Unit 3 English Around the World-Topic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world.-Section C-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(编号:80133).zip

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How I learned to learn English A. Her problem in English learning B. Her way to learn English C. Her plan to learn English D. Her experience in English learning What s the passage mainly about? Lets predict (预测)! Read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph . C. Her problem in English learning B. Her way to learn English A. Her plan to learn English Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 skimming Careful reading 1.What did she think of English class last year? 2. What was her English class like ? 3. Why ? 4. What did she do in English class ? Para 1 She did not like her English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke so quickly that she did not understand her . She is afraid to ask questions because of her poor pronunciation. She just hid behind her textbook and never said anything. feelings unhappy sad upset worried painful 痛苦的 helpless 无奈的 . Para 1 Can you imagine how she felt at that time? Indepent Inquiry . Para 3 1.How does she like English class now? She really enjoys her English class. 2.Why ? Careful reading Para 2 2. What did she do after she fell in love with English? An English movie called Toy Story. 1. What made her fall in love English? She began to watch other English movies . Careful reading Para 2 3. How did she get the meaning when watching movies? get the meaning by watching their body language and the expressions on their faces listening for key words looking up new words in a dictionary Para 2 4. What did watching movies help her? watching English movies helped improve her pronunciation learn useful sentences Para 2 5. What does the sentences mean ? Its a piece of cake. It serves you right. 小菜一碟。 你活该。 Para 2 Listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 6. Whats the secret to language learning ? Para 3 What does she want to do later? pl an learn more grammar learn new words have a better understanding of . Careful reading You may begin like this Hello, everyone! I m Wen Fei .Id like to share my English learning experience with you . Last year. . But now. Retelling Retell the passage according the Mind Map . last year now one day dislike English class enjoy learning English Toy Story learn useful sentences watch English movies improve her pronunciation get the meaning How I learned to learn English future learn words and grammar understand movies better Expanding and practice 1.Read Paragraph 1 &2 carefully and find out each students English learning methods . Name methods to learn English preview, take notes ,review Lin Ping Yu Zhen Wen Fen watch English movies Micheal join an English club Chen le Shu Yan speak English wth others Expanding and practice 1.Read Paragraph 1 &2 carefully and find out the English learning methods of each student. Name methods to learn English kangkan g preview, take notes ,review Lin Ping read a passage ,retell Yu Zhen study grammar Wen Fen watch English movies Micheal join an English club Chen le read a good English newspaper Shu Yan speak English wth others 2. Read Paragraph 3 and find out Miss Wangs advice . Miss Wang advises to choose the ways that _ _ .And we will _ as long as we _. She thinks _is a good way to improve our writing. Besides,_ in our textbooks are helpful. 2. Read Paragraph 3 and find out Miss Wangs advice . Miss Wang advises to choose the ways that suit you best .And we will make great progress as long as we stick to them. She thinks keeping a diary is a good way to improve our writing. Besides, the chants,songs and riddles in our textbooks are helpful. 1.Can you imagine how Wen Fen feels now? 2.What can we learn from her experience ? Co- operative inquiry When we meet When we meet difficulties, difficulties, face face the difficulties the difficulties bravely,try to find ways to overcome the difficulties, bravely,try to find ways to overcome the difficulties, and do not give up easily !and do not give up easily ! Homework Write a passage about your English learning experience . Thank you for listening!Thank you for listening! TeachingTeaching PlanPlan TeachingTeaching material:material: PEP:PEP: UnitUnit 1 1 SectionSection A A 3a-3b3a-3b ( (九年级全一册九年级全一册) ) PracticePractice material:material: Ren-aiRen-ai ProjectProject English:English: UnitUnit 3 3 TopicTopic 3 3 SectionSection C C(九年级上册(九年级上册) ) LearningLearning objectives:objectives: By the end of the class, students will be able to 1.use the pictures and title to predict what the article is about. 2.find out the main ideas and detailed information through skimming and careful reading. 3.talk about Wei Fens English learning experience and give advice on learning English well. 4.work in group and retell the passage according to the mind map. KeyKey pointpoint : Talk about Wei Fens English learning experience and give advice on learning English well. DifficultDifficult pointpoint: 1.Retell the passage according to the mind map. 2.Encourage students to face difficulties bravely,try to find ways to overcome difficulties, and do not give up easily. TeachingTeaching procedure:procedure: StageStage I I. . Pre-readingPre-reading Step 1. Prediction Show the picture about Wen Fen and the passage written by Wen Fen. Ask students to guess , How does Wei Fen learn English ? Whats the passage mainly about ? Then let some students share their ideas with the class. StageStage IIII. . While-readingWhile-reading Step 2. Skimming Let students read the passage quickly ,and match the main idea with each paragraph. Paragraph 1 A. Her plan to learn English Paragraph 2 B. Her way to learn English Paragraph 3 C. Her problem in English learning Step 3. Careful reading 1.Let students read paragraph 1 carefully and answer questions. (1)What did she think of English class last year? (2)What was her English class like ? (3)Why ? (4)What did she do in English class ? (5)Can you imagine how she felt at that time? 2. Let students read paragraph 3 carefully and answer questions. (1) How does she like English class now? (2) Why ? 3. Let students read paragraph 2 carefully and answer questions. (1)What made her fall in love English? (2)What did she do after she fell in love with English? (3)What did she learn from watching movies? She gets the meaning by watching their body language and the expressions on their faces , listening for key words and looking up new words in a dictionary. Watching English movies helps improve her pronunciation and learn useful Sentences. (4)Whats the secret to language learning ? (5)What does the two sentences mean ? Its a piece of cake. It serves you right. 4.Read paragraph 3 carefully and answer the question. What does she want to do later? StageStage . Post-readingPost-reading Step 4. Retelling 1.Encourage students to retell the passage according to the mind map . Step5.Ask students to show their works. Step 6. Expanding and practice In order to find more ways to learn English well, Wen Fens English teacher is holding a class meeting on how to learn English well. Here is their report of their discussion. (The passage from Ren-ai Project English 九年级 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C) 1. Please read Paragraph 1 &2 and find the good English learning methods of each student. Nam e methods to learn English preview, take notes ,review Lin Ping Yu Zhen Wen Fen watch English movies Micheal join an English club Chen le Shu Yan speak English wth others 2.Read Paragraph 3 and find out Miss Wangs advice and then fill in the blanks . Miss Wang advises to choose the ways that suit you best .And we will make great progress as long as we stick to them. She thinks keeping a diary is a good way to improve our writing. Besides, the chants,songs and riddles in our textbooks are helpful. 3.Co-operative inquiry: Work in groups and discuss the following questions. (1).Can you imagine how Wen Fen feels now? (2).What can we learn from her experience ? Encourage students Never give up when in trouble ! Learn wisely and Learn well ! 板书设计:板书设计: 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课是一节阅读课,本节课的教学材料为人教版 九年级 Unit 1 Section A 3a-3b 作为主要教学材料,仁爱版九年级 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C 作为拓展练习阅读材料,它们的共同话题是学英语,这个话题也是英语学习 者比较关心的话题,在 prediction 中借助课文插图和文章标题让学生预测课 文内容,激发了学生的学习兴趣,顺利导入本课话题 How I Learned to learn English.本节课的阅读技巧是通过 skimming 概括文章每段的段落大意,通过 careful reading 查找文章细节,从而理清文章脉络,读懂全文,绘制思维导图, 从而根据思维导图复述课文,谈论 WeiFen 的英语学习经历,从而培养学生遇 到困难要想办法克服困难,不轻易言弃的精神品质。本节课最大的亮点是有两 点,一是借助思维导图进行复述 Wen Wei 的英语学习经历。二是以 Wen Wei 班 级同学想要学习到更多学习英语的好方法为由,将不同版本的两篇文章很巧妙 的结合在一起。学生们学的很开心,学有所获,课堂气氛教学效果特别好。
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