(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Culture 高频词汇短语句式通关练学案 .doc

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1、2022 高考高考英语英语高频词汇短语句式通关练高频词汇短语句式通关练Unit 3Diverse CultureI wanted to build rockets and airplanes.Ever since age 11,I remained1becoming anaerospace engineer.I even picked my activities and summer2in middle school based on thatgoal.It also helped me to3my high school.I went to Wheeler High School inMar

2、ietta,where there was a program that4in science,math and technology.It was out of myschool5,so I rode the bus for an hour every morning from my home.But I knew that it wasthe most6school for me and my goal.So I made it happen and so did my parents.Wheeler offered an aerospace-engineering course.Then

3、,for college,I7attended theMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),which was especially8in aerospaceengineering.That exactly fit my goal.Theyve9so many astronauts and even haveastronauts as professors.Along the way,my biggest10was truly believing in myself.Its something that we allgo through at

4、some point in our lives.And its a11that I fought up until I attendedMIT.Even though I was12,I always thought that I didnt have the13to fulfill mydreams.I finally started to believe in myself and realized I was able to do this work.And I lookedin the14and said,“I believe in you.”Today,Im a15structura

5、l engineer at Boeing and have helped design vehicles thatmay in time shuttle(运送) people to the moon or Mars.1.A.addicted toB.focused onC.accustomed toD.informed of2.A.programsB.holidaysC.campsD.majors3.A.attendB.enterC.leaveD.select4.A.assistedB.lackedC.specializedD.consisted5.A.ruleB.districtC.poli


7、kingC.recoveringD.progressing13.A.abilitiesB.rightsC.stepsD.principles14.A.conclusionB.materialC.bookD.mirror15.A.privateB.punctualC.successfulD.sensitiveBThe probe of Chinas first Mars mission Tianwen-1 flew a total of 100 million kilometresby 10:08 a.m.1Friday,according to China National Space Adm

8、inistration.2(launch) on July 23,the probe was sent into the Earth-Mars transfer trajectory(轨道)by the countrys Long March-5 carrier rocket.It becomes3artificial planet to circle theSun together with the Earth and the Moon,4(fly) away from the Earth and approaching thered planet.It is now 10.75 milli

9、on kilometres away from the Earth536 days travel.Whenarriving at Mars,the probe will be about 195 million kilometres from the Earth with an actualflight6(distant) of roughly 470 million kilometres.During the flight,the probe has7(successful) captured a photo of the Earth and theMoon,and completed th

10、e first mid-course orbital correction.It is expected8(carry) out deep-space maneuvers and multiple mid-course correctionslater,and conduct orbiting,landing and roving missions after approaching the Mars orbit.The Tianwen-19(schedule) to make a second orbital correction in September toensure that the

11、 probe is flying accurately in10(it) preset orbit.1.fortune n.机会机会;运气运气Orange trees are more than decoration;they are a symbol of good fortune and wealth.橘子树不仅仅是装饰,它们还是好运和财富的象征。知识运用Section B:重点词汇重点词汇(1)If youre(fortune) enough to have success,you should put something back.(2)(fortunate),the helicopt

12、er flew overhead and noticed poor Jane.(3)I was fortunate(have) a good English teacher in middle school.(4)她大学一毕业就找到了工作,真是幸运。She wasa job as soon as she graduated fromthe university.知识延伸(1)seek ones fortune 找出路;碰运气make a fortune 发财try ones fortune 碰运气(2)fortunate adj.(=lucky)幸运的be fortunate to do st

13、h 幸而做某事(3)fortunately adv.幸运地(=luckily)2.admit vi.& vt.承认承认vt.准许进入准许进入(或加入或加入);容纳容纳I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again我不得不承认,再次回到这个城市的确感觉很好。知识运用写出下列句中 admit 的含义(1)I dont really like the author,although I have to admit his books are veryexciting.(2)Sea Life

14、Melbourne Aquarium admits visitors from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm.(3)The dining hall to be completed next month can admit 1,000 students.(4)I must learn as much as I can to be admitteda good medical college,where Ican prepare myself well enough for the job of a doctor.(5)She apologised to me and admitte

15、d(take) my umbrella by mistake.知识延伸(1)admit (doing) sth 承认(做)某事admit+n./pron.+to be.承认是be admitted as.作为被接受admit sb/sth into/to.允许某人/物进入;成为中的一员(2)admission n.进入;入场费;承认3.occur vi.发生发生;出现出现And what a city a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in1906多么好的一座城市啊,一座在 190

16、6 年地震后能够自我重建的城市。知识运用(1)Years ago,a critical event(occur) in my life that would change it forever.(2)occurred to him that he had an important conference to attend the nextmorning.(3)Formanypeople,theideaofinheritingculturallegacyhasneveroccurredthem.(4)When I got home,I suddenly remembered that I had

17、 left my book in the classroom.When I got home,that I had left my bookin the classroom.知识延伸sth occur(s) to sb 某人突然想起某事it occurs to sb that.某人突然想起it occurs to sb to do sth 某人想到要做某事4.used to.过去常常过去常常This district used to be a poor area of town,but is now a centre for art,music,and food.(P28)这个地区过去是城镇的

18、贫困地区,但是现在是艺术、音乐和美食中心。知识运用(1)He is used to(take) cold baths in winter.(2)He used to(live) in Australia,but now he lives in London.(3)The first-stage vehicle is used(launch) the rocket and is then jettisoned in theupper atmosphere.5.seek vt.(sought;sought)寻找寻找;寻求寻求;争取争取;(向人向人)请求请求Over 300,000 people c

19、ame from all over the world to seek their fortune,and San Franciscoquickly became a big city.(P28) 来自世界各地的 30 多万人前来淘金,旧金山很快就成了一座大城市。知识运用(1)关于这个问题你应该征求你父母的建议。You shouldyour parents on this problem.(2)他们怎么也找不到一个藏身的地方。Theyin vainsomewhere to shelter.(3)我一直在设法改进我的教学方法。I am alwaysmy teaching method.知识延伸s

20、eek sth from sb 向某人征求/寻求某物seek(for) sth 寻找某物seek to do sth 设法/试图做某事seek out 找出;搜出6.earn vt.& vi.挣得挣得;赚得赚得;赢得赢得To earn a living,some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.为了谋生,一些人在唐人街开了商店和餐馆。知识运用(1)他虽然年轻,却在一家大公司挣得一份不错的薪水。Young as he is,hein a big company.(2)乐队渴望有一份稳定的收入并能成功,但首先他们不得不给路人演奏来赚

21、取额外的钱。The band longed to have a secure income and succeed,but first they had to play to passers-byextra money.(3)他年轻时靠卖报谋生。Heby selling newspapers when he was young.知识延伸earn money= make money 挣钱earn ones/a living= make a living 谋生7.select vt.挑选挑选;选择选择I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its

22、 food on beautiful china plates.我选了一家广东餐馆,这家餐馆用漂亮的瓷盘盛菜。知识运用(1)You can select your favourite bookthese.(2)Who has been selected(take) part in the project?(3)Who do you want to selectyour director?(4)我被选中代表我们学校参加英语辩论比赛,因为我精通英语口语。Iverepresent our school to take part in the English debate competitionbec

23、ause I have a good command of spoken English.知识延伸(1)select.from.从中选择select sb to do sth 选拔某人去做某事select sb as.选拔某人作为(2)selection n.选择;挑选8.感叹句感叹句What great food!多棒的食物啊!知识运用(1)你的弟弟是多么诚实的人啊!your brother is!(2)今天的天气多么好啊!it is today!(3)那个男孩写得多快啊!the boy is writing!(4)你的妹妹太漂亮了!Howyour sister is!知识延伸9.bring

24、 about 引起引起;导致导致What do you think brought about the cultural diversity?你认为是什么导致了文化多样性?知识运用(1)Recent changes in the Internet will help bringoverall improvements.(2)Her parents died when she was a baby and she was broughtby her aunt.(3)The government is trying to bringthe housing price now.(4)The meet

25、ing has been broughtfrom 3 May to 1 May.知识延伸bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐bring down 降低;减少bring in 带进来;有收入;赚得;引入bring out 使显现;阐明;出版bring forward 提前10.apart from 除了除了外外(还还);此外此外Apart from being the kingdom of flowers,it is home to many ethnic minority groups除了是花的王国以外,它(云南)还是许多少数民族的居住地。知识运用(1)游泳,除了有趣和锻炼身体之外,

26、还是一项很有用的技能。being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.(2)除了一些拼写错误,这篇文章写得很不错。some spelling mistakes,the composition is fairly good.用 besides,except 或 except for 代替下列句中的 apart from(3)The road was empty apart from a few cars.(4)Will there be anyone else we know at the party apart from

27、Will and Janet?(5)You can have any one of the cakes apart from this one.知识延伸apart from既可以表示 besides 的含义,也可以表示 except 或 except for的含义besides“除了之外还有”,除去的东西包括在范围内,相当于 in addition to/as well asexcept“除了之外”,指从同类的人或物中排除except for表示从整体情况来看,要排除其中的部分特殊情况11.escape vi.& vt.逃走逃走;逃脱逃脱;避开避开n.逃跑逃跑;逃脱逃脱;解脱解脱Aft

28、er visiting the southern part of Yunnan,I have to admit that it is the best district of Chinato escape the cold winter在参观了云南南部之后,我不得不承认这是中国最适合躲避寒冬的地方。知识运用(1)The cinema allowed people to escapethe depressing realities of their lives.(2)How will we know if theres any gas(escape)?(3)Mike often attempts

29、 to escape(fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.(4)Believe it or not,I hadnarrow escape.(5)一个小孔能让烟从顶部冒出来。A small hole allowed smoke tothe top.知识延伸escape from 从逃脱;逃避escape doing/being done sth 逃避(被)做某事escape ones attention/notice 逃过某人的注意/被忽视a narrow escape 九死一生(2)escape 意为“被遗忘;没有被注意到”时,用 sth

30、escape sb 结构表示,而不是用 sbescape sth 结构。12.settle vt.& vi.定居定居;结束结束(争论争论);解决解决(纠纷纠纷)Historically,Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and goldrush period.历史上,在铁路建设和淘金热时期,中国移民在这里定居下来。知识运用(1)People settlethese places because they are easy to get to and naturally suit

31、edto communications and trade.(2)Mr and Mrs Brown would like to see their daughter settle,get married,andhave kids.(3)The trial period was over,and I could settle down to(build) a closer contactwith the apes.(4)With a lot of difficult problems(settle),I wont come to the party thisevening.(5)It is sa

32、id that the first(settle) of this country are prisoners.(6)We look forward to your(settle) at an early date.知识延伸(1)settle in/into sth 适应(新家、工作、环境等)settle in.在居住settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于settle down to(doing) sth 着手认真做某事(2)settler n.移民;殖民者settlement n.居留地,居民区,解决13.suit vt.适合适合;满足满足需要需要;相配相配;合身合身n.西服西服,套

33、装套装There is Chinese food to suit everyones taste,with traditional dishes from all over China.这里有适合每个人口味的中餐,因为有来自中国各地的传统菜肴。知识运用(1)A good teacher suits his lessonsthe age of his pupils.(2)The simplicity of the book makes it(suit) for children.(3)The famous expert adapted his speech(suit) the interests

34、 of his audience.(4)I wantsuit of workmanship and suitable for formal meetings.选词填空:suit/match/fit(5)The size of the shirtme well and its colormy tie,so itme.知识延伸(1)suit sth to sth 使某物适合于另一事物a suit of 一套(2)suitable adj.适合的;适宜的;相配的be suitable for.适合于be suitable to do sth 适合做某事14.contain vt.包含包含;含有含有;

35、容纳容纳Does the city/town introduction contain all the important information?这个城市/城镇介绍中包含所有重要信息吗?知识运用选词填空:contain/include(1)Researchers have discovered that “night milk”more melatonin.(2)Little Johnny felt the bag,curious to know what it.(3)The boxa number of letters,those from her admirers and ofcours

36、e her husbands letteras well.(4)He could not contain(him) for anger on hearing this.(5)Please pour some more water into the(contain).知识延伸(1)contain oneself 控制自己(2)container n.容器contain表示所含之物的全部或一部分;侧重于所含之物的数量或成分;既可指具体有形的东西,也可指无形的东西include侧重指范围,其主语和宾语属于同类;是整体和部分的关系。常使用“including+被包括部分”或“被包括部分+include

37、d”的结构一:一:单句填空单句填空Section C:习题运用习题运用1.English is a language shared by several(diversity) cultures,which uses itdifferently.2.The company is in(finance) difficulties,so government help is needed.3.It suddenly occurredme that I had forgotten to tell her my telephonenumber.4.The students must keep a jou

38、rnal and then write a report aboutthey havelearned.5.What you wear should be stylish and clean,and must(definite) fit well.6.He is writing a(history) novel about nineteenth-century France.7.The(select) of TV programmes,especially at the weekend,leaves a lot to bedesired.8.If I cant make a(live) at p

39、ainting,at least I can teach someone else topaint.9.North Africans make up the largest and poorest(immigrate) group in thecountry.10.Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is(suit) forthe job.二二:选择填空选择填空settle,immigrant,jazz,diversity,createThe arrival of 1.has shifted populati

40、ons from rural areas into cities because theytend to 2.in urban areas.At present,81 percent of the inhabitants in the US live incities.Cultural and ethnic 3.adds a unique flavour to cities that is expressed throughdistinctneighbourhoods,restaurants,placesofworship,museums,nightlifeandmulticulturalle

41、arning environments.Unique musical forms,such as 4.,rock and roll,Chicano music,and the blues,growin the US by mixing a variety of culturally distinct musical traditions to 5.a newform.三:写作三:写作Now with the development of economy,1.(越来越多的中国人在国内或到国外旅游).It enables us to enjoy the beautiful scenery as w

42、ell as learning moreabout 2.(我们所参观的地方的文化和风俗习惯).Unfortunately,some ofus shout loudly,litter or spit in public,and it has done harm to the good reputation of us Chinese.In my opinion,when going on trips,3.(我们应该守规矩,遵守那里的文化和风俗习惯).Besides,4.(我们应该注意保护环境).In this way,wewill win respect for ourselves as wel

43、l as our country.一:阅读一:阅读1.B从 11 岁开始,作者就一直专注(focused on)成为一名航空工程师。根据下文可知,作者都是自己主动关注自己的目标,自主选择自己的学习计划和学校等。2.A作者在中学时期就是依据自己的那个目标来选择学校活动和暑期学习计划(program)的。下文中的 program 也是提示。3.D作者自己的这个目标同时也帮助自己挑选(select)相应的高中学校。4.C这所高中里有一个项目是专门研究(specialized)科学、 数学和技术的,这非常符合作者的要求。5.B根据下一句“作者每天必须坐一小时的公交车上学”可知,这所高中远离学校区域(d

44、istrict),也就是离作者家里比较远。6.C虽然这所学校离家较远,但作者知道这是最适合(suitable)自己和自己目标的一所学校了。7.D之后,关于上大学的选择,作者很自然地(naturally)选择了麻省理工学院,因为这所大学在航空工程专业方面特别优秀(excellent)。8.B见上一题解析。Section D:校对查漏校对查漏9.D这所大学使得许多的未来宇航员毕业(graduated)于此。意思是许多航天员都是这所大学毕业的。10.B一路走来,作者最大的障碍(obstacle)就是真正相信自己。下文有提示。11.D这也是我在上麻省理工学院之前一直进行的战斗(battle)。动词短语

45、 fight up 也提示了和 battle 搭配。12.D即使我在取得进步(progressing)的时候,我也总在想我没有实现自己梦想的能力。本句是让步关系。13.A作者难以相信自己,认为自己没有实现梦想的能力(abilities)。14.D作者最后战胜了自我,在镜子(mirror)里对着自己说道“我相信你” 。15.C根据后半句“帮助设计了未来可能运送人类上月球或火星的机器”可知,作者现在已经是一名非常成功的结构工程师了。1.on考查介词。表示在具体的某一天要用介词 on。2.Launched考查非谓语动词。launch 和 the probe 有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词作状语。

46、3.an考查冠词。 planet 是单数可数名词,此处为泛指,由于 artificial 是以元音音素开头的单词,所以填 an。4.flying考查非谓语动词。所填的词和下文的 approaching 并列,一起作伴随状语,所以填 flying。5.after考查介词。根据句意可知,此处表示“在之后”,所以填 after。6.distance考查名词。根据前面的冠词 an 可知,所填的词是名词形式,所以填 distance。7.successfully考查副词。所填的词修饰动词 captured,所以用副词形式。8.to carry考查非谓语动词。此处为“expect sth to do st

47、h”的被动形式,所以填动词不定式。9.is scheduled考查被动语态。schedule 和句子的主语是动宾关系,结合下文的时态 isflying 可知,此处要用一般现在时的被动语态。10.its考查代词。所填的词修饰名词,所以用形容词性的物主代词。二:词汇运用二:词汇运用1.(1)fortunate(2)Fortunately(3)to have(4)fortunate enough to find2.(1)承认(2)准许进入(3)容纳(4)to/into(5)taking/having taken3.(1)occurred(2)It(3)to(4)it occurred to me4.

48、(1)taking(2)live(3)to launch5.(1)seek advice from(2)sought;for(3)seeking to improve6.(1)earns a good salary(2)to earn(3)earned/made a living7.(1)from(2)to take(3)as(4)been selected to8.(1)What an honest man(2)What nice weather(3)How quickly(4)pretty/beautiful agirl9.(1)about(2)up(3)down(4)forward10.

49、(1)Apart from(2)Apart from(3)except for(4)besides(5)except11.(1)from(2)escaping(3)being fined(4)a(5)escape from12.(1)in(2)down(3)building(4)to settle(5)settlers(6)settlement13.(1)to(2)suitable(3)to suit(4)a(5)fits;matches;suits14.(1)contains(2)contained(3)contains;including;included(4)himself(5)cont

50、ainer三:习题运用三:习题运用一 .1.diverse2.financial3.to4.what5.definitely6.historical 7.selection8.living9.immigrant10.suitable二.1.immigrants2.settle3.diversity4.jazz5.create三.1.more and more Chinese people are making a trip at home and abroad2.the culture and the customs of the places we visit3.we should behave ourselves and


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