Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.-Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:31d8f).zip

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A: Whats wrong/the matter with him? B: He has a headache. A: You should stay in bed and have a good sleep. had better A: Whats wrong/the matter with her? B: She has a toothache. A: She shouldnt eat too much candy. had better not A: Whats wrong/the matter with you? B: I have . A: You should / shouldnt/ had better/ had better not. A: Whats wrong/the matter with him/her? C: He/She has A: He/She 1. Whats wrong with Bruce? He has _. A. a toothache B. a fever C. a headache and a cough 2. Whats Steves suggestion? A. Seeing a doctor. B. Taking some medicine. C. Going home and rest. 1b录音 1.Steve looks well.( ) 2.Bruce has been ill for two days. ( ) 3.Steve will take Bruce to the hospital. ( ) 4.Bruce will take some medicine. ( ) T T F T 1a录音 A: Hey, Bruce. You dont look well. Whats the _? B: Well, Im feeling terrible! I have a _ and a _. A: Im sorry to hear that. _ _ have you been _ this? B: Two days. A: You may have the flu. Youd _ take some medicine. B: I think I will. A: Shall I _ you to the hospital? B: No, thank you. Ill go home and have a rest. matter headachecough How longlike better take Number the sentences to make up a conversation similar to 1a. How are you feeling, Nick? I have a terrible cold. I cough day and night. Not so well. I dont feel like eating. OK. Thank you. Im so sorry to hear that. Why dont you have a good rest? Youd better not go to school today. Whats wrong? 1 4 2 6 5 3 1.Whats the matter with Nick ? 2.What should he do ? 3.What shouldnt he do ? Give advice: 1. should do 2. had better do 3. shouldnt do 4. had better not do Make more sentences with “should/shouldnt /had better/had better not”. Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B 工具单工具单 课前预习:课前预习: 根据汉语意思写出下列单词。 1.糟糕的(adj)_ 2.流行性感冒(n)_ 3.药(n) _ 4.建议,提议(n) _ 5.糖果(n)_ 6.刷(v)_ 7.牙齿(n)_ 8.躺下(v)_ 自主学习:自主学习: 1.小组讨论写出所知道的各种疾病并就如何治疗这些疾病给出一些建议。 IllnessesShould / had betterShouldnt / had better not 2.听 1a 对话回答下列问题。 (1).Whats wrong with Bruce ? _ (2).How long has Bruce like this ? _ 交流展示:交流展示: 根据下列句型小组编写对话并展示。 1. Whats the matter ? / Whats wrong ? 2. How are you feeling , ? 3. I have a 4. You should / shouldnt / had better /had better not 5. Shall I ? 6. Im sorry to hear that . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 所用教材仁爱版英语教材 章节名称Unit2 Topic1 Section B课时1 课标要求1.语言技能: 听:能听懂有关表达身体各部分病痛并提出建议的简单对话或叙述;能听懂简单 的课堂用语,并做出反应。 说:能在口头表达中做到发音清晰,能根据图文就身体状况和给予建议等进行交 流;能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演活动。 2.学习策略: 能够清楚大声地朗读;根据图片预测对话内容;在交际中,必要时借助 手势、 表情等进行交流 3.情感态度: 通过小组间的竞争与合作,培养友好互助的精神;采用游戏、角色扮演 等灵活 多样的学习方式,激发学习英语的兴趣;通过了解他人的身体状况培养关心他人 的意识。 4.文化意识: 用恰当的方式向别人提出关于身体不适的建议。 教学目标知识目标: 1.学生学习并掌握新单词.短语 terrible, day and night, feel like doing, lie down, candy, brush, tooth (teeth), 2.学生学习并理解掌握询问他人身体状况的句型 (1).Im feeling terrible! (2).How long have you been like this? (3).How are you feeling, Nick? 能力目标: 1.学生能够运用一些情态动词来提出建议 (1) Youd better go to see a doctor. (2) Why dont you have a good rest? (3) You should lie down and rest. (4) Youd better not drink cold water. (5) You shouldnt eat too much candy. 2.学生能够利用所学询问他人身体状况的表达给出建议的句型进行流利的对话。 情感目标: 通过了解他人的身体状况培养关心他人的意识。 内容分析本课的主要活动是 1a 和 3 部分首先通过 3 部分练习巩固 SectionA 的内容同时拓 展新知识 You had better/had betternot 的用法。并让学生说出建议。然后通过 1a 对话 呈现主要教学内容,1b 和 1c 是对 1a 的补充拓展练习培养学生的听说能力。同时根 据 1a 让学生掌握一个完整的对话应该如何进行。最后将自己编写的对话展示出来。 学情分析 本课所授班级学生的英语基础较好,大部分学生上课的参与的积极性较高,课堂注意 力比较集中,思维活跃,基本能跟着老师的环节走。但是也有部分学生课堂上缺乏发 言的激情,积极性不是很高,对英语的兴趣不是很浓,还不能大胆地用英语表达他们 的观点,而且初二英语的难度加大,不少学生还无法适应这种转变。对英语产生了畏 惧心理。 教学重点 情态动词 should / shouldnt / had better / had better (not) 来表达建议和劝告 教学难点情态动词 should / shouldnt / had better / had better (not) 来表达建议和劝告 学生课前 需要做的 准备工作: 1.预习本节课的单词及课文。 2.了解不同的疾病的注意事项 教学策略1.导入与情景学习策略 2 独立学习与小组合作学习策略 教 学 环 节 教师活动学生活动课 程 安 排 教 学 目 标 导 入 新 课 1.Daily greeting: 2.The teacher uses something to perform two kinds of illnesses.ask And answer with students.”Whats wrong / the matter with? What should I/she /he do ? 1.Students greeting 2.Students can ask and answer with the teacher or partners. and use “You should/shouldnt to give suggestions. 3 To help students to review and lead to the new lesson 课 堂 教 学 过 程 设 计 新 知 呈 现 Step1: The teacher talks something about the flu . cough .stomache and so on. And ask students how to give advice to learn new words. Step2: T: suppose you are ill. You come to the hospital. I am the doctor. You dont look well.Whats the matter/rong with you? T: Look at this card, (教师拿着或指着卡片) please use “he”, “she”, “him” or “her” to make a dialog. Ss: Whats wrong with him? / Whats the matter with him? T: He has Ss: Oh, he should/shouldnt T: Well done. In this lesson, 1.Students should act them out and learn new words. read new words aloud and recite them quickly. 2.S1:Im feeling terrible. I cough day and night. Whats should /shouldnt I do ? students perform and answer . S2:He/Shehas What should/shouldnt he/she do ? Make a dialog with teacher. then practice in pairs .and act it out. 3 5 Let students recognize and study new points then master them letslearn more about modals for giving advice. Learn had better/had better(not) Step3 Make an example with students about the conversation.then finish 3 Step4: T: Boys and girls, we have learnt some modals for giving advice. Now lets look at the picture in 1a and guess what happened to Bruce. Then listen to 1a and choose the correct answers. Step5. listen to 1a again and mark T or F. Step6 T: Now, listen to 1a again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Step7: Ask students to find out difficult and important points in the dialog.and explain them. 3.Practice 3 in pairs and make up conversations with the phrases in the box.Then ask practice their dialogs. 4.Students listen and choose the correct answers. Then check answers. 5.listen to 1a again and mark T or F. then check answers. 6.listen to 1a again and repeat.and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation 7.students find out the difficult and important points in the dialog .Then some of the students stand up and say out. 15 To understand useful expressions and practice correctly 当 堂 训 练 Step1 Let students read 1a and fill in the blanks . Step2: let students finish 2.Number the sentences to make up a conversation silimar to 1a. Step3: According to 1a and 2 to make up a new dialog by themselves. 1.students read 1a by themselves and fill in the blacks .then answer it.and read it together. 2.students Number the sentences to make up a conversation silimar to 1a.then read it together in correct order. 3. make up a new dialog by themselves. And perform some dialogs. 7 To master a dialog and students are able to make new dialogs 拓 展 延 伸 T: Suppose you are ill, you go to see a doctor. Make a dialog between you and the doctor. The following expressions can help you. How are you feeling? Whats wrong? = Whats the matter? Not so well. (Im feeling terrible.) How long have you been like this? feel like doing Example: S1:Whats wrong with you, S2? S2:Im feeling terrible 5 To improve the students comprehens ive ability 课 后 巩 固 students use “should / shouldnt / had better / had better not “ to make sentences. use “should / shouldnt / had better / had better not “ to make sentences. 2 To master this lesson 教学目标测试题目内容 考察基础知识的 掌握 适当形式填空 1.Why dont you _(take) some medicine? 2.I dont feel like _(eat). 3.How long have you _(be) like this ? 考察对情态动词 的运用 翻译句子. 1.你不应该吃太多的糖。_ 2.你最好躺下休息。 _ 思 路 达标检测 板书设计 Unit2 Topic1 You should brush your teeth twice a day. Section B 1. Whats wrong /the matter with you ? medicine 2. Im feeling terrible . suggestion 3. How long have you been like this ? candy 4. had better (not) do sth. lie down 5. feel like doing sth. Would like to do sth Want to do sth 教学反思亮点: 本节课教学目标明确,教学环节、教学时间安排合理,教学思路清晰。在课堂活 动设计中,体现了教材的整体性概念。本课是对话教学及语法随机集中教学,引导学 生整体理解、分析、归纳语言材料,局部理解、探究,解决具体语言点,从整体出发, 回到整体中去。利用计算机和多媒体辅助教学, 探索新的教学模式。教学英语单词, 调动视觉、听觉功能, 提高单词记忆效率。通过丰富、生动的图片呈现, 创设活灵活 现的情境,使学生在轻松愉悦的氛围里感知、理解新语言材料,综合应用所学知识, 完成表层信息输入和深层信息理解、既拓宽学生的眼界,又增加课容量,提高课堂教 学效果。 不足: 课堂气氛调动的不是很活跃,时间紧,设计的活动多显得比较仓促,没有进行跟 录音模仿着读,所以在矫正学生读音上有点弱,需要进一步强化,为了完成教学任务, 学生进行小组活动的时候给留的时间有点少。
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