Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.-Section B-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:501f7).doc

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Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.-Section B-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:501f7).doc_第1页
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Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.-Section B-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:501f7).doc_第2页
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Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.-Section B-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:501f7).doc_第3页
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Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.-Section B-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:501f7).doc_第4页
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Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.-Section B-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:501f7).doc_第5页
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1、Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems . Section B . Material analysis 本课是九年级上册第二单元第一话题的第二课时,主活动是 1a 和 3a。1a 通过 Mrs. Zhou 讲述自己的身体状况和生活环境,引出污染对人们的健康和生 态环境所产生的危害,同时也道出了污染产生的原因。1b 通过“听回答问题 再听核对答案”的模式来训练学生的听力技能。通过学习本课,引导学生 关注环境问题,了解各种污染类别以及带来的危害,树立正确的环保意识。 .Teaching aims

2、1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,正确运用现在完成时进行问答。 2.Skill aims: 能通过观察课文插图来预测课文内容。 能听懂用现在完成时表达的对话。 能朗读和表演有关环保的对话。 3.Emotional aims: (optional) 引导学生关注环境问题,树立绿色环保意识,增强忧患意识和社会责任感。 . The key points and difficult points 1. Key points: Words and phrases: pain, produce, awful, bear, breathe/breath, get a pain i

3、n, whats worse, too much noise, too many problems, be harmful to. Sentences: Its difficult for me to breathe. Ive got a pain in my throat. Its really awful. A: How long have you been like this?A: Have you seen a doctor? B: Ive been like this since last week.B: Not yet. Grammar: Present Perfect 的问答。

4、2. Difficult points: 能在不同语境中,正确判断单词的不同词性。 在朗读中,能正确地把握连读和停顿的技巧。 . Learning strategies 通过 1a,教会学生善于利用插图理解有关污染的对话。 通过 1b,训练学生在听的过程中学会理解与寻找关键词。 通过 1c,将游戏有机运用于练习,培养学生学习英语的兴趣与自主思维能力。 通过 Language points,培养学生的合作能力和知识的巩固能力。 . Teaching procedures Stage (time period) Interaction patterns Teacher activityStuden

5、t activityRemarks 1 Getting students readyfor learning (2 mins) Class activity Free talk. T:Goodmorning everyone. Ss: Good morning Miss Liao. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine,thank you. Talk with teacher and get ready for class. 使学生放松,不紧 张于课堂。同时做 好上课准备。 2 Previewing and Lead-in (5 mins) Class activ

6、ity Let the Ss look at the pictures of the West Hill andanswerthe questions“What was the West Hill like two years ago?Howabout now?”toreviewthe contentslearnedlast class. Students put their handstoanswer the questions. 学生根据两幅图片 来回答西山公园以 前和现在的样子, 既复习了上节课的 内容又培养了孩子 们的环保意识。学 生通过举手回答来 获得小组分数,增 加了孩子们举手和

7、大胆思维的积极 性。 3 Pre-listenin g Class activity Showthepictureof Kangkang and give a 1.Lookatthe pictures and try to 教师根据上节课所 学的知识,孩子们 (5-7 mins)situation . T:Today Kangkang was going to leave the West Hill and he meets Mrs. Zhou.Ok,look!What does Mrs. Zhou look like? S1:Shelooksvery weak. T:Doyouknow wh

8、y?Well,letshavea look. (Duringthis time,teacherguide studentstolearnthe passage,andlearnthe new words.) answerthe question. S1: She looks very weak. 2.Students read the new words follow theteacher,and they can try their best to read best to get points. 去野餐完了,所以 今 天 Kangang 就 离开西山,然而他 遇见了 Mrs. Zhou,

9、可是 Mrs. Zhou 看 起来很虚弱,同学 们,你们知道为什 么吗?然后带着这 个问题引导孩子们 来找原因,在小短 文中找原因的同时 教学新单词,同时 又熟悉了 1a 的内 容,达到了既衔接 上节课的内容又排 除听力障碍和学习 新单词的三方效 益。 4 While-listen ing (5-7 mins) Individual work Step 1:Let the Ss listen to 1a once and tick the questions they hear in partA of1b.After that,studentsshould stand up and answe

10、r the questionsoneby one,thencheckthe answers together. T:Asweknow, Kangkang have a talk withMrs. Listen to 1a once andtickthe questions they hear in A of 1b.After that,students shouldstandup andanswerthe questionsoneby one ,then check the answers together. 在环节与环节的过 度上,要注意自然 流畅,是顺理成章 的进入下一个步 骤,而不是直接

11、切 入。因为过渡语既 能起到承上启下的 作用,又能抓住学 生的注意力。在听 力前, 先熟悉句子, 学生回答问题时, 要及时加分表示鼓 Individual work Zhou.Well,letslisten andunderstandwhat theyaretalking about?ST: Now listen to thedialogbetween KangkangandMrs. Zhouandtickthe questions you hear to finish part A in 1b. T: OK, lets check the answers. S1: Whats wrong w

12、ith you? S2: How long have you been like this? S3: Have you seen a doctor? S4: Have you noticed the dead fish in the river? Step 2: Get the Ss to listen again and match the questions with the right answers in part B of 1b. Then check the answers together. T: Great. Listen again, matchthequestions S1

13、: Whats wrong with you? S2: How long have youbeenlike this? S3: Have you seen a doctor? S4:Haveyou noticedthedead fish in the river? Listenagainand matchthe questions with the right answers in B of 1b. Then check theanswers together. S5: No.1 is c. S6: No. 2 is b. S7: No. 3 is a. S8: No. 4 is d. 励。

14、with the right answers in B. S5: No.1 is c. S6: No. 2 is b. S7: No. 3 is a. S8: No. 4 is d. 5 Post-listenin g (17 mins) Individual work Class activity and Group work Step 1: Get the Ss to read 1a and answer the questions in 1c. T:Nowread1aby yourselves and answer the questions in 1c. . T:OK,whatcaus

15、ed Mrs. Zhous problem? S1:Pollution.The chemicalfactories produceterriblegas, make too much noise and pour waste water into rivers. T: What will Kangkang do? S2: He will write to the newspaperaboutthe problems. T: Do you have any other ways to solve the Read1aand answerthe questions in 1c. S1: Pollu

16、tion. The chemical factories produceterrible gas,maketoo muchnoiseand pour waste water into rivers. S2: He will write to thenewspaper aboutthe problems. S3 通过完成 1c 的读 后任务,进一步理 解对话内容。在设 置这个环节时,改 变传统的模式,将 游戏引用进来,使 得课堂充满趣味, 学生通过选择自己 的幸运数字来完成 任务,有可能是真 的幸运数字,有可 能要回答问题。在 完成该任务时,如 果答案不能直接从 课文中找出,要引 导学生学会用自

17、己 的语言总结和归纳 答案,允许有不同 的表达方式。以 1c 的 第 一 题 为 例 (Whatcaused Mrs.Zhous problem?)简单的 Group work problem? S3 Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a carefully and find outthekeypoints. includingwords, phrases and sentences. Then lead the Ss to ask theirclassmatesand teacher for help. Write down the points they cant unde

18、rstand on the Bb. T: First , read 1a and underline thedifficult points T: If there are some difficult points you cant understand, please ask yourclassmatesfor help. If all the group members cant solve the problem, I can give you some advice. Ss: How to use “get a pain in”? T: We can also say like Re

19、ad 1a, find the difficult points, and try to solve them with the help of all kinds of resources. Ss:Howtouse “get a pain in”? Ss: Yes. Ss: It means “某处 疼” in Chinese. Ss . Read 1a in roles, and then act out the 回答就是 pollution。如果要 答案具体化,就必 须先引导学生找出 周夫人的问题,再 找出原因,最后用 自己的话归纳出答 案 ( The chemical factorie

20、sproduce terrible gas, make too much noise and pourwastewater into rivers) 。 学生能够正确提出 问题,也是能力的 体现。教师需要引 导学生,一步一步 朝着正确答案去思 考,可以运用课文 中的文本语言,也 可以拓展例句提供 新的语境,还可以 根据已学知识理解 新知识(以短语 “get a pain in”为 例, pain 是本课 新单词,要理解短 语的意思和掌握短 语的用法就会比较 难, 因此, 教师可 Individual work this“Ihaveasore throat”. Can you understan

21、d its meaning? Ss: Yes. ( Teacher touches one of his legs and says.) T: I get a pain in my leg. “Get a pain in” can be added “a part of a body”afterthe proposition. T: Whats the Chinese meaning of it? Ss: It means “某处疼” in Chinese. Ss . Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a follow the tape, and then act out th

22、e dialog and pay attention to the pronunciationand intonation. T: Now read 1a in roles, and then act out the dialog. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Afterthat, dialog.Pay attentiontothe pronunciationand intonation. Therewillbe performance competition among thegroups.The best one w

23、ins the award. Scan the material andchoosethe correctwordsto complete the letter in 2. Ss: Yes S1: too many S2: breathe S3: dead 以 通 过 “I have a sore throat”帮助学 生理解意思。用举 例 “I get a pain in my leg”同时捂住 左腿,帮助学生观 察该短语的用法) 。 当然,学生可以根 据他们自己的方式 将成果展示出来。 课文朗读是培养学 生的语感,训练语 音语调的方法之 一。为了让学生目 标性更强,更加严 格的要求自己正确

24、 发音,先让学生跟 读,再让学生学会 合作,自行商量扮 演角色, 进行对话; wewillhavea competitiontosee which group performs best. The best one wins the award. 并采用一些竞争机 制,激发学生的斗 志和参与课堂活动 的热情,维护小组 的集体荣誉感。 6Exercising Class activity Teacher presents some exercisesandgive studentssometimeto finish.Andstudents should try their best to do

25、it. Students try their best to finish the tasks. 许多学生在学习了 新知识后都不知道 如何运用,还有许 多孩子课上听懂 了,课下却不会做 题,因此及时的练 习时很有必要的。 7 Emotional education. Class activity Teacher guides students tolookatthetwo pictures,andguide students to protect the environment. T:Lookatthetwo pictures and which one do you like better?

26、 Ss:Picture 1. T:Why? Ss:Because. T:So,boys and girls we shouldprotectour environmentandits everyones duty to love andprotectthe environment. Studentslookat thepictures,and talk with teachers. T:Look at the two pictures and which onedoyoulike better? Ss:Picture 1. T:Why? Ss:Because. T:So,boys and gi

27、rls we should protect ourenvironment and its everyones duty to love and protectthe environment. 再次使用西山的两 幅图,达到首尾呼 应的作用,同时引 出孩子的心声,教 育孩子们在学习的 同时, 要保护环境, 并且爱护和保护环 境是每个人的责任 和义务。 8 Assigning homework and Summarizin g (5 mins) Class activity Step 1: HMK: 1. Recite 1a. 2. Preview Section C. Step 2: Let th

28、e Ss go overwhattheyhave learnedthisperiod. Sum up the key points. T: Now lets sum up what we have learned today. You can begin with the words and the phrases. Sumupand presentthekey points one by one. Ss: get a pain in Ss: be harmful to Ss 作业的布置是为学 习 Section C 打好 基础,提供素材。 在总结本科所学 时,明确复习的内 容和方向,让学生 在罗列知识时更有 系统性,养成在头 脑中建构知识框架 的习惯。


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