(2019版)北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 3 Celebrations part 4 Lesson 3 Memories of Christmas 同步练习(带答案).docx

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1、基础题组基础题组 Unit 3Celebrations Part 4Lesson 3 Memories of Christmas .单词拼写 1.Mexican people eat food in shape of bones in mof the dead ancestors. 2.This pair of shoes will be smore expensive but they last a lot longer. 3.There used to be penguins in the North Ptoo, but they died out because of over-hunt

2、ing later. 4.He quickly stuffed the money back into the(信封). 5.Working with children calls for great p. They love asking the same question over and over again. 6.Theyd been(填满) themselves with snacks all afternoon, so they didnt want any dinner. 7.He climbed up the tree and hid among the(树枝). 8.Obvi

3、ously they didnt realize that their(行为)had done great damage to the beauty of the park. 9.There are(传言)that the actor was seen checking into a hospital last week. 10.She wanted the celebration to be a simple family(事件). 11.It is this little mouse that connects us with the Internet, and(以某种方式), the w

4、hole world. 12.He put a grape into his mouth and sit. 13.Its time to rup our sleeves and get some work done on the basics. 14.Shannon sat on her mothers(大腿), listening to her story, which had been told a hundred times. 15.He marched on with a broad smile, whistling a(快乐的)tune. .选词填空 move in;over and

5、 over;catch sb.s eye;pass away;no longer;on the way;be full of;take a seat;put up 1.Food shortages area problem. 2.As she turned back, a movement across the lawn. 3.He learns music by ear and plays recordsagain. 4.He unfortunatelylast year. 5.Pleaseand fill out this information sheet. 6.Her house wa

6、s in perfect order when she. 7.Theyrenew street signs. 8.to pick him up, you need to get something for dinner. 9.The streetsstillpeople celebrating the festival. .单句填空 1.Is there any time you(envelop) in grief and you just want your friends to accompany you? 2.The phone rings and their little boy,a

7、whisper, says, “Hello.” 3.We are confronted with rude or inconsiderate(behave) from other people every day: someone eating smelly food on the subway, or a neighbor playing loud music at night. 4.I dont have the(slight) idea what hes talking about. 5.They waved goodbyeus as we passed, tears welling u

8、p in their eyes. 6.It was love and patiencebuilt up our friendship. 7.Tom invited me to go fishing on Sunday, but I turned him down. I dont think I havepatience. 8.He is always kind and patientchildren.So he will be a great teacher. 9.That dress in the window(catch) my eye immediatelycan I try it on

9、? 10.I dont play my toyslonger. I might as well give them away to some kids who like them. 11.I want you both to beyour best behaviour at Grandads birthday party. 12.Everyone was shocked to learn that their beloved teacher passedin the fire. He gave up his life to save his students. 13.When he sugge

10、sted they should buy a new car, she(roll) her eyes in disbelief. .完成句子 1.这座城市的人们立了一座雕像以纪念那些在战争中为保卫城市而牺牲的人。 People in the city put up a statuethose who died in the war to defend the city. 2.上周,Rain挥手告别泪流满面的歌迷,他把自己的演艺事业搁置了下来,准备去服两年义务兵役。 Last week, Raintearful fans as he put his showbiz (演艺业) career on

11、 hold and prepared for two years of compulsory military service. 3.老师看到那个学生在低声地向他的同学说答案。 The teacher saw that the student washis classmate. 4.但是这个活动有点不同。它有助于使学生在学校表现良好。 But the activity is a little different. It helps to make students. 5.前几天,当我乘公共汽车时,一位老人引起了我的注意,他在全神贯注地看报纸,而其他人则在用手机浏览 网页。 The other

12、day, when I was taking a bus, an old person,who was absorbed (沉浸) in his newspaper while others were browsing (浏览) the web on their phones. 6.那天晚上在我们家里搞了个庆祝活动。 in our house that night. 7.对中国人而言,端午节有许多意义。 For Chinese people,has much significance. 8.毕业典礼日是每个学生人生中富有意义的一天。 is a significant day in every

13、students life. 9.老师禁止学生在学校放烟火。 The teacher forbade the pupils toin the school. 10.当我小的时候,我只知道中国的传统节日。 I was small, I only knew Chinese. 11.我最喜欢春节,因为我可以从父母那里得到很多钱。 I likedbest, because I could get a lot of money from my parents. .课文语法填空 When I think about what makes Christmas so magical, its not just

14、 gifts and Father Christmas 1come to mind. Its also my memory of Granny. I can well remember the last Christmas Granny 2(spend) with us. On a cold, windy day, Granny moved in. She was very sick. Somehow, I failed to notice it. Granny made3effort to help me with my letter to Father Christmas. With he

15、r hand 4(slight) shaky, she wrote“Father Christmas, the North Pole” on the envelope. In December, we made sugar biscuits, stuffed the turkey and sang Christmas songs. Granny had 5(patient) to sing my favorite part over and over again. Granny watched as we put up the Christmas tree. I was the one6hun

16、g most of the decorations on the branches. On Christmas morning, I was on my best7(behave) as we opened the presents. Later, Granny called me over. “I have something special for you,” Granny8(whisper). It was a music box with a ballet dancer inside. After breakfast, as I played outside, Granny staye

17、d inside by the fire. I remember9(catch) her eye through the window. I called and asked her to join us, but she just waved. Lunch was late, but it was a loud and exciting affair. There was a lot of laughter. A few weeks after that Christmas, Granny passed10. I think of her often. Each Christmas, I a

18、lways make a G-shape sugar biscuit in memory of Granny and take out the music box, which is also a reminder of Granny. 能力题组能力题组 .阅读理解 I looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and sighed. It was time. The New Year was a week old and my tree still stood in the corner of our room

19、with its collection of memories proudly displayed in a shower of colorful lights. Id procrastinated long enough. I got up, went to the garage and dragged all the boxes into the room. The garland (花环) was the first to take down. The branches looked naked (光秃秃的) already. I took the large decorations o

20、ff next. They made a large pile on our bed. An hour later, our bed was covered with Christmas memories.Each pile contained an ornament along with its matching brothers and sisters from sets bought many years ago. I prepared the boxes and carefully placed ornaments in their protective packaging, paus

21、ing every few minutes to admire a favorite.“Hey, little Santa!” I held the Santa from my childhood. “Thanks for being my friend for almost 50 years.” He was a little ragged (衣着破烂的) but still gave me a flood of wonderful memories. “Until next year, my dear friend.” There was a collection of handmade

22、ones. My children made in their first years of school, more than 20 years ago. Made by tiny hands, they are far from perfect in design, but every year they go on my memory tree memories of young giggles(咯咯笑) on Christmas morning and a smiling face when they handed them to me when I came home from wo

23、rk. “Look what we made, Daddy!” “Oh! It is beautiful. Lets find a special spot on the tree for it.” Every year since, they are displayed. A few hours after I started, the filled boxes were back in the garage and the room was vacuumed (用真空 吸尘器清扫) and I sat staring at a barren (空荡荡的) corner. The room

24、seemed so empty. It took me two days of work to assemble (收集) and decorate my tree, but only a few hours to take it apart. My tree is like a good marriage or a great friendship. Like the tree, they take a long time to assemble and decorate with memories, but can be torn down quickly. Every year I ha

25、ve to put my tree away, but not my marriage or friendships. I take great care of those. They get to glow in the corner of my life for as long as I live. I get to analyze my tree and find memories for a few weeks every year. I can do the same with the loves in my life every day. Take great care of yo

26、ur friendships and your marriage. Once they come down, they arent as easy to put back together as a Christmas tree. Stand them in that special spot in the corner of your heart and admire their glow. 1.In the authors eyes, the Christmas tree. A.is a collection of childhood memories B.is a symbol of l

27、ong-lasting relations C.takes too much time to decorate D.is full of out-of-date ornaments 2.The underlined word “procrastinated” in Paragraph 1 probably means. A.reflectedB.celebrated C.decoratedD.delayed 3.To the author, a Christmas tree is similar to a good marriage in that. A.both take time to b

28、uild but fall apart easily B.both remind him of bittersweet(苦乐参半的) memories C.both need to be admired for some time D.both get less attractive over the years 4.What is the main theme of the article? A.Wed better put away Christmas decorations and recycle them each year. B.Friendships and the marriag

29、e should be valued and managed carefully. C.Memories with friends and family should be cherished and relived. D.We should decorate Christmas trees with personal stuff and recycle. .完形填空 The Best Holiday I was unbelievably proud of my nine-year-old daughter, Emily.1to buy a mountain bike, shed been s

30、aving her pocket money all year, as well as doing small jobs to earn extra money. By Thanksgiving, she had collected only $49. I said, “You can have your pick from my bicycle2.” “Thanks, Daddy. But your bikes are so old.” She was right. All my girls bikes were 1950s models, not the kind a kid today

31、would3choose. As Christmas4near, Emily and I went bike shopping. As we left one store, she noticed a Salvation Army(基督教救世军) volunteer standing next to a big pot. “Can we give something, Daddy?” She asked. “Sorry, em, Im out of5,” I said. Throughout December, Emily continued to work hard. Then one da

32、y, she made a6announcement. “You know all the money Ive been saving?” She said hesitantly. “Im going to give it to the poor people.” So one cold morning before Christmas, Emily handed her total savings of $58 to a volunteer who was really very 7. 8by Emilys selflessness, I decided to contribute one

33、of my old bicycles to a car dealer who was collecting used bikes for poor children.9I selected a shiny model from my collection, however, it seemed as if a second bike took on a glow.Should I contribute two? No, one would be enough. But I couldnt10 the feeling that I should give a second bike. When

34、I later11the bikes, the car dealer said, “Youre making two kids very happy, Sir. Here are your tickets. For each bicycle contributed, were12away one chance to win a girls mountain bike.” Why wasnt I surprised when that second ticket proved to be the13? I like to think it was Gods way of14a little gi

35、rl for a sacrifice beyond her yearswhile giving her dad a lesson in the15. 1.A.PromisedB.AmazedC.OrganizedD.Used 2.A.contributionB.collectionC.shopD.club 3.A.likelyB.seldomC.slightlyD.merely 4.A.wentB.becameC.drewD.pulled 5.A.workB.chargeC.changeD.time 6.A.surprisingB.disappointingC.formalD.public 7

36、.A.agreeableB.thankfulC.hopefulD.pitiful 8.A.ShockedB.MovedC.PersuadedD.Demanded 9.A.WhileB.BecauseC.AsD.Though 10.A.expressB.describeC.shakeD.explain 11.A.delivered B.returnedC.choseD.shared 12.A.givingB.puttingC.storingD.signing 13.A.presentB.winnerC.harvestD.chance 14.A.greetingB.rewardingC.shelt

37、eringD.praising 15.A.projectB.processC.struggleD.communication .语法填空 We use flowers as messengers to say something we might have trouble1(say) directly ourselves. Over time flowers have come to symbolize the most2(power) human experiences: beauty, love, hope, and rebirth. Sweet flowers alone can say

38、 what one3(fear) expressing. Weve listed some of the most famous flowers that have an important meaning. In Mao Zedongs poem Ode to the Plum Blossom(咏梅), the plum blossom was used4(praise) soldiers who sacrificed their lives for Chinese people.5great Chinese poet Li Bai from the Tang Dynasty once co

39、mpared Yang Yuhuans beautiful face6blooming peonies(牡 丹). Flowering in May, peonies large petals and strong colors are linked to prosperity (繁荣) and richness. The orchid (兰花) is well known because7(it) delicate smell attracts lots of people. Beautiful articles and poems8(call) “lanzhang” by Chinese

40、people in traditional Chinese culture. Roses, of course, have the most colorful meaning among all the flowers. Red roses mean “I love you.” A red rose, rather than a yellow rose, acts as the traditional romantic gift9(give) to your love on Valentines Day. Sending yellow roses can be risky, as they r

41、epresent either friendship10envy. 基础题组答案基础题组答案 Unit 3Celebrations Part 4Lesson 3 Memories of Christmas .1.memory2.slightly3.Pole4.envelope5.patience 6.stuffing7.branches8.behaviour9.whispers10.affair 11.somehow12.swallowed13.roll14.lap15.merry .1.no longer2.caught her eye3.ove

42、r and over4.passed away5.take a seat6.moved in7.putting up 8.On the way9.are; full of .1.are enveloped考查动词语态和主谓一致。句意:你有没有这种时候:你被悲伤笼罩,只想让你的朋友 陪伴你?主语为 you, envelop为动词,意为“包围,笼罩”,与空前的 you 之间为被动关系。 2.in考查固定短语。句意:电话响了,他们的小男孩低声说:“你好。”in a whisper 低声地,小声地。 3.behaviour考查词性转换。句意:我们每天都面临着来自其他人的粗鲁或不体贴的行为:有人在地铁里

43、 吃有强烈气味的食物,或者有邻居在晚上放响的音乐。根据句意可知,此处应用名词。 4.slightest考查固定用法。句意:我一点也不知道他在说什么。the slightest.表示“任何的”。 5.to考查固定搭配。句意:我们经过时,他们向我们挥手告别,泪水涌上了他们的眼睛。wave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手告别。 6.that考查强调句型。句意:是爱和耐心加强我们的友谊。此处为强调句型“It is/was+被强调部分 +that/who.”,被强调部分为 love and patience,故填 that。 7.the考查冠词。句意:汤姆邀请我星期日去钓鱼,但我拒绝了他。我认为

44、我没有那份耐心。此处 patience 特指钓鱼所需要的那份耐心,故用定冠词 the。 8.with考查固定搭配。句意:他永远对孩子们和善且有耐心。所以他会成为一个好老师。be patient with sb.对某人有耐心。 9.caught考查固定短语。句意:橱窗里的那件衣服马上吸引了我的注意我能试穿它吗?catch ones eye引起某人注意;惹人注目。 10.any考查固定短语。句意:我不再玩我的玩具了。我倒不如把它们送给一些喜欢它们的孩子。no longer/not.any longer不再。 11.on考查固定短语。句意:我希望你们两个在爷爷的生日聚会上都能尽量表现得体。be on

45、 ones best behaviour尽量表现得体。 12.away考查固定短语。句意:得知他们敬爱的老师在火灾中去世了,每个人都很震惊。他为了救他的学 生而放弃了自己的生命。pass away 去世。 13.rolled考查动词的时态。句意:当他建议他们买一辆新车时,她疑惑地转动着她的眼睛。由语境可知, 此处应为一般过去时。 .1.in memory of 2.waved goodbye to 3.whispering the answer to 4.behave well in school 5.caught my eye 6.There was a celebration 7.the

46、Dragon Boat Festival 8.The graduation day 9.let off fireworks 10.When;traditional festivals 11.the Spring Festival .1.that考查强调句式。句意:当我想到是什么让圣诞节如此神奇时,脑海中浮现的不仅仅是礼物和圣诞 老人。此处为强调句式“it is/was+被强调部分+that/who.”,被强调部分为 not just gifts and Father Christmas, 指物,故填 that。 2.spent考查时态。句意:我很清楚地记得奶奶和我们一起度过的最后一个圣诞节。

47、根据下文语境可知, 此处应用一般过去时。故用 spent。 3.an考查冠词。句意:奶奶努力帮我给圣诞老人写信。make an effort to do sth.努力做某事。 4.slightly考查副词。句意:她的手微微颤抖,在信封上写着“圣诞老人,北极”。设空处在句中修饰 shaky, 所以要用副词形式,故用 slightly。 5.patience考查名词。句意:奶奶有耐心地一遍又一遍地唱我最喜欢的部分。根据语境可知此处应用名 词 patience。 6.who考查定语从句。句意:我是把大部分装饰品挂在树枝上的人。设空处引导定语从句,先行词为 the one,指人,故用 who。 7.b

48、ehaviour考查固定短语。句意:圣诞节早晨,我们打开礼物时,我尽量表现得很好。be on ones best behaviour尽量表现得体。 8.whispered考查动词的时态。句意:奶奶小声说:“我有特别的东西给你。” 由语境可知,应用一般过去时。 9.catching考查非谓语动词。句意:我记得我透过窗户看到她的眼睛。remember doing sth.记得做过某事。 10.away考查固定短语。句意:那个圣诞节过后的几个星期,奶奶去世了。pass away去世。 基础题组答案基础题组答案 .语篇解读作者通过自己拆卸圣诞树的事情告诉我们,友谊或者婚姻这些人与人之间的关系很难建 立

49、,但是却很容易就被破坏了。我们应该珍惜。 1.B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“I get to analyze my tree and find memories for a few weeks every year. I can do the same with the loves in my life every day. Take great care of your friendships and your marriage.”可知在作者的眼里圣诞树是长久的友谊或者婚姻等关系的标志。故 B 项正确。 2.D词义猜测题。根据文章第一段中的“The New Year was a wee

50、k old and my tree still stood in the corner of our room with its collection of memories proudly displayed in a shower of colorful lights.”可知,新年已经过 去一周了,“我”的圣诞树还没有被拆走。“我”已经拖延得够久了。故选 D。 3.A推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“My tree is like a good marriage or a great friendship. Like the tree, they take a long time to as


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