(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit3-Unit 5词汇检测 (含答案).docx

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1、2019 人教版选择性必修一 Unit3-Unit5 词汇检测 1.If something bad happens on a particular day, people will have a _ (倾向) to associate that day with the negative events. 2.Ken gave me an _ (尴尬的) smile when I asked where he had been. 3.You can _ (阐明) this question if you make a careful study of British history. 4.Du

2、ring a fight, a true friend will remain loyal and will not r_ your secrets. 5.There is no need to b_ yourself about small things because they can only waste your time and energy. 6.The teachers smile i_ that she had forgiven me for my rudeness. 7.I wasnt blaming anyone; I _ (只是) said errors like the

3、se could be avoided. 8.To _ (降低) the house prices, several measures have been adopted in the last two years. 9.The situation calmed down when police _ (干预). 10.Try to _ (分心) yourself by playing mind games, choosing new running routes, or running with other people. 11.We _ (利用) the farm and raise a l

4、ot of poultry (家禽). 12.Wecan_(察觉)hissorrowbythelooksonhis face. 13.The twins were so much alike that it was impossible to _ (分辨) one from the other. 14.He called them several times to_ (询问) about job possibilities. 15.Liz _ (调整) her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking space. 16.Transpor

5、tationandcommunicationnetworksbringpeopletogether.Yetsometimespeoplethemselves create _ (障碍) to transportation and communication. 17._ (目击者) in the area reported seeing the traffic accident when they were in the street. 18.Heisindeepsorrow,soitisntan(合适的)timetomentionthis subject. 19.His sudden depa

6、rture had _ (说明) how unreliable he was. 20.Your time could be usefully _ (使用) in attending to professional matters. His expressions_ (变化) from poker-faced to blank. 21.The two pictures are similar, although not _ (相同的). 22.I woke up with a_ (轻微的) headache. 23.Judging from his expression, I knew he w

7、as not in f_ of my plan. 24.The main road being blocked by heavy snow, we had to find another _ (路线) to get there. 25.There are so many _ (可爱的) animals out there, but they all need a home. 26.Equipped with a _ (雄伟的) stadium, our school offers us an opportunity to do a variety of sports. 27.The loss

8、of glaciers there due to global warming represents an_ (巨大的) threat to agriculture. 28.I greatly admired him for his _ (难以置信的) success that he achieved when he was young. 29.Iwantmycafetohaveaspecial_(主题)suchasTang Dynasty. 30.The childs mother made an emotional (恳求) on TV for his return. 31.Thechal

9、lengeisthe_(分界线)ofpersonalisationand privacy. 32.Only17%ofallvoterssaidtheywouldwelcometheirdaughtersusingthat(标 签). 33.It is said that this new kind of products has _ (采用) nanotechnology (纳米技术). 34.Thediseaseis_(伴随)with/bysneezingand fever. 35.The house is clearly_ (看得见的) from the beach. 36.You may

10、 have free passage across our_ (领土) whenever you require it. 37._ (有机的) farming is expanding everywhere. 38.You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to _ (消化). 39.As in all experimental sciences, we still do not know every thing about_ (营养). 40._ (估计) of the damage range between $1 m

11、illion and $5 million. 41. The consequences of this food_ (危机) go far beyond economics. 42.He has determined to overcome his _ (缺点) of not being punctual. 43.I dont believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to _ (说服) me. 44.Many people know how to _ (得到) success, but few know how to make the best use of it. 45.We mustreducethedangerofwarbycontrollingnuclear,chemical,and_( 常 规 的 ) arms. 46.Thefirstreasonto_(处理)theseproblemsistosavechildrens lives.


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