(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 导学案.docx

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1、Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 导学案导学案Reading and Thinking词汇积淀素养初探I根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1 a moral_(困境)2 to obtain this_(珍贵的)opportunity3 _(委托)me with that life4 the_(大多数)of life5 _(抱怨)about the poor conditions6 _(答复)to your questions7_to be_(雇用)as a resident physician8 _(拒绝) my invitation9 to be _(任命)as dire

2、ctor of the OB-GYN department10 over the next several_(十年)11 be interested in_(照顾)patients12 be_(害怕的)in the interview13 the_(急剧的)increase in the cost14 keep a busy mind smart and_(充满活力的)15 _(取代)plastic bags with paper bags用恰当的介词或副词填空1 Dr. Lin graduated _ Peking Union Medical College2 Dr. Lin opened

3、a clinic for people _ need of help3 My teachers help carried me _ those hard days in senior high school4 We should be responsible_ the patients5 People tend _ make mistakes when they are tired6 She was known _the “mother of ten thousand babies”7 During the exam, the student next _ him fainted8 You c

4、an entrust Tom _this matter阅读精研素养构建I 文本整体理解:理清文章架构文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节信息1 What can we learn from the second paragraph?A Dr. Lin married earlierB Her mother complained about her learning medicineC Her brother was against her studying medicineD Dr. Lin gave in to her brother2 Dr. Lin was really _in the field

5、 of medical research?A normalB outstandingC ordinaryD traditional3 The followings are all reasons why Dr. Lin opened her own clinic except_A to help those in need of helpB to reduce costs for poor patientsC to make some money to do other thingsD to continue her wish to treat patients4 What can we kn

6、ow about the life of Dr. Lin?A She had babies of her ownB She was interested in the positions in governmentC She devoted herself to the patientsD She built a kindergarten to help the poor5 Which of the following can best describe Dr. Lin?A Warmhearted and carefulB Positive and confidentC Devoted and

7、 thankfulD Hardworking and kind文本素养提升:阅读技能综合运用1根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。(1) Within six months, she was named a chief resident时间状语主句physician, a position that usually took four years to同位语定语从句achieve译文:六个月内, 她_首席住院医师, 这个职位通常需要_。(2) Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as让步状语从句the “mother of ten t

8、housand babies”, having deliveredover 50, 000 babies in her lifetime现在分词作伴随状语译文:尽管林巧稚没有结婚, 但是她却以“万婴之母”著称, _5 万多名孩子。2根据课文内容完成短文经典谚语言必诚信, 行必忠正。孔子It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill itLin Qiaozhi is known(1) _ the “mother of ten thousand babies” (2) _she had delivered over 50, 00

9、0 babies in her lifetimeWhen she was 18 years old, she chose(3)_(study) medicine instead of following the traditional path of marriage like themajority of girls ( 4 )_ graduating from Peking Union Medical College, sheimmediately became the first woman (5)_(hire) as a resident physician in theOB-GYN

10、department of the PUMC Hospital Then during the war, she opened her own clinic tohelp the patients After the foundation of the new Peoples Republic of China, she held manyimportant(6) _ (position) , but she was more interested(7) _ (tend)patients Dr Lit; didnt retire (8)_ the day she died, 22 April

11、19833阅读主题活动(1)What kind of good morals do you think Dr Lin has?_(2)How do you feel after you read the passage about Dr Lin?_重点精研素养奠基1carry sb through sth帮助某人渡过难关*These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into what carried her through a life of hardchoices林巧稚医生的这些话可以让我们了解是什么帮助她渡过人生中的艰难选择的。*Thats m

12、y study plan for the summer holidays, and Ill try my best to carry it out那就是我的暑假学习计划, 我将尽我的最大努力执行下去。*Only when you are in good health can you carry on studying只有当你身体健康状况良好的时候你才能继续学习。语块积累carry through完成;进行到底carry out执行, 实行;贯彻;实现carry on开展;维持;继续carry forward继承, 弘扬即学活用用适当的介词或副词填空(1)The activity is aime

13、d at carrying _ the Chinese traditional culture(2)We should carry _ the plan strictly and carefully(3)We hope that more artists will carry _and develop the folk art(4)It was my mother that carried me _ my hard time in middle school2majority w大部分;大多数*When I have a different opinion, I always respect

14、the opinion of the majority当我有不同观点时, 我总是尊重多数人的观点。*The majority of the students hold the view that its convenient to go to school by electricbike大多数学生持有以下观点:骑电动车上学很方便。*After all, those who are against the project are in the majority 毕竟, 反对这个项目的人占多数。语块积累(1)the/a majority of大多数的in the majority占多数(2)反义词

15、:minority少数, 少部分a minority of少数的【名师点津】the majority of 后接名词用法“the majority of+名词”用作主语时, 谓语动词与名词保 持一致。“the majority of+复数名词”用作主语时, 谓语 动词用复数;“the majority of +不可数名词”用作主语 时, 谓语动词用单数。即学活用(1)WeChat is to the taste of_, especially the youth微信符合大多数人的胃口, 尤其是年轻人。(2) I believe that students supporting me are_我

16、相信支持我的学生占多数。(3)On the other hand, _ students are opposed to it另一方面, 少数学生反对。3 complain vi & vt 抱怨;发牢骚*My father is very brave hard-working, responsible and most importantly he nevercomplains我的父亲非常勇敢, 勤劳, 负责, 最为重要的是, 他从来 不抱怨。*September is around the corner, and some of us are already complaining a

17、bout summersend九月即将来临, 我们中的一些人已经在抱怨夏季的结束了。*I have to make a complaint about the poor quality of food and service in your restaurant我要投诉你们餐馆里极差的食物和服务。语块积累(l)complain to sb向某人诉说complain about sth抱怨(2)complaintn投诉, 抱怨, 怨言make acomplaintabout抱怨即学活用语法填空(1)He phoned a newspaper reporter to complain _ the

18、reporters story(2)Jane is my best friend and I can complain _her when I am unhappy(3) Id like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my_ (complain) 4 respond vt回答;回复 vi做出反应;回应*She responded, “Id rather stay single to study all my life!”她回答道:“我宁愿为了学习一辈子单身!”*Starbucks has responded to the

19、video of its workers throwing a homeless man out星巴克就员工把流浪汉赶出去的视频做出了回应。*Im writing to have a brief introduction of Beijing Opera in response to your request我写信简要介绍京剧以回答你的要求。语块积累(1)respond to sb答复某人respond to sth对做出回应(2)responsen反应;回答;答复in response to发了一 回应即学活用(1)语法填空I prefer to respond_ e-mails that

20、I receive right when I get to workI am writing in_(respond) to the position as a volunteer advertised on theInternet(2)We would appreciate it_如能即刻回复, 我们将不胜感激。5appoint vt任命;委任*Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYNdepartment of the PUMC Hospital林医生成为第一位被任命为协

21、和医院妇产科主管的中国女性。*His high school coach appointed him to be/as manager of the team他所在中学的教练任命他为球队领队。*I have made an appointment with a specialist, and my mother will take me to see him我已经预约了一名专家, 我妈妈将带我去看他。(1) appoint sb as/to be 任命某人为appoint sb to do sth指派某人做某事(2) appointmentn任命;约会make an appointment w

22、ith sb与某人约会keep (break) an appointment守约(失约)即学活用(1)I wont be able to_ to discuss traditional Chinese paintings with you我无法守约和你讨论中国传统绘画。(2) It made sense to_ it任命一位女性处理这件事是合理的。(3)用 appoint 的正确形式填空Whenever you make _with others, make sure you have understood all the detailsand try to get there a few m

23、inutes before the_ time6tend vt照顾;照料vi倾向;趋于*She was more interested in tending patients她对于照顾病人更感兴趣。*(2019 天津高考)Some people tend to look down upon disabled people有些人往往瞧不起残疾人。*As a Senior 3 student, it is normal that you have a tendency to get anxious with time goingby作为一名高三学生, 随着时间的推移你会感到焦虑, 这 是正常的。语

24、块积累(1) tend to do sth倾向于做某事tend sb /sth照料/照看(2) tendencyw倾向, 趋势have a tendency to do sth有做某事的倾向即学活用(1)语法填空 While I hate to admit it, people always tend _(judge) a person by his or herappearance initially There is a slow _(tend) that “ the beat culture” is popular with the youths inChina(2)Im writing

25、 to express my sincere thanks to Ms Wang _ in the hospital我写信真诚地感谢在医院里照顾我妈妈的王女士。7 scare vt惊吓;使害怕vi受惊吓*It scared him to realize how close he had come to losing everything一想到差点就一无所有, 他心有余悸。*(2019 全国卷 II) The gun shots had scared the dog off枪声把狗吓跑了。*We are always facing the problem of scaring birds awa

26、y from airport runways我们总是面临着如何把鸟从机场跑道吓跑的问题。*Theres nothing in school that can make you scared Cheer yourself up在学校里没有什么能让你害怕。鼓起勇气吧。(1)scare away/off吓走, 吓跑be scared to death吓得要死(2)scaredadj害怕的;对感到惊慌或恐惧的be scared of sb /sth害怕某人或某事be scared to do sth不敢去做某事(3)_scaryadj可怕的;恐怖的风俗俚语1 cheesecake 美女照片 2 coo

27、k with gas 如鱼得水, 做得很出色3 Whats cooking? = Whats up?发生了什么事? 4 toss ones cookies 呕吐即学活用(1)语法填空When I had my first exam, I failed in it and felt so _(scare) that I even didntwant to go to school againShe was scared _ death at the sight of a snake(2)_ is that I, m going to study in a strange place一想到我会在一

28、个陌生的地方学习, 我就非常害怕。(3)She _walking alone at night她害怕晚上一个人走路。8replace vt接替;取代;更换*Its good to enjoy other cultures and learn from them, but they can never replace your ownculture喜欢并向其他的文化学习很好, 但是它们永远无法替代 你自己的文化。*Koch and Meir, two American women astronauts were expected to spend more than fivehours outs

29、ide the space station to replace a failed power controller美国的两位女宇航员科克和迈尔原本预计在空间站外停留5个多小时, 以更换故障电源控制器。*I will no longer use one-off things and replace plastic bags with paper bags我将不会再使用一次性物品, 并且用纸袋替换塑料袋。语块积累(1)replace sth with sth用某物替代某物(2)同义短语:take the place of =take sb s place取代即学活用(1)语法填空Vinod Kh

30、osla suggests that we get rid of 80 % of doctors and replace them_robotsOld books are like old friends Once lost, they can never_(replace) (2)同义句转换Nothing can replace face-to-face communication between parents and kids=Nothing can _ face-to-face communication between parents and kids9To a person not

31、hing is more precious than their life对于一个人来说, 生命是最宝贵的。【句式解构】本句是一个简单句。句中 nothing is more precious than 为比较级与否定词连用, 表示最高级。*If you are free, nothing will be better if you can come to China to attend a traditionalwedding如果你有空的话, 要是你能来中国参加一场传统婚礼那就最好了。*In my opinion, nothing is more important than health

32、in life在我看来, 在生活中健康是最重要的。【名师点津】“否定词+比较级”表示最高级含义Nothing is more difficult than that没有什么比那更难了。 (意译:那最难了。 )此外, “否定词+比较级”也可表示强调 I couldnt agree with you any more我十分赞同你的观点。即学活用(1)I_ than this我从未读过这么好的书。(2) I can tell you that there is_ being praised by my teacher before my classmates我可以告诉你在同学面前被老师赞扬是最好的事

33、了。(3)一句多译他们认为读原版书是最快乐的事。They think_ reading books in the original(用比较级)They think reading books in the original is_thing (用最高级)10She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in theOB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital 她立刻成为第一位被雇用为协和医院妇产科主管的女性。【句式解构】本句是一个简单句。句中 to

34、be hired 为不定式作定 语修饰名词 woman。*The book I read is about Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman scientist to win the NobelPrize我读的这本书是关于屠呦呦的, 她是第一个获得诺贝尔 奖的中国女性科学家。*But Wang Hui, the last to run, fell down suddenly when he took the stick from another boy但是最后一个跑的王辉, 在从另一个男孩那里接过接力 棒的时候突然摔倒了。【名师点津】如果名词前面有序数词和形

35、容词最高级, 后面就用动词 不定式作后置定语, 如:*She is the first one to arrive她是第一个到的。即学活用(1)语法填空For a student, studying is the first thing_(consider)while appearance is thesecondLincoln was the first president _(pass)laws to stop slavery(2)一句多译她总是第一个回答问题。She is always the first_ (用不定式作定语)She is always the first_ (定语从句)

36、一语闻天下1With the Syrian government troops and Russian armed forces appearing in the KurdistanRegion, Turkey was in the dilemma over whether to go on its military strike 随着叙利亚政府军队和俄罗斯武装力量出现在库尔德自治区, 就是否继续开展军事打击, 土耳其进退两难。2As is reported, Xie Na has replaced Dong Qing to host IWant to Perform in Chinas Ne

37、xv Year Gala, and achieved great success in the first try据报道, 谢娜已经接替董卿主持我要上春晚, 并在首播中获得成功。3On October 23, 2019, Trudeau was again elected Premier of Canada and continued to leadthe Canadian government 2019 年 10 月 23 日, 特鲁多再次当选加拿大总理, 并继续领导加拿大政府。参考答案参考答案词汇积淀素养初探.1. dilemma 2. precious 3. entrust4. majo

38、rity 5. complain 6. respond7. hired 8. reject 9. appointed10. decades 11. tending 12. scared13. sharp 14. energetic 15. replace.1. from 2. in 3. through 4. for 5. to6.as 7. to 8. with阅读精研素养构建1. 1. principle 2. medicine 3. tending4. own. 15.CBCCD. 1. (1)被任命为;花费四年才会获得 (2)一生接生了2.(1)as (2)because (3)to

39、study (4)After (5)to be hired (6)positions (7)in tending (8)until3.(l)She is kind,hardworking,selfless.(2)I feel inspired by what Dr Lin has done and want to do more for those in need.要点精研素养奠基1.(l)forward (2)out (3)on (4)through2.( 1) the majority of people (2) in the majority (3)a minority of3.(l)a

40、bout (2)to (3)complaint4.(1) to response (2) if you could respond right away5.(1) keep my appointment ( 2 ) appoint a woman to deal with (3) appointments;appointed6.(l)to judge tendency(2) who tended my mother7.(1)scared to (2) What scares me most (3)is scared of8.(1)with be replaced (2)take the place of9.(l)have never read a better book(2) nothing better than ( 3 ) nothing is more enjoyable than; the most enjoyable10.(1) to consider to pass ( 2 ) to answer questions;who answers questions


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