(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Section A Listening and Speaking 同步练习 含答案.doc

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1、第 1页(共 8页)Unit2 Morals and VirturesSection A Listening and Speaking一、单句语法填空1.My mother never gave in to the difficulties which she wasfacedwhen she brought me up.2.It was just at this moment that the boss found himselfa dilemma.3.Wasting food is not only a(n)(moral)behaviour,but also pollutes the en

2、vironment.4.Suddenly I heard some old men(faint) talking inthe living room.5.I appreciate your(generous) in this mattervery much.二、单句改错1.As you can imagine,I faced with many challenges in the newcompany.2.What you did was not against the law,but it was moral wrong.3.The atmosphere in the room was ve

3、ry hot and made her feelfainted.第 2页(共 8页)4.A moral dilemma is a situation where you have two or moredifficult choice to make.5.Why not helps your deskmate with his schoolwork?三、阅读理解Recently a growing number of foreign universities,such asthe University of Cambridge,are accepting Chinas gaokaoresult

4、s as one of their admission standards.Is the Chinesecollege entrance exam being recognized globally?Forum readersshare their opinions:Cecilia Zhang(China)The gaokao is a really tough exam.If possible,it can beused as one of the indicators(指标)for foreign universities,in addition to other indicators,s

5、uch as how well they speakthe target language.The students,who perform well in thegaokao,also have the ability to successfully adapt to Westernstyles of education.I believe accepting the gaokao as anindicator is a winwin for Chinese students and overseasuniversities.Wchao37(US)In fact,gaokao is perh

6、aps much more difficult than the SATor ACT exams.You can get a perfect score of 1,600 on the SATbut not in the gaokao,partly because the SAT is a machine第 3页(共 8页)scored multiplechoice exam.Do you know anyone that has everachieved a perfect score in the gaokao?Harry01(UK)Hundreds of students from Ch

7、ina have entered universitiesin the UK using their gaokao scores, which requires that theirknowledge of English be above a certain level.This measure hasbenefited specific groups of students from various backgroundsin China.Mbursian(Canada)In order to attend a university in an English speakingcountr

8、y, a student needs to have an acceptable band score(综合 成 绩 ) on the IELTS.Most importantly, students need anacceptable knowledge of the language spoken in any country theyplan to study in.Now the Chinese gaokao is closer to meetingthe requirements of different countries.1.Who believes accepting the

9、Chinese gaokao is a winwin?ACecilia Zhang.BWchao37.CHarry01.DMbursian.2.What is most important for Chinese students planning tostudy abroad according to Mbursian?AThe IELTS score.BEnough test preparation.CThe Chinese gaokao score.DKnowledge of the native language.3.What does the text intend to tell

10、the readers?第 4页(共 8页)AThe gaokao will replace other tests.BThe gaokao is becoming globally accepted.CThe gaokao is the most difficult among all tests.DThe University of Cambridge made a good decision.四、读后续写One evening, a workman was exhaustedly making his way homeafter work, when he stopped to rest

11、 by the side of the road.Awoman came by, pushing a cart full of flowers.The smell of herblossoms so filled the air with sweetness that it seemed to takeaway the tiredness in his bones and lift his spirits.He hadnever experienced such wonder from the many blooms of his owngarden.“How much must I pay,

12、 or what must I do, to have someof your wonderful flowers?”he asked the woman.“Oh, sir, ” she said, “take what your wish for.”“What return must I make for them?”he asked again.“Your gratitude is enough, ” she said, “and its a pleasureto share the beauty of flowers with you.”So the man filled his arm

13、s with blossoms and hurriedjoyfully home.His wife and his children were also glad over theremarkable flowers, for they, too, discovered that the sightof them was a delight and the smell of them refreshed the soul.In order not to lose his valuable possession, the manplanted the blossoms in a small pl

14、ot of land behind hishouse.Sunlight and water kept them amazingly beautifultheystill performed their fantastic magic.第 5页(共 8页)Every day, his children took delight in playing in the yardand always sang and danced around the flowers.They all likedthe lovely gift their father had received and even inv

15、ited manyof their friends to share this fantastic magic together.Whenchildren came to play near the flowers, the man over and overwarned them against carelessness and wild play for fear thatthey walk on the flowers and damage them.But the flowersremained strong as long as there was enough sun and wa

16、ter tonourish(滋养) them.Nowhere else could the man or his wife orchildren find such remarkable relaxation from tiredness, suchcomfort insadness, such spiritualnourishmentas thoseremarkable flowers provided.Withthenewsspreadingandmorepeoplecomingtoappreciate his treasure, the man became even more conc

17、ernedabout his remarkable flowers.注意:1续写词数为 150 左右;2请按如下格式在相应的位置作答。Paragraph 1:Hewasdeterminedtoprotecttheflowers._Paragraph 2:However, the flowers seemed to fade day by day, so the manwent everywhere for help._第 6页(共 8页)一、单句语法填空1.with2.in3.immoral4.faintly5.generosity二、单句改错1.在 faced 前加 was2.moralmo

18、rally3.faintedfaint4.choicechoices5.helpshelp三、阅读理解1 A细节理解题。 根据第二段最后一句 “I believe acceptingthe gaokao as an indicator is a winwin for Chinese studentsand overseas universities(我认为接受高考作为一个指标对中国学生和海外大学来说是双赢的) ”可知,Cecilia Zhang 认为接受高考是双赢的。故选 A 项。2D细节理解题。根据最后一段中 “Most importantly,students need an accept

19、able knowledge of the language spokenin any country they plan to study in(最重要的是,学生需要对他们计划在任何国家学习的语言有一个可接受的知识)”可知,对于计划出国留学的中国学生来说, 当地语言知识是最重要的。 故选 D 项。第 7页(共 8页)3B主旨大意题。根据第一段可知,最近,越来越多的外国大学,如剑桥大学,将中国的高考成绩作为录取标准之一。中国的高考是否得到了全球的认可。以及根据文章主要内容可知,全文围绕着高考正逐渐被全球接受展开。故选 B 项。四、读后续写One possible version:Paragra

20、ph 1:He was determined to protect the flowers. So he built a highwall around them.Not feeling satisfied, he even set up rulesas to who could enter the garden, how they must enter, and whatthey must follow while they were there.As a result, childrenwereforbiddentoenterandappreciatetheflowersasbefore.

21、For his part, he continued to make sure that his treasurereceivedenoughsunlightandwatersothattheflowerscontinued to perform their wonderful magic.Paragraph 2:However, the flowers seemed to fade day by day, so the manwent everywhere for help. He visited every expert, only to findhis efforts in vain.H

22、e felt on pins and needles, seeing hisbeloved flowers dying.One evening, he was wandering on thestreet aimlessly when he suddenly noticed the flower woman onthe same spot where he had met her, giving away her amazingflowers.He finally realized that the flowers are gifts notpossessions and that only by sharing can the magic remain andlast.第 8页(共 8页)


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