Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:20a73).zip

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八年级上册英语导学学案八年级上册英语导学学案 Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu? Section A 一、一、 学习学习目标目标 1学习情态动词 must 和 have to 表示劝告和需要的用法 2谈论如何预防流感。 二、预习检测二、预习检测 .英汉互译下列单词。英汉互译下列单词。 1.记者_ 2. 向前;提前 _ 3. 最后,终于_ 4. 拥挤的 _ 5. 互联网 _ 6.问题; 询问 _ 7.阻止 _ 8.增强 _ 9.疼痛_ 10.咽喉_ . 翻译下列短语。翻译下列短语。 1.开始吧 _ 2. 勤换衣服 _ 3. 增强的体质_ 4. 经常锻炼_ 5. 立刻_ 6. 远离拥挤的地方_ 7. 采纳某人的建议 _ 8. 预防流感_ 9. 勤洗手_ 10. 一直, 总是 _ 11.保持空气清新 12.在网上工作太长时间 . 三、自主探究三、自主探究 1.-我能问你几个问题吗, 李医生? _ -当然可以, 问吧. _ 2. 我们应该怎样预防流感呢? _ 3. 我们应该经常锻炼身体以增强体质. _ 4. 第二, 我们应该保持房间一直整洁和通风. _ 5. 最后我们最好不要去人多的地方. _ 6. 当我们得流感时必须立刻看医生吗? _ -是的, 必须./ 不, 我们不必要. _ 7. 我们将采纳你的建议_ 四、合作交流四、合作交流 1. talk with(to) sb. 和某人谈话和某人谈话 【导学点拨】talk with/to sb. 和某人谈话; talk about sth. 谈论、讨论某事; talk with /to sb. about sth._ 他拒绝跟我谈。He refused to _ _ me. 你在跟谁谈关于篮球队的情况? Who _ you _ _ _ the basketball team? 你们在谈什么?What _ you _ _? 2. when 时间状语从句和主句的时态时间状语从句和主句的时态 【导学点拨】when 引导的时间状语从句,如果主句表示的是将来的动作,则从句 用一般现在时。简称 “主将从现”。如: Ill go swimming in the river with Jack when he _ back. When you _(spend) much time on TV, you may have less time left to do exercise. Please let me know when you _(pass) the exam. 3. prevent the flu a. prevent sth. 阻止某物(事) ,预防 我们必须尽力预防 H1N1 流感。We must try our best _. b.prevent sb. (from) doing 阻止某人做某事 她确定这个噪音会让她夜里睡不着觉。 She was sure the noise would _ _ _at night. 五、能力提升五、能力提升 1. 重点回顾重点回顾 根据自主预习的内容,组内核对并相互提问重点短语,句子以及用法 2. 风采展示风采展示 1). 分角色朗读 1a, 完成 1b。 2). 分组讨论。 请大家提出更多预防流感的方法。然后小组竞赛,看哪组说的又多 又好。 3). 听 2 的录音,并核对 A 答案; 再听一遍,完成 B,并核对答案。 4). 请大家仔细看 3 的图片,将建议写在图片下方的横线上。用 should, had better and must. 六、六、 当堂检测当堂检测 、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. Doctor Lee is talking with a j_ on TV. 2. The doctor is doing his best to p_ the flu. 3. To fight SARS, we should not go to c_ places. 4. When we keep a_ from parents,we should look after ourselves. 5. This is a difficult q_. I dont know its answer. II、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. We should do our best _ (fight) all kinds of diseases. 2. We must eat _ food and do exercise to keep our _.(health) III、单选 ( )1.- May I ask you _ questions? Sure. Go ahead. A.some B. any C. much D. few. ( )2. Must we clean the classroom at once? -No, you _. You may do it after school. A. mustnt B. dont C. neednt D. dont have. ( )3.May I take the book out of the library, Miss Li? -_. A. You may not B. No, you mustnt C. Im afraid not D. No, you cant. ( )4. You _ wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health. A. may B.can C. must D. need ( )5. The doctor _ SARS. A. is talking with B. is talking about C. is talking to D. is talking of ( )6. Today is Sunday. He _ get up early, because he doesnt go to school. A. doesnt have to B. didnt have to C. wont have to D. have to ( )7. The teacher is sitting _ the four students. A. between B. beteen and C. among D. among and ( )8. Parents should keep their children away _ the dangerous places. A. on B. from C. off D.in ( )9. The students should _ after school. A. do some cleaning B. do any cleaning C. be cleaning D. cleaned ( )10. She needs to have someone looking after her _. A. all the same B. all the time C. all times D. all the times IV、句型转换 1. We should wash hands often to fight SARS.(对划线部分提问) _ _ we _ to fight SARS? 2.-Must we finish the work right now?(根据句意完成答语) -No, you _. But you _ finish it before dark. 3. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ stay at home to look after her sick mother. 4. They had to work for the boss day and night. (变为一般疑问句并作否定简答) - _ they _ _ work for the boss day and night? - _. 七、七、 总结与反思总结与反思 Section A actactactact and and and and guessguessguessguess What s wrong with him /her? have a cold have a cough have a fever have a headache have a runny nose have a sore throatcut his finger have a stomachache have a toothache get ones arm broken What should we do to prevent the illness? We had better eat more fruit and vegetables. What should we do to prevent the illness? We shouldnt spit anywhere. What should we do to prevent the illness? We must keep our rooms clean and the air fresh. We mustnt keep fingernails long. What should we do to prevent the illness? What s wrong with Mr. Bear? What should we do to prevent the illnesses? We should do exercise to build us up. 预防 使身体强壮 1bWork alone Check () Dr. Lis advice according to 1a. 1. do exercise often 2. keep the air fresh 3. go to bed early 4. wash hands and change clothes often 5. keep our rooms clean 6. drink enough water 7. take some medicine 8. keep away from crowded places Listen again and write down Dr. Lis advice. First, _ Second, _ Third,_ Finally, _ we should exercise often to build us up. we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. we should wash our hands and change our clothes often. we should keep away from crowded places. Make similar conversations after the example. Example: A: Must I go to see a doctor? B: Yes, you must. A: Must I stay at home? B: No, you dont have to. / No, you neednt. Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu ? 肯定回答: Yes, we must. 否定回答: No, we neednt. / No, we dont have to. 注:此处不能用 mustnt (禁止;不准)回答 Eg: Must I finish my homework now ? No, you neednt. / No,you dont have to. s show time how time Language points 1. build sb up ( sb用宾格代词 ) build me up 增强.的体质 2. prevent .from doing = stop . from doing = keep . from doing 阻止,预防 . 做某事 3. keep sth/sb + adj. 保持. keep the room clean keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 4. keep away from+事物 远离. be far away from+地点 离.远 5. take/ follow ones advice 听从.的建议 6. change clothes often 勤换衣服 7. First . , second . , third ., finally . 第一,第二,第三, 最后 8.finally = at last =in the end 1.- May I borrow your bike? -Certainly,_ . A.go up B. go head C. walk ahead D . go ahead 2.The only _is that we dont have enough money. A.plan B .question C. problem D. suggestion 3.The room is quite hot. Please keep the door open_. A.on time B. at the same time C. all the time 4.Youd better _the doctors advice. Its good for your health. A .follow B. give C. take D. both A and C 5.-Must we play sports to prevent the flu? - No,we _. A.dont have to B. mustnt C. neednt D . both A and C exerciseexerciseexercise D C C D C Look at the pictures and give some advice on how to prevent the flu, using should, had better or must. 1.2. We should exercise often. We must go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu. 3. 4. We had better keep away from crowded places. We should take a shower often. 5.6. We should keep the air fresh. We should change our clothes often. Drink a lot of water. Wash hands often. Give more advice to prevent the flu Eat healthy food. Dont go to crowded places. 快点 开始做 和谈话 一直 拥挤的地方 接纳某人的建议 远离 最好不要做某事 立刻 在人们之间传播 使身体强健 运动过量 hurry up go ahead talk with/to sb. all the time crowded places follow/take ones advice keep away from had better not do sth at once spread among people build sb. up do sports too much 比一比 谁最棒 我们应该做什么来阻止它? 我们应该始终保持房间干净和空气清新。 我们必须运动来预防流感吗?是的/不,不需 要 What should we do to prevent it? We should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. -Must we do exercise to prevent the flu? -Yes, we must. No, we neednt/dont have to. 比一比 谁最棒 -Must we? -Yes,we must. -No, we dont have to. - No,we neednt. 重点句型: Try to write a short passage about how to prevent the flu. 春冬季节是传染病的高发期,特别 是流感,在人群中极易传播,在平 时我们应该怎样预防流感,请给出 一些建议。 TipsTipsTips Para1: (There are many kinds of diseases around us . They are bad for our health, especially the flu. It can spread quickly. Do you know how to prevent the flu? The following suggestions may help you. ) Para2:First,we should second, we had better third,we must finally,we have to. Para3: The first wealth is health,so we should do what we can to prevent the illness. And I wish all of you health,wealth and happiness. Wash your hands, have a bath. Open the window, take a fresh breath. Early to bed, early to rise. Having good habits, Makes a man healthy, Wealthy and wise. Lets ChantLets Chant 仁爱版八年级上 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section A 教学设计及反思 Step1 Revision 1. Greetings. 【设计意图,活跃气氛,拉近师生关系。】 2. act ang guess let the students role play the diseases and others guess”whatwrong with him /her?”to have a review of different kinds of illnesses. And give some advice about how to prevent the illness. 3. Whatwrong with Mr bear? play a game and listen to the dialogue between Mr.bear and Mr dog to lead to the new lesson. 【设计意图,此环节作为热身导入环节,形象生动。】 Step2 Presentation 1. Asking and answering with the students to learn the new words. 2. 【设计意图,语境中学习新词汇,问答中掌握新词汇。】 2Deal with 1a. 【设计意图,学以致用,回归教材,一举两得。】 Task 1:Listen and answer the question in 1a. Task 2:Listen again and put Dr. Lis advice in the right order using first, second, third , finally. 【设计意图,教材是听录音,勾出所给的治疗流感的建议,让学生重新排 列顺序,并运用目标语言标上本课刚学的顺序词语“first, second, third , finally”,合理地整合了教材。】 3.Read after the tape. 【设计意图,听说听说,先听后说。】 4.Read by themselves and discuss their own problems。 【设计意图,联系生活实践,运用目标语言,拓展课本内容,拓宽思维方 式,培养英语发散思维方式。】 5. Solve the problems in class. 【设计意图,课堂内解决问题,给学生 减负。】 6. Read the conversation together. 【设计意图,英语是们语言,多种方式的读。】 Step 3 Consolidation 1. Play a game to the top 123 【设计意图,小组,争当冠军组。】 (1)Do the exercise ,complete the sentences according the Chinese.【设计意图,巩固所学重点词汇和短语,在句子中演练词汇,在语境 中实践语法要点。】 (2)Use firstsecond,third,finally,to give Lily some suggestions about her illness.Lily 患了重感冒,请你根据所学的知识给她提出一些建议。 【设计意图,用上目标词汇和目标句型,口头作文训练。课堂目标得到了 升华。】 You can use: first second,third,finally. (3)Work in groups Share their suggestions to others to get the points for their groups orally. 【设计意图,创设情境,让学生使用新语言的机会。】 (4)Write it down into a passage onto a piece of paper and show some students to show their results. 【设计意图,用上目标词汇和目标句型,笔头作文训练。课堂目标得到了 最高升华。】 You can begin like this: How to prevent the cold Im sorry to hear that Lily has a bad cold. Im glad to give her some suggestions. First, (5)Share their passages and ask the others to find out the mistakes as much as possible. 【设计意图,师生共同分享成功学生的喜悦,激励榜样,激发同伴。】 Step 4 Summary 1. What should we do to prevent the flu? 【设计意图,学生总结学习内容。】 2.How to use should/had better/must to make suggestions. Step5 Homework 1.Recite the new words and 1a 2.Write the passage in their English composition. 【设计意图,所教和检测挂钩,有效。】 我的反思: 亮点: 1.整堂课学生占据了多数时间,但教师在合适的时间总会站出来,真正体 现双主体课堂。【教师导的主体,学生学的主体】 2.整堂课多数指令都是在活动中完成的。【语言科目,没有活动一潭死水, 有了活动,有了灵动,学生持久的兴趣没有是绝对不可能的。】 3. 语境中学习新词汇,问答中掌握新词汇。 4. 根据班级、学情,设立适当教学目标,合理地整合了教材,学以致用, 回归教材,一举多得。 5. 听说听说,先听后说。 6. 用上目标词汇和目标句型,口头作文训练。听说课的升华,课堂目标的 升华。 7. 用上目标词汇和目标句型,笔头作文训练,听说课的升华,课堂目标的 最高升华。 不足: 1. 如何激发学生的课堂热情和参与激情,贵在常规课堂、常规活动、常规 情感。没有情感做支撑的课堂,是没有生命力的课堂。比如本课学生声音不大, 不太张扬,不太流畅,说明平日实践不到位。 2.好好思考导入的有效性、合理性、多样性和持久性。 3.小组活动开展很好,但评价机制没有跟上,完整的小组活动模式还未建 成,好好的思考和完善。
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