(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures(第2课时)教案.docx

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1、Unit 3 DIVERSE CULTURESReading and Thinking:San Francisco A City of Diversity第 2 课时一、教学内容本课重点为探究作者如何体验多元文化, 并通过探讨省略句的语用功能理解作者在体验旧金山多元文化过程中其感受的变化。 在此基础上讨论多元文化的利弊, 从而训练学生的思维能力。二、课时目标1. 通过检索各段动词,探究发现多元文化的途径,总结多元文化理解的不同层次;2. 通过寻找文中的省略句,理解省略句在此文本中的语用功能,理解作者体验多元文化过程中的情感变化;3. 通过讨论多元文化带来的利弊,拓展文章主题,培养学生的分析、概

2、括、评判等思维能力。三、教学过程Activity 1: Reviewing what has been learned about San Francisco本活动旨在为落实目标 1 作铺垫。1.Make comments on the students homeworkAsk students to work in groups of four and make some comments on fourpieces of the chosen homework from the perspective of content, language andstructure.【设计意图】 就教师

3、所选的四份作业,学生四人一组,在内容、语言和结构上作出评价,一方面有利于学生对课文内容的进一步理解,另一方面培养学生的批判性思维能力。2.Present the teachers versionAsk students to read the teachers version and fill in the blanks.Within one day, Li Lan experienced the _ cultures in San Francisco. First,she visited the Mission District, where she experienced _ _ _of

4、cultures.Then, she visited _ _ _, which was a window for the _changes of the city. Here, Li Lan had a deeper understanding of the diverse culturesin this city from the historical perspective. _ was the last place she visitedthat day. It is a place where _ culture can be fully experienced. What amean

5、ingful c_ trip!【设计意图】 学生在读教师版本的同时,完成填空,再次突出并强化三个地方所体现的文化多样性方面的特征。同时,引导学生关注整个段落的框架总分总,逐渐建立语篇意识。Activity 2: Exploring how Li Lan discovered the diverse cultures in SanFrancisco本活动旨在落实目标 1。1.Read the passage and underline the verbs or verb phrasesAsk students to read the passage again and underline the

6、 verbs or verb phrasesshowing Li Lans exploring ways.设计意图 学生通过再次细读文本,聚焦李兰体验多元文化的核心动词,在头脑中初步构建多元文化的体验方式, 以此加深对文本的理解, 并为接下来的生生讨论和师生讨论做好铺垫。2.Share what has been underlined in pairsAsk students to work in pairs and share what they have found in the passage.设计意图 该环节为两人一组分享讨论阅读过程中已聚焦的核心动词,同伴之间进行意义协商,对之前所聚

7、焦动词进行一定的修正,以此更准确地提炼各段要点,重构文本深层含义的框架。3.Summarize and appreciate togetherAsk five students to present the verbs. With the teachers help, students havea deeper understanding of the exploring ways of the diverse cultures.Paragraph 1:(1) Can you find any verb which shows how Li Lan explored the whole cit

8、y?Suggested answer: No, but I can find “have to admit”.(2)From “have to admit”, what can you infer? Does Li Lan like the city or not?Suggested answer: She appreciated the city very much.(3)So actually Paragragh 1 is Li Lans general impression of San Francisco. Sheappreciated the whole city very much

9、.Paragraph 2:(1) What did Li Lan do in the Mission District to explore the diverse cultures?suggested answer: By walking around, looking around and tasting, Li Lanexperienced diverse cultures thoroughly in the Mission District.(2)So compared to the general impression in Paragraph 1, the experience i

10、n theMission District was more detailed and thorough.Paragraph 3:(1) What did Li Lan do in the local museum to explore the diverse cultures?suggested answer: In the local museum, by learning, thinking and makingcomments, she had a further understanding or profound insight of the historybehind the di

11、verse cultures.Paragraph 4:(1) What did Li Lan do in Chinatown to explore the diverse cultures?suggested answer: In Chinatown, by selecting and comparing, she got a clearerawareness of Chinese culture in San Francisco.Paragraph 5:(1) What would Li Lan do the next day?suggested answer: Li Lan was goi

12、ng to a jazz bar to explore more diversecultures of the city.设计意图 教师讲评环节旨在引导学生对文本内容进行总结、概括与提升,从而在全班达成意义共识: 即李兰对旧金山多元文化的理解在不断加深, 对多元文化的兴趣也越来越浓厚。Activity 3: Exploring Li Lans feelings during the cultural trip本活动旨在落实目标 2。1.Identify Li Lans feeling in Paragraph 1Students and the teacher work together to

13、 find out how Li Lan felt byunderstanding the elliptical sentence in Paragraph 1.Q1: Can you find any sentence in Paragraph 1 which shows Li Lans feeling?Q2: Whats special about this sentence? Is it a complete one?Q3: How did she feel?设计意图 引导学生细读第一段,找寻能体现李兰感受的句子,进一步关注到这是一个省略句, 从而体会省略句的语用功能。 教师这样的带读和

14、逐步引导学生体会省略句所表达的含义,对后续学生独立找寻省略句并体会其含义做好了铺垫与引领。2.Locate the remaining elliptical sentencesAsk students to underline all the elliptical sentences in Paragraphs 2 to 5.设计意图 学生细读文本第二至第五段,定位所有的省略句,为下一步梳理李兰在游览过程中的情感线变化做好准备。3.Interpret the feelings conveyed by the elliptical sentencesFirst ask students to w

15、ork in pairs and try to interpret the feelings hiddenbehind the sentences. Then the teacher and the students check the answerstogether.设计意图 师生一起在意义的探究中融入省略的语用知识,感知省略句的语言特征,体验省略句的交际功能。4.Interpret the feeling conveyed in Paragraph 3First ask students to find out the sentence that shows Li Lans feeling

16、 inParagraph 3. By understanding the sentence, students interpret the feelings hiddenbehind the sentence.Q1: Can you find any sentence in Paragraph 3 which shows Li Lans feeling?Suggested answer: When these immigrants left their countries, they carried abit of home in their hearts, and built a new h

17、ome here.Q2: How do you understand “a bit of home” and “a new home”?Suggested answer: A bit of home means their customs, habits, language. A newhome means the new environment, new habits and the new language.Q3: How do you understand the whole sentence? How did Li Lan feel?Suggested answer: When peo

18、ple move to a new country, undoubtedly they willbring their original customs and cultures along, for these are their roots. Aftersettling down in this place, they will adapt themselves to the new cultures andgradually mix their original cultures with the new ones, thus starting a new lifethere. It i

19、s about keeping your original cultures and customs alive as well asaccepting the new ones. Actually, this is the authors reflection after visiting themuseum. In this way, the author shows her sincere respect for the immigrants andbetter recognizes the importance of diverse cultures.设计意图 师生一起探讨该文本第四段

20、中较难理解的最后一句话,在理解与诠释的过程中,可以清晰地捕捉到李兰参观博物馆时所流露出来的对移民们的尊敬之情。至此,李兰旧金山文化之旅的情感线梳理也就完整了。Activity 4: Exploring the positive and negative effects diverse cultures maybring to a place本活动旨在落实目标 3。1.Talk about the benefits that immigrants brought to San FranciscoAsk students to discuss in groups of four and explo

21、re the positive effectsdiverse cultures may bring to a place.Q: What benefits did immigrants bring to the city?Suggested answer: made San Francisco quickly become a big city; used to be apoor area but is now a center for ; opened up shops and restaurants; worked onthe farm; built the railway.设计意图 基于

22、文本中的信息,四人一组归纳、整理多元文化对一所城市所带来的的有利因素,学会用尊重、包容和接纳的态度去看待多元文化。2.Talk about the possible negative effects that immigrants brought to SanFranciscoAsk students to discuss in groups of four and explore the negative effectsdiverse cultures may bring to a place.Q: What benefits did immigrants bring to the city

23、?Suggested answer: made San Francisco more crowded; made the city less safeand less stable; lacked enough job opportunities.设计意图 四人一组为单位,讨论多元文化对一个地方可能带来的负面影响,在此过程中,对多元文化有更深入、更全面的理解并形成自己的观点。3.Draw a conclusionEvery coin has two sides. What we need to do is to make full use of the positiveeffects and

24、reduce the negative effects that diverse cultures bring to us.设计意图在讨论多元文化的积极影响和消极影响的基础上,师生一起探讨、总结对待多元文化的态度。引导学生学会辩证地、一分为二地看待问题。AssignmentIntroduce a place that has diverse cultures. Your introduction may include thefollowing aspects:1. What diverse cultures did you experience there?2. How did you di

25、scover the diverse cultures and how did you feel?3. What benefits and challenges do the diverse cultures bring to that place?The teachers version:In my opinion, Jinhua, which lies in the middle of Zhejiang province, is a placeof diverse cultures.The following three aspects contribute to its diverse

26、cultures. Firstly, ZhejiangNormal University is located in Jinhua. Therefore, people all over the country andeven all over the world come to the university to receive education or to work here,bringing languages, customs and diets of their hometowns. So, if you walk aroundthe market near the univers

27、ity, you may find people of different colors talking witheach other in Jinhua dialects, Mandarin Chinese, English, French, Russian or evenKorean. Besides, Jinhua is located in the middle of Zhejiang Province, with Yi Wu aspart of the region, which is the worlds largest commodity distribution center.

28、 Withever-increasing trade, business people all over the world come to Jinhua to dobusiness, making the prosperity of western restaurants and hotels. You may findmany doormen are foreigners from the Middle East in some of the hotels in Jinhua.Finally, Jinhua is famous for its film and television bas

29、e Hengdian. Film stars,directors and other celebrities crowd in to shoot movies and TV series, making thetourism boom year by year in Jinhua.While all these contribute to the development of the city, the fast-pacedlifestyle may influence the local culture. Sometimes people are too busy to observethe

30、 traditional festivals and preserve their own lifestyles. For example, the younggeneration prefer to speak mandarin both at school and at home, some even failingto speak their local dialects. Also, more skyscrapers are built to meet the demandsof the fast-growing population, making house prices too high for local people.During holidays, young people are eager to rush to Hengdian to meet their idolswhile the old prefer to stay in the countryside and enjoy the local Wu (婺) opera.Anyway, Jinhua is a dynamic city with different cultures integrating with each other.


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