(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit3 Listening speaking and talking ppt课件(含音频视频素材).zip

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Unit 3 Diverse CulturesUnit 3 Diverse Cultures Listening and Speaking & talkingLead in Where do you think this photo was taken? Do you find the place familiar? What can you see in the picture?Do you find the place familiar? What can you see in the picture?The photo was probably taken in the United States because I can see a sign that says “ CALIFORNIA”.buildings,lamp post,lanternsLead in What are some words on the buildings? Why are there both Chinese and English shop signs?Chinese and English words.It is Chinatown. What are some topics you will read about / listen to in this unit?Diverse cultures.The 18th International Cultural Festival is held at the central campus of Shandong University on April 26, gathering students from 25 countries.A Sri Lankan(斯里兰卡) student poses for a photo to showcase the countrys culture.Students at the Laos(老挝) booth showcase the countrys unique culture.A student from South Korea(韩国) promotes Korean delicacies at the South Korea booth.Overseas students wearing their national costumes stage a fashion show at Shandong University.Watch the two videos and discuss the questions.1. Do you think Macau is a city that has diverse cultures?2. Whats your opinion on the influence of diverse cultures?While the world may be full of natural beauty, ultimately its beauty is in the different kinds of people that inhabit it and their cultures.The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. - unknownThe beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. -UnknownWhat does it mean?The Chinese meaning: _世界之美源自人之多样性The diversity of its people reflects on: _, which makes diversity of the world. languages, races, religions, traditions, eating, clothes and so onPart AListening and Speaking-Talk about the origins of American foodTalk about the origins of American foodAmerica is often called a melting pot of cultures. Many of the specialty dishes we consider wholly American are actually reinterpretations(重新诠释) and hybrids(混血儿) imported from cultures around the world, reflecting its rich history of immigration._ hamburger _ fortune cookie _ gumbo _ nachosABCDDBCAMatch the photos with the following descriptions of American food and then try to match them with their names.Nachos are a popular food based on corn, of Mexican origin that can be either made quickly to serve as a snack or prepared with more ingredients (配菜) to make a full meal. In their simplest form, nachos are chips covered in cheese.Guess which countries cuisine influenced the foods invention.A fortune cookie is a sweet, crisp biscuit which contains a piece of paper which is supposed to say what will happen to you in the future. Fortune cookies are often served in Chinese restaurants in the US.Gumbo is a type of soup or stew from the southern United States. It can be made with chicken, sausage, shrimp or fish. People often put rice in it.The term hamburger derives from the name of the city of Hamburg in Germany. A hamburger is ground meat which has been shaped into a flat circle. Its a sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced(切碎的) beef served on a bun, often with other ingredients. Listening for main idea The interview takes place in_ between the host and the guest _ and they are talking about _by giving _examples :_,_, _and _.a radio studioSteve Foxthe cultural influences of American food4hamburger nachosfortune cookiegumbo 3 Listen to the interview again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).1.No food was ever invented in America. ( )2.Hamburgers were invented in Germany.( )3.Nachos were invented for Americans by a foreigner.( )4.Every Chinese restaurant in America has fortune cookies.( ) 5.American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new. ( )FFTTTNames NotesHamburger Mix of_ + _ culturesNachos_ chips covered in cheeseMade by _ cook for_ Fortune cookieInvented in_ about _ yrs agoA piece of _ with _ on it inside cookieGumboSpicy stewInvented in N.O about _ yrs agoMixes _ , _ , _ , + Spanish cookingGermanAmericanMexican cornMexican American customers San Francisco 100 paper fortune200 French African Native American 4 Listen to the interview again and complete the notes below. Listening and Speaking Interviewer: Today our guest is Steve Fox. Hes here to talk about cultural influences on American food. Welcome, Steve! Steve:Thank you. Its nice to be here. Interviewer: When it comes to American food, some say no food was ever invented in America. What do you think? Steve:Hmm . Thats not really true. For example, some say the hamburger comes from Hamburg in Germany, but theyre wrong. The recipe for the meat in a hamburger may have come from Germany, but the final hamburger we know today was definitely created by Americans. Interviewer:You mean there was a mixing of cultures? Food from overseas changed when it arrived in the States.Steve:Right. And there are many more examples of mixed-culture dishes. Like nachos, for example.Interviewer:Oh, I just love nachos! Mexican corn chips covered in cheese!Steve:Yes, theyre delicious, but theyre not traditional Mexican food. The recipe was actually invented by a Mexican cook for his American customers. Then there are fortune cookiesInterviewer:What do you mean?Steve:theyre not Chinese.Interviewer:Youre kidding! But every Chinese restaurant in America has them!Steve:Yes, but theyre unknown in China. About 100 years ago, someone in San Francisco put a piece of paper with a fortune on it inside a Japanese-style cookie, and the fortune cookie was born! Interviewer:Wow! Thats interesting! So theyre like a mix of the Chinese, American, and Japanese cultures. Steve:You got it. And then we have gumbo, the spicy stew. It was invented in New Orleans over 200 years ago, and mixes French, African, Native American, and Spanish cooking. Interviewer:So its the food of many different cultures, all in one dish? Steve:Exactly. American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new.DiscussionImagine you are invited to a potluck dinner at an American friends house. Work in pairs and discuss what special dish(es) you will take.Imagine you are invited to a potluck dinner at an American friends house. Work in pairs and discuss what special dish(es) you will take. The following questions may help you.1. What food/snack from which area/ethnic group will you bring?2. How is the food prepared and what is it made of?3. How is this food special?P27 5Feifei: What should I bring to the potluck dinner this weekend?Beibei: Why dont you make a dish from your home province?Feifei: You mean a Hunan dish?Beibei: Yeah, why not? I bet theyd love it!Feifei: Well, I guess I could make Hunan Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers. Its delicious and really colourful.Beibei: Really? You can make that dish? How do you make it?Feifei: Easy! Slice open a fish head and cover it with a chilli and bean sauce. Then just steam it for 10 minutes.Beibei: Sounds so easy! You could make it at your friends house.That way itll be fresh.Feifei: Great idea! Ill ask my friend.Sample ConversationPart BListening and Talking-Talk about ethnic cultures in ChinaTalk about ethnic minority cultures in China-55.-How many ethnic minorities are there in China?Talk about ethnic minority cultures in GuizhouWhat do you know about Guizhou through the video? Guizhou is the only province in China which doesnt have any flatlands. Bridges are unique symbols of Guizhou. Dong people all like singing. 54 ethnic groups live here. The people of Guizhou enjoy spicy food and specialize in making sour dishes.P31 1Look at the photos below and guess what ethnic minority groups might be talked about.Miao villagers in GuizhouMiao villagers in GuizhouZhaoxing Dong Village in Guizhoulushengbe made out of silverdrum towerWatch the video about the Miao ethnic village. Do you like it?The Miao ethnic group has a population of more than 9 million, most of whom live in the provinces of southwest China. Decorated with embroideries (刺绣) and silver accessories made by themselves, their clothes are very colourful and unique in various patterns. The Miao ethnic group is well-known for their music and dance, which has a long history, and the most famous dance is the Lusheng dance.Justin met a new friend while travelling in Guizhou. Listen to their conversation and complete the summaries below.P31 2Part 1Justin and _ watched some _ people play the _. The instrument has a history of over _ years and it is even mentioned in the oldest collection of Chinese poetry. Then they watched the _. Justin wanted to buy some hand-made _ accessories as souvenirs. He was told that the price will depend on the percentage of _. Part 2They will go to a pretty _ minority village called _. They will see the _ and the _. They may also see a performance of _.Wu YueMiaolusheng3,000lusheng dancetraditionalsilverDongZhaoxingdrum towerswind and rain bridgesthe Grand Song of the Dong People Listening and Talking LISTENING PARI 1 Justin:Hey, Wu Yue, do you know what kind of instrument these Miao performers are playing? Wu Yue: Yes, its called a lusheng,my favourite musical instrument. Justin: It sounds beautiful. Is it made of bamboo? Wu Yue: Yes. Can you guess when it was invented? Justin:Um five hundred years ago? I cant tell. I know China has a very long history. Wu Yue: Thats a good guess, but the lusheng actually has a history of over 3,000 years. Its even mentioned in the oldest collection of Chinese poetry. Justin:Wow, such a long time ago. There must be many beautiful songs. Wu Yue: Yes, indeed, and they all make me proud. You know, Im a Miao, too, and Im really proud of our culture. Look, the performers are performing the lusheng dance. Music. Justin: This is great! And I really like the silver accessories that the girls are wearing. What arc they? Wu Yue: Oh, theyre traditional hand-made accessories. I can help you buy some as souvenirs if you like. Justin:Great. thanks! I hope theyre not too expensive. Wu Yue: Oh, well, itll depend on the percentage of silver. LISTENING PART 2 A few minutes later. Justin: Great, now I have my souvenirs. So where are we going next, Wu Yue? Wu Yue: Im taking you to Zhaoxing, a pretty Dong minority village. Its considered one of Chinas most beautiful villages. Justin: Great, I cant wait. There must be a lot to see. Wu Yue: There is. First, Ill take you to see the beautiful drum towers, and then the wind and rain bridges. The Dong play the Iusheng. too. Perhaps youll see them perform the Grand Song of the Dong People. Believe me, youll love it. Justin:Wow, Im really looking forward to it now.Work in groups. Imagine Justin is telling some friends about his trip to Guizhou. One of you isJustin and the rest of you are his friends. Ask Justin questions about his trip and experience. P31 3Some expressions:Showing you are listeningExactly!Youre right!I see.I know what you mean.No way! Youre kidding!Really?I cant believe it! Great!/Super!Thats interesting. Wow!Tell me about it! Phil: So, Justin, how was your trip to Guizhou?Justin: It was great. I went to this Miao village.Robyn: I see. What was that like?Justin: People were dressed up in these wonderful ethnic costumes, and some men were playing a musical instrument called a lusheng.Bill: Tell me about it.Justin: The lusheng is made of bamboo, and it was invented more than 3,000 years ago.Phil: Wow! Thats interesting.Justin: Yes, it is. Then I bought some souvenirs made out of silver.Robyn: Youre kidding! Were they expensive?Justin: Well, these werent that expensive. They dont really have that much silver in them.1. What do you know about Guizhou?2. Can you talk about other Chinese ethnic minority cultures?Self-evaluation1.Do you know any special snack in your hometown?Write a short passage in 70 words to introduce the origin of it or the process of making it.2.Find more information about the Miao ethnic group on the Internet and write a passage to introduce it.Thank you!
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