Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 1 What can I do for you -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:4204a).doc

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Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 1 What can I do for you -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:4204a).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 1 What can I do for you -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:4204a).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 1 What can I do for you -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:4204a).doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 1 What can I do for you -Section C-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:4204a).doc_第4页
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1、1 Analysis of the teaching material Project English Grade7 Unit 4Having Fun Topic 1 What can Ido for you? Section C is focused on the topic of asking price, quantities and weight. The type of this lesson is reading, and according to the Junior High School English Curriculum Standards that requests t

2、he students who are in Grade 7should achieve the level 3.From the aspects of language skills, the students can read the passage correctly, and they can get the main idea of the short storied or passages. Whats more, they can predict and understand the information according to the picture. Then, they

3、 can do some language activities by different reading purposes. Combined with the teaching content of this lesson, I design the teaching aims. Analysis of the students The students in Grade7 are the beginners of the language learners. They are interested in the activities which can help them learn b

4、etter. they have a good sense of cooperation. But the students are lack of reading strategies and the students seldom communicate in English. They are not confident. So I should help them to form a good habit in reading English and I should help them discover the principles and rules by observing th

5、e language and grammar phenomena. In this way, I can achieve my teaching aims and make this lesson effective. Teaching Objectives After learning this class, the students are expected to achieve these aims: 1. Read and apply the bold words kilo, bag bottle, save, chocolate, any and heavy by pictures

6、prediction and the dialogs about shopping They can understand and remember the meaning of the words. The students can read the words and phrases loaf, bar, tin, Coke and do some shopping and they can understand its meaning. 2. Predict the content of the dialogs according to the pictures and chants.

7、And then they can understand and read the dialogs by using the reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, guessing and prediction. 3. Master the expression of asking price and quantities 4.Try to save more money and have a reasonableconsumption view. Teaching key points In the end, the students

8、 will be able to grasp the key points below. 1. Master the bold words and use them properly, then they can master the expressions. How many of bottles of milk do you need?We need How much milk do you need? 2. Understand the dialogs about doing some shopping by reading strategies. (Grasp the main ide

9、a by skimming, get the detail information by scanning, guess the words by the reading dialogs) 3.Try to save more by learning the dialogs about shopping. Teaching difficulties Act out their own conversation and choose the best salesperson and try to have a reasonable shopping list in groups. Teachin

10、g method Situational Methods, tasked- based methods ,pair work and group work. Teaching aids MultimediaAblackboard and somepresents for the students 2 教学过程设计意图 Step1 Lead- in T: Christmas is coming, Lets do some shopping. There is a big sale in Friendship Supermarket. .Sing a song of going shopping.

11、 Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Show a picture of a supermarket and teach the new words with the real objects. 2. Divide the nouns into countable nouns and uncountable nouns and stick them on the blackboard. 3.Match the words with the quantities. a bottle of mike , a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread, a tin

12、of a Coke 3. Pair work bottles How manybagsof do we need?/ loaves tins bars How muchCokedo we need? chocolate rice Step 3 While-reading 1. Show the price and ask how much they are ?60 Yuan. 2. Prediction(预测)Read and check your prediction. Where they are? Dad wants Ben to A.do some shopping. B. cook

13、for him. C. stay at home. 3. Reading skills: Guess the meaning by the context Bye more and save more.A 花费花费B 节省节省 C.挽救挽救 4. Reading skills: Scanning (read for the key words) Fill in the blanks and have a group work to solve the problem of how much can Ben save. 5.Read the dialogs and pay attention t

14、o the pronunciation and intonation and think about the usage of any. Step 4 Post- reading 1.Reading skills: predict by the picture, check by reading 。 Finish 2. 2. Group workMake a shopping list and choose the best salesperson. 1 通过chant 直 接导入本课的话 题,带同学们进入 购物的场景。为整 堂课做一个情境的 铺垫。 2.运用实物教会学 生 本课的可数名 词和

15、不可数名词, 并利用思维导图的 方式让同学们对可 数名词和不可数名 词进行分类。采用 男生女生竞争的方 式,让他们快速帮 这些词找到自己的 家。 3.通过对话学习表 达需求 We need. 询问数量的表达 Howmuch.?How many.?并学习可数 名词和不可数名词 量的表达方法。 并利用商场抽奖的 方式,鼓励学生参 与对话。课后到老 师这兑换实物奖 品。纸条上是本 课的量词表达a bar of chocolate, a bottle of milk 等。 4. 通过读前,读 中, 读后等对对 话的阅读策略 和细节理解突 破难点 Ben 所 列出的购物清 单能节省多少 钱。 并帮助学生

16、 理解对话的主 旨大意。 5. 通过同伴活动 3 3. Christmas is coming and try to buy something can make them full. They should have a reasonable plan. Step5 Summary 1) Ask the students to make a summary first, and the teacher guide the students to pay more attention to the reading skills. 2) Cultivate the students to sav

17、e more and have a reasonable a compulsion. Step 6 Homework You should do 1. Listen and read 1a. 2. Finish the readingPart2.and make dialogs in groups. 3. Preview Section D. If you can Hold a school sale. 及小组互动, 完 成购物清单并 编写对话, 进行 语言输出, 训练 学生运用有关 的表达法进行 交流。 并选出最 的 salesperson. 6.讨论的方式,加 强学生语用能力的 训练。作为输出活 动,让学生进行无 支架输入,增加课 堂活动的浓度和深 度。 7.分层作业的设置 对各个层次的学生 都能有所提高。 Blackboard Design Unit 4 Having fun Topic 1What can I do for you ?Section C Teachers Reflection 4


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