
Unit1Nature in the balanceGrammar and usage学习目标学习目标1. Know the definition of ellipsis and the rules2. Understand the mea,第 1页共 11页Unit1 Festival and c


1、Unit1Nature in the balanceGrammar and usage学习目标学习目标1. Know the definition of ellipsis and the rules2. Understand the mea。

2、第 1页共 11页Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection CListening and Talking一短语填空throwat, except for, to be frank, look forwar。

3、20202021 学年高一英语人教版2019必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations单元检测练习卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答。

4、第 1页共 8页Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection B Discovering Useful Structures一单句语法填空1.He decorated his roompictures of 。

5、第 1页共 9页Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection B Discovering Useful Structures一单句语法填空1Fruits canharvest during this seas。

6、必修3 Unit1单元重点词语归纳1. congratulate vt. 向某人道贺;因某事为自己感到自豪经典例句The two sportsmen congratulated each other on winning the match。

7、第 1页共 8页Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection A Listening and Speaking一选词填空1.gratefulgratitudeShe wasto him for being s。

8、第 1页共 10页Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection CListening and Talking一单词拼写1On the night of the festival, 烟花 went offher。

9、BookBook 3 3 复习复习: : 原文短文分类填空原文短文分类填空unit 1 Festivals and celebrations1.名词名词,代词和冠词代词和冠词Festivals are celebrated all arou。

10、Unit1Nature in the balanceExtended readingNews that Matters: pollution in Norgate学习目标学习目标1. Realize the pollution around。

11、except except for 和 besides词汇辨析除了except forexceptbesides表示除去,不包括除去,不包括,强调所排除的不包括在内不包括在内,一般表示同类之间的关系。The office is open e。

12、Dragon Boat Festival1.When is the festival celebratedIt falls on the fifth day of the fifth month on the Chinese lunar c。

13、 Learning goals To discover the topic sentence of each paragraph and make out the structure of the whole passage.2. To d。

14、despite in spite of 和 regardless of词汇辨析不管;不顾in spite ofdespiteregardless of意为不管不管任凭任凭,后接名词代名词代词或动词词或动词ing。despiteDespite。

15、Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations词汇预习课件词汇预习课件New words and phraseslantern lntn Carnivalknvl costume kstjum dress sb up m。

标签 > 2019版新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit1[编号:456415]



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