Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:815e1).docx

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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:815e1).docx_第1页
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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:815e1).docx_第2页
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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:815e1).docx_第3页
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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:815e1).docx_第4页
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1、一、整体设计思路一、整体设计思路 1. The design of tasks is a sequence that leads the students gently into the passage, especially it is not so difficult at the beginning. Under the teachers guidance, most of the students will take an active part in those activities. 2. While dealing with the new words of the passag

2、e, I pay more attention to studentscooperation and response. 3.All these reading tasks expose the studentsreading skills, oral skills and writing skills. When they are answering, discussing, talking and performing , they could make great progress. 4.All the activities, arranged in the pattern: input

3、ting informationprocessing informationoutputting information, are meant to strengthen the integrated skills while reading. 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. Instructional objectives During and after this class,80%-90% students should 1)Be able to know and use the words want, buy, cap, pair, shoe, coat, dress, skirt 2

4、)Be able to talk about someones looks and appearance by using the structure “in+color+clothes” 3)Be able to read between lines and learn to do inference with the help of pictures. 4)Be able to retell the passage according to the key words. 2. Educational objectives Students should: Be more familiar

5、with the reading strategies: skimming, scanning, finding out the key words. 3. Personal objectives Pay more attention to teaching on reading strategies and consolidate what have been learned. 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 1. Focus points 1) Developing reading strategies: skimming, scanning, find out the key wo

6、rds 2)Master the usage of the structure ”in+color+clothes” 2. Difficult points 1)The usage of the structure”in+color+clothes” 2)Write a short passage based on the key words. 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Stage1 Getting students ready for learning Step1. Greetings. Step2. Watch the flash and review the colors. 设计意图:通

7、过视频导入,激发学生学习兴趣,巩固颜色单词,为本节课 做准备。 Stage2 Read and Learn Step1. Lead-in 1) Show pictures to learn new words, and go on learning the sentence patterns. What color is this ? ItsWhat color are those ?Theyre 2) Lead to learn “want to buy”and “a pair of” 设计意图:以图片直观的方式呈现本课新单词,使学生直观、形象的理解 和记忆单词,并以询问服装颜色的方式继续学

8、习询问颜色的句型。 Step2 Read and find Go through the conversation quickly and find out the answers. Try to understand the key phrases: want to buy, a pair of. 设计意图:通过留白方式,让学生快速浏览对话内容,捕捉关键信息,巩 固服装的单词,并引导学生学习 want to buy 及 a pair of。学生能很快掌握目标 语言。 Step3 Read and follow Read 1a and pay attention to the intonati

9、ons and the red words. 设计意图:本环节通过跟读录音,模仿语音语调,强化听说技能,在跟读 过程中注意红色字体部分,区分询问颜色的单复数句型。 Step4 Retelling 1) Retell the conversation with the names of clothes and colors were missing. 2) Retell the conversation for the second time with some key words or phrases were missing. 设计意图:以图片代替单词,留白目标短语,并通过复述的方式巩固目标

10、 语言和句型, 实现目标语言的巩固和学习。 Step5 Show time Students work in pairs to make a new conversation to practice the structure, What color is.?Its/ What color are?Theyre 设计意图:生生互动,根据所给单词和句型,编一个类似的对话,实现目 标语言的迁移。 Stage3 Pre-reading Step1 Show the photo of the four children to teach new words: look at, photo, stron

11、g, tall 设计意图:呈现图片,形象直观的教授新单词。 Step2 Ask and answer between teacher and students by asking the colors of their clothes. Getting students ready for the passage. 设计意图: 通过询问图片中孩子们的服装颜色, 再次巩固服装及颜色单词, 并引导学生们整体感知和预测即将学习的阅读文章的内容。 Stage4 While-reading Step1 Skim the passage, and choose what the passage is ma

12、inly about. 设计意图:快速浏览文章,选择文章大意。了解文章将从 Looks 和 Clothes 两方面来描述康康,迈克尔,简和玛利亚。为接下来的学习做准备。 Step2 Scan the passage, underline the clothes and circle the colors. 设计意图:通过浏览文章,寻找关键信息,为完成表格和复述课文做铺垫。 Step3 Read for details, complete the table and find out the structure “in+color+clothes” 设计意图:通过细读文章,根据划线部分,学会根据

13、关键信息捕捉信息完 成表格,并通过说出完整句子的方式核对答案,为复述课文做准备。并勾画本课 目标短语用“in”描述人物穿着。 Stage5 Post-reading Task1 Describe the children by using “in”. 设计意图:通过以 in 的方式描述四个孩子的穿着,实现目标语言的知识迁 移。 Task2 Draw a mind map with students, then retell the passage according to the mind map. 设计意图:根据思维导图的方式,引导学生根据关键词复述课文,实现读 和说的有机结合,完成语言从输

14、入到输出的过程。 Task3 Color the picture and introduce your friend. T: They are good friends. They look happy. So friends are very important in our life. Right? Do you have friends? Do you want to make more friends? 设计意图:通过涂色的方式,巩固颜色单词,培养学生的审美情趣。通过 关键词描述新朋友的外貌和穿着。巩固本课学习重点,实现写的技能的训练。并 以小组为单位展示小组成果。并通过交朋友的方式,

15、引导学生学会珍惜朋友,并 给出 Sweet tip: Beautiful world, colorful life.培养学生热爱生活,珍惜朋友。 Stage6 Summary T:What do we learn, today? 设计意图:学会让学生学会总结归纳知识。 Stage7Assign homework. 1.Write a short passage to describe your classmates. 2.Finish 1c on your book. 设计意图:通过课后作业,巩固本课知识,实现知识迁移和英语听说读写 技能的训练。 Blackboard Design Unit2

16、Topic2 SectionC 1. I want to buy. short brown hair Looksblond hair red hair black hair in a yellow dress Clothesin a purple T-shirt In a white T-shirt 教学反思教学反思 本课亮点:本课亮点:在本课教学中遵循了学生的身心发展规律和英语语言的学习认 知规律,适当选取教学策略,循序渐进,促进了学生的英语素养的整体提高。 在本课的教学中通过视频导入,激发了学生的学习热情。通过图片和关键词 复述对话是本课的亮点,让学生快速掌握了目标单词。在阅读文章部分,实

17、 现了阅读技能的训练,并实现了语言的输入到输出,完成了在英语学习中听 说读写的技能训练。并以思维导图的方式让学生更直观的理解文章,掌握目 标语言的运用。在读后活动中,通过涂色和用句子描述新朋友的外貌和着装, 和阅读文章相互呼应,起到点题的作用。板书是本节课的又一亮点,清晰、 简洁,一目了然地使学生直观的掌握单词和目标语言。并通过颜色巩固,让 学生感知多彩的世界,美好的生活,学会珍惜朋友,热爱生活。在教学中重 视了情感、态度、价值观的正确导向,把培养学生高尚的道德情操和健康的 审美情趣,构成正确的价值观作为语言教学的重要资料。 不足之处不足之处:在未来的英语阅读教学中还需进一步引导学生主动进行探究性 学习,在实践中学英语。


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