Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:70339).zip

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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking. Section A 本课主要学习关于个人卫生和生活习惯有关的内容,与学生生 活息息相关也很受学生喜欢,抓住学生的兴趣可以很好地提高教学 效果,让学生更多的参与到课堂中来。 结合学生年龄阶段和学习程度结合信息技术和多媒体会很大程 度上提高课堂效果。如:导入时的歌曲,展示新词时的图片,游戏 和竞争模式也是很能调动学生的积极性。 本课出现的句子和短语都是日常生活中很长见得对于学生学习 起来更易理解。所涉及到的知识点情态动词是在复议已学过知识的 基础上更进一步复习深入学习, “动名词短语做主语谓语动词用单数” 是本课的重点亦是难点。但通过练习的方法学生掌握情况理想。 唯一的遗憾是板书的字体,不太清晰。 SectionSection A A 封丘县第一初级中学 张修婷 仁爱英语八年级上册 Wash your hands, have a bath. Open the window, take a fresh breath. Early to bed, early to rise. Having good habits, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. wash.mpg He has a stomachache. What caused it? 引起引起 litter n.废弃物废弃物. 垃圾垃圾 dustbin 垃圾箱 put litter into the dustbin /Dont throw litter around. fingernail n.指甲 keep fingernails long is bad for our health. 留长指甲留长指甲 Keeping fingernails long is bad for our health. We must keep fingernails short. Wash hands before meal 一餐(饭)一餐(饭) 饭前洗手饭前洗手 s without 不吃早饭去上学 go to school breakfast 没有缺乏,不和没有缺乏,不和.一起一起 Kangkang looks tired. What did he do last night? 疲倦疲倦的的 Watch the flash and find out the answers.1a 1. Whats wrong with Kangkang? 2. Did he watch a soccer game on TV last night? 3. Is staying up late good for your health? He has a headache. . Yes, he did. No, it isnt. P35_1_1a. Listen to it again and fill in the blanks.1b Reason(原因原因) watch _ go to bed _ Result(结果结果) look _ have a _ Suggestion(建议)(建议) go to bed _ Feeling _ a soccer game very late tired headache early better 录音p35 Jane:Jane: Kangkang:Kangkang: Jane:Jane: Kangkang:Kangkang: Kangkang,Kangkang, youyou _._. _?_? I I havehave a a headache.headache. _._. WhatWhat _ it?it? I I watchedwatched a a soccersoccer gamegame onon TVTV lastlast nightnight andand wentwent toto bedbed veryvery late.late. Jane:Jane: Kangkang:Kangkang: I I see.see. _ YouYou _ toto bedbed earlyearly andand youllyoull feelfeel betterbetter tomorrow.tomorrow. Right!Right! _._. looklook tiredtired Whats wrong ImIm sorrysorry toto hearhear thatthatcausedcaused StayingStaying upup latelate is is badbad forfor youryour health.health. shouldshould gogo I I mustmust havehave a a goodgood restrest (go to school ,breaket, be bad for) _ _ Going to school without breaket is bad for our health. (keep fingernails long be bad for) _ _ keeping fingernails long is bad for our health. 1. Staying up late is bad for your health.句子中的主语句子中的主语 是动名词短语是动名词短语(staying up late ),谓语动词用单数形式。谓语动词用单数形式。 注:动名词做主语谓语动词用单数 A:A: _ is is good/good/ badbad forfor ourour health.health. B:B: SoSo wewe _._. Lets talk Going to school without breaket have breaket bfore going to school / / mustntmustnt washing hands before meals wash our hands before meals Keeping fingernails long mustmust keep fingernails long Jane: Kangkang : Jane: Kangkang : I see. is . You and youll . Right! I . Jane: Kangkang : Kangkang, . ? I . Im . ? I on TV last night and very late. ue Work in pairs and practice 1a. Then fill in the blanks and make a new conversation with your partner. 1d Feelin g Reason Suggestion bad terribl e tired havehave a a stomachachestomachache seesee a a doctordoctor hurthurt mymy leftleft legleg dontdont movemove youryour legleg tootoo muchmuch playplay computercomputer tootoo muchmuch shouldntshouldnt playplay computercomputer tootoo longlong stay up late at night. read in the sun. put litter into the dustbin. do morning exercises every day. throw litter around. brush your teeth twice a day. You should/must You mustnt / shouldnt Dont stay up late at night. read in the sun. put litter into the dustbin. do morning exercises every day. throw litter around. brush your teeth twice a day. work too long. eat too much candy. lie down and rest. Match and say . Key Points must /should 用来提出建议和要求,用来提出建议和要求, 后面跟后面跟动词原形动词原形,没有人称和数的变,没有人称和数的变 化。否定直接在其后加化。否定直接在其后加not You mustnt stay up late at night. Dont read in the sun. You shold put litter into the dustbin. You should do morning exercises every day. You mustnt throw litter around. You must brush your teeth twice a day. You had better not work too long. You mustnt eat too much candy. You had better lie down and rest. 0 9018 7 6 5 4 3 2 150004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 You mustnt stay up late at night. Dont read in the sun. You should put litter into the dustbin. You should do morning exercises every day. You mustnt throw litter around. You must brush your teeth twice a day. You had better not work too long. You mustnt eat too much candy. You had better lie down and rest. Having good habits, 养成好习惯,养成好习惯, makes a man healthy, 使我们身体好,使我们身体好, wealthy and wise. 富有又聪慧。富有又聪慧。 New words meal litter dustbin fingernail without tired cause Phrases be bad /good for Sentences Staying up late is bad for your health. I must have a good rest. 1.make a conversation like 1a and write it down then work in pairs and finish 1d. 2.preview Section B. Homework Exercises 英汉互译 1.1.熬夜对你的健康有害熬夜对你的健康有害 _ 2.2.对对.有害有害 _3._3. 做早操做早操 _ 4.4.在太阳下看书在太阳下看书 _5._5. 到处乱丢垃圾到处乱丢垃圾_ Staying up late is bad for your health be bad fordo morning exercises read in the sunthrow litter around 单项选择单项选择 ( )1._in the sun is not good _your eyes. A.Reading ; for B. Reading; to C. Read; for D. Read; to ( )2.Getting up late _ bad for you. A.are B.is C. am D.be ( )3.You _ brush your teeth twice a day. A.gave B. let C.should D.shouldnt A B C 一内容分析 第二单元谈论如何保持健康,第二话题谈论了 影响健康的好习惯和坏习惯,引出了本话题的语法 重点:情态动词 must +动词原形,表示建议、劝告。 同时引出了动名词做主语的常用句式,如:Staying up late is bad for your health. 通过学习 Section A, 让学生能够辨别好习惯与坏习惯,从而 帮助他们养成好习惯,戒掉坏习惯。 二学情分析 本班是住校生较多的班级,同学们的生活习惯 就显得极为重要,不好的生活习惯既会影响自己的 健康,也会危机他人。所以要让他们区分好的和不 良的生活习惯,并且还要懂得怎样才能养成好的生 活习惯是本堂课的重点。通过语言学习,影响学生 的自身品格,要学会辨别好习惯与坏习惯,养成好习 惯,戒掉坏习惯,保持健康。 . The key points and difficult points Key points : A.对 look tired, watch a soccer game, stay up late, put litter into dustbin, throw litter around, keep fingernails long, wash hands before meals, go to school without breakfast 等短语的理解及运用。 B. 动名词做主语的正确运用。 C.复习情态动词 must +动词原形,表示建议、劝告。 Difficult points : A. 学习用选择疑问句,谈论个人卫生和健康的生活 习惯; B. 用情态动词 must mustnt 表示必要性的用法,谈 论如何养成良好的习惯,保持健康。 五教学资源 及环境准备 多媒体/图片/课件 StepTeacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose Step 1 Greeting and Introduction (5 minutes) Greeting T:Good morning!boys and girls. T: Introduction Enjoy a song about living habits let the students find out them then share it with classes . T: Ok , stop here .who can share me your answer ? T:Anything else? Greet and warm up. Ss: Good morning! Ss: Listen to the chant carefully. Ss: let me try S1:I know . S2:I know . S3:I know . 呈现学生们日 常生活的有关 习惯,可以引 发他们的兴趣, 又可以通过对 生活习惯的思 考而复习之前 学过的生活习 惯表达。为下 一个环节做铺 垫。 Step 2 presentation (20minutes) 活动一活动一 通过 PPT 在 大屏幕上呈 现图片的形 式进行新授 单词: fingernail、m eal、 without、litter 、dustbin、并 与生活习惯 相结合完成 3a 部分(出 现动名词做 主语的情况 和复习情态 动词),如: Keeping fingernails long is bad for our health. We mustnt 学生们跟读新单词, 并接触有关生活习 惯的表达,跟读并 知道汉语意思。借 助图片并仿照例子 做相应的回答。如: -Going to school without breakfast is bad for our health. -We should have breakfast and go to school. 让学生通过感 兴趣的图片认 识学习新单词, 并复习情态动 词的用法。 fingernails long./ - Putting litter into the dustbin is good in our life. -We shouldnt throw litter around. 活动二活动二 由 cause.tired 这两个词引 入 1a T;Kangkang looks tired。Do you know what did he do last night? or what caused it? S1;He has a headache. S2;Did he watch a soccer game on TV last night? S3:No, it isnt. S1:. S2:. S3:. 有梯度的设置 问题,让学生 在初步了看过 视频 1a 之后 对对话有整体 把握。 Lets listen to 1a and answer the following questions. 活动三活动三 T:Listen to 1a and finish 1b. 活动四活动四 让学生分组 读和分角色 朗读练习 1a. 活动五活动五 把 1a 还原即: 其中部分表 达挖空填和 含有句法点 的句子让学 生还原原文, S4:. Group1 Group2 Boys Kangkang girls Jane 齐回答或个别回答 两组学生在课堂上 表演 1a. 较上次听力要 求有难度,体 现听力的梯度 性。 通过练习 1a 让学生加深印 象,为下一个 环节做准备。 并对重要句 型讲解。给 时间让学生 和同伴练习 并表演 1a. Step 3 consolidation (about 6 minutes) 活动六活动六 将 2 部分的 图片与给出 的半句连线 并根据录音 连线,将连 好的句子熟 读并能尊却 快速的说出, 来巩固情态 动词和生活 习惯的句子, 为写作文做 铺垫。 把学生分成 G1 G2 两组, 小组比赛活动 S1:We mustnt stay up late at night. S2:We had better do morning exercises every day. S3;You should put litter into the dustbin. . 让学生在游戏 中练习本课重 点,而不觉得 枯燥泛味。 游戏规则: 在规定时间 内小组成员 被提问并能 正确说出正 确的关于生 活习惯的句 子,为得分, 最终得分多 的小组胜出。 Step 4 Practice (about 5 minutes) 用本课所学 课堂练习, 汉译英 1.熬夜对你的 健康有害 _ _ _ 2.对.有害 _ 完成该部分,并在 课堂上检查答案, Ss:1.staying up late is bad for your health 2.be bad for 3.do morning exercises 4.read in the sun 5.throw litter around 通过针对性的 练习巩固重点 知识。 _3.做早 操 _ _ 4.在太阳下看 书 _ _5.到处 乱丢垃圾 _ _ ( )1._in the sun is not good _your eyes. A.Reading ; for B. Reading; to C. Read; for D. Read; to S1: A S2: B S3: C ( )2.Getting up late _ bad for you. A.are B.is C. am D.be ( )3.You _ brush your teeth twice a day. A.gave B. let C.should D.shouldnt Step 5 Summary (about 5 minutes) 1. 回顾本节 课所学知识。 2. 升华:让 学生真正认 识到: Having good 学生读出来: Having good habits,makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.并体会。 回顾本节重难 点,让学生意 识到良好生活 习惯的重要性。 habits,makes a man healthy,Wealt hy and wise. Step 6 homework After class please : 1.make a conversation like 1a and write it down then work in pairs and finish 1d. 2.preview Section B. Step 7 Teaching reflection 本课主要学习关于个人卫生和生活习惯有关的内 容,与学生生活息息相关也很受学生喜欢,抓住学 生的兴趣可以很好地提高教学效果,让学生更多的 参与到课堂中来。 结合学生年龄阶段和学习程度结合信息技术和 多媒体会很大程度上提高课堂效果。如:导入时的 歌曲,展示新词时的图片,游戏和竞争模式也是很 能调动学生的积极性。 本课出现的句子和短语都是日常生活中很长见 得对于学生学习起来更易理解。所涉及到的知识点 情态动词是在复议已学过知识的基础上更进一步复 习深入学习,“动名词短语做主语谓语动词用单数” 是本课的重点亦是难点。但通过练习的方法学生掌 握情况理想。
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