Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:75cae).zip

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What were you doing at this time yesterday? Do you like reading stories ? What kind of story do you like best ? Lead-in Match the following pictures with the titles of stories. 1.A. Snow White B. The Little Red Riding Hood C. Cinderella D. Ma Liang and His Magic Brush ( ) ( )( ) ( ) Pre-reading Thumbelina The little mermaid 拇指姑娘 海的女儿 Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) Danish author Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tale One of the most famous writers of childrens literature “Hans Christian Andersen Award” is the award named after him. Task 1Whatdoyouknowaboutthetale? The Little Match Girl 5elements(5要素) When Where Who What Why on the last evening of the year in the streets a poor little girl sold matches; died because of hunger and cold Reading 视频1a-P75 The tale tells us : died Task 2 Drawaconclusionaboutthemainidea ofthestory. A poor little girl in the streets on the last evening of the year because of hunger and cold Task 3Group work Read the story again and find three key words for each picture, and then use the key words to describe the picture with one sentence. 1 _ on the last evening of the year; walking; matches; 2 _ cried; in a low voice; passing by; 3 _ a warm stove; a roast goose; a Christmas tree 4 _ lit; a forth match; grandma; 5 _ morning;lying; dead Exploring Task 1Plotanalysis Thebeginning(开始) Thedevelopment(发展) Theclimax(高潮) Theending(结局) soldmatches. litmatches. sawgrandma. died. The little girl The little girl The little girl The little girl Thebeginning(para1-2) What was the little girl doing? What were other people doing? What about the weather? She _ matches in the street. 1.Many people _ in their warm homes. 2.Lights _ from every windows. 1.It was _. 2.The wind _ strongly and the snow _ on her hair. were getting together were shinning was selling snowy and dark was blowing was falling down Thedevelopment&climax(para3-5) Times The girl sawShe feltShe needed First Second Third Fourth A warm stovecold warmth A delicious roast goose hungryfood A beautiful Christmas tree lonely happiness Grandmasadcare/love Theending(para5) Thestoryisa Tragedy (悲剧) orcomedy (喜剧) Assessing Task 2Discussion(groupwork) 1.What makes the little match girls life a tragedy? 2.If the little match girl lived around us, what could we do to prevent the tragedy happening again. Rewrite the story with a happy ending, and act it out with your partner. Task 2 Role-play Post-reading (Developing) Without love, the world will be a tomb. So long as everyone gives a bit of his love, the world will become a paradise. 2. What have you learnt from this fairy tale? Post-reading (Developing) 1. Rewritethestorythe littlematchgirl. Readmorefairytales andshareitnexttime. Thanks ! 教学设计教学设计 仁爱版八年级上仁爱版八年级上 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? 教材分析教材分析 本节课的授课内容是本册书第三单元的第三个话题的 section C 部分,主要内容是一篇 学生很熟悉的安徒生的童话故事卖火柴的小女孩得简易版。1a 通过匹配图片和故事标 题、分享故事的活动,激发学生的学习兴趣并激活已有背景知识,帮助学生更好的理解阅 读文章。1b 通过阅读 1a 完成表格。培养学生巡读的阅读技巧,获取故事的时间、地点、 天气、事件等细节信息,理解文章内容,巩固一般过去时和过去进行时的表达。1c 再次阅 读文章,为图片写关键词并重写故事,培养学生重构文章结构的写作能力。 学情分析学情分析 授课对象是本校初二的学生。从七年级下学期开始,教师在学生的英语学习过程中开 始展开文学简易读本和 21 世纪报的阅读。经过近一年的培养和训练,大部分学生能够在不 借助词典的情况下,顺利完成适合低年级的书虫 、 典范英语系列作品的阅读,并在 其中积累词汇、句式;分析故事情节、人物性格;归纳主题思想。 教学设计的指导思想教学设计的指导思想 在现阶段的英语教学中,教师往往习惯性的把教学重点放语言的能力培养上,而忽视 了语言背后的文化信息和情感态度的传递。 基于“阅读促发展” ,借鉴“体验学习圈”和“文学圈”理论,黄远振、兰春寿、黄睿 (2013)提出了文学体验阅读READ模式,教学模式中的READ由reading, exploring, assessing, developing 4 个词的首字母缩写组成,4 个词分别对应阅读、探究、评价和发展 4 个要素。 READ模式是运用阅读、探究和评价的方法与手段来发展学生三维能力:首先,通过文 学阅读扩大词汇量,培养阅读策略,增强阅读兴趣,提升阅读素养;其次,在文学阅读中 学习语言形式、意义和培养语用能力,以写的方式促进创意表达;再次,以文学阅读方式 大量接触真实的语言,在阅读中培养逻辑性思维、批判性思维和创造性思维能力。促读、 促写、促思的三维目标有助于思维能力、语言创新水平和个性品质的共同提升,有利于智 能、品德的协调发展。 从教的角度看,READ模式可分解成“导读共读”、“互动产出”、“引导推动” 和“反思超越”4 个教学模块。本节课定位为一节文学体验课,展示READ模式的应用, 阐述教学活动意图,反思教学模式对推广文学阅读课的常态化的启示。 教学目标教学目标 1.学生能够解决词汇和语法问题阅读并理解文学作品的简易本; 2.学生能够听懂简单故事的清洁发展,理解其中主要人物和事件; 3.学生能够简单评价事物并准确表达自己的观点; 4.学生能够根据图片和关键词重写或改写简易故事; 5.学生通过阅读文学作品能够认识到同情心和爱的重要性并感受爱,珍惜当下的幸福生 活。 教学重点教学重点 1.学生通过阅读能够深层理解文本的内涵,并相互分享各自的理解; 2.学生能够认识到并感受到文本所传递的人生道理 教学难点教学难点 1.学生通过阅读文学作品能够认识到爱的重要性并感受爱; 2.学生能体会英语学习的乐趣,乐于接触英语简易读物。 教学策略教学策略 任务型教学、启发式教学、合作式学习、READ 体验式阅读模式 教学活动教学活动 Step 1 Lead-in 1. Brainstorm: ask students whether they like reading stories and what kind of stories they like to read? (Introduce different kind of stories: science fiction; love story; fairy tale; cartoon/comics; martial- art fiction/ kongfu novel) 2. Show students some pictures of stories and they match the picture with the title. 设计意图:设计意图:阅读是当下的热词,而且是学生热衷于的事情。从学生实际出发,激发他们的 兴趣。在帮助学生对平时所读的作品进行分类的同时,掌握英语中不同题材的文学作品的 英语表达方式。 Step 2 Pre-reading 1.Show more pictures of fairy tales written by Anderson 2.A brief introduction on Anderson 设计意图:设计意图:展示一些耳熟能详的文学作品的图片,唤起学生的阅读记忆。扩展学生对已知 的文学作品和作者的认知,增加阅读前的相关文学背景知识。 Step 3 Reading Part 1 (Reading) What do you know about the story? Task 1 Listen to the tale and skim the story and find out the five elements of the story 设计意图:设计意图:通过听的方式让学生在了解故事内容的同时,建立正确的故事感情基调;通过 寻找寓言故事的基本要素的活动建立起学生阅读故事性文学作品的基本图式。 5 elements (5 要素) The Little Match Girl When On the last evening of the year Where In the streets Who A poor little girl What Sold matches; died Why Because of hunger and cold Task 2 Draw a conclusion about the main idea of the story. 设计意图:设计意图:基于寓言故事的基本要素的掌握,通过把五要素连接成一个正确的句子,总结 归纳文章主旨大意。 The tale tells us : on the last evening of the year. A poor little girl who sold matches died in the streets. because of hunger and cold. Task 3 Read the passage again and write the key words for each picture in 1c. Then try to describe the picture with the key words in one sentence. 设计意图:设计意图:读是语言的输入同时也是情感的输入。读的同时根据图片有的放矢的记录一些 关键词,培养学生抓主要信息的能力。然后根据有效的关键信息进行描述性复述,可以促 进学生对新的信息进行整合,提高语言表达能力,同时也加深了学生对故事的理解。 Part 2 (Exploring) How do you understand the story? Task 1 Plot analysis 设计意图:设计意图:对故事情节的深层次理解。首先建立学生的阅读思维图式,即,寓言故事的情 节发展可以分成开始、发展、高潮、结局四各部分。作者在这四个部分的描写过程中会运 用不同的写作技巧推进情节的发展。比如,在开始部分,作者采用了对比和铺垫的手法描 写了卖火柴的小女孩和路人在着装和行动上的差异,以及恰到好处的环境、天气的描写, 充分预设了社会的人情冷漠和卖火柴的小女孩的悲剧结局。而在高潮部分,小女孩对温暖、 食物、家人的关爱、以及对幸福生活的向往都凸显出了作者想对读者传达的情感信息。 1.Plot analysis The beginning(开始) The little girl sold matches. The development(发展) The little girl lit matches. The climax(高潮) The little girl saw her grandma. The ending(结局) The little girl died. 2. The beginning What was the little girl doing? She _ matches in the street. What were other people doing? 1.Many people _ in their warm homes. 2.Lights _ from every windows. What about the weather? 1.It was _. 2.The wind _ strongly and the snow _ on her hair. (信息填空的设置一方面是挖掘并感受作者是如何用语言渲染气氛的;一方面是让学生注意 到本单元的语法学习重点-过去进行时的使用及其使用这种时态所起到的作用。) 3.The development & climax Times The girl sawShe feltShe needed First A warm stove cold warmth Second A delicious roast goose hungry food Third A Christmas tree pain/ lonely happiness Fourth Grandma sad care/love 4.The ending The story is aTragedy (悲剧)(悲剧)or comedy(喜剧) Task 2 (Assessing) Discussion Group work: 1. What makes the little match girls life a tragedy? 2. If the little match girl lived around us, what could we do to prevent the tragedy happening again? 设计意图:设计意图:通过小组活动,激发学生的思维活跃性,就卖火柴的小女孩的悲惨命运的根本 原因发表个人见解。同时分享并尊重他人的情感和见解。 Step 4 (Developing) Post-reading 1.Discuss in groups: What have you learnt from this fairy tale? Without love, the world will be a tomb. So long as everyone gives a bit of his love, the world will become a paradise. 2. Role-play: Rewrite the story with a happy ending, and act it out with your partner. 设计意图:设计意图:渗透德育思想,培养学生富有同情心和博爱的善良品质。角色表演环节,学生 在加深对故事的印象的同时,加入自己的理解和情感以及爱心,凸显出本节课的情感和态 度教学目标。 Step 5 (Developing) Homework (end the class with a song) 1.Rewrite the story the little match girl. 2.Read more fairy tales and share it next time. 教学反思教学反思 1.本节课的教学基本完成了预设的教学目标,达到了满意的教学效果。通过不同的阅读 技巧学生能够准确掌握人物行为和事情发展的顺序,能够轻松地总结归纳出文章的主 旨大意。 2.通过情节分析部分的详细分解,学生能够在教师的启发和引导下体验到该文学作品所 传达的情感信息。 3.在教学过程中的 describe 部分学生不能很顺利的完成,是否这部分应该放置到情节分析 部分在进行?
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