(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit1 Festival and celebrations SectionCListening and Talking 提升训练题 含答案.doc

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1、第 1页(共 10页)Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection CListening and Talking一、单词拼写1On the night of the festival,_ (烟花) went offhere and there.2Colorful lanterns added to a lively _ (气氛) inthe summer streets.3My friend asked me to attach a stamp to the _(信封) and mail it.4From the house came the bursts of

2、 _(快乐的)laughter of the children.5He ordered some _(烤制的) turkey and vegetables,with apple pie to follow.6He returned home each year to celebrate _ (圣诞节) and New Year with his family.二、单句语法填空1Johns bad habit is _(read) without thoroughunderstanding.2I am very _ (please) to know that you have gotthe fi

3、rst prize.3In countries all over the world, _(fall) watercan be used to generate electricity.4What he said at the meeting yesterday was very _and I was _(disappoint)第 2页(共 10页)5What will you do if the people _(seat) at the backof the hall have trouble hearing the speech?6There is a lot of evidence _

4、(show) that staringat the computer for a long time does harm to our eyes.7A woman asked the primary school in her city to accepther sixyearold son,who has a _(hear) disability.8With _(shine) dark eyes, he seems like the kindof kid who would enjoy public speaking.9Travelling along the old Silk Road i

5、s an interesting and_(reward) experience.10The students today need to adapt to the rapidly _(change) world.三、完形填空Brian sat outside his house.He really wanted a new1.Joe had just gotten one for his birthday,and Tylers was2about a year old.Brian had had his for five years.The seatwas up as high as it

6、could go,yet his legs were still too3for his bike.Brian wanted a bike like Joe and Tyler had4their bikes were fast and strong.If only he had $110,but allhe could come up with was $33.67.Where could he get the restof the5he needed?Brian did a lot of6.His birthday was7five monthsaway.What could he do

7、to get the money?Maybe his8wouldadvance(预付) him some money for the next few months.He got第 3页(共 10页)three dollars every Friday if he did all his chores.His dad had9to do this once before,when Brian needed an extra sixdollars.Maybe his sister would10him the money.She had alot of money saved up from b

8、abysitting.While he was thinking,the phone rang.Mrs Timmons11had gotten out again.She asked Brian if he could12Fififor her.Brian said he would be13to help her.She wasgetting so old and couldnt14Fifi anymore.Brian foundFifi behind a tree.After catching the dog,he15her to Mrs Timmons.She wasso16that s

9、he handed Brian two dollars.Brian thanked MrsTimmons,but told her she didnt have to17him.Then Brianhad a(n)18.He would set up a pet service centre.He could19peoples pets when they were away.In his neighbourhoodthere were at least 12 dogs he could take care of,a few cats,andeven some fish.Brian would

10、 realise his20in no time!1.A.petB.jobC.bikeD.gift2.A.evenB.almostC.alsoD.only3.A.shortB.longC.weakD.strong第 4页(共 10页)4.A.ifB.soC.becauseD.yet5.A.careB.trustC.moneyD.support6.A.thinkingB.shoppingC.workD.exercise7.A.justB.stillC.everD.already8.A.momB.dadC.sisterD.neighbour9.A.practicedB.decidedC.forgo

11、ttenD.agreed10.A.lendB.saveC.showD.send11.A.catB.fishC.dogD.kid12.A.carry B.feedC.raiseD.find13.A.busyB.luckyC.satisfied D.happy14.A.cheer forB.run afterC.depend on D.work on第 5页(共 10页)15.A.soldB.returnedC.introducedD.advertised16.A.surprisedB.sorryC.hopefulD.thankful17.A.payB.callC.chooseD.avoid18.

12、A.questionB.problemC.ideaD.duty19.A.look atB.look forC.look upD.look after20.A.mistakeB.dreamC.situation D.importance四、阅读七选五The “Chong Yang Festival” is celebrated on the ninth dayof the ninth lunar month, which is also known as the Double NinthFestival._1_.Climbing MountainsPeople like to climb mou

13、ntains on this festival, so DoubleNinth Festival is also called “Mountainclimbing Festival” The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air,is a good time for sightseeing._2_. It is really refreshingto climb mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature at this brightand clear time in autumn.C

14、limbing mounting also indicates “climbing to a higher第 6页(共 10页)position”. Another reason why climbing mountains are valuedby people, especially by the elderly is that it has a meaningof “climbing to ligneous life”. Climbing mountains on DoubleNinth Festival was already popular in the Tang Dynasty.

15、_3_.Drinking Chrysanthemum Flower(菊花) WineThe chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing. Inancient times, people usually picked fresh chrysanthemumflowers and leaves on the 9th of the 9th lunar month, and brewedthe mixture of them and grains into the wine._4_. The wineis said to have wholesome

16、effects on sharpness of the eye, dropof high blood pressure, reduction of weight and removal ofstomach trouble, thus contributing to longevity._5_The Double Ninth cake is also known as “flower cake”. Itdates back to the Zhou Dynasty. It is said that the cake wasoriginally prepared after autumn harve

17、sts for farmers to havea taste of what was just in season, and it gradually grew intothe present cake for people to eat on the Double Ninth Day.AEating Double Ninth CakeBMaking “flower cake” with friendsCA lot of poems were devoted to this customDSo people love to go sightseeing this monthE. It woul

18、d not be drunk until the same day next yearF. Here are some traditional customs of the Double NinthFestival第 7页(共 10页)G. But few Chinese people are aware of the importance ofthe festival第 8页(共 10页)一、单词拼写1.fireworks2.atmosphere3.envelope4merry5.roast6.Christmas二、单句语法填空1.reading2.pleased3.falling4.dis

19、appointing;disappointed5.seated6.showing7.hearing8shining9.rewarding10.changing三、完形填空1.C2.D3.B4.C5.C6.A7.B8.B9.D10.A11.C12.D13.D14.B15.B16.D17.A18.C19.D20.B四、阅读七选五1F根据前句“The Chong Yang Festival is celebratedon the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, which is also knownas the Double Ninth Festival. ”

20、可知,本文介绍了重阳节,所以下面是介绍重阳节的一些习俗。故选 F 项。2D根据上文“The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn skyand bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing.”可知,农历九月初,秋高气爽,空气清新,是观光的好时节。抓住关键词sightseeing,后边也涉及了 sightseeing,所以人们喜欢在这个月去观光。故选 D 项。3 C根据前文 “Climbing mountains on Double Ninth Festivalwas already popular in the Tang

21、 Dynasty.”可知,重阳节登山在唐代就已经流行了。 后边要说到流行的证据也就是很多诗都是关于这第 9页(共 10页)一习俗的。故选 C 项。4E根据前文“In ancient times, people usually pickedfresh chrysanthemum flowers and leaves on the 9th of the 9thlunar month, and brewed the mixture of them and grains into thewine. ”可知,在古代,人们通常在农历九月初九采摘新鲜的菊花和叶子,然后把它们和谷物混合到酒里。介绍了菊花酒的酿造,要到来年的这一天,才拿出来喝。故选 E 项。5A根据下文“The Double Ninth cake is also known asflower cake ” 可知,这一部分主要介绍了重阳糕这一食物。故选 A 项。第 10页(共 10页)


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