萄干) were discovered in the Middle East, where they were treasured. Any food that wouldnt spoil i

18、n the hot sun was very valuable. Prehistoric drawings in France show that raisins have been enjoyed in southern Europe for thousands of years.36In 1000 B.C. the Jews paid their taxes with raisins. Two jars of raisins in ancient Rome could buy one slave boy.37 In North America, the original mistake o

19、f leaving grapes to wither(枯萎) on the vine was not the only time raisins accidentally became popular. In the 1870s many people were growing grapes in California.38Most Americans had never heard of raisins at that time. In September, 1873 a severe heat wave struck the area. Before the growers could p

20、ick all their grapes, they withered on the vine. The grapes were lost. One grower took the dried grapes to a grocer in San Francisco.39The new accidental raisins grew into a major industry in California. Today almost all the raisins eaten in the United States are grown in California. California prod

21、uces a third of the worlds raisins. 40Raisins also provide potassium, magnesium, calcium and certain B vitamins. Without added preservatives( 防 腐 剂 ), raisins will stay fresh, delicious and nutritious if kept in a cool place. Raisins are tiny, portable and above all delicious. A. They have been used

22、 for necklaces and as religious symbols. B. Raisins are childrens favorite snacks. C. The grapes were either eaten as fresh fruit or were made into wine. D. The grocer was unwilling to buy the dried grapes. E. Raisins are high in iron, which is important to childrens growing bodies. F. Roman doctors

23、 believed raisins could cure anything from mushroom poisoning to old age. G. The grocers customers discovered that raisins made a delicious treat. 【答案】36-40 AFCGE .读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写的词数应为 150 左右。 One weekend in July,Jane and her husband,Tom,had driven three hours to camp o

24、vernight by a lake in the forest.Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel.By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom, “Im going to find a better spot for us to camp” and walked away. With no path to follow,Jane just walked on f

25、or quite a long time.After she had climbed to a high place,she turned around,hoping to see the lake.To her surprise,she saw nothing but forest and,far beyond,a snowcapped mountain top.She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom!” she cried.“Help!” No reply.If only she had not left her mobile phone

26、 in that bag with Tom!Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became.As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night.Lying awake in the dark,Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.She wanted to hold him and tell him how mu

27、ch she loved him. Jane rose at the break of day , hungry and thirsty.She could hear water trickling( 滴 落 ) somewhere at a distance.Quickly she followed the sound to a stream.To her great joy ,she also saw some berry bushes.She drank and ate a few berries.Never in her life had she tasted anything bet

28、ter.Feeling stronger now,Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. As she picked her way carefully along the stream,Jane heard a helicopter.Is that for me? Unfortunately,the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above.A few minutes later, another helic

29、opter flew overhead.Jane took off her yellow blouse,thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. 写作指导 一、故事梗概 二、情节推断 根据已给出的续写部分每段的开头语并展开合理想象可推断: 1第一段应主要描述一些情节和心理活动以及简如何度过第二个晚上。 2第二段主要描述获救的方式,如直升机救援、沿着河走到湖边等等,获救时的情景、动作、 心理描写是重点。 可根据自己的想象构建故事情节。续写两段的四要素见下表: Paragra

30、ph 1Paragraph 2 时间it was darkdaybreak 地点in a forestin a forest 人物JaneJane,Tom 事件slept for a nightwas saved 三、要素串联 将已确定的四要素串联,并增加细节描写,完成读后续写。 Paragraph 1: But no more helicopters came and it was dark again. Paragraph 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. 参考范文 But no helicopters came and it was gettin

31、g dark again.Jane was sad.She sat by the stream, resting her aching feet.“If I hadnt quarreled with Tom,I wouldnt have to be here,”Jane thought regretfully,with tears welling up in her eyes.She wanted to say sorry to Tom for losing her temper.However,the only thing she could do was lie by the stream

32、 and wait for help.It was getting late and Jane fell asleep. It was daybreak when Jane woke up.She stood up to find something to eat.She walked and walked until she came to an open area where water and berries were available.Suddenly,she heard a helicopter.She took off her yellow blouse and began sh

33、aking it widely, hoping someone could see her.She shouted out “Tom” The helicopter slowed down and landed on the ground.With the door open,Tom ran out.Seeing Jane,he was so excited and couldnt contain his joy.He hugged Jane tightly.“Tom, I wont lose my temper again.I want to stay with you forever, ” Jane said in tears.


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