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1、试卷第 1页,总 8页山东省枣庄市山东省枣庄市 2020 年中考英语试题年中考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_Everyone has hobbies. Hobbies1us a lot of happiness. For most of us, theactivities we like to do are common and easy. However, there are2people who like totake risks.3are more interested in doing dangerous sports, such as snowboarding,diving

2、(潜水)and rock climbing.Many people enjoy4. You can do it indoors on special walls or outdoors on realmountains. There are many advantages to rock climbing-it is fun and it also helps people5their worries.The most important tool to have is good shoes. They need to be half a size smaller thanyour usual

3、6. The next thing you need is a harness(保护带). This allows you to movefreely,7it will hold you up if you fall. Its important to know how to use your tools. Ifyou are a beginner, its best to have lessons.A climber with experience can help you a lot8you are learning to climb.Rock climbing is very excit

4、ing for people of different ages. Climbers, however, must becareful not9the environment. Sometimes rock climbers leave rubbish on themountains which they climb. They should take it10them and throw it away. This willlet future climbers enjoy a clean environment.1AtakeBbringCprovideDhave2AotherBthe ot

5、herCanotherDevery3AWeBYouCAllDThey4AsnowboardingBdivingCrock climbingDswimming5Aremember.BforgetCsolveDkeep6AsizeBshapeCcolorDkind7AandBbutCsoDor8AbeforeBwhenCafterDuntil9Ato protectBto produceCto polluteDto save10AalongBtoCforDwithWhen ice is on the ocean, the polar bears are on the hunt. They are

6、hunting seals.Polar bears need the ice. They cant catch seals as well in the water, where there is no ice.试卷第 2页,总 8页In summer, some of the sea ice becomes water. Now, however, the sea ice is becomingwater earlier than it used to. There is not as much time for the polar bears to hunt for food.They s

7、hould have enough fat in their bodies to keep them from getting hungry. Some polarbears, however, havent been able to get enough to eat. By the end of the summer, they aregoing to die.Scientists want to learn all they can about polar bears and how they can help them. Tohelp the bears, they have to d

8、o tests. It is difficult, however, for scientists to get close to thebears. Scientists fly in a helicopter, over the places where polar bears live. When they notice abear, they shoot a pointed object at it. The object makes the bear go to sleep. While the bear isasleep, the scientists can do their t

9、ests. The most important test is the fat test. If the bearhasnt eaten for two months, it wont have enough fat to live on.Many people are worried about the ice that is becoming water. Polar bears have to gofurther and work harder to find food. If the ice keeps becoming water, one day there mightnot b

10、e any polar bears.11The underlined word “hunt” in the first paragraph means: _A搜集B游荡C狩猎D探索12If polar bears want to find food, what do they need?AFat.BIce.CApointed object.DWater.13Whats the main idea of this passage?APolar bears are in great danger.BPolar bears like hunting for seals to eat.CIts dif

11、ficult for scientists to test bears.DThe ways to help polar bears.Do you get lots of reading tasks as part of your homework? You might wish thatyou could read faster. There are some people who say that you can learn to read at super-highspeeds. But experts disagree on this idea.Speed reading is not

12、actually possible, said Elizabeth Schotter, a scientist at theUniversity of South Florida, US. Schotter pointed out that people who say that they can teachothers how to speed read are usually doing it to make money by selling courses and books.In fact, speed reading has been made known to people sin

13、ce 1959, when US educatorEvelyn Wood introduced a speed reading program. Several US presidents have even askedtheir officers to take sped reading courses. However, there is no real science behind spedreading.试卷第 3页,总 8页Schotter explained that reading is a task difficult to finish. It includes four s

14、teps: seeing aword, getting back its meaning from your memory, connecting it to other words. in the samesentence, and then moving on to the next word, This process uses many parts of the brain atone time. It cant be sped up.Some people who say they are able to speed read are simply skimming. Skimmin

15、ginvolves reading a passage quickly and only looking for certain words or sentences.Skimmers can figure out the main idea of a passageespecially if its a topic theyre familiarwithbut they will not be able to remember all the pieces of information.So is there a way to become a faster reader? Research

16、 suggests that you should try toimprove the number of your words and simply read more.14According to Schotter, which of the following is TRUE?AIts good for students to read at super-high speeds.BSpeed reading courses are supported by real science.CReading includes four steps, its not easy to finishD

17、Speed reading courses and books are useful for us.15What can we know from Paragraph 5?ASkimmers will not forget all the pieces of information.BYou must read the passage carefully when you are skimming it.CSkimming focuses on all the words or sentences of a passage.DBy skimming, skimmers may find the

18、 main idea of a passage.16According to this passage, how to read faster?ALearn more words and read more.BTaking speed reading courses can help.CRead more books about sped reading.DSee the words at super-high speeds.The rockets take astronauts and man-made satellites(卫星)into space. The satellitesare

19、used for communication, weather checking and research. But how do satellites stay upwithout falling down?There are two opposite forces influencing the satellite. One of them is the force ofgravitation(地心引力), which tries to pull the satellite towards the earth and is like a ropewhich keeps the satell

20、ite from flying away. The other force is created by the turning of thesatellite around the earth. This force tries to take the satellite away from the earth. With thesetwo forces, the satellite goes round and round.试卷第 4页,总 8页Everything that goes up has to come down. It is only a matter of time befo

21、re a satellitecomes back to the earth.As time goes by, the satellite loses its speed, which makes the forcepulling it towards the earth stronger than the force pulling it away. This makes the satellitefall down to the earth.17Two same forces have an influence on the satellite.18The force created by

22、the turning keeps the satellite from flying away.19Two opposite forces make the satellite turn round and round.20The satellite will stay in space forever.How do people find their inner talent? British author and speaker Sir KennethRobinson talked about this at TEDHe told the story of Gillian Lynne,

23、a dancer and achoreographer(编舞者)who has worked on famous musicals like Cats and Phantom of theOpera(歌剧魅影).21She couldnt think carefully about shes learning and often found herself unable tokeep still because she was bored. Her mother was quite worried about her. She took Lynne toa doctor. For 20 min

24、utes, she talked about the problems Lynne was having in school.22Asthey left the room, the doctor turned on the radio. He then said to Lynnes mother, Just standand watch her.23The doctor then turned to Lynnes mother and said, Mrs. Lynne, yourdaughter isnt sick. Shes a dancer. Take her to a dance sch

25、ool.So she did.24Lynne later went to the Royal Ballet School, one of the worlds greatestdance schools, and became a great dancer.After leaving the school, she worked on some of the most successful musicals inhistory.25.Those who never did well in school neednt worry. Find your inner talent like Lyme

26、, youcan also succeed.AThe doctor played the music to calm her daughter down.BGillian Lynne never did well in school as a child.CThe minute they left the room, Lyme was on her feet, dancing to the music on the radio.DIt is hard to believe that years ago, somebody else would just put her on medicatio

27、n(药物治疗)and tell her to calm down.E.Then, the doctor said to Lynne, I need to talk to your mother first. Wait here. F.Lynne just stood here and watched her mother.试卷第 5页,总 8页G.Lynnes new dance school was full of people just like herpeople who had to move inorder to think.Almost each Chinese child has

28、 heard or read Journey to the West-one of the mostfamous Chinese26 (tradition)classics. All of them like the main characterthe Monkey Kingor Sun Wukong. However, it wasnt popular271970s in England. In November 1979, pupilsin England were able to watch a new program called Monkey. Most of them were h

29、earing thisstory for the28(one)time.The Monkey King isnt29usual monkey. In fact, he sometimes doesnt even look like amonkey! This is because he can make seventy-two changes to his shape and size,30 (turn)himself into different animals and objects. But unless his tail31 (hide), he cant turnhimself in

30、to a man.32(fight)bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. Sometimes hecan make the stick small enough to keep it in his ear.At other times, he can make it big andlong.The Monkey King33(excite)the children of China for many years.And as soon as theTV came out more than 30 years34 , Western ch

31、ildren became interested in reading this storybecause the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help35(weak)and never gives up.Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy from the countryside. He works very hard anddoes well in school. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When he

32、was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems, and his family spent a lot of time together.However, things began to change a few years ago. His parents moved to the city to look forjobs, and his grandparents came to take care of him. But he missed his parents so much andhe often felt lonely and un

33、happy.Li Wens unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. He became less interested instudying. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. Finally, LiWens parents made the decision to send him to a boarding school. However, Li Wen was shyand was not able to make friends qui

34、ckly in school. He found life there difficult. One day hetold his teacher that he wanted to leave the school. His teacher was worried about him. Andshe called his parents. She advised them to talk with their son in person. So his parents took a24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride to get to Li Wens sc

35、hool.They had a long talk. It was exactly what I needed, he said. Now I understand thateven though they are busy, they are always thinking of me. They take pride in everything试卷第 6页,总 8页good I do.After that, Li Wens parents had much more communication with their son than theyused to. Now Li Wen has

36、really changed. He has become more outgoing and made some goodfriends in school. He has even joined the school basketball-team and become active in manyother activities. Im much happier now, and I work even harder than I used to. I know myparents love me and theyre always proud of me. says Li Wen. I

37、ts very important forparents to be there for their children.36The main idea of this passage:_37Li Wens feeling after his parents moved to the city:_38List two of Li Wens problems at school after his parents first left him:_39The event that makes him begin to become better:_40Please find the phrases

38、in the passage that has the same meaning as They take pride ineverything good I do.(请在本文中找与划线短语意思相同的短语)_41今天可好?棒极了!今天太爽了!Hows your day?Great. Todays_ _!42这位老师对学生很有一套。The teacher is very_ _students.43她并不是太担心,因为她知道他总是会随时施以援手的。She didnt worry too much because she knew he would always_for he.44他没有生气,反而看

39、起来挺高兴。_ _being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.45那位医生只有在某些日子才在这所医院里。The doctor is only at this hospital on _ _.试卷第 7页,总 8页46读下面关于如何处理青少年问题的文章。请根据问题提示,在答题卡的第五节下面,尽可能用自己的话写出大意总结,词数不少于 60,不多于 80 词。注意:在文章后标清你写的字数。Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems withtheir sc

40、hoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Somepeople believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees.Problems and worries are normal in life, says Laura. But I think talking to someone helps alot. Unless we talk to someone, well ce

41、rtainly feel worse.Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents aboutit. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didnt have any money. Shejust kept thinking, If I tell my parents, theyll be angry! In the end, she talked to her parentsand the

42、y were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakeshimself. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. I will always rememberto share my problems in the future! Laura says.Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. He feels the same way as Laura.It

43、 is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them, He thinksthe first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesnt need to be an expertlike himself. Students often forget that their parents have more experience, and are alwaysthere to help them.In Eng

44、lish, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So youre halfway tosolving a problem just by talking to someone about it.1. What do teenagers worry about these days?2. Whats Laura Mills opinion about how to deal with problems?3. What happened to Laura and what did she learn from it?4

45、. What advice does Robert Hunt give to teenagers?5. Whats the conclusion(结论)?_试卷第 8页,总 8页_47Write a passage about an event thats the most unforgettable for you during yourjunior high school. (写一件在三年的初中生活中你最难忘的事情。)(请根据下面的提示,在答题卡第六节下面,写出一篇 90-120 词的短文。注意:不要出现自己信息:诸如姓名,学校,人名可以用英文名字。)1. The title of you

46、r story. (你的故事的标题。)2. First write about the event(when and where it happened and who).(首先写关于事件的时间、地点、相关人物等。)3. Next write about how it happened.(接下来写事件是如何发生的。)4. Then write about how you feel about this event.(然后写一下你的感受。)5.At last write about how this event has changed your life or what you learn fr

47、om it.(最后写一下这件事如何改变你的人生或者你从中学到什么。)_答案第 1页,总 12页参考答案参考答案1B2A3D4C5B6A7B8B9C10D【解析】【分析】每个人都有自己的爱好,大多数人都喜欢做一些容易的事情,但也有一些人喜欢冒险,例如攀岩。这篇短文给我们介绍了一些在攀岩的时候需要注意的事情。1句意:爱好给我们带来很多快乐。考查动词辨析及语境。take 带走;bring 带来;provide 提供;have 有,拥有。根据上句话“Everyone has hobbies”可知,大家都有爱好,所以爱好能给我们带来快乐。provide 不能跟双宾语,它常用于 provide sb. w

48、ith sth.,因此 C 不对。故选 B。2句意:然而,也有一些人喜欢冒险。考查不定代词辨析及语境。other 其他的,修饰名词;the other 指两者中的另一个;another指不定数目中的另一个;every 每一个。上句话“For most of us, the activities we like to do arecommon and easy.”提到了大多数人喜欢做的活动,这里说的是“其他的人”,空后有名词people,应用 other 修饰。故选 A。3句意:他们对危险的运动更感兴趣,如单板滑雪、跳水和攀岩。考查代词辨析及语境。We 我们;You 你,你们;All 所有的;T

49、hey 他们。根据文章的逻辑答案第 2页,总 12页可知,该空代指上句话“However, there are _2_ people who like to take risks.”提到的people,应用 They 代替。故选 D。4句意:许多人喜欢攀岩。考查名词辨析及语境。snowboarding 单板滑雪;diving 潜水;rock climbing 攀岩;swimming游泳。根据下文“There are many advantages to rock climbing”可知,文章中提到的是攀岩这项运动。故选 C。5句意:攀岩有很多好处,它是有趣的,也可以帮助人们忘记他们的烦恼。考查

50、动词辨析及语境。remember 记得;forget 忘记;solve 解决;keep 保持,保存。根据句中“it is fun”和空后的 worries“烦恼”可知,攀岩很有趣,因此能帮助人们忘记烦恼。故选 B。6句意:它们需要比你通常穿的尺寸小半码。考查名词辨析及语境。size 尺寸;shape 形状;color 颜色;kind 种类。根据句中“hey need tobe half a size smaller”可知,这里说的是鞋的尺寸,故选 A。7句意:这可以让你自由移动,但如果你摔倒了,它也会支撑你。考查连词辨析及语境。and 和,而且;but 但是;so 因此,所以;or 或者。根据


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