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1、人教版选择性必修第一册人教版选择性必修第一册 unit2 课文语法填空课文语法填空+课文原句翻译课文原句翻译 .After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks. Nowadays,smart homes are 1._(become) more and more familiar with us with the development of science and technology.They will bring us 2._(secure), energysaving, and comfortable life

2、 in the future,many of 3._ will replace switches,knobs and remote controls 4._(use) in our todays homes.These intelligent controls will respond 5._ voice commands so you just say aloud 6._ you want and the home system will obey.Besides, smart homes will also monitor your health for you every day,7._

3、(send) a warning to your phone,giving you suggestions on a 8._(health) diet and keeping constant track of your health 9._(save) your life potentially.Most importantly, smart homes will be able to prevent serious damage from accidents.If the smart technology will be used 10._(wide), the quality of ou

4、r life will be greatly improved. 1.becoming2. security 3. which4.used 5.to6. what 7. sending8. healthier9.to save 10.widely .请快速背出下列课文原句 1然而,在不久的将来,我们将生活在智能家居中,当我们不在时,它们会为我们锁门, 当我们忘记时,它们会记得给我们关上电视。 _ 2当你伴随着你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目进门时,电灯就会亮起来,而且你会发现晚餐已 经为你准备好了。 _ 3所有的控制都会对语音指令做出反应,所以如果你想改变你的日常工作,你只要大声说 出你想要的,家庭系

5、统就会服从。 _ 4智能马桶也会持续记录你的健康状况。 _ 5然而,要让大多数新家庭开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。 _ 6或许最著名的就是阿曼门诺派,一群生活在美国农村的基督徒。 _ 7他们提倡简单的生活,努力工作,重视家庭和社区。 _ 8甚至可以说,阿曼门诺派的生活质量更好,因为他们生活在自然环境中,欣赏自然,而 不是生活在污染严重的大城市里。 _ 9此外,互联网使朋友和家人很容易保持联系,即使他们在世界的两端。 _ 10当然,当新技术改变我们的生活方式时,这可能是一个可怕的前景。 _ 1.However,in the nottoodistant future,we will be l

6、iving in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget. 2.Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes,and you will find your dinner already prepared for you. 3.All controls wil

7、l respond to voice commands, so if you want to change your routine, you just say aloud what you want and the home system will obey. 4.Smart toilets will be keeping constant track of your health as well. 5.Nevertheless,it will take some years before most new homes begin to use this new technology. 6.

8、Probably the most well known are the Amish,a group of Christians living in rural America. 7.They advocate a simple life with an emphasis on hard work,family,and community. 8.It could even be argued that the Amishs quality of life is better since they live in and appreciate the natural environment ra

9、ther than living in large,polluted cities. 9.Moreover, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world. 10.Of course,when new technology changes the way we live,it can be a scary prospect. .完形填空 At twelve, Nico Leonardo

10、 is in secondary school, but he has run his own free private school to help other children and even some adults with their studies. Leonardo loves to _21_, and he wants to pass it to others.After seeing some of his classmates _22_ to keep up at school and some children spending much time playing and

11、 _23_their studies, he made up his mind to _24_them. Last year, he told his grandmother that he wanted to _25_ his own school and asked her to help him build it next to her _26_. She agreed, and today Nicos school has nearly 40 students. He is _27_ that his school has already made a _28_ to many of

12、the children attending there. Nicos school is pretty _29_ compared to most regular schools. _30_, with the help of neighbors, its larger and getting better every day. The school has benches and desks, a small _31_ with about 100 books, a blackboard and even a bell. But whats most _32_ is the quality

13、 of the education and his _33_ to helping others. He lives 20 minutes away from his grandmothers home, but every day he gets on his _34_ after school and rides to his school to teach classes on different _35_ like math and grammar. Sometimes, when his students cannot attend the school _36_, he runs

14、the classes at night to ensure they dont _37_ on their studies. Though most students are younger than him, there are a few _38_ attending classes at the school as well. He does his best to help them _39_ the subjects they struggle with, and many admit that attending his school has _40_. “It helped m

15、e to pass the grade.” one student said. 21. A. compareB. exploreC. studyD. think 22. A. struggleB. expectC. pretendD. choose 23. A. forgettingB. ignoringC. finishingD. reporting 24. A. leaveB. punishC. changeD. publish 25. A. describeB. discoverC. designD. operate 26. A. hospitalB. houseC. storeD. s

16、chool 27. A. proudB. certainC. afraidD. eager 28. A. decisionB. promiseC. differenceD. choice 29. A. cleanB. flexibleC. popularD. small 30. A. BesidesB. InsteadC. ThereforeD. However 31. A. shelfB. libraryC. boxD. corner 32. A. interestingB. impressiveC. relaxingD. curious 33. A. devotionB. contribu

17、tionC. adaptationD. attention 34. A. horseB. carC. bicycleD. motorbike 35. A. aspectsB. itemsC. themesD. subjects 36. A. happilyB. commonlyC. regularlyD. faithfully 37. A. leave outB. fall behindC. break offD. bring forward 38. A. adultsB. parentsC. teachersD. teenagers 39. A. appreciateB. developC. rememberD. improve 40. A. paid offB. taken awayC. turned upD. put out 【答案】21. C22. A23. B24. C25. D26. B27. A28. C29. D 30. D31. B32. B33. A34. C35. D36. C37. B38. A39. D 40. A


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